https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoZHR941yLs We are getting closer and closer to this, aren't we?

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The globalist tyranny comes under different smells... yet it's the same fecal matter.

We could destroy the "smart" infrastructure like the Brits did in the Oxfort 15 minute test: punk gangs smashing cameras.

But that's like an aspirin for cancer. Instead, we need to destroy the essence of their power: counterfeit money by trillions. Solution?

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with false money: listed corporations, media, medicine, parties, politicians!

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

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The problem is technology is addictive, just look around on the street and see all the sheep stuck to their smartphones.

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Careful with the word democracy..

One vote for everyone - when clearly everyone is not equally entitled?

Majority rules - 51% rules? At least 60% majority or re-election?

Truly representative government is simply not possible - most people just cannot know candidates personally, so they cannot responsibly vote for them.

Absolute transparency and accountability are absolutely impossible, with an out-of-control media propaganda machine, pushing vested interests with hidden agendas.


The rule of man - demos - vs the rule of the One - Theos.

Iran, the Vatican - not real theocracies - just theocratic fronts.

The rule of man is tragically flawed, because "government" attracts rotten apples, unfit to lead.

Democracy, communism, socialism, fascism, monarchy, oligarchy - all failures.

Republicanism aimed to make the ship of state seaworthy, but rotten apples sunk the ship.

How to wake people up?

We are free moral agents.

If we are not moral, we are not free.

Many people just do not want to be free.

So they may not want to fight until they are in prison - too late.

Those who are free will fight for freedom.

Those who can, will awaken, and rally to the flag.

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Real Democracy: Really easy.

Register as voter, if you will. Your voice is weighted depending on distance to project. Project is made if:

- minimum amount of votes are given on project (pro, against, any alternative solution project offers)

- more than (60%?, must be tested out) are pro project

- your vote is permanent, but you can change it at any time.

- every end of month is counting day.

Remember all of this is:

- electronically easily doable

- only vote if you are interested

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It doesn't work like that, or at least, real democracy doesn't work.

Before you can implement a democracy-like system there has to be an agreed set of almost unchangeable ground rules ......and then if you do that it's not 'real' democracy.

But the problem is: I dare you to find anyone or group today, that you can trust to come up with these ground rules or constitution.

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So what? Everything is lost? Don't even try? Wait for the next Great Man they provide?

For what do I need "unchangeable ground rules" to decide if I need a shopping center near my house?

My proposal can be easily added step by step into the currently setting. No revolution necessary, just a little incremental shift the power towards the people. Not another ...ism.

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Great - a perfect digital voting system!

How can the counting be fully transparent and accountable?

Do I get exiled to Siberia, if I do not vote for Putin and his projects?

If I don't vote, will I be fined for being an irresponsible citizen?

If I continue to not vote, will my digital rubles cease to flow?

I am a tad skeptical about electronic infallibility.

More than a tad uneasy about digital identity surveillance.

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Yeah right. But them systems can be made safe. It's just that currently these technologies are used against the people, so we think it's evil. It isn't.

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Technology is not evil.,,but it is addictive.

People attached to their smart (dumb) phones like umbilical cords?

Like dogs on a leash?

Scary. Psychotic.

Farming used to be about working the land by hand.

Farmers had more common sense and insight than city dwellers.

Now farming is about raping the land by machine to maximise profit.

Farmers, in my experience, are less enlightened now.

Surely, machines and technology are compellingly useful.

But where is the road leading?

Is machine/technology utopia even possible?

Agrarian economies are backward.

Industrial economies are forward.

Depends on my perception of backward/forward.

And my evaluation of my life experience.

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"Technology is not evil.,,but it is addictive."

Completely unrelated problem. Has nothing to do with real world tooling for easy crowd based decision making.

"Farming used to be about working the land by hand."

Man, i bet everyone (let alone the farmers) are happy theses days are over. Seeing a single machine doing the work of 300 farmers in 1/100th of the time fills my empty heart with joy and mana. Please forgive my poor attempt of being lyrically.

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Democracy and all other involuntary governance structures are inherently immoral.


Rather than attempt to use violence and coercion to force other people into behaving as we want them to, I advocate choosing to live and build communities in decentralized a way where we create such abundance, health and resiliency that we render centralized systems of oppression (whether they are "democratic" or "totalitarian") obsolete, starving them, leaving them behind and showing others that we can create a more beautiful world to leave for future generations without being threatened or bribed into doing it.


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Nature offers the most potent medicine for waking up and resisting tyranny, I advocate inviting her into our homes, our yards and our communities and aligning with the irrepressible capacity of the living Earth.


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Didn't read the whole wall of text, but it's pretty much the same problem ending all empires. The landlords own everything. This time they print all money thus they just can buy the whole system. And as always, the solution is: Eat the rich instead of feeding them.

