One of the best articles I have read on the Ukraine conflict - full of excellent points.

My own view is that Putin is in bed with the globalists - and that he was ordered to invade Ukraine to enable the globalist-controlled West to thereby have the excuse to impose the sanctions supposedly against Russia, but which are actually aimed to driving energy prices through the roof in the West, so as to destroy the West's economies and living standards, so as to create such conditions of desperation and fear that people will accept the totalitarian Great Reset as (they will be told) 'the only solution'.

Putin and his government have pursued all of the same 'Covid crisis' and Covid 'vaccines' scams operations as all Western governments, and share those governments' adoration of, and obedience to, the WHO Bill Gates / globalist power centre and nascent World Government.

Putin's global cabal bosses do not want Russian forces going any further into their Ukrainian power and money-laundering Ukrainian power centre - but they do need some Ukrainian 'victories' to boost flagging enthusiasm among European populations for freezing in their homes in order to save the corrupt government of Ukraine, one of the world's most corrupt countries.

And thus, we had the successful Ukrainian counter-attack. The globalist criminals want the war to go for ages yet - but they need to get Western populations enthusiastic for it again, as they huddle in their freezing homes this Winter, and pay obscene amounts for energy supplies.

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"One of the best articles I have read on the Ukraine conflict - full of excellent points."

As one of Riley's regular readers, I was hoping to see an analysis like this. Sober, objective, and very much needed.

"My own view is that Putin is in bed with the globalists ... ."

Spot on. This has been my position since the beginning. Riley's articles on other things taking place in Russia have only reinforced my conviction, as you pointed out in your second full paragraph.

Since the inception, neither the timing nor the execution of the SMO made made any sense if viewed through a traditional historical/military prism.

Like the conduct of America's wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan (and the neocon GWOT in general), there was never a clearly articulated military/political objective beyond providing a justification for massive military budgets and weapons sales. It's no surprise that "Biden" has engaged in a love fest with Bush, Cheney and media cheerleaders like Max Boot - War for War$ $ake.

The only thing that makes sense is that Ukraine provides a convenient money laundering opportunity for the globalists, Putin included. Judging by the still ubiquitous Ukraine flags in social media profiles and on buildings (even here in my otherwise conservative neck of the U.S. south), I would say that the distraction is working.

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So in essence, everyone pretty much needs to get on board with the fact that their lives will be ending in the not so far distant future as short of Divine intervention, there is seemingly nothing or no one on the horizon to lead a push back against any of this.

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We have no choice but to push back. We can't place our faith in the wrong people. Like all decent people who simply want to live their lives in peace and freedom, I'm still trying to figure out who are wearing the white hats.

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You should always be aware that no man knows the day or hour of his death. So in the mean time live accordingly. If the earth is destroyed, I say that would be Divine intervention.

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Well stated. I make certain to, as Elvis once sang,

"Clean up my own backyard', on a regular basis. Intervention? Or perhaps, if fortunate, a Joan of Arc type of figure to lead the masses against tyranny.

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"...there is seemingly nothing or no one on the horizon to lead a push back against any of this."

Only oneself, and not in a large group context. Large group conflict problem resolution is how we created this mess. Also, pushing back against a behemoth is quixotically futile. It just bands us together in large herds easy to control or corral and kill. When the sky is falling, the only safe place is underground.

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I second every word you wrote.

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"but they do need some Ukrainian 'victories' to boost flagging enthusiasm among European populations for freezing in their homes". Exactly this.

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Excellent analysis, Pierre!

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I would go along with everything you mention, and add a little more food for thought.

I've read that 17M hectares of Ukrainian farmland, a sizeable percentage, is owned by two or three large foreign (and Western) corporations. In line with the theory that Putin is really a globalist who is doing his part in kicking off The Great Reset, it's possible the war is intended to be a way of partially depopulating Ukraine, along with everything else you mention.

If this is true, Russia, despite being easily capable of overwhelming Ukraine, will somehow contrive to leave the country in Ukrainian hands. If the entire nation becomes part of Russia, Russia should logically extinguish title to these lands as partial compensation for the wealth the West has appropriated from it.

