Putin IS a globalist....he should win an Academy Award for his low key deception

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Another thought: I just read Alexander Dugin’s book “The Great enlightenment vs The Great Reset” in which Dugin made Putin out to be a populist who hopes to save the world from the globalists. I finished the book with the impression that many Russians, including Putin, hope to play a major role in the Great Awakening.

It is impossible to know Putin’s—or anyone’s intentions—in these times. There is so much subterfuge, we’re left guessing or remaking leaders to our liking. Trump continues to tout the vaccine, too, which often leads me to believe we’re being played at every turn, that there really is no one holding the torch for humankind.

I hope I’m wrong, but I trust no one, which is what they want.

I’ve yet to see a leader come on board who is 100% for humanity.

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I agree - trust no one, especially a politician - but there is One you can trust - that one is the Son of God, Jesus Christ....he didn't leave us hopeless down here in Satanland

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Jewsus is a myth useful to those who fabricated the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine and the plandemic, the Russian regime included, though. Faith in it won't bring any actual hope.

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A very jesuitical reply

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Would like to see him actually doing something... guy cannot even swim... no pun intended ;-)

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The fact that Putin has been basically hanging his fellow Russian in Eastern Ukraine out to dry for almost 10 years' now is very telling....globalists love terrorism...heard to find the perpetrator(s) and keeps the enemy in a constant state of terror and vulnerable

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Dugin is a known liar.

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At least he is touting a solution, which is more than any of the “aware and awake” people are doing. We come to Substack everyday to complain about our captors, to list more examples and “proof” that this is indeed happening, yet never a solution is developed. We stay in the pot as frogs, slowly boiling away.

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I believe the solution lies within ourselves, and not in any proverbial knight in shining armor.

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that'd be the book otherwise known as 'the great awakening v the great reset' I guess.

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In fact, Russia is ahead of the pack in implementing many globalist measures such as CBDC.

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All kinds of agendas can be implemented under cover of war....

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OK. I finally subscribed even though have resisted subsack subscriptions for a while, being a cheapskate. For me, what's going on with Russia and Putin is the single most important open question in world affairs today and I find your substack the most informative in that regard, though haven't yet peeked behind the paywall.

Meanwhile, last week I got the hardcopy version of Peter Myers The Cosmopolitan Empire, subtitled One World but Whose? (Kindle coming out soon apparently.) He has slowly developed a complex explanation of current affairs on his Neither Aryan nor Jew website at https://mailstar.net/index.html which extensively examines four major conspiratorial power networks which sometimes cooperate but usually compete, namely: British (Anglo-American Imperial), Globalist (One world government), Zionist and Green-Left (Trotskyoid - LGBQ etc.). He goes back into the 1800s telling their various tales, analyzing the origins of WWI, the various factions at Versailles, which ones supported or resisted the rise of Hitler, the Bolsheviks, Stalin, Trotsky, and so forth up until the present.

It appears from this kind of perspective and your coverage that Putin is in the Globalist Camp and also sympathetic to the Trotskyoid Green-Left agenda (these two are often, though not always in cahoots).

That said, it also seems to me that he is genuinely a Russian nationalist patriot who is championing the revival of core elements of traditional Russian culture, moreover in resistance to the social engineering side of the Trotskyoid Green-Left crowd (LGBQ etc.) which undermine traditional and family culture.

One can imagine him thusly: a Captain commanding a large ship, say an aircraft carrier, moreover during a revolution. He not only has to answer to his military superiors back home, but also keep track of ongoing and serious political developments. Meanwhile the class war raging in the homeland breaks out on occasion on board his vessel, requiring adroit personnel and command management on his part. Note that he has not created what is essentially a fractious, extremely tricky situation. Not to mention that the above political complexities are connected to world wide machinations and changes. It is a constantly shifting kaleidoscope which requires navigating through treacherous waters filled with ever-changing traps and backlashes of all sorts from both domestic and foreign turmoil.

