yes, this is the biggest difference between the US/West and Russia, in my opinion: the propaganda just doesn't work that well in Russia)) meanwhile, even in the US, which objectively has more transparency (although still so many lies, cover-ups, etc), some parts of the country are full of vax fanatics who will lecture you if you don't we…
yes, this is the biggest difference between the US/West and Russia, in my opinion: the propaganda just doesn't work that well in Russia)) meanwhile, even in the US, which objectively has more transparency (although still so many lies, cover-ups, etc), some parts of the country are full of vax fanatics who will lecture you if you don't wear a mask. I have never seen such behavior anywhere in Russia, personally. (of course it must happen, but very rarely.)
I refused to wear a mask completely this time around as governess Hochul made it mandatory inside. Never heard a single word from anybody, store employees or bystanders, at least in our little corner of the World called Western New York, but with a notable exception of 5 - 10% stubborn freedom lovers like myself people started to wear muzzles religiously again.
yes, this is the biggest difference between the US/West and Russia, in my opinion: the propaganda just doesn't work that well in Russia)) meanwhile, even in the US, which objectively has more transparency (although still so many lies, cover-ups, etc), some parts of the country are full of vax fanatics who will lecture you if you don't wear a mask. I have never seen such behavior anywhere in Russia, personally. (of course it must happen, but very rarely.)
I refused to wear a mask completely this time around as governess Hochul made it mandatory inside. Never heard a single word from anybody, store employees or bystanders, at least in our little corner of the World called Western New York, but with a notable exception of 5 - 10% stubborn freedom lovers like myself people started to wear muzzles religiously again.