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Sep 12, 2022
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For sure, this a partly a banksters war:

Back in 1815:

"The five Rothschild brothers work to supply gold to both Wellington’s army (through Nathan in England) and Napoleon’s army (through Jacob in France), and begin their policy of funding both sides in wars. The Rothschilds love wars because they are massive generators of risk free debt.

This is because they are guaranteed by the government of a country, and therefore the efforts of the population of that country, and it doesn’t matter if that country loses the war because the loans are given on the guarantee that the victor will honour the debts of the vanquished.

Whilst the Rothschilds are funding both sides in this war, they use the banks they have spread out across Europe to give them the opportunity to set up an unrivalled postal service network of secret routes and fast couriers. The post these couriers carried was to be opened up by these couriers and their details given to the Rothschilds so they always were one step ahead of current events.

Furthermore, these Rothschild couriers were the only merchants allowed to pass through the English and French blockades. It was these couriers who also kept Nathan Mayer Rothschild up to date with how the war was going so he could use that intelligence to buy and sell from his position on the stock exchange in accordance with that intelligence."

But there are also convergent interests with religious circles.

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Sep 13, 2022
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Hello Anri_Jonis, it's nice to hear from you :-) Thank you so much for your comments and the information you bring to the readers, it's sincere, valuable, trusty information.

Regarding the debt: oh, yes! Japanese investers are really happy with the french debt too, but those who get benefits from this extorsion are definitely not people like you and me.

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Just like there is no profit in curing diseases. The profit is in perpetual treatments.

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Sep 11, 2022
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Sarah, you're not 'Sarah vegan', are you?

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if Putin was serious about taking these guys out he could've done it easily...the only assumption we can take from this is that Putin is just part of the great reset agenda...now go get your Sputnik booster and wait for your heart attack

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Sep 11, 2022
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It is very difficult to accept this amount of evil. I feel sick. I feel sorry for the people. I feel sorry for myself.

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Oui, une telle quantité de mal n'a jamais existé sur toute la surface de la terre!

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you're correct...its hard for people to comprehend the diabolical agenda of the great reset

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Paul Craig Roberts takes time to "realise" that Putin is colluded because PCR (...) is part of the controlled opposition. Like 100% of the so-called alternative press in France, where the information is strongly filtered. The globalist storytelling to create the Eurasist block with acceptance of European populations to be ruled by Moscow : Putin=good, the West=bad. In spite of a very very massive desinformation and hybrid war led by Russia, we are more and more people opening our eyes. This massive desinformation includes alternative media, mainstream media, troll agencies, commentators on forums, and it's very massive. Talking about trolling commentators, I have a new information with this official about what happens with Wagner in Sahel:


Local populations talk about rapes on children, eventration and evisceration to hide the fruit of the rape. The trolling commentator BUGEY LIBRE is not ashamed to continue posting his propaganda on this forum, denying russian presence in Sahel and their exactions, after all the proofs cumulated.

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Sep 13, 2022
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You may be right. He may be just naive. But we mustn't underestimate the scope of controlled opposition, it is broader than one could imagine.

For sure, the globalist elite decided to support both sides of the war. They need it to reshuffle the cards and create an Eurasist block with power to Moscow and Beijing. They need it to weaken Europe and make it a part of the Eurasist block as well. But at the same time Putin must appear as a savior, as they need european populations' acceptance to be part of this big geopolitical block. That's why we have an international dissimulation of Putin's real crimes and exactions, on the whole international medias.

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Sep 13, 2022
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Yes, you may be right for PCR. We have the same kind of naive opponents in France. But some are not naive and part of controlled opposition with no doubt, as they occult proven facts that came to their knowledge. You can try with Paul. Make a PCR test: give him proven information and see what he makes out of it.

"Opponents" that do critics of the system, but they forget to speak about the more interesting parts. In France we have Pierre Hillard, very good critic of the system. But he hides the Kremlin's exactions, and , the worst, he would like to sell us the "multipolarity" concept with subtile argumentation, which is totally absurd when Putin participated and participates to the destruction of Europe (he is pro-euro currency, now the war and its sanctions), to the destruction and pillage of Sahel, of Chechnya, of Ukraine...He has views over Latin America... Putin helps to the construction of unipolar world with the help of the West.

