If Nika and puppies start a trade union against Bugey Libre suggestions, Riley could start doing that Russian amazing training that Bugey Libre has been doing for months wih great results:
Ah, the wheel - a wonderful history. The Dogon had it millennia ago but only used it for toys! Wheelbarrows are a brilliant invention that almost matches the washing machine's labor-saving advantage. "The common wheelbarrow has far-flung and exotic roots, as it can be traced back to third-century ancient Asia. In 231 A.D., Zhuge Liang of Shu Han in China created a single-wheel cart for an efficient way of transporting food and supplies to the front lines of battle." https://www.gardenstreet.co.uk/blog/history-of-wheelbarrows/
Sad - most inventions stem from war. But it has been ever thus.
LOL - Or teach him how to build one? "Give a man a fish and he will eat for today; teach him to fish and he will eat forever!" It is a quote from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism.
It is more worthwhile to teach someone to do something (for themselves) ie '[helping] than to do it for them (on an ongoing basis) ie ' [rescuing]. So many people 'rescue' others when they think they are 'helping' them. :-)
Indeed, twas ever thus, Seeds. "The rich get richer; the poor get stuffed, that's all you need to know".
"Then Jesus said: “Let her alone, so that she may keep this observance in view of the day of my burial. For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me.”
I am rather fond of Easdale island near Oban, which has only a small passenger ferry, a village, and no road or vehicles. Wheelbarrows are a collective social good - a bit like supermarket shopping trolleys, to help get your shopping home off the ferry !
This is the BEST research paper I've ever read. Thankfully, the subject, our esteemed correspondent, survived. All those in the comment section giving you suggestions for how to manage retrieving your water supplies totally missed the point of the experiment. Pshaw! Your intrepid and courageous persistence in seeing the experiment to the end in spite of the prospect of death ending it is Nobel Prize worthy. Hail to the EIVS💪
I would hazard to guess that there are few among us who would attempt to carry nearly half our body weight for one mile, or (1.6 kommie meters), as a voluntary subjects. Personally, I would demand generous remunerations, a contract that specifies guaranteed medical treatment should a body part malfunction, a ridiculous amount of time to accomplish the task and a very long stint in the Banya with a Swedish masseuse of a highly stimulating nature. So glad we have Riley to do the 'heavy lifting' for us (((groans))).
I told you bruh, you're going to be Chad af in short order, and my hat is off to you. In my estimation you are made of better stuff than me. I'll just sit here and enjoy the EIVS Schadenfreude show with my Italian roast coffee and two cats as the sun warms my old bones in the solarium.
Thank you for the laughs, these are my favorites as well.
I am going to leave a separate comment on your substack, but your woodworking is out of control amazing and I am going to find a way to import you to Russia and teach me your craft. Just accept it. It's inevitable.
I'm looking forward to it...! The thought f losing digits to frostbite whilst eating beets in my yurt will keep me up at night ;) I know you have luxurious accomodations with the finest Russian electricity and imported well water and cheese from sustainably harvested goat milk, but is there any way I can bring my pet orangutan Tyrone? I was training him for the NBA, but they have some pesky regulations against it. He can schlep that artesian well water with alacrity!
I'm glad to see that the experimental subject did not expire. This means he can participate in future near-death experiences disguised as The Science™.
Aw c'mon Edward - there are already so many letter organisations in the soup, one risks the real danger of choking if one tries to extract any nutritional value.
Still who knows, maybe EIVS will prove to be the pivot point, turning propaganda back to the realm of practical reality!
EIVS - Edward Institute of Village Studies - bit of a throwaway.
RISE - Riley Institute of Slavic Enterprise.
SSSI - Slavsquat Slavic Studies Institute - nah might be mistaken for a terrorist organisation.
Carry on regardless - 35 litres is the limit though - we do not want to hasten your premature demise!
So you were so desperate for writing material you didn’t choose to take that attractive green vehicle to fetch your water? Well done, thoroughly enjoyed the read, though I do not normally wish for your suffering.
