Jun 21Liked by Edward Slavsquat

This faked up break between the east and west is the global equivalent to the faked up Democrats vs Republicans in the US

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Agreed. The Bankers of Russia, USA, China, The EU and India ALL AGREE.

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I am not sure at all they agree. They all invested might be more appropriate.

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Because I didn't feel satisfied with these two sentences, I am coming at it again.

The pairs might disagree in deadly ways but they rely on a third actor, a middle man/Evil.

Let's just consider that sentence i got from an article have have just read about the Israel against the world article:

"We are living in a world where emotions are running extremely high and actors - on both sides of the border - are not necessarily [acting] rational," he said."

It is not because there are plans that we the plebe sometimes have access to, that they are implemented.

Meanwhile, take care

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Because Substack is not working well and i can't post without replying, I am just signaling that the very excellent Nicolas Bonnal has translated in French and published that excellent article:


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Substack still not working well for me and maybe some others so I can only post replies. Here is a rant by the same Nicolas Bonnal that some readers here might appreciate:

"Russian catalepsy (Russia's best pupil at the WEF with Graf, it's becoming common knowledge in the world's most naïve anti-system-Prussian community): another viewpoint from an ER reader. "Perfectly agree with Karine Bechet-Golovko (NDLR/who storms against Putin...), simply keeping quiet, would have been seen as a threatening blur, rather than this clumsy statement that Satan will not fail to interpret and exploit as an admission of weakness. Surely they should take a leaf out of Hezbollah's book. When you shit on them, well-bred Russians provide the laxative, not even the PQ. MYSTERIOUSLY moronic, our good Russians, shot like rabbits, have only killed their Ukrainian brethren from the start. The Khazars are laughing. Next red line for our apocalyptic Yankees: the nuclear missile on Moscow. Get your handkerchiefs ready. We warned you first with Paul Craig Roberts (2018 text on Dedefensa.org). Poor Douguine..."


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Nicolas refers to Karine Bechet-Golovko who has been interviewed on that sumptuous Substack by our favorite cheese maker. It is always interesting to read her informed posts about Russian and French politic.


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ER refers to Égalité et Réconciliation:


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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

As The Corbett Report has predicted a while back, the so-called anti-Globalist Multi-Polar Bunch is very rapidly implementing every single item of the WEF WHO UN 2030 Agenda. And, if I may add, weak minds are falling for it everywhere instead of fighting this Convenient Way to the Slaughterhouse.

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The slaughterhouse is awaiting even the enablers and the enforcers; they just do not know it, and even the globalists' fate is sealed by their own plan:


Corbett is usually limited hangouts (but for some, some information is never late) or even complete nonsense. Here is one from last September:


Just to make sure everyone knows why it's pure nonsense raising false hope, here is what happened already well before Corbett's nonsense:


Edward has been publishing about this for years, and even I noted the same (at that time, it was only Edward and me) nearly two years ago:


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Here is an answer I recently wrote on another Substack:

The American Military has been at the service of the Satanists for ages and the idea of drastically limiting the growth of the human population existed even before the middle of the Nineteenth Century. The genocide of millions and millions of people to do away with the Slavic Christian Orthodox Empire from the early 1600 to the end of the Indian Wars in 1890 is the most flagrant testimony of just how disgustingly hypocrite and cowardly those conspirators are and we should know that the architects of the present Global Genocide are precisely the same people, the descendants of those blood thirsty killers. Their purpose is very simple; after having invented the Social Sciences in the mid-nineteenth century, they commissioned and financed the anthropological investigation of every prophecy from every tribe and every culture and they saw where they coincided. Then they took care of including the astronomical-astrological data through time so they could find out the approximate time when those Cosmic Events would happen. And so what we have been witnessing for the past 4 years, namely: the unbelievable levels of corruption and all out treason at all levels of every government, and the systematic assassination of people all over the world, is exactly the plan they devised to make sure that after the coming catastrophe they will emerge from their underground bunkers and be the ONLY survivors and OWNERS of this planet.

I agree with you that not all of those imbecilic-deranged-individuals will survive, but the hidden ones will and it can be expected that they will emerge with their intact hatred of the Feminine and of Life in general

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Hello Ray

That comment made me read some of your work again (there are so many things to read) and I really appreciated my time spend with you.

take care

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What happens when Gintsburg declares a scamdemic and everyone is forced to wear masks. 😷

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we will dutifully follow the same procedure as eating on plane during covid..

copy pasta from Southwest Airlines:

"Federal law requires each person to wear a mask at all times throughout the flight, including during boarding and deplaning. Refusing to wear a mask is a violation of federal law. The following are times when a Customer may need to briefly remove their mask: While eating, drinking, or taking oral medications. Prolonged periods of mask removal are not permitted for eating or drinking; the mask must be worn between bites and sips."

so when paying in Russia during next scandemic, peasant wearing a mask will approach a screen, briefly remove a mask, deadly virus will respect an obedient citizen and leave him be, face scan, and put mask back on quickly before zee virus gets there.