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hahahah =))

Yet, cannibalism doesn't work here =)

You see, you've got billion rich and the normal rich. Most of them became rich by rigging the system with their immoral behavior, yet, the lower the pyramid, the higher percentage of "legit" rich. Because they are not in the print-launder scheme or pump&dump, they are not even keeping up, and get relatively poorer every year (though nominally richer), in spite of their constant efforts (they still don't know it's a rigged casino and that the house always wins).

They could be powerful allies... yet somehow, except Steve Kirsch and Malone, who are quite rich (hundreds of millions), we are not seeing any rich in the cause. Why?

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Happy Coder: would you be interested in helping corroborate this? that the BLE signal emitted by some of the charged vaxxed is reaching a human ID site

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Heard that too. Never checked for myself.

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Would you like to corroborate that the BLE leads to a human ID site? I could guide you. Thank you!

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I stumbled onto an article written in 2018 titled: "This is What Life Could Look Like 100 years From Now." It lists all the technocratic "fun" possibilities, that's of course if you're a masochist.

Interestingly enough much of what was cited will happen "not" a century from now, but much sooner.

Here's a description on how financial transactions will take place in the future:

"Every payment and transaction will be forever recorded in a kind of 'universal ledger.'

Everybody would have a chip installed immediately at birth." The transactions would be displayed through a lens placed on your retina. Your credit score would fluctuate constantly based on every transaction or life event recorded in the ledger.

Then, every time you seek a loan, you would be scored instantly and receive offers from various lenders with an interest rate calculated to that moment—based not just on finances, but health data, which "will be constantly streamed and added to the ledger and the credit score."


Doesn't that sound appealing. 🥺 Your entire life will become an open book, or rather "open ledger" where data is recorded based on every personal and public interaction.

That's the plan if the techno/fascists get their way.

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Scary but given the current state of affairs, doesn't seem all that far fetched.

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"Multipolar Technocracy is good because it stops the spread of Unipolar Technocracy, which is bad."

Nailed it Riley - again!

Go to the top of the class - again!

But be very careful, as you may be under digital surveillance, and those whose heads swell, indicating an expanding brain capacity beyond the accepted sustainable development limits, may be considered a threat to the multipolar system, by exposing the fact that it is actually not in sync with the unipolar system. Or some similar justification, for confining Roman, to Slavsquat Village, for life.

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This "anti-globalism" sure looks like globalism on steroids. Be sure to rub this in the face of anyone you know pushing BRICS and Putin illusions/delusions. Thanks, Riley!

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There must be some real anti-globalists nations hiding somewhere.

Guess it is best to stay hidden and silent.

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Keep dreaming. Are you in a bad state? For sure, there are no good ones. All nations are part of the globalist order, the state structures represent nothing but ruling elites, even if their power is limited to their small zones. It's 0.1% against the rest of us, EVERYWHERE!

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Right, wisdom from a charter member Virus Pusher Against Clot-shots. LOL!

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Not at all sure your evaluation of CAF is justified.

Surely any pushback is valuable.

Many sources agree that the pushback is gaining power.

This momentum has been building, at least since the Canadian truckers efforts to fly the flag, which woke many people up, as it could not be kept out of the MSM, or effectively airbrushed.

There are reps who are not on board the globalist train.

I agree with CAF and others, that they deserve all the support we can give.

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CAF and the people she supports are all statists. There is no future for the nation-state, aside from a globalist one, in which the nation state will become basically like a state in the US or Mexico or Brazil or India (or a province in Canada or China, or a republic, oblast, autonomous region,.. in Russia,...) an organ of local enforcement of rules laid down by the global order. The future is either a federation of anarchist, autonomist,...local entities or it is nothing.

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Public, private partnerships to make things "challenging" for you. Some would call that fascism, nooooo, that's hodgepodge.

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Our thoughtful bank account freezing overlords here in Canada are also working to build us a biometric paradise.

At our local supermarket the fear mongering about germs was used to build large re-enforced human corralling fence structures at the entrance and exit (with triple masked zombie eyed covidian cultists demanding you put hand sanitizer on before you go inside) but now that the threat of the deadly plague is no longer being plastered all over the tv screens, the human corrals remain. Not only do they remain, they are now even more elaborate, with little mechanized gates that let you in one at a time while about 20 different cameras are pointed at every angle of your face. All we need now is one of those thoughtful and helpful social credit systems and some CBDC currency and our thoughtful overlords will be able to keep all those pesky dissidents and unvaccinated people out of the stores.

Additionally my bank keeps trying to pressure me into signing up for biometric identification and making it harder and harder for me to just use a password to access my money. Soon, they will likely manufacture some event that will be used to justify making that biometric identification mandatory to access my accounts.

Thankfully, I have larger accounts invested in the economy of the living Earth (through living soil, heirloom seeds and food forest systems I build, save, share and spread) than I do in the fiat currency economy. Thus, when they decide to tell the dissidents to starve or submit, I will say, you can keep your low quality gmo garbage grocery store food, I have what I need in the garden and in the forest thanks.

