Those across the earth that successfully avoided the beautiful Bioweapon shots, and believe that Trumputin are anti-Agenda-2030-Resistance, will not accept reality until it swallows them whole.

And even then, they are just as much dumbed down, brainwashed and mind kontrolled by the Fake Resistance Alt Media & Zfrenz as the jabbed (and loving it !) are.

Riley, you flat out ROCK !

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If you happen to be an Explorer where would you go?

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You mean to try to avoid the slaughter ?

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Indeed. I need to check out Zanzibar

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Ok. Well, I would be hard pressed to find a government that isn't captured, in debt and isn't happily committed to obliging the banksters and their new communitarian-technocratic, world governance. I left USA Inc. for Costa Rica, then Panama, and both are Luciferian azz ring suckers. My first advice is the most serious: repent and trust King Jesus, if you haven't already. Then, ask Him what to do, where to go, etc. Generally, your life expectancy now has a near term cap on it, imo, no matter what we do. Comply, die. Resist, die. That said, a low tech society, in a least densely populated area, with conducive terrain and less developed transportation systems, like out in The Azuero Peninsula of Panama, in the hills, with fresh water, etc, might buy you some time and be pleasant. Does that help ? :-)

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why does Jesus share the same ethnicity as the banksters?

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Here ya go, put the bong down for an hour and study up:


Part 1 of 5 parts

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Are you positive that He does, wise ass ? ;-)

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Riley, Riley, Riley, how many times do i need to remind you? Digital currency, digital IDs, jabs,....are all good when Russia does them. The Russian rulers are self-sacrificing, they're doing it all for us. :-)

Thanks, Riley!!

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From the frying pan into the fire we go....

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not me :-)

There are things worse than physical death.

I wish this on no one.

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CBDC is no better than the debt based fiat currency we currently have. They are both terrible.

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It is worse. Cash travels, $100 is $100. It passes to the next person & the next who earns it. A BANK Digital dollar is TAXED 1.5% every time this invisible, weightless, fungible fantasy is moved from one invisible account to another. $100 -$1.50 = $98.50. At the next exchange this Mafia... I mean Bank, takes ANOTHER $1.50... the amount sinks steadily and is STOLEN in ENTIRETY through Mafia fees. Then the (privately owned by the cabal) "Reserve" bank magically pulls more currency from its rectum. This inflation erodes spend power further, causes inflation and lifts asset prices for the Elite$. It is a Casino, Mafia, rules, get injected, be a slave system. F.o.r.e.v.e.r. I believe that I am officially radicalised. V for Vendetta.

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You're not even scratching the issue. A CBDC can be programmed to be payable to only some people and not others. Did you say something about COVID-19 that the government doesn't like? Did you say something about "climage change" the government doesn't like? Something about the Zionist entity? Did you actually use the term Zionist entity? From now on you can't pay for music, movies and other entertainment. And if you don't publicly retract your statements and apologize, you won't be able to pay for nice clothing or a haircut. That way everyone will see you're a thought criminal, plus your existence will be reduced to langushing, all because you're unwilling to Stand With The Current Thing.

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Exactly. If they don't like you they can now confiscate all of your property and jail you, legally.

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You will own nothing (but BTC, GOLD, SILVER, A HOUSE, ETC.) and be happy... isn't in their opportunity brochure.

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And maybe have your picture with personal details displayed in public like in China...

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Than pay with Utah gold backs .

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tell me why that would NOT succeed ?

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Whitney Webb did a recent interview about our dire cashless future and suggests that it may well be an existing (basket ? multiple ?) stable coins. All of which can be programmed right now. 😕

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Can you provide details? Which crypto can be programmed?

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and the masses that are asses call all of it "incompetence"...

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True, but my point was that desperately leaving our current system only to get a CBDC is not improving our lot.

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It's not improving at all, it's making things much much worse.

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Fiat is crap. But digital is the worst form of fiat.

