Check out my article: The End of The PetroDollar, The Rise of BRICS is Here

BRICS Axis is Gaining Momentum in Challenging US Hegemony. But does it matter for the New World Order Control Agenda? Probably Not...

...It was a very foreseeable consequence that countries caught in the middle, and those watching on the sidelines, might start realizing it is not in their interests to go along with and help maintain US hegemony - which they suffer under, and comes at their expense - or inevitably will.

Countries started realizing that maybe it isn’t in their interest to be a slave vassal state that exists to martyr itself at the feet of the US empire in its vain attempt to maintain global dominance…. The global south has gradually been coming to realize that maybe their respective countries, whose governments are naturally entitled to make decisions in the best interests of their people - rather than being forced to cede sovereignty and decision making to other countries or transnational corporations that treat them as vassals/slaves rather than equals, they can instead coalesce around a new axis/world order for protection from, or simply as a hedge against, the US world police bully...

...to address the multi-dimensionality of things... just because the US empire treats the world like shit, doesn’t mean that BRICS governments are coming to save the day...people need to be wary of a meta “savior narrative” and false dichotomy between two world orders that may be, hell, probably are, nothing more than 2 sides of the same globalist coin...

Many view the bloc’s challenging of US hegemony and the idea of returning to hard money as evidence that the bloc itself is going to run an agenda counter to that of the Western axis, that BRICS governments are going to offer a reprieve to the pervasive tyranny and exploitation the US-centric world has experienced so much of.

The question is: Will there be a change of power, or just a change in power? Will the situation for humanity actually change, or will it be just a change in appearance, a change in font, a change in aesthetic - rather than a change in substance? Amidst the multi-polarity rhetoric and the opposition to the world’s boogeyman, the US empire.. what should we actually make of BRICS?

Are the BRICS nations going to save us from the New World Order and the big bad globalists like many seem to make it out to be(or at least seem to hope)?

[For the skimmers out there, I’ll save you the trouble on the answer: Unless you are cool with CBDC’s, 15 minute cities, digital identification, surveillance state expansion and intranational cooperation, carbon credits, ESG, social credit scores, and everything one associates with Agenda 2030 and the sustainable developmental goals…..the answer is no…you shouldn’t* look to BRICs governments or politicians to save you from the globalist agenda they are taking the reigns of]

...lets not kid ourselves and tell ourselves BRICS governments aren't authoritarian globalist cesspools like Western nations, ran by control-hungry psychopaths like all governments... China’s Xi just spoke at Davos in January, as he has many times. Brazil’s Lula and and Bolsonaro are both WEF stooges. Even Putin was a WEF global leader, mingling heavily with Klaus Schwab the Davos crowd, until recently. South Africa and India have plenty of representation at Davos...

Not only are BRICS nation policy makers and business leaders mingling with Western globalists at these forums like the WEF, World Government Summit, and St. Petersburg Economic Forum, sharing common visions of the future - but BRICS and BRICS adjacent countries are actively leading the implementation of many of the dystopian policies that people associate with the “globalists” and the general technocratic agenda for control. ...BRICS, and countries looking to join BRICS+ like the UAE and Nigeria, are leading the way in piloting CBDCs...

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In Romania the state will implement a fiscal security number along the social security number. Only with this new number/ID you will you be able to purchase things in the near future. They say it is necessary to combat tax evasion

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The Slippery Slope becomes a Landslide.

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Revelations 13:17 "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

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How can a guy who shovels manure be so insightful? Love the whole thing Mr Slavsquat. May your hard life prove fruitful.

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NUH UH! Every superpower opposing the u.s. empire is perfectly good in every way, nothing to criticize *wheeze laugh*

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NATO "expansion" is that of a balloon approaching its Hindenberg phase.

I've concluded that the very worst thing that can happen to a country is that it acquire patriots. People who "really care" about their "great nation". No wonder the meek will inherit (what's left of) the earth.

Thanx for the farm pics and I wish you the best with the homesteading.


