I’m sorry I didn’t listen.

P-please, call off the cows.

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imho Satanists observed some time ago that their mainstream media has less and less viewers and is considered less trustworthy. As a result people in higher numbers seek alternative sources of information, sources which were only sought originally by more inquisitive minds. Therefore Satanists are now spending billions to capture alternative media scene and create "Mainstream Alternative Media", to make sure they keep their information control. Since old MSM told you one version (west - good, east - bad), it would be a bit awkward for Alternative Media to broadcast the same message. As a result, Alternative Media must stick to west - bad, east - good as their brand "alternative". That is why for example recently hardly anyone in the west reported Russia banning Rumble, it would show Russia in a bad light. That is why mishaps and thievery of Shoigu are not reported in the west.

The ultimate goal is to keep the illusion of multipolarity going, with all its perks for the Satanists continuing - more military spending, more censorship, scaring the population, more taxes etc.

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You said it just perfec! Thanks, Impy!

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As you noted, the Alternative 'Independent' Media are but a mirror reflection of their Mainstream counterparts, in true Satanic fashion.

Also when Russia began *helping* Ukraine in 2014 and Syria in 2015, the anti-imperialist left threw its weight behind the Russian Federation - and the entire Axis of Resistance. Many of the top indy analysts came out of that period.

I say *helping* because it has always been debatable if Russia's actions were truly productive in either case.

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" Ukraine in 2014 and Syria in 2015, the anti-imperialist left threw its weight behind the Russian Federation - and the entire Axis of Resistance. Many of the top indy analysts came out of that period.

I say *helping* because it has always been debatable if Russia's actions were truly productive in either case. "

UKraine 2014: Part 1: Pre positioning of assets for the future " soap opera".

Syria 2015: Part 2: Preventing any danger to Israel and freezing the conflict while tying Syria's hands to prevent any danger to Israel.

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Sounds about right. Some remarked on this -esp in regards to the special relationship Russia has with Israel- and were generally shouted down for not 'standing in solidarity'.

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I will treat your question as non-rhetorical. A fairly simplistic possible answer is tribal instinct. Us or them? We know our guys are bad. Therefore their enemies must be good. Someone must be good in this world! Ain't it? Otherwise I'd have to jump into the river and well, maybe I'm not ready yet, what with kids and frail parents and all. So I'll choose to believe that our Official Enemies are actually the saviors of the galaxy. I will embrace any supporting information and ignore contradictory data. Otherwise the world would become too complicated. They are superhuman. They are infallible. They play 99dimension chess.

You don't even have to be stupid for that. I don't think moonofalabama is stupid. (O.K., there is Scott Ritter and al, too.) All it requires is a kind of blindness. Besides it's not so easy to find good information if you're not completely into a certain topic.

Now - please release the cow. We are yoghurt maniacs.

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" I don't think moonofalabama is stupid. "

I post there occasionally and its a vicious circle jerk of identical opinions.

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Yes, that's why I stopped reading the comments. When occasionally someone steps out of line and suggests that just possibly once in a blue moon the Eastern powers might do something not 100% smart and moral and holy they shout him down.

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You should come back and join in the " counterattack" there. I need all the help I can get :)

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Muranyi Ur figyeljen.

Aldebaran is a very dangerous fixed star . It cause loss , detriment , crisis ,abnormal sexuality .

Conjuction with the Sun or Moon = eye trouble . ( Baktai Ervin)

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Thank you for the warning. I chose it because in my language it's called 'the beacon of those hiding from repressive authority'... I believe that several interpretations are possible.

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Your work is great because you explain in clear language literally what people of a variety of backgrounds think about what's going on over there.


I'd say it's in part about identity politics. They have identified themselves as "pro Russia" which means, as non Russian speakers, they have very limited understanding of "Russia"... it's a monolithic "identity" if you will.

They will almost ALWAYS ignore anything pointed out that goes against their narrative. It's a veneer of journalism...?

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so why did Putin bother to take him to china with him? is it "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" ?

My instinct is that Shoigu is bad and Putin knows it. But he knew it when Prigozin was telling him. He's known it all along. So there has to be a reason why he tolerated it. Powerful friends I suppose.

This is the real conundrum: the heart of the mystery - what powerful forces dictate what happens in Russia.

Just the same as the mystery about America.

The biggest mystery to me is why these people who apparently get meg rich - really, really seriously rich beyond Croesus - keep turning up for work dressed in uniforms and parading around and listening to endless speeches and sitting in endless meetings etc.. Where's the fun in that?

I am serious. I don't understand them as people.

Why would Joe Biden keep doing what he does? I wouldn't do it for a day.

That Boris Johnson clown?

Ordinary people work either for love of the job or because they have no choice.