The ruling elite is well ahead of us on its way to unipolar world. At that point they don't mind if you do critics of political parties, of the vaccines, etc. But they do need to control angered populations, and they do need to channel this anger, and the best way is to make us (Europeans) believe that the Kremlin is reliable, that a russian protectorate is a solution for Europe against their corrupted and (voluntarily) decadent elites. It is a cynical game when you know who is Putin, and the truth is frightening.

The definition of controlled opposition could be: 80% of legitimate critics and analysis, 20% of false solutions. You don't catch flies with vinegar.

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Paul Craig Roberts is seemingly a member of the Council for National Policy(CNP)..Trump as every republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagon spoke in front of CNP members twice in 2016 and 2020 just a few days before he received the nomination on the republican party convention. Here I add an introduction into the CNP and the Trump speech in front of CNP members in Arlington Virginia in 2020. One elite circle within the CNP was named Arlington Circle at least in the past..Yeah the rabbit hole goes really deep..https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXKGLoMod2GV6_Wm8hu2mStPHp4_SdiBh, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZCGpI_-GMo

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People don't understand that in reality, there are no countries in the world, any more - not as far as the globalists who seem to be running all countries worldwide are concerned, anyway.

The people who appear to be running national governments pretty much everywhere are no more than glove puppets receiving their orders from the global cabal, who are already operating a fully-functioning World Government which is remaining in the shadows for now, because the global cabal know that most people across the world want their own countries to have its own government.

Klaus Schwab recently held an international meeting who purpose was announced as being to decide the 'Narratives' for the next ten years.

They don't even conceal what they are doing! Everything that the WEF / global cabal has been doing over the last few years is the creation of a series of 'Narratives' - total fictions which they create to justify each of their Goebbels-style Big Lies - the 'Climate crisis'; the 'Covid crisis'; 'Net Zero', 'Carbon Zero' and so on.

Each one of these mechanisms to transfer unimaginably vast amounts of money from ordinary people into the pockets of the oligarchs of the WEF requires a Narrative - each containing a supposed 'crisis' - enabling them that to sell that vacuuming up of the populations' money to the masses.

The common features of all of these Big Lie mass-deception operations or Big Lies is that they must contain:

1. a 'crisis' threatening humanity;

2. the cause of each supposed 'crisis' must be clearly outside the power of individual governments to control - and where no national government can be blamed for them;

3. all of these fake 'crisis' must be clearly only solvable by global action, rather than by individual governments.

4. All of these 'crisis' must, by their nature, be something that ordinary people have no means of ascertaining whether they actually exist, or not.

5. All of these 'crisis' must be something fearful and threatening to ordinary people;

5. Sufficient levels of fear must be created in all populations about each 'crisis' by centrally-controlled propaganda by the mass media worldwide, and by suitable supporting pronouncements by all governments, supported by suitable 'experts', who will be suitable rewarded for playing their required roles in the propaganda operation.

6. All opposition to, or questioning of the veracity of all of the Big Lie mass-deception operations must be quickly crushed with media and political condemnation, or silenced by the main social media platforms, by deplatforming or censoring anything and anyone undermining the approved Narratives.

With no counter-arguments by anyone, due to the cabal's near-total control of all mass media and social media, as well as by each country's government and internet providers, it has been easy for the cabal to transform wholly fraudulent and discredited scams such as 'global warming' (re-branded 'Climate Change, so that it can't be disproved) into unquestionable facts in the eyes of most people.

Very few young people, and few older people (and almost no politicians) now even question for a moment the total scam of 'Climate Change' - despite plenty of climate scientists knowing that it is a complete fraud.

If the scientists were to challenge or expose this scam, they know that their careers, and funding, and jobs, would be instantly ended - for ever. But if they support the Big Lie operations, they will be flooded with generous funding from such globalist entities as the vast Bill Gates Foundation, and so on.

Equally, politicians and the people who used to be 'journalists' know that to oppose or even question any of the globalist Big Lies would mean the end of their careers - virtually overnight.

By this means of carrot and stick the global cabal transforms total fictions into widely accepted and unquestionable 'facts'.

Look at the Covid 'vaccines', as an example - where despite the mountain of published scientific evidence that they are are both totally fraudulent as 'vaccines', and are pathogenic and toxic, causing large numbers of deaths and injuries across the world, no media will carry any report about that.