Now obviously Putin is a strong, not a weak, person, moreover one that can hold a point of view over time, articulate and follow it to an unusual degree. Is he making mistakes? Almost certainly. Is there a gap between how his followers describe him hagiographically - especially in Western alternative media - and the reality? Almost certainly. But what I want to know is that, given what a mess Russia was when he took over, no longer Tzarist or communist etc., where is should he have headed, how well has he done in that regard, and where is he headed now?

This question presupposes that he is a strong, competent leader whether or not you agree with his policies. But perhaps you think that is not the case? Or if you agree, what do you think he is pushing towards (for good or ill)? If much of the CBDC stuff is misguided, as you maintain (and I would agree btw), why is he doing it, what is his goal? Is he being duped or is he a Bad Actor? Or is he perhaps compromised and has little agency to prevent that sort of thing?

If compromised, does that make his entire Presidency a puppet's performance? If so, who is holding the strings? Or is he playing for time or compromising here and there but meanwhile still managing to steer his Ship of State in a fundamentally good direction (as I still suspect might be the case)?

Much of what he says in his speeches feels solid, reasonable, purposeful, honorable and principled moreover surprisingly consistent over two decades now and counting. I find it hard to discount all these positive qualities as performative deceptions. I am not against your thrust - hence the subscription - but I still have questions, perhaps feeling there is more nuance and depth needed to get a more complete picture of what Russia is these days, where it is headed, what are the major points of disagreement and debate, and what role Putin is playing therein, both well and poorly.

Thank you for your substack.

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I'm not saying I subscribe to what I am posting, more thinking out loud. Is it possible Putin's "Globalization" moves are more an attempt to thwart western globalist efforts to incorporate Russian citizens? In other words, beat them to the punch competition?

Just wondering .....

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Man... you have been fallen into the Great Man trap. This reads like fan post.

I do understand people want the Great Man to rescue them. But it won't happen. Beautiful woman know they are beautiful. And you'll pay the price. Great Man know they are great and you are not. And you'll pay the price.

Competence isn't exclusively for the good guys. The emperor in Star Wars is competent, the Clintons are, Obama is. The early Rothschilds were. But all of them people are toxic for everyone else.

Another point. When I read your factions I see one overlord: Rothschild + friends. Isn't all of this their game? Isn't that an Oligarch war against mankind? They want to get rid of all of us useless programmable animals pestering their planet. Maybe it's just that. Thats what Warren Buffet said some 10 years ago. The war of the super-rich against all others.

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Mr Riley is indeed an optimist, and that is the reason why he retired to a farm preparing for the new " Time of troubles" in Russia. As some say, Putin must be the greatest Russian leader ever, só there's nothing to worry about the future... GOOD Luck folks...

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Well, I'm now building a small house in rural Mexico where most of my neighbours are goats and cows and the humans looking after them haven't much more to say themselves, though they do make fantastic fresh goat cheese, excellent lamb stew, and the land is rich from plenty of rain so the vegetables grown are strong and tasty. Also, I have banana, orange, lemon and macadamia nut trees, and flowers year round. Gets all the way down to about 5 C overnight for a month or two in winter (Brrr!!), though usually 12 is where it bottoms out and rarely hotter than 30 in summer. The house is often shrouded in mist since am up around 5,000 feet in altitude and the hills and valleys where the house is are often in cloud. In the distance, ancient pyramids now pretending to be overgrown hills.... It's a funny old world....

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I wish I had the money and wouldn't have responsibilities trapping me here. Anyways, enjoy the show.

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Mexican soil is also rich from periodic volcanic eruptions.

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Sounds idyllic. Nearest city, if you care to say?

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Nearest drug cartel ?

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I don't do drugs, so no idea! We moved around a few places before settling here. Each place we went - Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacan, Oaxaca, her brother was horrified because the cartels were there! And he lives in Mexico City, which ain't for the naive or faint-hearted!