These people supposedly have all the choice in the world and never do the job as they should and they have jobs in the world's crappiest environment: bureaucracy/politics at the 'highest' level.

Why do they persist in doing it?

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They get off on the power and attention it gets them. The ultimate feeling of self importance for people who are otherwise forgettable in talent, looks, and charisma.

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May 17Edited
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This is to much for them to understand...


A true position of power... over oneself

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May 18
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Myself=innocence, deeper self

guiltiness= sickness

Sanctuary= Holy place where one is dedicated to self healing thru discipline by reconnecting to the Source, Love before Archontic manipulation


Stay strong and flexible

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In the US Shoigu would move through the "DC revolving door" and as a reward for a job well-done😁 would secure a high paying position with a defense contractor.

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I like cows - please send them to me

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You have a knife ready? I think you'll need a sledgehammer first.

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My most profuse apologies. I had hamburgers in my mind when mentioning knives and sledgehammers.

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Apologies accepted:


Stay well and try it...

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knife, sledgehammer? This are peaceful cows and not Sibirian tigers

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My apologies. I thought you were going to eat them.

My most profuse apologies.

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A .22 shell up close in the space above the eyes works swell.

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Oh well. One wearies of the same old claim that 'they're all working together'.

No they don't. Any half-smart wise guy from the Dagestani mountain mafia can tell you that. Organized crime bands together only to fight The Law, and then they're still disposed to throw each other to the wolves if they can get away with it.

The urge to have a neat tidy explanation for the martial swirl of global events leads us to that hobgoblinoid... oh, let's let the originator say it:

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. ” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson




The propaganda that is designed for the home market is necessarily a different info-diet than that which is designed for foreign consumption. Complaining that news doesn't act enough like propaganda, and/or that propaganda doesn't act enough like news, is... weird.


Re; Shoigu and all that: when the boss doesn't kick underling ass, he is criticized for it. When the boss kicks underling ass, he is criticized for it.

No wonder the boss doesn't care what you think.


Have some good music, played by patented racial stereotypes, on me.


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May 17
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"But I may have misunderstood both Riley's and your words."

Now you're talking. That's where the fun begins. ;)

I view it from both perspectives at once.


I know this: Russia has hypersonics etc. and the West doesn't. China has a massive arms manufactory that the West doesn't. etc. etc. All these superior munitions are aimed by the East at the West. Whatever narrative the players within are pushing, be it en masse in solidarity, warring factions, splinter groups or real sincere patriots vs. not patriots, the dynamics and direction of kinetics tell the tale.

The question asked, ultimately, are Putin/Xi etc. simply working for The Man?


Or do they kinda like having some national sovereignty, that odd little thing that Russia, India, Iran and China have enjoyed for 1,000-plus years, or do they want to be controlled by a buncha crackhead banksters running a fiat scam to rule the world (or at least feed their psychotic power addiction)?

The former makes way more sense to me, and the missiles agree.

When Russia starts nuking itself, let me know.

...and don't even get me started on what my third eye sees.

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The pro-Russian, fairytalists work to line us up on their ‘side’ (of the technocratic fascism); whatever their motives.

From my experience this helps to undermine independent thought and manipulate people to support the other ‘side’ of the same technocratic fascism…..I had close friends refusing to look at the jabs with me because they fell for the lie that Russia was ‘anti-jab’ and wanted to thereby collapse western economies by promoting ‘anti-vaccine conspiracy theories’…..What a great ruse to undermine real opposition. Was this a chapter in the 77th playbook which continues today?

I used to drive cows into to milking some days on the way back from school

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You ask why the alt media does not report what they're saying in Russia. Well because there is no alt media.

Not that I can see.

People such as yourself quote such as Ritter and Macgregor. But their actual output is identical, post after post, it hasn't varied in years and what it adds up to always is a plea for more help for Kiev, actually.

They manifest no real interest in reportage as such. They can't even be bothered over months of 'reporting' to mention that it is a Civil war, that the 'invader' in the first place was Kiev and after '22 and to today remains Kiev. And so on.

Napolitano has whole swag of people that he gets on; possibly covers the whole supposed 'alt media' range? From Hoh to Crooke maybe. But they don't do reportage either. I rate Crooke the best but he only sings the same song all the time: it is ludicrous, terrible, Kiev has no chance. He doesn't push and expose the essence either.

Nor do any of the others.

So I think that's the main thing. We actually have no alt media.

And the other bit is we assume - or tend to assume - that the alt media of Russia, such Rurik Skywalker for instance ( I know of very few, please provide references or even links) are kooks essentially. Wild card rabble rousers. Or conspiracy theorists. The flowery dramatised language and extreme positions they (he in particular) take doesn't help.

