There is no "Covid" in Africa. There has never been any Covid in Africa.

40 years ago, we were told the HIV/AIDS would decimate the African population. Since then, the population has doubled. "AIDS" in Africa is what they used to call malnutrition. It has nothing in common with the AIDS of New York.

The homosexual version of this disease has nothing to do with HIV. It is due to these cretins using poppers to relax their anal muscles and to give them a bigger high. It also destroys their immune system.

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There was no COVID in the first world nations either.

Most deaths had 3+ comorbidities and were a bit above life expectancy.

They just rebadged deaths as con-vid .

After the jab, that changed of course, but also put the blame on convid.


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Quite correct. It was a con job. Most people fell for it. But when you know that viruses have never been proven to exist, you can see right through this BS.

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Hi Alfred, not only have viruses never been proven to exist but no germ of any kind has been proven to cause disease.

There are no bad bacteria. What are called bad bacteria are bacteria that perform a cleaning function when toxins are present.

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What about computer viruses? They exist, right?

So why can't biological viruses exist?

And if they can, why don't they?

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Yeah, I use those links to get people to reconsider their beliefs in authority.

It's such a stupid Idiocracy that simple things like stats can blow their lie apart!


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Watch Ed Dowd's latest interview with Greg Hunter. Re: the population deaths that are being covered up, and the fact we are watch a slo mo destruction and collapse of economy.. take aways: things will be harder to find (supply chains), people to do the work harder to find (pop. destruction esp skilled labor), things much more expensive, staples, food & necessities harder to get (engineer famine etc.) and inflation (always more inflation prior to? A good WAR). Watch China and Taiwan, something going to go down there.... prep. by closing out many stock holdings have/ hold aome cash (not stocks) to invest at will, and to park your value some PMs you hold in your hand, or things like land (heavy equipment/machinery my suggestion!) perhaps. RE market going to crash or deflate alot (not alot of people can afford and fewer people looking), we are looking at a slow motion destruction. V. scary. He's in Hawaii, and other partners at his company are in Portugal .... check it out.

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I think this collapse is really going to actually hit the banks. Our money is in productivity and consumption. Their money is in the ponzi scheme called the stock market. That's why they've been doing so many stock buybacks, to hype up the price and sell. At some point this dysfunctional market will drop, and their gambling money will go and they'll point the finger at the winner for cheating lol.

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Have you watched the documentary "Cold Case Hammarskjöld" - Danish director Mads Brügger and Swedish private investigator Göran Björkdahl are trying to solve the mysterious death of Dag Hammarskjöld (Swedish economist and diplomat who served as the second Secretary-General of the United Nations from April 1953 until his death in a plane crash in September 1961). As their investigation closes in, they discover a crime far worse than killing the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

In the documentary, shocking things are revealed that were not asked for, namely, a SAIMR mercenary admits to the camera that they spread HIV through vaccines in Africa.

Here's the part where he confesses, but the whole movie is worth watching:


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No virus has ever been isolated. Let alone shown to cause disease. Look it up.

What they call HIV is a few DNA strands that have a common code. It is not a virus. It is all lies - from A to Z

But it sold lots of "medicines". AZT killed a vast number of homosexuals. They brought it back for fake "Covid". The whole story is so ridiculous. And people are so credulous.

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I agree that HIV is not a virus, but I emphasize that preparations, like AZT, are deadly, and everything they inject with a syringe is especially poisonous. And so they sterilize and maim and kill the population - useless eaters.

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They have to get Africa to stop growing somehow and how better than shots for malaria, for TB for any tropical disease? And not US stuff either since they are very suspicious of US. Of course they could put it in the water supplies I suppose...

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They have been doing that for decades in the West. It is called fluoride. It does not seem to have done any harm to the dental business though.

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The Guardian has been telling us for over a year that Ukraine is winning. They never mention that 350,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed - and twice as many injured.

Give us a break!

The Guardian claims that men can become women and vice versa. It was a respectable rag 50 years ago. But so were the London Times and the Financial Times.

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I didn't know who Gonzalo Lira was until I saw this goodbye video. I guess he has been reporting from Ukraine. Now he is asking anyone who can help to do so.


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He seems to be deeply in trouble. I don't agree with his analysis about ukraine war, but I respect the man. Hope he'll get through that bad situation well. Wish him luck.

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Montagnier, who won the 2008 Nobel for allegedly discovering HIV, admitted in an interview in 1997 that his team never purified HIV.

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Covid was everywhere & nowhere. It was just a flu, and those who died of it were all multi-vaxxed, except a few very old or very weak. Thats why Africa avoided it, except South Africa, where the communist ANC government of Ramaphosa was also fully bought in 2020.

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Hi Lookout,

You're wrong.

Only 25% max of the SA population got the injection.

Ramafuck isn't bought.

He's a better operator than all the first world white leaders added together.

