And obviously, not a single word about poisonous clot shots and murderous c19 hospital protocols! I personally knew a healthy and fit 73-year-old man who was put on a ventilator and died in 2020. And I've heard of 6 jab-related deaths and at least 15 cases of health decline in my social circle (I don't live in Russia so this circle is not very large).

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Great point.

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We continue to post several items weekly re: Russians "dying suddenly." Just today we posted seven, including three famous athletes. Is this not getting any coverage over there?


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Mark, I read all your articles, including your weekly "In memory of those who died suddenly"! I think the situation in Russia is quite similar to what has been happening in the States and Europe - the truth is slowly and painfully making its way through the false narrative and gaslighting by authorities and MSM. Have you seen this article by Riley written in April? "Sputnik V returns to Earth. The "safe & effective" myth is running out of gas"


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Yes, and it is the vaccines which are sterilizing both men and women. After Pandemrix and the fake H1N1 2009 plandemic female fertility in Scandinavia dropped from 2.1 to 1.6 children. Now after the Covid vaccines fertility has gone down to 1.4 children and one must also factor in the HPV sterilizing vaccines.

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Yes, they continue to push for vaxx, even after publication of this article: http://www.medtsu.tula.ru/VNMT/Bulletin/E2023-1/3-8.pdf

in which some explanations about the dangerous mechanisms of C19 shots were very well given.

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It's not a problem. They can just replace old whitey with third world savages like they are doing in my country and Sweden and Ireland etcetera and if you turn a blind eye to the rapes and brutal murders they commit then all is good. Fekking tragic.

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That has been happening since the 90's, RU has the 2nd largest number of immigrants after the US.

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Are your immigrants gangsters, murderers and living on social welfare, like in Scandinavia?

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Wow, talk about punching down, not to mention racism. You’re placing the blame and directing your anger onto powerless victims who are desperately fleeing their own countries which were devastated by the actual culprits of both rotten situations, which is the ruling class. Get your priorities straight.

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People like you are why we have replacement populations programs going on and no one will do anything to stop it. You may as well be on the payroll of the Ruling Class yourself!

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Well, at least his nic reflects reality.

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Alien parasites are not victims... arabia has little time for palestinian refugees

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This sounds ominous:

"If we talk about infertility statistics, then just over the past decade, female infertility has increased three times, male infertility has doubled only officially. I think this does not reflect the objective situation due to the under-examination of men."

What could be the cause of such an increase in infertility? It doesn't sound "natural" or organic to me, kinda like the tenfold increase of kids with what they call "gender dysphoria" that we've seen in many Western countries.

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Jun 21, 2023
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Yeah, I've read about that but don't know a whole lot. It seems like a serious problem that gets virtually zero attention for... some reason.

I think the running theory on this is all the microplastics we're being inundated with through various foods and drinks. I guess it could have a similar effect on the women's reproducing capacity as well.

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It's not just the micoplastics, it's also the pesticides. Alex Jones brought that to light about 7 years ago and the MSM laughed at him. Now RFK Jr has picked up that torch and talking about it. I think we all know why the MSM won't deal with it.

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Notice how in both Russia and the US statisticians whine about the declining population, but the governing policies ensure its decline. If leaders in both countries were concerned about fertility they would've not imposed an experimental mRNA gene therapy on childbearing age women and young men which now show it negatively effects fertility.

Not to mention the lack of "free" fertility treatments for young couples who want to have a family. All of the procedures are extremely costly.

Btw, I bet the oligarchs in Russia and the US have more than an heir and a spare as money is no object if they desire a large family.

And of course, wars cause a sharp decline in young men who are slaughtered in battle or flee the country.

But interesting enough, there's a constant contradictory message blasted on MSM about how the planet is in peril, so how could you possibly bring a child into such a dismal mess.

This is all stated while millions of migrants are permitted to flood the borders. So maybe, it doesn't matter to the ruling elite who are "global citizens" how their country is populated as long as the demographic issue is solved.🤔

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Jun 25, 2023
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Marketing is a WEF specialty.

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Jun 25, 2023Edited
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Well if the WEF actually outlined their true intentions how many proles would be thrilled about it.

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And still pushing jabbers on the Russian people that will in all likely hood reduce fertility? Yeah. Complain harder politicos. All by design, all by design...

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Making babies is something that starts in an intimate relationship, with a lover, the community, the world, the desire to bring another incarnation for a soul that would enjoy the beauty of a flower, bird singing, hardship of winter, warmth of friendship and feeling compassion and... How come could the state do something to improve it? Maybe we should get rid of any state apparatus link with oligarchs...

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Maybe the state is the problem...

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It appears that the entire population of the world (with the exception of Africa) has decided to stop having babies. Or maybe God is making people infertile because of the horrors that are about to occur. In the USA, many young people are realizing that Bidenomics have made it unaffordable to raise children.

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Jun 21, 2023
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To an atheist, God is unreal. I don't care. In my mind, environmental pollution, the consumerist lifestyle, and the clotshots are all, ultimately God's work. I do not mean to insult you, Sarah; but I believe it is foolish to believe that spiritual forces do not exist.

