Brilliant entertainment Mister Slavsquat. I am an acid follower. I will listen to your second time lucky podcats shortly. I am in the middle of packing the van for my own pan European move. All fun.

I meant avid and podcast.

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Edward Jr ! - makes my day; his presence (or lack of it) not documented recently; as I recall, last we saw him, he was dressed for a cold winter day at the closed school house. There are just so many summers.

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Riley, in my younger days I lived in some rather drab surroundings. To remedy this, I hung tapestry, pictures, posters and mirror. Shelving takes up a lot of wall space and is functional and will give easy access to the Institute's educational materials. Curtains and tapestry work great, even if there is no window to cover plus they help retain heat and lower the acoustic echo in sparsely furnished rooms. Best of luck.

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You and my late mother would have gotten on well together....at our bach.....NZ holiday shack in the old days.....my mother would tizzy up the sole room by sewing chair seat cushions for our aged wooden chairs....all good until you sat down expecting softness only to discover she had sewn the fabric over slabs of wood. I would imagine your abode looked very welcoming and comfortable.

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I would have loved to meet your mother, though. As I got older my sense of style improved.

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Thank you for the kind words, but you give me too much credit for the aesthetic appeal of my young 20's apartment. Old cable spools and tacky hide-a-beds that smelled of spilt beer and cigarettes furnished the pad with walls covered in rock-and-roll posters and oop-art. It was a freaking blast!

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Can I cover the page with those "likes" and hearts instead of a written reply, please ?

Wonderfully uplifting and buoying post brining hugs smiles to the face as always....drat; I went and wrote words; couldn't help myself.

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My audio keeps going funny :(

Since nobody else has mentioned it I'm guessing it's my internet, but other podcasts sound fine...

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Mine also went funny, X 2 or something for a while .. then towards the end it settled down ..

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It kacked out a few times but recovered. It's not 'you'.

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Same for me. It changes speed.

Maybe Edward's weird artistic choice...

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Greetings Riley! It was many years ago I visited Russia and some of its rural areas. If you have a month or two before the frosts you will have some ears of corn (if animals don't eat them!). Perhaps with a little research you can expand your crop next year and add a few more items to your garden. The locals should be well versed on what you might plant. I hope you make some corn bread on those cold Winter nights (or maybe some whiskey?). Always enjoy your commentary from the Russian prairie. Regards, Illinois Corn Farmer

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Denmark spearheaded the move to normalise sex change. It had previously been defined and treated as a 'mental illness'.

Interesting comments on relationship between Astra Zeneca and Sputnik V. "They are basically identical." Thanks.

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Well what can we expect from psychopaths and sociopaths - they think mental illness is normal!

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Because they are the worst sort of mentally ill.

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Can't *like* this on principle, Linda.

I'm sorry to hear this. You'll be caught up to my Canada in no time 😭

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Everyone is in a race to the bottom.

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A slow burn. Then it all started to go very quickly up in flames in March 2020

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Hi Linda,

Unfortunately, France is somehow leading that rat race with "madame" micron being a trans thing. Have you also noticed the imperial ritual for the inauguration of the Olympic games?

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Yes I am aware of “Madame” Macron. Brigitte was his teacher in high school when they first started dating. He was 16. Brigitte was 40.

I’ve seen clips from the abomination knowns as the Opening Ceremony. At times it was quite laughable. Mostly it was grotesque.

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Not wanne support these weirdos but must say love is for everyone. Nothing wrong with their relationship.

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Brigitte/Jean-Michel was 39 and micron was 14 ...

Before the 2017's election which saw the victory of the "beast", the MSM claimed that he was 17 but it has been proven to be a lie. A US PR firm was responsible for the romantic stories people could read about that weird couple.

Meanwhile, take care Linda

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Weird, indeed. Thanks for the update, Bugey.

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Many nations appear to be being dragged into at least "officially endorsing" gender identity confusion, while most people are still quite clear sighted.

Putin however, is either going in the opposite direction, or at least pretending to.

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😆You said *dragged*


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Oops ...

Pressured; coerced; bribed; blackmailed; hauled; herded; railroaded ...

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What is China's stance on the issue, I wonder...?

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Your substack link is the only email I get that doesn't make me want to cry! ... It was so pleasant to smile and giggle as I read this. I love the Tesla, its just what I need, does the cat come as standard or is it an optional upgrade? ... You have the best commute to work!

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My grandparents lived in the country on a lifestyle block like you since the goldmining days in New Zealand. A simple relaxing lifestyle they litteralky lived off the land and had a creek running through the property fed from moutain snow. The families gathered there with hoards of kids for holidays.. How we loved that place. Not only were the walls papered in floral patterns, the ceilings were also. The mountain climate was very hot or very cold. Now i know why the cottage was always cozy in all weather's. I've learned something after all these years. I will pass this knowledge on through the families.

Thank you - a special family indeed

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I enjoyed your podcast. I laughed when it sped up assuming it was your sense of humour. It kept me on my toes and I didn't miss a word. I could picture your walk to the well, quite and serene, being one with nature. Then i saw the photo, as if I had been there. Well water will keep you healthy. There's a world map with mineral water locations. Your little boy is so fortunate to be growing up in nature surrounded by a caring community. He will be a well-rounded adult thank to you and Ekaterina

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We collect rainwater from baked finish metal roof of our metal garage. It is 16 x 32 and we easily collect and store ten thousand gallons a year in 4 2500 gallon water tanks. General advice where no summer rain is 5000 gallons per person for home and garden use. Since there is arsenic in some of the wells in our area, rainwater collection is a saver bet.

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😂 I think I had that same math problem in 8th grade.

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fascinating Riley. glad you are living the life

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That cat Whiskey is NOT riding in a Tesla!

Do you think we are stupid?

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Maybe an early version then ?

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Maybe it is a prototype of the next generation.

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mmmmm maybe.

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Thank you, Edward, for the audio podcast. Great hearing your voice. Appreciate your honesty and sincerity. Hope you find a wallpaper design you can live with happily!

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Are there leeches in that place where Edward Junior is looking at the duck? You can collect them and sell for medicinal use.

Tell Ekaterina that Novgorodskaya oblast is not the best place for the corn, potatoes would be doing much better, it's wrong climate for the corn. But I guess that she just wanted to make sure.

Good luck with everything!

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There are corns which are suited for mountain areas. I got some three years ago from a biodynamic farmer in Austria which are doing just fine with me at 700m altitude.


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The problem here is short summers, not temperatures on their own. But, who knows, maybe it'll work. I have friends who live in Vologda, and they grow a lot of amazing plants, but some of those strictly in the poly-tunnel

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Thank you for that informative comment. Sure, with poly-tunnel one can do marvels in cold areas.

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