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Super crap ?

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Uber mega sour super qrap.

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Sigh. You and Rurik are such party poopers. Carry on the good work, I couldn't cope lol.

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"They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work" will take on a whole new level of meaning in the digital ruble era....

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Pepe Escobar endorses this article!

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hahaha. I think Pepe is on the ummm nwo-new Soviet Orthodox payroll.

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Yes, a scumbag grifting sellout

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You said it perfectly.

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"You pretend to pay us, we pretend to work." ... that's the answer. Actually, this is: "This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/1857-frederick-douglass-if-there-no-struggle-there-no-progress/

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you'll get the tyranny you're willing to put up with ?

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Actually you get more tyranny than that. It's like dealing with bullies of whatever kind, whether they are "woke" bullies or the more traditional kind. At some point you have to beat them to a bloody heap - or else you'll end up like that, minus your integrity, your honor, and perhaps your property. Bullies persist until they are stopped -and then they turn into cowards, the other side of that most worthless coin. The worst of it is when you beat them - and they want to become your "friend" - and a more worthless friend can nowhere be found... Sic semper tyrannis!

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"Poke it with a bayonet. If it's soft, push harder. If it comes up against steel, pull it out" - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

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There's a Lenin quote, I think it's Lenin, about the sword and a heart. I need to look it up. Might fit here.

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It sure is nice to know that autocrats around the world are so concerned about making our lives more convenient! Convenience is Job 1, before Peace, Illegal immigration, Health, and Poverty.

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Yeah, it's so good they'll make everything convenient for us, because then we'll be able to trully prosper. Everyone knows convenience is the basis of prosperity!

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Same as it ever was.

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Following the money now means surveilling how proles use programmable tokens. 😁

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Globalists not wasting any time are they? Let's play pretend that Putin, the one working against the globalists will use ultra high level centrally controlled cbdc's to take them down. I'm sure it's for the greater good like medical interventions that were said to be fully tested but tested you can bank on they were but results not really shared. They did pass all the tests however. Just not the results you would hope for.

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"Klaus Schwab is on suicide watch after Russia’s central bank announced on Thursday that it is preparing for the large-scale implementation of the digital ruble, colloquially known in the Global South as the CBDC That Cares™, as early as mid-2025."

On the contrary, it makes Klaws Swan very likely very happy. It shows again that Russia is not only part of the club but is a spearhead of the globalist mafia, that controls the whole world.

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You must be new here.. He is post-sarcastic. He's not just jumped the shark, he's humped the shark.

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He then ate said-shark...

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Yes, sort of new. Hahaha, okay, hahaha…

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older folks dont understand sarcasm.

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Older folks invented sarcasm.

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Digital Ruble is exactly what the WHF and WHO are promising.

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China already has a digital yuan issued debt free by its government owned central bank to alleviate poverty.

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Show us.

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They drag us all to the Edge, do we kill them? Obey and be enslaved? These totalitarians, wherever They are, accept no compromise, only MORE Power. The Blob says "huh"? The next Poison JABS Mandate, They will STOP ✋️ our money, our banking, our EATING? Does one kill the police around the food shop and then leave CASH? 🤔 or do we EAT THE RICH 🤷 ?

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Nobody ever ate the rich, but apparently somebody scheduled a real fight we'll all have to go through. Better start pumping that mental iron, and maybe the real one too. :)

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My neighbor jokes about suicide by fed.

The first couple times I lol'd.

The last couple times I didn't.

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I wanted to love Russia and Putin but no more. The people of Russia are marvelous humans but as always, it's the government that totally sucks.

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They go CBDC soon. The e-ruble... or is it the e-rubble ? 🤣

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Dude, “globalist” in this context means banker. Which means you just said “bankers scared of CBDC.” Are you brain dead?

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So I am missing sarcasm or satire? If so, my bad, but also, it's impossible to do satire anymore. Someone somewhere seriously thinks it, no matter what it is.

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