Amazing! Ukraine is blowing the hell out of Russia's energy infrastructure, and Russia is returning the favor in kind, but both sides manage to miss this huge pipeline, going from the frontline and traversing the entirety of Ukraine. Someone, somewhere, has been incredibly competent for the past two and a half years. Gerasimov is probably unaware, else the pipeline and transit stations would have been - accidentally (Oooops!) - blown to a flaming utter ruin...

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Seems our masters are not yet ready to pull the plug on Europe.

Maybe they fear an invasion of fat and ugly old men streaming to all countries with a beach or so. I'll be most likely one of them.

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Some "realists" would say that both states (and corporate on both sides) essentially need this business to go on, just to exist, having flow of money. Otherwise the already crumbling system would immediately stop working and that doesn't mean there is a real fight on different levels, be they ideological or else.

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Except that Russia has managed to sacrifice 600,000 of its citizens, killed, maimed, or wounded over the course of the last 30 months, to make diddly-shit gains in Ukraine, over what Russia controlled in 2022 - look at the map: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-september-2-2024 This looks less like a war than retroactive birth control... And speaking of cash flow, there's the $1 billion USD the US pays to Russia every year for uranium for power reactors to generate electricity...

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Where did you get the 600 000 number? I mean, I am an old reader of the wonderful Substack, I am really asking, not trying to troll in any way.

As to the 1 billion USD, yes that is a huge sum but the income of the gaz flow may very well be necessary to the RF's economic stability or maybe it's very existence.

Yes, this conflict is a mass Slav inter-slaughter which might 'profit' some tribe's member's desire of some kind of revenge.


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It seems to be a Ukrainian estimate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqgRG3_FT_s -so it may well be inflated, but Russia lost its entire complement of elite troops due to Gerasimov's murderous incompetence, while the troops under Surovikin suffered far less, because the Ukrainians ran off when faced by his troops. A million casualties for the militaries of both sides may not be far off the mark for so little territory being fought over - see the map at https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-september-2-2024. I wonder if Surovikin studied US General George Patton's tactics, because I see a lot of what Patton did in Surovikin's actions - and Patton lost far fewer troops than did, say, General Montgomery of the British Expeditionary Forces. If Gerasimov had been replaced by Surovikin, the war would have been over a year ago, instead Surovikin was driven into exile and Gerasimov was retained and then promoted. And Prigozhin was absolutely correct about the MoD and its corruption and incompetence. At this point. a general ceasefire and cessation of hostilities would be the most reasonable thing, since neither side benefits from this slaughter - while, as you point out, others do so...

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Streamfortyseven (courant quarante sept),

Thank you for having understood I was not bullshiting but just wanting to engage as free Men devoid of sacred cows.

As to the victims of that slaughter, I tend to refer to :


Which appear to be the most interesting source. What a slaughter house anyway.

I think we agree that their is lot of corruption and incompetence en Russia's leadership.

If you don't know that website, it is a very relevant source of analysis;


Riley (Susan's human, the author of that substack) used to interview Karine.

So Man, take care....

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I am just listening a French political video whee they mention the fact that Telegram was to borrow 2 Billions and suddenly I also remembered that the so called cleansing of the river Seine in Paris (LOL!!!) cost 1,4 billions... Si 1 billion is not that huge at the international level... Nothing to compare with gas. So gas is vital for Russian economy.

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Truman Show

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Trumananov Showsky, comrade.

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Some supposedly well informed people are saying that:

Nordstream was blown up to sabotage Europe's energy supply; and

Ukraine is losing the war because Russia has access to Telegram.

Thanks to Edward and Co, some of us are better informed.

However, I just do not understand how the facts keep getting so badly scrambled.

Propaganda can deceive MSM addicts indefinitely apparently.

Why are others who should be better informed, also constantly getting the facts wrong though?

Oh I get it: the intersection of misinformation, disinformation and malinformation!

Censorship on steroids with horns, a tail and even a pitchfork!

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Hi Seed,

There is also the fact that the daily life in the West has became so psychologically 'terrible' that one's psyche is desperately seeking for some kind of sanity and the complexity of 'truth' is difficult to handle.