All perfectly logical and will be included in next instalment of Idiocracy.

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There are a LOT of alternatives, but it's most likely going to be a multi-frontal attack, which was clear already at least two years ago:


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You have spotted the flaw in their diabolical plan - with such acute minds in opposition and resistance, not all is lost :)

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Not all is lost: there are a few options left open for the commoner.

On the other hand, "Divide and conquer" seems to have been working flawlessly ever since the elitist eugenicist movement started:


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Their fiendishness is loaded with contradictions.

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As long as they have the power, they couldn't care less...

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Subscribed IMMEDIATELY Ray - the draughts board says it all-

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I hope, you'll find it useful. As many of my important articles are as valid today as they were one or two years ago, I make attempts to leave links to them in the new ones, but it is also possible to use the search function under "Archive." It's imperfect, but better than nothing (the previous search function was better, because I was able to insert links to them all at once, and it also produced more results).

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As is Russia itself- which will still prevail, see my long comment, etc

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One can only hope so. As far as I can see, the fate of Russia is directly linked to the fate of all other countries...

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After studying the latest phase of the conflict from all angles since February 2022, I am now almost certain that this escalating War is Orwellian in nature - 'managed' by both sides , there being a Wizard of Oz behind the curtain - theoretically not difficult to expose.

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It's certainly an eternal war that won't exist, only for the masses. Huxley's Brave New World depicts this kind of social engineering even better than Orwell. (Huxley took after his dad and both were eugenicists.)

The Ukraine incident is a proxy war forced on brothers, possibly with the ulterior motive of further decimating the white race. Escalation can happen only in a similar manner, which is perhaps the reason there is the threat of re-introducing draft in the US. Other than that, I'm pretty sure, WW3 can happen on TV anytime, and be used as an excuse for implementing rationing and martial law (enforced by foreign mercenaries, drones, and robotic armies/"law-enforcement") after a few false flags (EMP, the MOB, or a few dirty bombs in urban centers).


This has been clear for a couple of years, but knowing can only help with being a little more prepared than without knowing.

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One doesn't need to "smile" at all! 🤷 it works so much better if we just CLOSE OUR EYES to what is happening to Free Humans... even Dictionaries are changing that definition to "feral" humans. You DON'T want THAT LABEL... do you? 👮👮‍♀️👮👮‍♀️👮👮‍♀️🕵

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Mr. Gintsburg is not in the position to declare anything unless it has been declared by wealthy influencers like Dr. Gates previously.

And I believe that huge marketing campaign that broke out in 2020 had not been declared by the health ministry of Italy or Germany or Russia before they received the memo from the US (citation needed). The only exception might be China because they used the Chinese CDC for their initial reports (whose head took part in Hopkin's Event 201), where they claimed through Western channels that something like a typical cold, maybe a pneumonia had been spreading from the class 4 Wuhan seafood biolab.

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Which would indicate that multipolarism is BS and in reality we're dwelling in a unipolar system intensified by biosecurity surveillance.

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Smile or starve

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A most excellent slogan, Comrade - I will submit this for consideration to the Bureau of Public Education -

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Since I'm losing my ability to smile on demand, this could be a useful budgeting tool for me....

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The IRS is already openly collecting "smiles."

Of course, not much seems to be real anymore; people are being replaced:


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Makes on want to buy some of those Groucho Marx nose/glasses/mustache to wear outdoors, lol.

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But Muh BRICS!

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It's that Volga German Herman Gref again.

The look on the cat's face is priceless.

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Ach, the Krauts!

At least he's not insisting on tattoing numbers on the forearmes of the Russians. So there is that...

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I'll take one kitty-loaf please!

But but Putin is sticking it to the globalists. All of those edgy right wing guys told me so. To be doubt the narrative is to be a Nazi ass.

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Most likely bots, Putin has his kids in the west for a reason, same way the ottomans had children as hostages of their vassal states

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That’s one scary dude….

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Why he got the job-

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Of course!

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Paying with a smile? We should pay with a middle finger instead.