It is not an Approved Fact - and so, it is not happening, exactly as Orwell predicted in '1984'.

The Ukraine war, absolutely essential in the cabal's Narrative that 'Putin caused high energy costs!', must continue, so that the deliberate destruction of the the West's economies and living standards can proceed as planned.

And since that wave of utter destruction across the Western economies has to be really calamitous, to be accompanied by a financial collapse on a scale never seen before, along with really serious food shortages next year, and very likely a shut down of electricity grids and / or the internet once the aforesaid operations are well underway, the Ukraine war must continue - so that the deliberately engineered 'energy crisis' can continue.

So, the Ukraine war will go on and on, favouring first this side and then the other, for a long time to come, while making unimaginable fortunes in graft and weapons profits for all concerned.

So, everyone's happy, basically with the Ukraine war - everyone, that is, who is in a position of power.

As for the people fighting it, and civilians suffering it, and millions across Europe shivering in their homes with obscenely high energy prices, with hundreds of thousands of small businesses, shops and restaurants being forced to permanently close down, as planned so many years ago...

- well, who cares about them?

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These days countries are no more than franchises of the City of London bank cabal.

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Brings back the old adage once again: "All Wars are Banker Wars".

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I lost all naivety when I discovered that all participants of the Eastern Economic Forum were required to take a PCR test for covid. These people are controlled by umbrella people - not good for the little people world-wide. We need to wake up.

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And they still have a Wall St controlled Central Bank run by a Bankster minion, who sold Russia down the drain. And Putin continues to embrace her.

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Since the entire planet seems bent on either serving up fascism or submitting to it? With the recent signs of the Ukraine, King Edward, Joe Biden's fascist speech, WEF connections, the Vatican Bank calling in assets by 9/30/22 & more I have more questions than answers.

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King Edward??

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KW Norton evidently has some big plans for Charles and Andrew and all their descendants.

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Hopefully there are no continuations of this reign of terror. Thousands of years is bloody enough.

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Typo. Almost typed King Chuck, lol.

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The seventh?

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Hardly. He died in 1910. I think she means King Charles III.

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It will end when it has served its purpose for the globalists who orchestrated it in the first place. This conflict is a means to an end, nothing more....

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This comment is addressed to those who think Russia is losing.

Andrei Martyanov has made this point many times, but it bears repeating. Wars are not won on tactics or strategy. Those play an important role, but the key element in winning is LOGISTICS.

Basically, how long can you keep it up? In the Great Patriotic War, the USSR pulled up everything of value and moved east, out of range. From there they simply overwhelmed the invader with their ability to mass produce tanks, aircraft and munitions, not to mention winter coats and felt lined boots. They could do this because they had the steel, the oil, and the ability to feed themselves, plus the rail network to support it. Forget the modest contribution from their allies, which of course the West portrays as the game changer. Not true. Look at the production figures of T34 tanks from that era if you need convincing.

So ask yourself, what has changed? Is Russia short of steel? Oil? Manufacturing capacity? Look at the bridge they built to Crimea, which was completed in record time. Look at their icebreakers. Floating cities! Nobody else makes anything like them. How about floating nuclear reactors? Have you noticed lately that they make long range missiles that can't be intercepted by anything in western arsenals?

These are all facts. Meanwhile, the EU is already rationing gas and shutting down industry, and the US isn't far behind, and couldn't raise a real army if they tried, at least not without first getting everyone's pronouns right.

It's over people. Deal with it. The new kid on the block is Russia. Just be thankful they have an ethical foundation that, unlike Ukraine the USA or Britain, restrains them from committing all out war on their adversary when they know they don't have to, not even to prove a point.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think a video is worth a thousand pictures. What do you think?


Turn on closed captions if you don't speak Russian.

Note: to those of you confused by all the Soviet flags, including the Victory Banner, that was the flag they fought under, and thus is deserving of respect. It doesn't have the same meaning for Russians as it does in the west. Take it as sign of continuity with their past - remembering the sacrifices made, and retaining what was of value from that era, which is no small thing.

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ThAnk you, for sharing, and especially for the beaUUUtiful video!!❣️

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Having steel is irrelevant when parameters of SMO self-limit them to deplyoing a maximum of 150,000 men.

