The weirdos who developed Sputnik V cannot stop lying. When they aren’t lying, they’re promoting Sputnik/Pfizer blood clot cocktails—which is like lying but when your lies murder people.
We were recently alerted to a Forbes interview with Inna Dolzhikova, a winner of a 2021 Forbes Woman Mercury Award and one of the creators of Russia’s completely unproven COVID slurry. Turns out, Inna is also a compulsive liar. We are noticing a pattern.
During the interview, Inna explained how she and her Gamaleya Center pals developed a high-tech anti-Ebola serum, using the same adenovirus-based platform which gave birth to Sputnik V.
“The Ministry of Health has registered the vaccine for medical use. A little later, we began post-registration clinical trials in Africa, in Guinea,” she explained, avoiding the fact that Guinea was declared Ebola free in 2016, while Gamaleya’s “post-registration clinical trials” (involving 2,000 people—wow!) started in 2017 and ended a year later. How exactly does testing 2,000 people—for just one year—in an Ebola-free country prove anything?
Later, Forbes “circled back” to the Ebola vaccine:
- Has the Ebola vaccine been introduced yet?
- The vaccine is registered in Russia. We also have African patents. But now, since there is no such large outbreak, our vaccine is not being applied.
See? There is no reason to seek registration in any country outside of Russia, because there is no more Ebola to fight, especially not in Guinea:
Why wasn’t Russia’s magic Ebola juice used during Guinea’s revaccination program in February 2021? Does Guinea hate science?
Actually, Inna: Ebola is still floating around!—it’s just that your vaccine is totally unproven and nobody wants it.
This is just embarrassing.
It’s double-embarrassing because Gamaleya’s unapproved, never-used-in-any-meaningful-way Ebola vaccine is literally its greatest triumph. This is why they keep talking about it and using it as evidence of Sputnik’s “safety and efficacy.”
These people are frauds. Do you know what Sputnik V is actually “based” on? Embezzlement scandals and non-stop failure.
By the way, has anyone figured out why Gamaleya—which is supposed to be manufacturing its own “brand” of Sputnik V—outsourced the drug’s production to an unknown third party, and then resold “their” doses at a mark-up? Is this just standard middle-man corruption, or…?
So much non-stop lying. It’s all so transparent. It’s right out in the open.
Sadly no country actually knows exactly what the ingredients are in any of the “vaccines”. They all have undeclared excepients in every different brand. I suspect Sputnik V is no different since each country is “all in” with the global depopulation agenda. Some countries, specifically Spain, Germany, South Africa, Poland and the USA have been analyzing Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, J&J. They have all found graphene, hydrogel, Hydra Vulgaris, and other substances yet un named. The required package inserts for the “vaccines” are intentionally left blank, thus no one can actually be certain of exactly what they contain. So people are being injected with unknown substances which have an unprecedented side effect and mortality rate, never before seen, yet they continue to require jabs and boosters. Israelis currently on the 4th mandatory jab, despite public admission of high mortality rates and zero effect on infection. It’s global genocide. If you want to know more details join telegram and follow Orwell City, Karen Kingston and Dr. Carrie Madej of information as well as Dr. Zandre Botha in South Africa Dr. Franc Zalewski from Poland has found parasitic organisms.
The main points are that none of these substances should be in vaccinations that are administered to people, they are undisclosed and secondly globally every country is falling in line with the orders. Russia is no different. A common denominator is that the most vaccinated countries have the highest mortality rates. Some morticians are beginning to speak out regarding the excess deaths post jab compared to deaths from COVID prior to the vaccine issuance. This explains why Pfizer doesn’t want the results of the studies published until 2076. All of the masterminds, and villains will be dead by then, thereby avoiding Nuremberg 3.0 trials., meanwhile Big Pharma continues to amass a fortune. This is corruption on every level and country. It’s pure evil.
These are the Russian graduates of Klaus's Haus (Young Global Leaders) 2006-2012
Milos Ristic
Ioana Popescu
Ruben K. Vardanian
Sergei Guriev
Alexander Ivlev
Kirill Androsov
Nikolay Pryanishnikov
Elena Barmakova
Kirill Dmitriev
Ksenia Yudaeva
Yuri Soloviev
Stanislav Voskresenskiy
Andrei Elinson
Denis Morozov
Nick Dobrovolskiy