The green vehicle is running on non-renewable oil drained from the depths of the Earth. It is therefore doomed, DOOMED to dissapear. Whereas humans and other living creatures will continue on indefinitely.
For this reason those doggie-buggies are a more sensible proposal for carting water. :) The best part? Dogs can live on a plant-based diet! \o/
Have you never heard of a wheelbarrow, dear Edward?
Riley, I guess Nika would hate me for these pictures and the suggestion that maybe her half non feral nature could be used:
Otherwise Man, one of the things I learned while living in villages in Africa is that, definitely, carrying weight on the head is the best way.
Wheelbarrows are also a good option.
You know Bugey Libre thinks the global weather is cooling, it seems that spring is rather cold in Russia, like here in Bugey.
My wine offer is still on the table brother hobbit...
Bugey! I will email you with an address soon...
I will show Nika your suggestions.
-- Riley
Maybe Nika would love that one: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-glClLQthKZg/W984-m4zGyI/AAAAAAAADZc/B0dtgMlj-Qo5A12DTThgz2Tn3E6HIcmqQCLcBGAs/s1600/IMG_20181028_170541.jpg
Maybe some puppies would enjoy sharing your burden:
... Just saying
If Nika and puppies start a trade union against Bugey Libre suggestions, Riley could start doing that Russian amazing training that Bugey Libre has been doing for months wih great results:
The wheel is part of the next 5year plan comrade
Would 'koulakisation' imply the Lada Niva?
Stay strong and flexible!
Ah, the wheel - a wonderful history. The Dogon had it millennia ago but only used it for toys! Wheelbarrows are a brilliant invention that almost matches the washing machine's labor-saving advantage. "The common wheelbarrow has far-flung and exotic roots, as it can be traced back to third-century ancient Asia. In 231 A.D., Zhuge Liang of Shu Han in China created a single-wheel cart for an efficient way of transporting food and supplies to the front lines of battle." https://www.gardenstreet.co.uk/blog/history-of-wheelbarrows/
Sad - most inventions stem from war. But it has been ever thus.
Maybe we should club together to buy Edward a dog-cart?
LOL - Or teach him how to build one? "Give a man a fish and he will eat for today; teach him to fish and he will eat forever!" It is a quote from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism.
It is more worthwhile to teach someone to do something (for themselves) ie '[helping] than to do it for them (on an ongoing basis) ie ' [rescuing]. So many people 'rescue' others when they think they are 'helping' them. :-)
Sadly methinks the welfare state has not read Lao Tzu.
We are all poorer and the poor are not richer.
In fact there are ever more poor.
Rescuing feeds the poverty cycle, among other things.
Ever thus has it been so.
Indeed, twas ever thus, Seeds. "The rich get richer; the poor get stuffed, that's all you need to know".
"Then Jesus said: “Let her alone, so that she may keep this observance in view of the day of my burial. For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me.”
[John 12:7-8]
......but - THE STUDY !
Poorly devised terms of reference!
I am rather fond of Easdale island near Oban, which has only a small passenger ferry, a village, and no road or vehicles. Wheelbarrows are a collective social good - a bit like supermarket shopping trolleys, to help get your shopping home off the ferry !
I did a very brief post on it here - https://scotbest.substack.com/p/easdale-island-a-place-dear-to-my
Some mothers do have them!
My thoughts too!
This is the BEST research paper I've ever read. Thankfully, the subject, our esteemed correspondent, survived. All those in the comment section giving you suggestions for how to manage retrieving your water supplies totally missed the point of the experiment. Pshaw! Your intrepid and courageous persistence in seeing the experiment to the end in spite of the prospect of death ending it is Nobel Prize worthy. Hail to the EIVS💪
Bingo! Our thought exactly Humdeedee!...
