Tim was being sarcastic! I’ve followed him for 2+ years. He loves Alex Jones. He introduced me to The Franklin Scandal. He wore a t shirt that said Free Ghislane Maxwell. He has company called “how to start a fake business” he is a genius actually.
Tim was being sarcastic! I’ve followed him for 2+ years. He loves Alex Jones. He introduced me to The Franklin Scandal. He wore a t shirt that said Free Ghislane Maxwell. He has company called “how to start a fake business” he is a genius actually.
Tim was being sarcastic! I’ve followed him for 2+ years. He loves Alex Jones. He introduced me to The Franklin Scandal. He wore a t shirt that said Free Ghislane Maxwell. He has company called “how to start a fake business” he is a genius actually.
If true, even more of an L for RT!
It’s 100000% true
RT SUCKS TIMS BALLS, or wishes it did.
I’m just throwing this in for PROOF😉 https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ZH_A0FfoSzJOqQJDvrNiS5OPUqk=/0x0:1024x768/1200x800/filters:focal(431x303:593x465)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/67702132/ElXoAgpXUAIpdyp.0.jpeg