The last thing SA is is communist.

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It wasn't for want of Vrou Zuma & Cyril trying, as they bought vaxxes for the whole population. Where do you think the "estimated to be between $4-million to $8 million" at Phala Phala came from? I'm fairly certain that Tedros the WHO Ethiopian terrorist, on his 3 VISITS to Cyril brought the bribe to encourage the vax culling. "The HJI says that by June 2023 more than 38 million Covid-19 vaccine doses were administered in South Africa, having received several million vaccine doses by directly buying from pharmaceutical companies, through the COVAX facility, and by donations."

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Again your speculation is astounding.

Ramafuck makes money from running diamonds (his brother in law owns a mine in Botswana) and from selling cattle to idiot Arabs who all want a Roman coliseum type farm homestead to show off to their idle loaded mates.

Not everything since 2020 is a covid scam.

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Hi Riley,

I've never posted before on your substack.

I do enjoy your content and turn of phrase.

As someone who lives in Africa, I can tell you for a fact that 95% of Africans will not take white man's medicine.

95% of Africa's 500M souls population consists of working class people who simply do not trust their govt nor their leaders.

So, unless there's an immediate say USD 10,000 cash payment for each shot per person (95%×USD10K×500M = USD 4.75TN) your buddies in the Bad Vlad mRNA meth lab may as well pour their gear into Brandon's tired and gaping ringpiece.

Nazdaroviah comrade.



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Hey Barry! Thanks for the intel from Africa. I'm so glad to hear that the white man's medicine is not in vogue over there.

Be well my friend


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well the africans seem a lot more sensible than westerners are. thank god for that.

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Could you tell us anything about the electric power ration in South Africa? I watched an interview with Maria Zeee and a South African (white) and he said there are days when they only get a couple of hours of electricity. Something to do with the government's agreement to go fully "green" by 2050 net zero... I didn't have time to dig for details...

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Hi XY,

No, that's rubbish.

SA has a lack of electricity generation capacity, because the mainly coal powered power stations have not been maintained since the early 1980s and the capacity was not built for a population of 60M souls.

So it's not a green agenda issue.

The govt runs the electricity supply and the operation is mired in corruption and poor management.

The maximum power outtages have been on very rare days around 10/24 hrs.

Usually it's around 4 hrs.

Our one nuclear power station is also up for maintenance and refurbishment in October 2023 which will put more pressure on the national supply grid.

Green energy is the white man's fantasy/dream in SA (whites are 8% of the total population and only the official opposition party in govt), so green just ain't gonna happen.

Hope I've answered your questions.

Best regards


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Ok thanks for the info

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No worries, brother/sista ;))

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"If Sputnik V is the safest and most effective clot-shot ever invented to prevent the spread of positive PCR tests" --lol, good way of phrasing it!! I'll have to copy that one!!

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They are doing the same with Africa, (and the Middle East and South America), as they are doing with Eastern Europe, introducing a Trojan horse "Russian" vaccine because people from these areas trust Russia more than the West. They are deceiving people by using Russia's reputation as a non-expansive superpower, which has no history of slavery and colonization, and which has not waged imperial resource wars. The Russian government is in the hands of the globalist cabal, and they are using them cunningly to deceive the naive people who still believe in the East-West conflict, and such a thing existed only in the time of the mustached dude.

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Murashko is Russia’s Fauci.

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I would go even further and call him Russian Dr. Mengele, doing the experiments and selections. The only explanation these mass murderers get a good night sleep is that they are true psychopaths. They only understand power - just like Russian oligarchs.

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These big pHarma oligarchs are really overdue for a bit of public gallowing. Along with everybody who is profiting from letting them prosper...

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"The deployment of “new vaccines” was one of many “promising areas for cooperation..."

Notice, how this article could be describing one of the numerous trips Bill Gates made to Africa. Those well choreographed videos where Bill and Melinda seemed so emphatic about the needs of mothers and their children.

These populations felt such gratitude for their philanthropy that about a year ago one tribe threw stones at an approaching UN medical truck.😡

Sad, how nothing will change for African indigenous populations as they're now doomed to get a special dose of an Eurasian dubious concoction which will once again be mandated by corrupt local politicians who are paid handsomely to sellout their own folks. 🤑

The unsuspecting will put their hopes in the belief that one mobster is less vicious than the other, not realizing that gangster cartels associated with the Global Empire didn't amass wealth and power by being tenderhearted. 🤨

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"intranasal clot shot" over

my dead old granny body.

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It's hard and heartbreaking to see Rússia and it's people being destroyed day by day by their supposed "leaders".

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Same as USA only the Russians are more jaded and have learned over 40 years not to trust their gov'ts Unlike the jingoistic faithful mantra repeating 'america is the greatest' masses we have here. Can't see, won't see, don't know... America has perpetuated enormous crimes at the behest of its 'owners' and the 'owners' are definitely NOT the people...

