There isn't enough vodka or hookah smoke in all of Asia to make me want to endure that kind of frigid cold. I'm old, my bones ache from merely looking at those pictures. BRRRRR Sorry. Best of luck to you younger folks, I'll just site here in the US and watch as our own evil Empire crumbles around me. I'll survive on outdated MRE's and well water I schlep in from another town.

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But we need your magnificent carpentry skills. You will be convinced. With time, with time...

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Will there be luge lessons in Rangoon, or a Zoroastrian named Wilma? I might be convinced to go, especially if you served pepperoni pizza for those fleeting moments my good behavior.

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Current temperature (2/15 13:30 EST) is 3 degrees F (-16 C) - but a warming trend is forecast - mid 20s F by the end of next week. Worried about snow reflection sunburn during your 10 mile daily X-country ski excursions? Not a problem! Days are forecast to be completely overcast through the period.

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"Current temperature (2/15 13:30 EST) is 3 degrees F (-16 C) - but a warming trend is forecast"

...to 2,500°F for a few seconds if a senile bastard in the District of Criminals starts World War Pt. III.

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I like your plan and your style. God Bless.

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I've been patiently waiting for a post like this! I would love to visit Russia and then jet down to Morocco to visit Kevin! Oh such dreams I have. Blessings to you dear truth warrior!

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We can make it happen. Step-by-step instructions coming soon!

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Will we be able to get on all the various "lists"? I think I'm safely on the five eyes list, but I'm concerned that the SBU and FSB may not be interested. Is that part of the deal potentially?

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Can't stop the smile on my face with reading and thinking about this post....thank you .

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Thanks for reading, Lynda :)

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me too! :)

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Ugly kitchen stove but apart from that the house looks quite tidy.

No plumbing? I live on a hill, collect rain water in 2,000 litre containers, and then it's gravity fed through the house. Don't know if that would work for you.

BTW, if the wallpaper is difficult to remove, just paint over it. Nobody will know.

P.S. If you can't get a flushing toilet installed prepare to live alone for the rest of your life.

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The kitchen stove is the best part. It is homemade.

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The stove just needs some tile.

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Thanks for the song you posted----I find it wistfully optimistic.

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You amazing, Riley.

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That is very kind of you, Elliott. Thanks for reading!

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I suggest you get a Ko-fi account so pensioners like me can throw you a bone every once in a while.

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Yes for me too! My pronouns are Giver/Taker.

Btw if my existential mid life crisis keeps going I will inform my wife and 2 boys I’m going to Russia for a month of summer to cut wood and milk Guinea pigs.

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Good bones boil into good broth!

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Do you actually own this, or is it a case of a slav doing a squat?

P.S. Good luck with those baseball cards. Personally, I think it's wiser to turn your fiat dollars into gold and/or silver. 🙂

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The property is mine. This is the real deal.

I will never get rid of these baseball cards.

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I will trade you 31 million dollars worth of food for each baseball card (which will take the form of one handful each of Red Russian Kale and Goji Berry seeds for each baseball card).

As noted in the following articles..



Those seeds would contain the equivalent latent value of millions of dollars worth of food when they are invested appropriately into the living economy of the Earth

That is my final offer! ;)

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So you now live in a house which has no bathroom?

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Yeah at least the other one had that lovely wooden contemplation area for “business” purposes. However, I wasn’t given the impression he sold his other home, just bought a second one to show those villagers just who is king of villagers and to make his school..😉

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Either way, he's taking his job very seriously. Buying a house there without plumbing to report on Russia.

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Many of mine found their way between the spokes of a bicycle.....at least YOU gave thought to "investment potential."

GL selling 'em.....what IS the market for MLB cards in Russia, anyway ??

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My grandmother used to strengthen her infant son, my father, against the cold by putting him outside in it (bundled up, of course) for his daily fresh air and/or nap time. He always had a high tolerance for cold and low tolerance for heat. I guess today that would be considered child abuse by American doctors/psychologists.

Anyway, I wish I could beam myself there for a paid visit. I would consider it as a future trip. This year is already committed to Sicily.

I love what you’ve done and am living vicariously through you at this point.

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The village doors are always open to you!

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Amer drs and psychs? Please no nonsense on substack😭🤣😂

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Awesome story. Thanks for the glimpse in Russian life, what it can be. And the song is cool!

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This dacha appears to be an upgrade vs. Dacha #1.

Consider yourself institutionalized. Planting season is coming....enjoy!

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Looks very promising, I will subscribe!

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Thank you!!

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"demon possessed wallpaper" ahhhh, Riley, your wry humor is like balm to my sorely tried spirit.

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More spirit pep pills coming your way. Thanks for reading!

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I only quoted one pep pill in this article - there were many and as I came to the end, my spirit was much buoyed, a smile graced my face and I congratulated myself for being a paid subscriber and you for deserving it. Thanks for writing🙏

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Congratulations on your own home and the beautiful place and I hope you enjoy it for a long time! Good initiative! Can you grow your own vegetables in this climate? Nice song, what is the lyrics? I have no credit card so subscribing is a problem

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Thanks, Ted. Oh yes there is plenty of vegetable growing once the snow goes away. I think the youtube video has english subtitles if you turn them on (or can be auto-generated by youtube). It's a nice little tune. Check out the rest of the channel, too. Excellent traditional/folk music from across Russia.

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For the look on my face upon reading this news, imagine Ralph Richardson in “Doctor Zhivago” when he learns “they’ve shot the czar, and all his family.”

Bonus David Lean film reference: “The best of them won’t come for the banya; they’ll come for Nika.”

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“The best of them won’t come for the banya; they’ll come for Nika.” -- I'm adopting this as the Institute's official slogan. Thank you, sir.

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Long life to you both

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Hi Nika - and who's the boyfriend at the door?

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Did you ever do a post on how a foreigner might buy property in Russia? Looks like a good bolt hole

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Anyone can buy it. My American friend bought an apartment in Moscow. He also has a job there. But strangely, he does not have Russian permanent residency and has to reapply for a visa every six months.

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