I would hazard to guess that there are few among us who would attempt to carry nearly half our body weight for one mile, or (1.6 kommie meters), as a voluntary subjects. Personally, I would demand generous remunerations, a contract that specifies guaranteed medical treatment should a body part malfunction, a ridiculous amount of time to accomplish the task and a very long stint in the Banya with a Swedish masseuse of a highly stimulating nature. So glad we have Riley to do the 'heavy lifting' for us (((groans))).
I told you bruh, you're going to be Chad af in short order, and my hat is off to you. In my estimation you are made of better stuff than me. I'll just sit here and enjoy the EIVS Schadenfreude show with my Italian roast coffee and two cats as the sun warms my old bones in the solarium.
Thank you for the laughs, these are my favorites as well.
I am going to leave a separate comment on your substack, but your woodworking is out of control amazing and I am going to find a way to import you to Russia and teach me your craft. Just accept it. It's inevitable.
I'm looking forward to it...! The thought f losing digits to frostbite whilst eating beets in my yurt will keep me up at night ;) I know you have luxurious accomodations with the finest Russian electricity and imported well water and cheese from sustainably harvested goat milk, but is there any way I can bring my pet orangutan Tyrone? I was training him for the NBA, but they have some pesky regulations against it. He can schlep that artesian well water with alacrity!
I'm glad to see that the experimental subject did not expire. This means he can participate in future near-death experiences disguised as The Science™.
I did'nt see this coming.... my favorite!
"Several thousand rubles were collected as part of a betting pool"
You still got it Riley!
A small four wheeled cart or wheelbarrow my mate , go high tech! No , a three wheeled bicycle with carry all at rear? Too complex?
Two wheeled bikes with two wheels cart could also do the job Tazzy...
Any wheels to take the load!
You are right Man!
One love
Advice from a non-affiliated "villager": Invest in an "caravan aquaroll" for transporting up to 50ltrs of water at a time - https://search.brave.com/images?q=caravan%20aquaroll
You're most welcome.
I am so happy so read you here!!
This is Lionel.
Your aquaroll is indeed very relevant.
Respect Sister!
Bugey Libra!!!! No way dude! :) I'm so pleased to see you here too!
Sending lots ant LOTS of love to you.
And, of course, respect. xxxx
I love these tales of village life! So real and so scientific!
We want more. 🙏
Subject needs plumbing.
Aw c'mon Edward - there are already so many letter organisations in the soup, one risks the real danger of choking if one tries to extract any nutritional value.
Still who knows, maybe EIVS will prove to be the pivot point, turning propaganda back to the realm of practical reality!
EIVS - Edward Institute of Village Studies - bit of a throwaway.
RISE - Riley Institute of Slavic Enterprise.
SSSI - Slavsquat Slavic Studies Institute - nah might be mistaken for a terrorist organisation.
Carry on regardless - 35 litres is the limit though - we do not want to hasten your premature demise!
Puppies made me smile - a much needed smile! thanks so much. love your blog, p
So you were so desperate for writing material you didn’t choose to take that attractive green vehicle to fetch your water? Well done, thoroughly enjoyed the read, though I do not normally wish for your suffering.
Car is a stick. I can only drive automatic.
Wow, yet another growth opportunity, you are so fortunate! 😁
The green vehicle is running on non-renewable oil drained from the depths of the Earth. It is therefore doomed, DOOMED to dissapear. Whereas humans and other living creatures will continue on indefinitely.
For this reason those doggie-buggies are a more sensible proposal for carting water. :) The best part? Dogs can live on a plant-based diet! \o/
Gosh, I didn’t even consider that, good points! I did consider that maybe Edward needs the exercise after so much high fat dairy. 😋
Hey Riley, what you need is a bicycle, or even better a tricycle if you can find one.
With either one you could do a smaller load, but go more often, also could pull a cart once you get one.
Best Substack of the year: trauma, endurance, pain, laughter, cheese(???), love and PUPPIES!!! Puppies always win 1st Prize!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Молодец Эдвард!Россия это единственное место на земном шаре где можно спастись от зла,спасти своих детей и свою душу!
Через страдания приходит спасение?
Maybe not salvation, but strong muscles in that case.