He said the same thing about where we are now. Indeed, the village school about 100 yards from our new home is said to have been built with money from one of the major cartel bosses in the country. But all I see is kids coming and going on the other side of the small valley we are in. But there are some horror stories for sure. I don't find that stuff entering my mindstream very much for some reason; for others it's a topic.

As the Buddhists like to say: 'Death is real, it comes without warning; this body will be soon be a corpse!'

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Thank you!

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It's not idyllic, either! But it ain't half bad!

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I have to laugh because you paint the picture of what I see too. No matter what I hear about Putin I always bounce back to supporting him. Perhaps because he is standing against the Warrior West and doing a pretty good job of it! People say Putin is chummy with the CCP but it looks more like he is realistic about the CCP. Just leave it to the US State Dept. to get everything wrong.

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CCP? You mean that bunch running the most successful capitalist state in world history?

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The type of capitalism what the CCP runs is nothing else than State Capitalism .

What was described even by Lenin as not acceptable for human beings .

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It's óbvious you're not a Russian, nor live in Rússia.

Putin a strong leader? Are you not award of prighozin's saga?

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No. I have no idea what happened with that 'saga', whether he really died or not, whether it was really a mutiny or not, whether this was something Putin was involved with or not. I generally don't follow current stories all that closely since most of what reaches our eyes and ears is lies.

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Prigozhin's end was the most cowardly political assassination ever. And without a doubt was Putin and his entourage the culprits

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If you say so. I wouldn't know. I mainly only view Putin as a Leader in geopolitical context but understand it's a very incomplete picture. That said, I can't possibly wade into all the details of what's going on in Russia, especially since most of what you read is biased, wrong, distorted, disinformation etc. etc.

For example, with respect: do you really know who Prigozhin was? And are you sure he was killed on that plane? How do you know? How do any of us know anything these days?

So whether or not Putin did Prighozin - which I very much doubt, he's the President of Russia not a crime boss after all - it is not something I would spend time reading about.

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Prighozin phenomena was the greatest threat to putin's rule in 23 years because it showed how weak was putin's grip to power. He didn't even had strength to arrest Prig while he was alive.

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Thank you. I did try to read several articles on Prigo, including some of Rolo's, but I always came away entirely confused so I just stopped trying to understand it. I just spent the morning reading some of Rolo's old interviews with Russian conservatives and that was clarifying. Have come away with the sense that

a) Western/Liberal/Yiddish infiltration and manipulation of Russian culture and governance is far more pervasive today than I realised

b) similarly there is a widespread Red - White division in today's Russia

c) many patriot (White) types feel uncertain about exactly how and why this keeps happening

d) many feel the SMO is being conducted insincerely but have yet to read anything explaining what Putin's goal is if not to win etc.

e) very little yet on Putin per se.

f) clearly the alignment with the globalist agenda esp viz covid and digitization is a clear and present example of Putin's Russia acting in cahoots with non-nationalist elements, though again there seems to be no clear sense of why exactly. Is he being duped? Or is he a player?

But again, as to Prigo, I just can't understand the issues. The language is never clear enough for me.

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Which is precisely why the longer Putin's Folly persists in The Donbass, the likelier it will be that the Russian polity will be convulsed by further carnage. Prigozhin's untimely demise has set the die.

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Exactly the reason I read your posts. You tell it like it is.

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Edward has been saying all this for a long time, and hardly anyone seemed to listen. I found him to be the only author who said what I was saying, too. Russia is going down the same drain as the US and many other countries, whose money supply is in the globalists' hands.

It was already clean over a year ago that Putin was following the same timetable as the West:


Somehow, the way he is glorified by the "alt" media, reminds me of DeSantis:


And of course, RFK, Jr.:


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“Edward has been saying all this for a long time, and hardly anyone seemed to listen.”

Such as pointing out the parallel Covid response, the continued march towards a digital surveillance state, among other overt indicia of globalism. Yet, there are many in the west who still wish to paint Putin as one of the good guys. Perhaps they’re all bad.