Lastly it might be worth remembering we, the readers, your readers, are watching, thinking, listening, waiting. We believe eventually when we've seen it all play out.

We believe, in the end, what we see.

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May 18Edited
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R.S seems a bit fed up to be honest. Ritter et al are pushing a fixed story for material reasons, Edward is jesting from the sidelines while building his village paradise, whereas Rurik just cares about truth and gets fed up because so few people are smart enough and care enough to understand him.

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May 18Edited
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Yes, you're right. Hopefully he'll read your comments and take something onboard :-)

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Reality is very complex and few dare to accept it because it leaves you perplex. In that state, one has to Humble, or find oneself broken, dismembered. In the state of humility, tears fall down, smile may arise from the ruin of our vanity, flower may bloom and innocence be considered a strengh.

"The Dao that is called the Dao is not the eternal Dao".


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May 18
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Strength=ability not to get caught in the swirling lie of the world ruled by Archons

The child and the elder are closer to the Source, hence innocence, hence ability to wonder in beauty, truth of the world out of archontic lies.

Have you ever inquire about Zoroaster's Gâthâs?

Humour is a very powerful weapon against Archontic's mindset, may it be with us!! Memes are weapons of mass destruction against Archontic lies.

May humour be with us, may angels tickle us with feathers once Zhang Zhuang time is over!!

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May 19
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Have you ever watch Nausicâa and the Valley of the wind?

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Some time I play an audio of the Gâthâs when my daughters are here. They joke "Oh , Ahura mazda!", but they understand the greatness of the content and have a magnificent smile on their face and never joke about the deeper meaning.

One can search in Marcion, Gnostics... Fine with, me but the core and source of their quest is here. God as a friend, helping to live thru criminal lies... Not a demented psychopath.


"And no matter what game they play

We got something they could never take away


And it's the fire, it's the fire

That's burning down everything

Feel the fire, fire

Only the birds have their wings"


Some are doing their best to bring back the Gâthâs in music because they were meant to be sung... has it been done in spanish?

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Some people remain puzzled by the bureaucratic concept of being 'kicked upstairs'.

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Yes. Shoigu lost his powerful job. His boss wasn't happy. But unless he gets arrested, it's hard to say that his boss was angry at him. We'll see.

Meanwhile - he was brought with the entourage, on the President's visit to China. If he's destined for Siberia, why do that? Was there worry about another coup attempt, if he was left unattended, back in Moscow?

Clearly this wasn't a promotion - it was a demotion. But he's still in the bullpen, if things go poorly, for the new starter.

As for the bull - very cute. It must be nice living in such rustic splendor, with cows and puppies. Congratulations. You appear to be living your best life. Clearly, it is you, who has been promoted.

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At least Shoïgu's plane didn't risk to be shot down...

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Shoigu is too well connected for that to happen. Putin can't hold things together if he whacks top line officials/comrades/colleagues/cohorts in crime. Nonetheless, Prighozin made a nifty example of himself. In thr process of being assassinated, he reminded guys like Shoigu that assassinatiions at high level, however unlikely, DO happen.

Think of it as Prig's last patriotic act for his country.

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I think the reason for some western alternative media to be 100% pro-russian is the same reason that most people in the West (especially in Germany) are 100% anti-Russian (in other words anti-Putin). They all consume mainstream press. The majority is content with their lives (I don't know why) or have retired in privacy and don't want to hear or see anything negative about their future life. The pro-Russians hate woke-lifestyle and intensification of state and EU pressure. So they glorify Russia and Putin as the great savior. Both groups in common is that they never have been to Russia and don't know a single "normal" Russian. When I telling that not everythin in 'Russia "is gold" (examples: WHO, WEF, mass surveillance, Covid, lockdowns etc.) they don't believe my expertise.

I am also an expert with cows as I studied agriculture (Animal production) in my youth. I am already waiting for the cows. But I need also some puppies educated as shepherd dogs. While I am in the office those cows will have to graze in a public park without fences. The puppies should be able to prevent them from running across the 3 big roads surrounding this park.

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I had a clever comment.

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Discretion is the better part of valor.


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I like cows -- we have a lot of them in Vermont. But yours has those scary horns. Please don't send it after me! I'll be good, promise!

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Other than maybe some uncontacted tribes in the Amazon and North Sentinel Island, the spectacle of an executive or official getting kicked upstairs to some titled but powerless sinecure is recognizable across all cultures. So while I appreciate the details, I never for a moment thought Shoigu’s transfer was anything else.

My question is, what is Edward referring to when he writes that this has implications that some people feel they have to ignore or deny? What’s at stake here, other than for Shoigu and his cronies, such that anyone feels the need to deny the obvious?

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