If we refer to precedent highly lucrative weapon business aka wars, I am wondering how the wounded of the actual war will smile to pay:






Beware not to smile if you don't want your bank account to be depleted!

As to the cat burger, I had to smile behind my PC in case Substack had moved to Russia and debited my precious hard earned money ( I laughed in fact and I fear i would pay even more)

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Bien entendu, Edward!! One of the proposed six sectors in the world-governance scheme is a sector which includes Europe, Russia, and China. That continent is to become one sector. This plan is eminently do-able. The Ukraine-Russia war is one of many narratives the Globalists have concocted. Oh...it's "real" in the sense that people are engaging in killing one another.

This article at the bottom shows a picture of the Tristate City Network the WEF Globalists envision. They can easily extend this plan to Russia once those forces who oppose globalism are extinguished in Russia. https://winepressnews.com/2023/05/16/eu-backs-plan-to-forcibly-sequester-thousands-of-farms-in-netherlands-to-achieve-climate-goals-replacing-supplies-with-food-innovation-hubs/

The reason wars like the current one in Ukraine are occurring is so slow invasion can occur as you note in your article with biometric payment. Then, when the Globalist lowers the boom, the war's ended, and a China-24/7 surveillance falls.

Here's a link from their 2017 plan which recently appeared in "Dutch News." https://www.dutchnews.nl/2017/10/dutch-investors-launch-new-marketing-programme-for-nl-tristate-city/

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War is a good distraction and they can get more things done then in a time of peace. Putin is a useful actor and tool to play the new boogey man after Saddam and Bin Laden. But make no mistake Putin is controlled by the west, his children grew up here and that should tell you all you need to know

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I totally agree with you. The game they play is extremely subtle. The narratives are set up starkly black vs white. People don't understand that national leaders are, as you say, useful tools. When I use the word "narrative" I mean a story they concoct with whereby each side supposes themselves "good" while the opposing side is "evil." They've done a magnificent job in Gaza. War is not only good for distraction but also for depopulation. The general reader often doesn't understand that national leaders don't have to understand fully an agenda; they're simply presented with "problems" and advisors (handlers) who manipulate their circumstances so that they produce the results the Globalists want. Certainly people in the West like Kissinger and his ilk perform this function. Tedro is a brilliant example of someone elevated to power because he's easily controlled: a man with no background in public health nor world governance and someone who was basically a thug in his own country. The Globalists don't succeed all the time, but they're notorious for two virtues--patience and never giving up.

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Wait, the Great Reset and BRICS bullshit is occurring so Russia can worship empty consumerism and make silly advertisements like America did in the 1970s and 1980s? And so many titles on that guy's CV. It's like the Linkedin profiles of everyone from the Sino-sphere.

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My goodness - that is the most impressive quasi-satanic Globalist CV I have come across since the first paragraph of this guy's Wiki-entry ( he probably has a 666 birthmark on his scalp) -

'Sir Julian Sorell Huxley FRS[1] (22 June 1887 – 14 February 1975) was a British evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, and internationalist. He was a proponent of natural selection, and a leading figure in the mid-twentieth century modern synthesis. He was secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935–1942), the first Director of UNESCO, a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund, the president of the British Eugenics Society (1959–1962), and the first president of the British Humanist Association.'

My very recent acquaintance with this most excellent substack has been both enlightening and humbling.

Do not despair though - Russia's unavoidable Destiny as the next stage in Man's Spiritual development survived Communism and it will survive this.

(And bear in mind, this very television commercial with its 'traditional gender rôles' and 'revoltingly white' [direct quote - ex-Director General of the BBC] cast would not be allowed to be broadcast here in the UK.)

Russia crosses 11 time zones - genuine lives and families like this are why it will prevail - this is simply not possible in the West - currently celebrating June as 'Pride Month' -


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Just think how much happier you will be when all of the banker's goals are realized.

Maybe slavery is not such a bad way to live.

Trust your leaders, especially the very wealthy ones.

I sold my soul to the company store.

Give me another shot, I don't care about no clot.

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As John Lennon said in a song, You think you're clever, classless and free but you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see.

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Yeah - but he also wrote Globo-commie Anthem for soulless zomboids 'Imagine'

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Maybe your readers might like to see a photo of a typical Sber ATM machine…..

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China will be proud of this "accomplishment". It is astonishing the number of people that are reported to have taken part in it! Clearly, COVID crisis did not wake those people up. Russian Federation just needs to implement a social credit system and they are already where China is. . Always hope, people will be seeing through this "convenience" and seeing control. Thank you for the excellent and amazing tone to lighten up the mood!

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