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Politicians simply cannot be honest and get (s)elected. In Russia, the Old Guard didn't die, only transformed itself. Putin's Schwab connection is still intriguing, suggesting that the globalists may have had more than nothing to do with the Soviet Union, too, especially Gorbachev.

I wonder what Edward thinks about that.

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In the US I fully support mandated jabs for all government bureaucrats and contractors!

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As a perk they should get extra, more than all the serfs.

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I like it! Give the boosters on steroids!!!! Hahaha. Great idea!

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this man speaks the truth...awful as it is

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We should all be guided by truth, friendship, and love,

Yep. There's the guts of it. Well said.

Needs saying. Not one in a thousand will say it.

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Won't do any digital ID. Never ever, even if it means I will die. Apparently death is unavoidable.

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how about if you had say six digital ID's ? would this make you six ways a target or give you six 'degrees of freedom' ?

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Russia has the most beautiful woodworking I've sver seen

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In case you're still " on the fence " about Putin, please explain the following quote and why Putin feels the need to make such , over the top, provably false statements in regards to Israel ?

" Speaking after a press conference concluding his two-day visit to Kyrgyzstan on Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “Israel, of course, faced an unprecedented attack, which has never happened in history, and not only in scale, but also in the nature of its execution, in cruelty.”

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Is Putin in cahoots with the globalists? Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears shit in the woods? 🤣

Thanks again, Riley!

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Every leader is in cahoots with the Globalists because they are placed in their position by the Black Nobility power structure. It's been this way for nearly 1500 years. The Roman Empire never died, it just reorganized and rebranded itself.

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An alternate explanation is that all of these things that coincide, forced jabs, digital ID, programmable CBDC etc because they are just state of art "governance". Any government in the world can see that it streamlines the process like a QR code. As governments from socialist to capitalist view themselves as in the business of managing people they see the utility of these tools. While I agree that the prospect of technocratic totalitarianism is odious and these tools must be avoided because they give to much control to corrupt players it doesn't necessarily mean they are in cahoots. Also playing devils advocate here, conspiracies are often more plausible than coincidences.

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I like devil's advocacy.

We think we own politicians, well, we're taught to believe that they work for us: public servants, we call them.. So it is natural that they think they own us. Both sides are wrong.

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I hope you are right. I feel pretty much owned in this zoo I live in.

Still... they ask for our consent to slaughter us. Yet.

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We deserve the leaders we put up with. We deserve to be led because we tolerate it when not openly demanding it. We deserve to be shafted by people we task to do for us what only we can do for ourselves.

But such is the great modern cultural Stockholm syndrome. Not only is taking the law into our own hands, where it belongs, but what must follow for self-rule to remain self-rule is even harder: we have to hold each others' hands in trust and honor that trust. We have to acknowledge and accept each other, and how can we do that when we moderns are conditioned from kindergarten, after a tv-drenched toddlerhood, on through higher ed, to be ANYTHING but whom/what-ever one naturally Izz?


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Only speak for yourself.

I never accepted that zoo. I was just born into it. I do not deserve to be led. I do not deserve to share the sheeple's fate. Taking my faith into my own hands? I try daily. They just don't let me do it.

Indoctrination from childhood on? Yeah. Did I comply? For the first 25 years, yes. Ever in doubt, never convinced. After having time and opportunity to see through the matrix? Nope. Not a bit. I hate the lies and the liers. I do NOT deserve this bs and I don't have the opportunity to opt out.

So it is NOT me, it is them constructing this zoo around me and I was born a slave. That's the truth. And the problem. As long as we don't get an edge by having lots of unhappy people around us willing to break the zoo walls we cannot get out. Simple as that.

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Let me replace "deserve" with 'put up with': we put up with the leaders we put up with.

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'Not only is taking the law into our own hands, where it belongs, ' very difficult...

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Yeah... how? Give an example, please.

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I once explained to a police officer that I would kill him if he persisted. He stopped. It's not a difficult concept, and I wish to engage no more in this contentious debate. Life on this here prison planet is what it is. We all want things to be reasonably just and fair. They ain't. I too have murder in my heart for the judge:


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Well written.