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oh for a Susan to 'fix this'.....here in our little portion of paradise (and only half-joking) we have merely a Zac -aging pooch of 19 years and as deaf as a post- and Blackie the feline who gets his ultra- and now trendy definition (eg Kamala Harris) - from sporting a black coat of fur (at least he is genuine) which he continues to drop randomly and lavishly over the carpet on a daily plus basis. Both totally useless in all arenas other than providing reassurance and enjoyment and a sense of family. Can we please borrow your little Susan to at least set an example for them ? Ta. (vernacular in NZ for thank you muchly)

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Susan is a very powerful entity, and reminds me of my grandmother from Bucharest. So much is in the eyes.

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Very good - thanks!

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How to contact mr Rurik Skywalker without being a subscriber or using twitter?

I don't use credit card, neither do online payments, only cash but I would like to support his work, because in his last post he was open to outside help aside money...

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Hrvoje Morić is Croatian ustasha supporter, from World War II, I PERSONALLY HEARD HIM IN ONE OF HIS SHOWS! Be careful with him and greetings from a Serb.

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Great interview. It seems to me that it all a race to neo-feudalism, to make all of us slaves, make the world China. Satan's army (NWO) is on the move in this world and all I want to know is how do I get off this ride?

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Gonzalo Lira got caught taking pictures of Ukrainian military positions in and around Kharkiv, and the metadata with these digital pics included GPS coordinates. That's pretty much equivalent to artillery spotting for the Russians. It's amazing the Ukrainians didn't just shoot him on the spot. They were stupid about it, they arrested him on BS charges, and stuck him in a rank nasty cell until he contracted some disease and died. If they were smart, they would have told the truth - but they're not smart.

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Just about every part of that is wrong, including his name (GONZALO Lira). He was arrested explicitly because of what he said in his videos, the SBU even made a video of his 'crimes'. He was put in prison for telling people what role the US, and especially Victoria Nuland, played in the Maidan coup and in provoking the Russians by supporting neo nazis in the East. He died in prison, after being tortured, from easily preventable pneumonia

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As to the name. fixed. Thanks. The rest of what you wrote is, in fact, wrong, what you refer to is the official story, not the actual facts - the stuff you put in there was widely known long before Lira showed up. Nuland's role was known about within the same week that she made her phone call, for example. As for Russians and neo-Nazis, there's always RuSich...

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If the Ukrainians had evidence he had been spying, why on earth would they keep that secret and instead announce that he was arrested for the content of his videos? That makes absolutely no sense.

I'm not suggesting that what Lira said was secret, but he told people who didn't already know about it, at a time when the entire media apparatus was calling that story Russian propaganda.

Always with the stories about Rusich to push the 'nazis on both sides' line. Rusich existed and may have done some bad things to Ukrainian nationalists during the ATO, but they pale in comparison to the Ukrainian nationalist militias, who are the ones that we in the west were arming, funding and training from at least 2013.

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He wasn't arrested for the content of his videos, he was arrested for the metadata on his photos. And the SBU got caught with its pants down, and didn't want to 'fess up to its incompetence - they, after all, knew exactly who Lira supported - and still let him get close to Ukrainian positions on the front. As to RuSich, they're still active and still under the MoD - and far more competent at what they do, which is why they're kept on - see https://slavlandchronicles.substack.com/p/rusich-battalion-leader-aleksei-milchakov The SMO has been stupidly and incompetently run since the outset, Putin should have put Gerasimov & company in the basement of the Lubyanka after the dismal failure of the "Kiev blitzkrieg", joining the clownishly incompetent staff of the Fifth Directorate who induced Putin to invade on the basis of their "intelligence assessment". Instead, Putin has decimated the men and materiel of some of the best combat units of the Russian Army, to gain piddly-shit amounts of Ukrainian farmland... but for some reason, Putin seems to continually double down on his mistake - or maybe he's doing it all for his WEF masters in Davos.

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Using Slavskiy as a reference? Say no more

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Is Susan the cat? And what will she fix? Ignorant cat lady

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appreciate your take on all the non-sense; take care

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