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"Significant but meaningless" might be the most Orwellian phrase uttered since the big guy himself was blogging at 1984 dot com.

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Lol. He probably just meant "big" though, not realizing that significant is in its original and still more common meaning literally the antonym of meaningless.

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I try to avoid getting drawn into the day to day drama of the war. There are enough pundits to fill Noah's Ark and most of them have no idea what they're talking about. More an effect of the Internet Era than of any actual serious analysis, of which I've only found two worth mentioning: Andrei Martyanov and Larry C Johnson.

For a big picture overview of Russia's military doctrine I recommend this book. Required reading at US military academies, but apparently they only use the Cole's Notes now.


Also available here:


I would tentatively add two other books to the list.

"Chernobyl The History of a Nuclear Catastrophe" and "The Last Empire - The Final Days of the Soviet Union" both by Serhii Plokhy. I say "tentatively" because while they both seem authoritative, I'm not really in a position to judge, since I wasn't around for either event and have actually never been to Russia, as much I'd like to. I think I mentioned earlier that out plans to visit were derailed by the pandemic.

They were both available in PDF when I found them a few years ago. If you can't find them I'll try and help find the links.

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What an honest comment.

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Gonzalo Lira was suspect when his "kidnapping" happened... Many get kidnapped but he got huge press for his. Then he pops back, cryptic...

And now he's got a lot of focus, despite being a nobody before?!

Maybe he plays 5d chess too, the moves of propaganda and disinformation.

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The whole thing with Gonzalo Lira was shady from the moment he suddenly reappeared. I've suspected that the whole thing was staged, that he is playing a role (controlled opposition?), and I haven't taken him seriously since. I'm also starting to wonder about Scott Ritter and with Col. Douglas Macgregor. They seem to have gotten a lot wrong but then no one is telling the truth.

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Gonzalo is angling to be the next Micheal Moore. Hell, even Moore doesn't wear his signature ball cap indoors! I caught Gonzalo on the Duran a few days ago and he was so slovenly and repulsive I had to move his side of the window off screen. Mercouris is hard to watch as well - he keeps squirming around like he's sitting on an ant hill. Both guys need to read up on the art of media presentation.

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Great comment. The Duran, another one I used to watch but can longer take seriously.

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Completely agree that it gets on one's nerves to see Mercouris.

However, note that this is probably an involuntary spasm coming from some underlying low-level neuropathy (similar a tick, or Parkinson's, or restless legs syndrome, etc.) so one needs to be understanding.

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I hadn't thought of that. I wonder if it could be vaccine injury?

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idk, didn't follow The Duran before 2021. While this kind of affliction is certainly a possible "vaccine"/vaccine side effect, it can also evolve naturally as one of the diseases of civilization due to poor health or increased stress (he's got very young children – twins I believe).

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Ritter and Lira seemed like actors in a play to me from the beginning.

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It's good to remember that Sleazy Gonzalez got his start as a sex tourist in Ukraine. He then attempted to sell his "100% proven" methods of picking up chicks to gullible and lonely young men in the West.

Personally, I'll never forgive the SBU for not cutting his head off Taliban style, assuming he was ever detained.

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Very thorough research and a very timely article by Riley! Thanks for bringing this topic to your subscribers' attention as not everyone may be aware of key developments on the Russian-Ukranian war front over the last 4 days.

Commenter by the name Bezuhov (Pierre?) has provided excellent analysis of the situation. I can only add couple of things for greater depth in understanding the particulars of the situation.

Speed and a fairly good organization of the Russian retreat are indicative of the fact that this was a preplanned action. This was another "goodwill gesture" if you like, that couldn't be called that for internal political reasons in Russia. Putin now and for a couple of months was stating that Russia's main goal in this operation is to "help the republics" and Kharkov region, as we know, is not a part of the Donbass region and, unlike Kherson, doesn't hold a strategic value for Russia.

Based on a number of intelligence signals Russia is leaning toward the ending of the active phase of the military conflict and some form of negotiations is underway, despite all the war mongering rhetoric we hear mostly from the Western side. Russia's goal is to retain two oblasts (regions) Donetsk and Lugansk, a.k.a. DPR and LPR, plus the land corridor to Crimea and the city of Kherson that also allows for a so needed Dniepr river water supply to the Crimean peninsula.