That Russia does indeed appear to be leading the field in all things designed to keep the peasant in his, or her, place (for eternity) is surprisingly unrecognized.

As some enjoy caviar on the breakfast buffet, many hope that the hens will lay a few more eggs than they did yesterday - or wish for enough goat's milk for the day. 🤔

30% @ less than $10/day ?

Bon appetit.

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I think it's funny that so many of us, who claim to be more enlightened than average, obsess on Putin, a mere leader, and on what he does or doesn't, how much power he does or doesn't possess, whom he does or doesn't answer to.

But we do, in the process reinforcing this gargantuan delusion that human politics are even remotely sane or generate.

That said, it sure does look like the banksters have decided that Russia is the place to which they must flee because it is the one nation with at least some possibility of pulling off this Great Reset (aka Big Fucking Failure/Collapse/Shitpile) wannabe Orwellian struggle to prove who is the One True Ruler of the World and other popular delusions.

After all, they still have lots of oil and have a fairly intelligent populace able to maintain some kind of modern technosphere on which otherwise useless elites depend even more than do their obese diabetic wokester subjects, on which subjects the elites also depend but are busily killing them off both intentionally and unintentionally, that being the particular flavor of insanity to which human politics continually and successfully aspires.

Assuming Putin is sane (I think so), what is he to do? To clean house at this point would require Stalin redux, and the Russian simply won't stand that. Yes, I am being an apologist for Putin. He has more than enough critics, jah?

I still don't see the motives for Putin to suck the dicks of the likes of Davos. I don't think Putin is being forthright about all this 2030 Grand Plan stuff. I don't think he likes it as much as many claim. I don't think he dislikes it as much as many claim. I don't think the deep state structures behind all this will stand much longer; by 2030, the global technosphere the elites wish to rule us by will be mostly nonfunctional, especially what with war and all.

I think that Putin looks at the situation through a strategic lens not unlike the above.

I think that Russia will be the new America. It's local populace hammered by a century of murderous global nonsense, its old culture looks to embrace a flood of immigrants from other empires in worse, even much worse, shape than Russia. Russia has room and resources for lots of new immigrants, and looks to have the only meaningful government left standing when all this bureaucratically driven devastation is over. Much "brain-drain" will flee to Russia in search of hot running water and lights that turn on/off with a switch. What we moderns call "creature comforts".

USA couldn't stop the hordes of migrants if it wanted to short of doing to Mexico what Israel does to Palestine... and we'd lose. Drug cartels are their own governments these days, and well-armed, and surely willing to accept arms from foreign entities. Euromerica is being overrun with de facto war refugees with no ties to whatever Euromerica still means ethnically/nationally (McDonalds versus McFalafel?)

Russia is absorbing the refugees of its war with Ukranato. It is also recruiting citizen immigrants. But then, Russia has always been a brotherhood of nations as much as it is an empire. Russia knows how to absorb non-Rus into its family tent better than Euromerica can. It lives on the continent from which Europeans come and USA acquired most of its non-slave populace.

Finally, I say that anyone who thinks that these are "just banker's wars", a shitshow with no punchline, is mistaken. War transcends, however degeneratively, mere socioeconomic reality. It is a human madness, a "wind that shakes the leaves of humanity" (or so something like that by some old Greek-Roman smartypants).

I think one reason we obsess so much on digital panopticons and global vakzination schemes, is because they don't point nukes at us. Life under totalitarian post-modern rule would shit brass bricks but it would at least be a steady gig, whereas post-nuke scenarios are extremely, er, entrepreneurial/disruptive/ temp gig.


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Yep. The fact of the matter is he has Always been a Schauby D Bag protoge’ Of Course he is a globalist. They are trying to play ALL of us for chumps. They are All in on it. Only we, the regular citizens of the world will pay the price. It’s Their club and we’re not in it:/ We all need to quit fighting with each other and go after Them!

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