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It's foolish to believe that spiritual forces drive the World.

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And it is silly to argue.

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If the spiritual forces can prove that 2 plus 2 is not 4, i will listen to them.

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I'd love to chat forever about this subject. While I don't believe in an anthropomorphic God or Satan with horns and a red tail, I believe in quantum physics and the Higgs-Boson particle. Like the Hindus, I believe that physical life is just our minds' imagination and that everyone and everything is energy. Spiritual forces impact every part of our lives. Have you ever noticed that you are attracted or repelled from some people and places? Personally, as Nietzsche wrote, I have found myself turning into an angry and negative character when I follow the news and neglect my meditation and prayer.

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Jun 22, 2023
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I think using God's argument is just an excuse to hide the superstitious (silly) nature of a person.

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Elvis Presley - I Believe (Official Audio) - YouTube


It is unnecessary to declare oneself part of any established religion. It is only necessary to entertain positive thoughts and to perform good deeds.

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And above all male feminists

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What newspaper headlines call "Russia's demographic crisis" is really a reason for just another celebratory drink somewhere in Davos. Clot shots helped to get rid of true useless eaters (elderly); and many of us younger, less useless eaters were made infertile and will likely be worked to death (I worked for few years in UK and apparently I qualify to receive a pension check from them not before I turn 69, how exciting!). There is also tried & tested method from infamous camp era, where you simply receive less daily calories than you need, see how long you last. Don't despair - in modern era it can be done in more humane way - programmable CBDC will make sure you can only buy a limited amount of tasteless calories and all your sacrifice will be imperative due to climate change..

Work needed will be handled by increased use of AI, money needed will be handled by CBDC, all bases for de-population are covered, nothing will be done to stop demographic decline, quite the contrary.

If this scenario is not dark enough for you, wait for our overlords to finally come up with a fully robotic army - that is when true horror show will begin!

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Simon Stalenhag wrote a prophetic book called ELECTRIC STATE that describes America following a war fought with drones and robots. It's liable to be considered a history book in ten years.

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One solution for Russia would be to allow the migration of people who can be assimilated into the Russian population. A Russian parliamentarian once argued that Russia should allow Orthodox Christians to migrate to Russia from worldwide. Currently there are multiple communes of American conservative Christians in Russia under development. Migrants to these communes include conservative Danes and Germans. An American priest who converted from Protestantism to Orthodoxy is leading such a movement in Russia and he recently made a presentation before the Russian parliament on the subject. Orthodox migrants could come from anywhere from Georgia, Armenia to places where they are being disenfranchised like Estonia. Or even Egypt. The church can lead in the process. Another way would be to encourage assimilable people from paternalistic and non-revolutionary cultures like the Chinese and the non-practicing Shia Iranians to migrate, work and settle through the university system. Adoption of Russian Slavic names should be a condition as it was in the Soviet days. Racial mixing with Slavs might be good to boost tribal longevity and IQs. Unlike what is known today Indians Chinese and Jews are some of the most convulsively mixed people in the world leading to high IQs - although the mixing is on similar power or status levels. The Han identity is a persuasively manufactured identity. Modern Israelis are completely mixed and Jews were always mixing. Indian castes were formed by the thorough mixing of castes and tribes of similar power or knowledge status. Tribal mixing is a phobia of the pantheistic white man - a community which outside South Africa is facing terminal decline in numbers and IQ and loss of control of their territories.

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Jun 25, 2023
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How many white westerners would want to come to Russia in the first place. At present the whites coming in European and American Christian conservatives some going all the way to convert to Orthodoxy and going through impossible Byzantine bureaucracy to buy a plot of land and build a house in a terrain on which there might be no sunshine for 5 months. The sSouth African Boers who are facing multiple dangers in Africa were given an invitation to migrate enmasse with farm land to settle. They came surveyed the land and decided not to come. In fact 100s of Boers are converting to Orthodox Judaism and making Aliyah to Israel of all places. The central Asian overflow of bachelors and single men into Russia is controlled by Russian businessmen and their chambers - a fait accompli given that east or west Billionaire totalitarianism or neoliberalism is the only allowed political ideology on the surface of whitendom from New Zealand to Ukraine. The only white country that is non-neoliberal is Belarus because of Lukashenko who is a champion of state owned manufacturing companies (nearly 85% of the total) and collectivised farms. Look at the foaming at the mouth democratic revolutionaries in Belarus - if Lukashenko were to croak in a minute they will bring multiculti neoliberal billionaire totalitarianism to Belarus and Hillary Clinton herself will land at Minsk airport with Wall Street lawyers to coach Belarussians in the niceties of democracy freedom and free market enterprise not to speak of the inevitables like trannyism and gay worship. Unlike what is told in public, the decision in Germany to take in a million and half north africans and arabs was taken neither by Merkel or Obama but by German billionaires and the chamber of commerce who needed unskilled labour for manufacturing grunt work. The billionaire totalitarianism model has its roots in the notorious Julio Claudian line of Venetian families and their twins the Jewish banksters deciding to use 'free trade' money magic and corporations to conquer the world in stead of the warlordism of Nero and Caligula. These men simply parasited and took over Celto Germanic societies by integrating the Germanic warlord families with themselves through intermarriage and used the Germanic warrior culture with the bodies of Germanic men as their weapons of world. conquest. This is why today you have flesh and blood white American men doped with guns and bibles Christianity fighting with the American army for wars which make the Rothschilds, and their proxies or the Orisinis rich while those men return home in body bags or waste themselves on the streets in a lifetime of PSTD and fentanyl. If you can overthrow this structure that is behind neoliberalism and its paradisical end state of transhumanism you can end the mass migration also. Putin is a neoliberal and there are no true conservative nationalists among the Russian elites. But watchout for how long big bad Lukashenko holds on.