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The anti-terrorist cultists, high on the opium of some messianic mission to save the world, wanting to electronically scan me in airports to protect me, are the ones who really scare me. I once tried to engage one in the basic logic of the whole scenario - lost cause. No intelligent human life form inside the shell that I could detect. Just some sort of functional clone, robot, machine. Really scary. We pay these clowns, to wave their magic wands around, to keep us safe from the baddies.

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I have not flown in years since our airports all do facial recognition/retna scan grabs and full body scans (dosing the body with high yield directed artificial EMFs). I appreciate the heads up though.

I have no interest in paying those clowns (or any other clowns) that claim they are going to "keep me safe from the baddies" but if I do not pay my 'protection money' (aka taxes) to the multi-generational crime syndicate (aka government) they will send their enforcement goons to beat me down, use their banking enforcers to steal my stuff and lock me in a cold dark room. It is a very effective racketeering operation they have going. It has been working well for squeezing people for their money under threat of violence and kidnapping for a long time now.

Have you heard of something called the "Indigenous Critique" (of Western Civilization)?

Graeber and Wengrow elaborated on it's historical roots in their book titled: “The Dawn of Everything”

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Read the synopsis of "The Dawn of Everything" - sounds like a worthwhile journey - thank you.

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Starting on this comment https://www.corbettreport.com/new-year-open-thread-2024/#comment-159465 and scrolling down I shared a few key excerpt from the book which highlight some of the more compelling historical gems and perspectives shared in the book.

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Thank you for the input - very valuable.

The accepted distinction between the upper and lower classes, critically with respect to land/home ownership and adequate resources to protect/promote personal welfare in all areas/circumstances, is a major concern.

The majority in capitalist societies, have been effectively disenfranchised/enslaved, with no hope of land/home ownership.

Visions of utopia, must enable secure access to the essentials for all.

If the dream of personal freedom dies, alternative regimes, even transcendent digitally engineered equality, might become appealing.

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"They picked that year at random; it has no significance."

It occures to me that 2030 is exactly 2000 years after Jesus Christ started His teaching mission on Earth... Monkeynumerologicmarkingsatan thrives on celebrations and staging things. In 2001 we had this obvious satanic, extraplanetary "prayer"/ceremony in Athens: https://zeitgeist.gr/2022/05/19/mythodia-i-diaplanitiki-synavlia-tou-vangeli-papathanasiou-video/ At the turn of the millenium, invocating Zeus and his fellow "gods" (read: demons); I'm speculating: if that would have been a celebration for the birth of antichrist, the opening ceremony at the London Olympics, in 2012 could represent the devil take over of the child (as predicted and foreseen by Orthodox writings, that the child, borned from a whore - probably in an artificial way, in my opinion -, will be possessed when 12, since devil can not incarnate) whereas 2030 is the year when that indevlished person comes to world power. The fact that althemore... you know... "its" come on to the scene of high level politics, crying out lound their... "particularity", corupts crowds into numbly accepting whatever comes their way, an "it" antichrist, be it. However, while satan plays out his plan, based on the worldwide renegation of Holy Trinity and gross apostasy, the One Almighty and merciful God unfolds His plan based on the prayers of His Mother and all Saints and on the heartly good intentions and expectations in faith of the very few true believers left. Whatever we are going through for the last decades and especially this last several years should humble us to pieces, which is the only way to reignite HOPE.

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Still the best substack worth funding!

I send your stack to people when they say things like “see! Russia is not a part of the Davos crowd”

There’s always silence from them? 🤔

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The world seems to be divided among a few large groups of technocratic powers (not necessarily governments, because they ignore borders). This gangland-style operation ensures that each location is forced into total slavery by people who are in power there (politicians are usually only puppets) and are familiar with surroundings enough to ensure the success of Agenda 2030.

It will be a bit entertaining to see how these groups will fight it off among themselves in the end, but I don't think I'm among those who will be allowed to survive. :)

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2030. Anything associated with this date arouses immediate suspicion.

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Governments started to treat their electorates as state assets during WW1, when the war was a good excuse for introducing passports, which restricted personal mobility. After that, a long list of further rules were created:


By now, people even believe that they are treated as slaves in their own protection:


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Riley has reached the attention of David Icke with this article I noticed which he linked to.


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That nightmare won't work on the run. the more systems are complicated

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Sad to see Mother Russia flirt with freedom and liberty only to do a deep dive back to totalitarianism and slavery. Digital utopia, like all utopias = slavery and death.

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Do they really have the resources to run such a project or will funds be siphoned off for an oligarchs yacht and the end result not working? One can only hope corruption and incompetence take president here too.

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There are always funds available to control the sheep, usually its from your taxmoney too! Jokes aside, this reminds me of George Orwell who said that there would be limited or limitless wars between diffrent powerblocks in the world that are not meant to be won but to terrify and cull the herd. And they also said during ww2 that they could do more in 5 years of war then in 20 years of peace.

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I prophecy that’ll be easier than ever to throw a monkey wrench in their system. In fact, they’ll do it themselves:)

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