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But at least America's government seems to have a bit more self respect than russia's, and is much more difficult to them to send soldiers to their deaths than in russia.

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Is it really that much harder? I think not. Just a different process to get there that they manipulate. They've got soldiers in Niger for goodness sake! NIGER!! They've got people in Haiti, in every country imaginable where there are conflicts, military advisers etc etc. One step to the next step ...

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Compare American and Russian casualties. There's much more backlash against the government with American deaths than Russian deaths. Just look how the Russian government betrayed and gave the Americans freehand to butcher those Wagner guys in syria.

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Quid pro quo as they say.... and then turned around and loaded down Ukies with useless out of date things they couldn't get rid of like oh, tanks? Tanks they could not use... Tanks the Ukies got slaughtered in. I hear they are now conscripting and kidnapping men and some women from the streets for the 'front'... that's when you KNOW the war is going badly or not wanted by the 'people' but driven by something (one) else. Money laundering in Ukraine anyone? Arms dealing from oh, the stockpile left in Afghanistan making money for the dark shadowy lords and masters? Ha ha. O I hear. yes hear our great leader Buyme saying 'we are out of ammo" and my mind goes to the job lots left sitting in Afghanistan.... No my friend, war IS BIG BIZ in the USSA and elsewhere round the world, and it is driven across the world by the few that profit to the deaths and destruction of many many peoples. Always with feel good slogans of 'our side is winning' (Eastasia and Oceania anyone?). Be they Russian or American or Chinese. Sickening really if you think on it too long. All that money spent on destruction for 'power and control' which could be put to solving problems our globe has, which could make our world so much much better. But no, killing people off in job lots is what the 8000 illuminate, tiny hats, bankers, Masons, Satanist, Baal and Moloch worshipers want...bringing back diseases of the Bible (leprosery or Hansen's disease is on the rise, as is TB I hear?) And this is so they can 'have it all'. And if they can't? Well then they will burn it ALL DOWN. I'm glad I'm due to get off this world (the only way possible of course) and hope I meet my maker. I also resolve never to return to this reality. I feel like the Last Battle in Narnia is being waged, my side has 'lost' and we are going through the portal (of death) being told joyously 'high up and further in' by the Lion Aslan...The other lot? Well they may be going through that portal just to return to the starting point... no progressing for them!

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Between the 2 devils, living under the American government seems less stressful than under the Russian one. In the Russian world one can never plan the day after tomorrow...

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Aug 1, 2023
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I agree. Fiat money and lawyers are the worst of all our problems.

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I had great hopes, but now I'm fully convinced Putin & his government have been bought by the WEF/Globalists. They clearly are following Gates plan to depopulate Africa. Perhaps the alliance is a scheme for Russia to seize the minerals the West has been exploiting? After the depopulation takes effect, that the West couldn't achieve through African resistance. Putin is taking a carrot & stick approach & Africa must be ready.WEF wants the world to be like China & it seems Putin has signed on for the same playbook.

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Vaccines are the most fraudulent racket in modern history. Poor Africa continues to allow itself to be the punching bag for multiple vaccine terrorists. Ever notice that most pandemic scares start in Africa? You would never see a pandemic start in Canada, the US or Russia.

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Gonzalo Lira was reporting from Kharkov. I suspect he has a Ukrainian wife and kids. I am not sure.

He never went anywhere near the conflict or reported directly on anything military. He mainly commented on pieces from the international media and gave his own opinion. The Neocons of Washington hated him and wanted him silenced. He has US and Chilean citizenship. The US embassy did not help him in any way. I hope he manages to get out of that Nazi/Jewish shit hole.

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RT posted a an item pushing the line that both Russia and Africa have been exploited by resource-seeking empires, i.e. "we are one." Meanwhile, Russian enterprises, like those of China, are exploiting Africa, e.g.Lukoil picking up contracts for off shore drilling rights in the waters off Congo,in partnership with Italy's oil giant ENI.

Once again, thanks for the excellent info, Riley!

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Thank you Riley for the piece. It's depressing. Whatever illusions I may have had about the Putin regime, most of them are gone. The first Murashko's picture doesn't make him look like he cares much about humanity. If you find my observation too harsh, keep in mind Oscar Wilde's dictum: "It’s only shallow people who do not judge by appearances.”

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Its genius, this africa-russia summit was all over news, couldn't figure it out the real purpose and ignored it. NOW I KNOW, the real purpose was to sell vaccine to Africa and kill as many Africans as possible, because generally Africans, trust Russia/China more than the west, thats how the image they created in the world, holy crap, i thought they done with the vaxx and covid not yet apparently, they still have africans to go after

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"They" have to rein in the population in Africa, and this is one way to do it...since they know better than to take US Drugs and Vaxes...

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