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Today, Russian women are having 1.4 kids on average. Bravo to your great-great-grandmother. But we are in 2023 and women today need material things. It is just the way it is.

Either Russia adapts to reality or the Muslims will take over the place by default - like in Germany.

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I was waiting for a conclusion stating it's all weirdo propaganda.

In New Zealand (I know - a tiny place with no discernible relevance) recently the leader of the opposition, Conservative, pretend Right Wing, got in a world of trouble for stating New Zealanders should be having more babies. The reaction was intense and widespread: it's quite alarming as only 25 years ago this would have been a passing comment immediately forgotten.

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Excerpt from Windswept House: A Nove by Martin Malachi: “NSSM 200 was simple and straightforward in its recommendations: across-the-board financial assistance by the US to these countries, in order to increase their use of contraceptives, abortion and sterilization of both sexes; and to further fetal research.” Instead of wasting your precious time reading Dan Brown’s trashy nonsense, here is a fictionalized true story by Father Martin;)

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At present, most women give their kids to schools/Kindergartens to look after their kids. These places are staffed by other women. The kids are stressed and unhappy. They frequently fall ill from the stress and the vaccinations - not from the fake viruses.

A successful female lawyer, pays a large portion of her income, directly or indirectly, to the state. Some of this money ends up supporting less smart women - often immigrants from 3rd world with a much lower IQ. These inferior women go ahead and have many kids.

Over time, the population becomes less intelligent. Look around and you will see what I mean.

I agree with you entirely. The State should stay out of the family. But their policies lead to the scenario above.

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The biggest problem is the indoctrination programs being spouted by the Russian entertainment industry that are turning the culture into mush.

Sure, Putin stopped the Soros propaganda outlets like USAID, Open Society etc but everyday kids, and old people, are being brainwashed by what they see and hear from on Television shows, commercials and all those weird self-indulgent musical entertainment shows, that just turn my stomach.

Russian youth are slowly copying everything that comes out of Hollywood, which includes society crippling feminism. The idea that women need to waste their best baby producing years in favor of education and careers must end before the demographic problem will be permanently fixed.

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Thanks, Riley. While the miracle shots are doing a number in the short run, in the not-too-long run things look grim given that under current trends, human fertility is expected to sink so low by 2040 to the point below which we can reproduce ourselves as a species, globally, due to ecological degradation. Little to do without a fundamental change in how we all carry on our life activities.

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Maybe we should get rid of the state instead of thinking that this tumor would have anything to do with the impetus to bring another soul into incarnation to enjoy the beauty of spring and hardship of winter, compassion, friendship, laughter, poetry, the magic of music, the mystery of death and memory, love, the ability to self sacrifice...

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Jun 25, 2023
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Good Morning, Monsieur Freelander.

I hope you are fine.

What is my plan?... Hum...

First, is it really one individual's plan since it take a strong soul which doesn't fit into the universal lies and that is something which seems to be a given (by some heaven or whatever name pleases you), even if it is raw and needs to be refined by the hardships of life, counterbalance by the grace of 'reasonable' pleasures of sensuality, ability to see, hear feel beauty.

So it is not really an ego thing, we are part of a whole.

Then it needs some philosophical basis:


For instance...

It doesn't need to have read to much since free souls come from all walk of life, in all culture, but for us, cut from nature and born as slaves of a State, it is often preferable...

The state has not always have been a norm, far from it, and in the end, it does always collapse:


(I have almost finished it in French)

At that point, dear Freelander, your soul just won't bow and prefer to leave the earthly vessel of the body to the shame of submitting to the infamy of obeying the state when it not acceptable (when it is somehow benevolent and psychopaths are not in charge, it is ok, right? Otherwise we wouldn't have live that long). It takes to have confidence in eternity or God (or whatever name or 'transcendental' system pleases you).

If, by grace, you find like minded souls, you might devised a communal political enterprise to build a strong community.

If not... Be ready to say NO, NEIN, NYET... and accept the consequence straight in your boots, or moccassin or whatever...

Respectfully, have a good day!


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Jun 26, 2023
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Bonjour Freelander! I hope you'r fine.

Graeber and Wengrow's book oppose Harari's point of view. It's long, but actually worth the read.

Have a good day


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