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I don't know man. I live in a wonderful American town at the base of the Rocky Mountain. Life is nice here; 95 percent white, very little crime, nice parks and lakes all over.

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I also live in a peaceful village. My house is close to the forest. Nevertheless, most people are living in denial of the weird events that happened just a couple of years ago. This is not sane. Then, there are those who are in the cities and have also mental problems which are not treated. A good friend of mine who is a psychologist in a village close to the biggest city (Oyonnax) has never had so many patients.

The most informed by independant media need to make sense of all this madness and the one we are having ever since. This is the reason why they need to figure out a good player in a geopolitical environment that they are just discovering, for most of them.

That being said, I wish you the best.

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Whatever happened to the Nord Stream?

They broke 3 pipes but one was still good.

Why didn't they continue to use the good one?

Also they said it would take a year to fix. It's still not fixed?

Endless bs war to screw European people and both Russia and the West are playing this game.

By the way... I recalled that they were raising the draft age in Ukraine way back, but somehow they never ran out of people? Instead we get the story that they went up to older ages. Ok fine, but then why still the videos of young men getting thrown into vans? I thought they ran out of younger men.

Endless war, don't believe your eyes, believe the propaganda.

Be afraid of ww3.

Cheer for a side.

Be a good citizen for Oceania OR EastAsia.

Glory to the globocap™️ empire.

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I regularly see some of those videos and they always features people from late 30 to 40 years old... Videos are not proof of sociological facts. Many testimonies inside Ukraine attest to the fact that the regime (zelenski is officially not the legit president of the country anymore since the 20th of May) has tremendous difficulties with sending people to the meat grinders.

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What I want to know is how is manning that gas pump in Kursk. Russians? How do they get there? Do they go there every day, driving from Sudzha and back? Do they show papers to local AFUs?

Or is it a remote-control station?

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Very good question indeed. it may be that it is important for Ukes to run that station like it is for Russia to manage the Zaporozhye nuclear plant. The best question a real journalist would try to solve, sure.

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Peasant Woman hairstyle technology, is an impressive advance for mankind.

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I had that hairstyle back then and my older brother said I looked like a rain gutter.

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Thanks for the update Susan!

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Great job, tovarisch Susana Edwardovna Slavsquat!

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Do I need to get my old school desk out of storage and practice hiding under it for when WW3 begins?

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All hail the great friendship between President Yeltsin and President Clinton, and don't forget to honor the great work of Jeffrey Sachs. :-)

About 10 days ago i remembered it was the anniversary of the 1998 collapse of the Russian stock market and the currency, and the vultures moved in.

Good one, Riley. Yep, the gas just keeps flowing through that pipeline.

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Does that mean Ukraine debt default is hinged on UK managing the gas? I’m so confused. Russia and UK both supply gas to Europe for banks?

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The lyrics in English ( not perfect but you'll understand):


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Banks and local economies...

Take care

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Thanks. Will do. I’m in the bush, doing pretty well so far.

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Be well Man!

Because you are a rapper I send a link to a very, very good lyrical work couple with a very very good associated video clip from Mysa. A rare jewel of the sort:


I guess it doesn't take to understand French to grasp the high quality of the thing.

One Love


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I wish I knew how to speak French. Looks like a great track. Thanks for sharing it!

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I was just chuckling to myself at the Russian phrase "cosmic ship" (from the Soyuz 26 article) when I realized DOH! the English is just as goofy (spaceship). Anyway, please keep posting those old news/magazine clippings because I love them.

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Susan is so adorable, makes the news much more interesting!

Keep at it from Edward Manor!

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Is that Susan - with her tongue sticking out - getting rather hot and bothered when the news turns to "animal breeding" ?

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Its just like Scatter said in SUPER FLY, the original, 1971, "you are on your own".

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I love seeing those old newspapers and magazines. I wish my Russian were better.; it's been 50 years since my last Russian class. I can "read" the words and pronounce them, but I've lost most of my vocabulary.

It's interesting to see how the classic propaganda art (with Lenin in the background) was used as late as 1987. I picked up a bunch of propaganda posters on my trip to Russia in 1971, but alas, I lost them in a divorce in 2020.

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