How successful will these negotiations be for Russia is an open question, but we see a lot of signaling in this direction including recent statements by Russian foreign minister Lavrov.

Some may say Russia has shown a lot of weakness in this conflict, not showing a will to succeed and not obtaining victory through a decisive and swift military action, the US style, for which it had the military capability. This is true. For the first time since the decade long campaign in Afghanistan that started in 1979, Russia has joined the aggressors' club, yet it failed to behave in a way we expect from a true powerful aggressor, like we see with NATO, so as a result we have a very confusing message coming from this military campaign - lots of talk about the "red lines" that shouldn't be crossed, yet very little action when these declared lines do get crossed. At the same time, Russian elites in business and the corridors of power have shown a lot of strength and resilience. How come, you may ask? The strength they have shown is in their steadfast refusal to change the course of close integration with the West and what's interesting - in this situation they think of the globalists as their advocates that will help them to get back into alignment with the West. Let's just read the signs: Russian finance and economy remains in the hands of people who take their orders from the Fed and IMF and not from the Russian president or Duma. Cultural retreat continues - the most promoted book in Russia today is the "Summer in the pioneer (scout) camp" about the first gay love of two teenage boys back in the USSR time in a summer camp. Entertainment programs are back on TV schedule in full swing. Yesterday Moscow celebrated 875th anniversary of its foundation, along with a massive retreat under Kharkov last week with 25K rounds of fireworks and a huge concert in Luzhniki stadium where Sergey Shnurov, leader of the rock band Leningrad and Russian mega-celebrity, performed among other songs a song about Moscow burning. COVID mafia is far from being defeated and is pushing masks and vaccines again with a vengeance. There are many more signs like that, but this should give you a taste of things.

At the same time, reading Russian publics I'm getting an impression that discontent with the government policies, including the strange war in which elites don't want to have a victory, has grown significantly. Even many of the pro-Kremlin patriots, like writer Nikolai Starikov, are beginning to smell a rat and are comparing the situation to the one in 1916 - 1917 that led to demise of the Romanoff empire and the two consecutive revolutions that eventually brought Bolsheviks to power. Russia, like many other places today, seems to be heading for some very interesting times.

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Like always Stanley, very informative comment. Lot's of very good comments on that thread...

Take care

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“ … Kharkov region, as we know, is not a part of the Donbass region and, unlike Kherson, doesn't hold a strategic value for Russia.”

My understanding is that Izyum is vital for the line of communication supporting the RF effort to take the parts of Donetsk that remain in AFU hands.

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Yes, Izium and Kupiansk are strategic in this regard, but administratively it is not a part of Donetsk or Lugansk oblasts. So I'm making an educated guess that what we see with handing over big chunks of Kharkov region back under Ukrainian control is a political rather than military decision.

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I am no military expert by any standard, but looking at this affair from 30,000 feet it looks like a rerun of WWI. It's just a few thousand kilometers further East. There were the initial gains, but then the whole affair deteriorated into trench warfare with no significant movement whatsoever. Now we have a large late summer offensive, and if the WWI analogy holds true it will soon run out of steam. Territorial gains may even be reversed with nothing more to show other then horrendous losses on both sides. But we shall see.

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I don't know who the cited authors are, but this is doublethink at its finest. "Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

And thank you for the video, Riley. We sang this song in music classes at school often. Happy memories.

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This is brilliant. Yes. Thanks for it. Sums it all up fairly I think. I will spread it around.

As someone has said it is the civilians that have lost. Yes. But soldiers too. Everyone loses but the fat cats. The people of the world need to grow up. Just refuse to be cannon fodder. Those lads in Ukraine are throwing themselves eagerly into the jaws of hell. Eagerly. For what possible reward? The reward for the Allied troops in UK after WWII when demobbed was unemployment, missing people at the dinner table, shattered limbs and minds in the family etc..

They kept murderous nazis away from everyone.

These lads are doing the work of the murderous nazis. No matter. Either way same result: no reward.

Standing back from that 'human level' observation it seems to me no matter what happens going forward Russia the nation has won and will continue to win. It has created an alternative global business and political sphere I think. It has cut dependencies and made enemies declare themselves, expose themselves and has manifested to the world its actual importance in a multitude of ways.

Whereas Ukraine the nation has lost entirely. Has no independent future. Must be riven with internal strife if it were to include Donbas and Crimea. Must be in hock to financiers. Must be owned and operated by the CIA. Must still be host to the same set of criminals, corrupt politicians and crazy extremists as brought us to this. Germany rebuilt a great nation benefiting from all new tools, techniques, factories etc. But Germany did not have three 'rebel' or inimical provinces within it etc.

But on the ground war there's no doubt any more that the Russian military machine in Ukraine has performed terribly. I am somewhat shocked. The whole Izyum area is unfortified apparently. The retreating soldiers didn't even leave minefields behind. They have one line of defence where all this time they've been battling Kiev troops with three lines of defence. Which would be the norm, or should be.

They just don't act professionally at all. Now it turns out that the Republican troops - whom virtually none of our commentators chose to mention during all this, constantly quoting it as a conflict between 'Ukraine and Russia', thus promoting the establishment and Kiev narrative - have been doing most of the fighting and it looks like the security of the occupied areas have been left entirely to them.

They have created and manned the front line. They did not create three lines of defence. They did not lay minefields. And: Russia did not see this, did not report on this, did nothing about this.

That's all worse than abysmal. That's criminal neglect. Criminal. Cost men their lives. And cost civilians their lives.

Manpower said to be the root of the problem. Why? The republics have about 5 million people I think. They could in extremis put up an army of as much as 9% of that population according to what I read about such things. Say 400,000.

So it seems reasonable to expect that currently they'd have something like 200,000 men under arms. Do they? I hear nothing, have heard nothing.

All I hear over and over again is that Russia has an army of somewhat less than 200,000.

Do they have full mobilisation? We don't hear about that.

Russia cannot be beat, militarily. That's quite simple If you try to invade Russia and beat it they'll simply go nuclear we all know that. Now the point is that 'Russia' is what Russia says it is. If they say the borders of the Donbas states are the borders of Russia then they'll be defended just as Russia is defended. And, again, Russia can't be beat.

But Russia can give up. Russia can retreat. Russia can be as duplicitous as any other State. Even as UK and USA.

So that's what I see today Is Russia and Putin really as perfidious as Albion and the CIA or not? They've thoroughly tricked me if they are. If they're not then they will defend their borders, they will take back territory they see as within their borders, no doubt about it.

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I always thought there couldn't be any state more rotten than France, UK, USA, Israel and Emirates.. But if you look closer to Russia, make investigations, you discover that Putin is absolutely not an orthodox, he's a pedophile, a mass murderer, on his own population (The Kursk, the bombing of residences, journalists, opponents) and on civilians abroad (Syria, Mali, CAR, Chechnya, etc, with tortures, eviscerations..), employing nazi mercenaries ...and it would be interesting to dig a little bit more on 9-11.


Putin's Russia is the king of perfidia, and disinformation, hybrid war, and he's the main puppet in the creation of a NWO.

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well I don't know what to think of all that. i looked at the link. it's a completely new line of investigation for me. thanks for bringing it up.

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From 1337 - 1435 Europe was embroiled in the Hundred Years' War. This, ostensibly, was a conflict between England and France. In 2014 (and probably ever since the USSR was defeated), there has been a war staged primarily in Ukraine between the New World Order and the BRICS. There is no reason to imagine that it will end in our lifetimes.

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Now that the government of "R" (in BRICS) has joined the NWO, perhaps the war will end sooner.

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Things change fast. I was under the impression that Russia was fighting AGAINST the NWO.

For years I have thought that Russia and the USA are natural allies. Both have struggled against Islam. Both have common histories, culture, and joined in the past against the Axis powers.

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From what I heard in a talk by a Russian physicist, uranium for American reactors is still processed in Siberia.

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The world is a giant contradiction. The only thing that matters is money.

The Kinks - Money Talks (Lyrics) - YouTube


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I'm not sure Russia is involved in the NWO just for money. Putin is also a close relative to the Lubavitch and Cabalist branch Berel Lazar /Menachem Schneerson. Russia does not fight NWO. Russia creates the conditions to Eurasia, a milestone to the NWO. And forget about multipolarity, this theory is just absurd for many reasons.

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Sep 22, 2022Edited
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