"The Russian Ministry of Defense wants to change the age limit for mobilized soldiers to 65. Currently, no one older than 50 can be mobilized."

what a great news for Russians just before presidential election. Fyi - for decades retirement age in Russia for men was 60y. In 2018, the Russian Government approved a bill to gradually increase the retirement age for men to 65, starting from the beginning of 2019 until 2028. Currently it is 63y.

All in all, you might be considered too old to hold an office job, but you are not considered too old to crawl through trenches in sub zero conditions, carry say 20kg of mil. equipment all day and fight to death.

But think of the money that will be saved on pensions!

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> It would be “illogical and inappropriate” for Moscow to withdraw from the World Health Organization ... He explained that Moscow seeks “cooperation with those countries that accordingly support our direction” on issues of global health ...

Cooperation is a good thing. It can lead to scientific advances. However, being threatened with a so-called "GERM" response team by Bill Gates does not count as cooperation (unless they've redefined that term, too).

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It's all a huge con.. deadly genocidal con

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Riley Waggaman aka Slavsquat on The Putin Interview with Tucker Carlson - the Multipolar New World Order - Ukraine War

RW: .."On some level there's always going to be this idea that Russia and China are completely breaking away from the West and are not going to.. be dealing with the crazy..Washington and its vassals. I mean we know just from the current reality that's not true and also I'd have to say if such a new geopolitical architecture helps to stop senseless wars, then that's obviously a huge plus.

But at the same time you got to look at this holistically and look at the whole picture..What's happening domestically in almost every country that I know of: it's a huge crackdown on freedom of speech; a huge uptick in all sorts of digital tyranny - biosecurity theatre.

Unfortunately I have to say that BRICS has been used as a vehicle to promote CBDCs which I consider personally to be a huge threat to human dignity.

Multipolarity does not mean the end of world governance. In fact it is world governance just allegedly on a more equitable playing field.

If you're someone who is fearful of world government uh you know projects and initiatives such as the stuff that the World Health Organisation pedals..there's reasons to..stay on our toes. We're not out of Harm's Way.."


Slav kills Slav

RW: .."When the SMO started we had that sort of famous Blitzkrieg and rush towards Kiev, which was semi encircled, and according to Putin an agreement was drawn up; there was going to be some sort of ceasefire.

The agreement, at least according to Putin. contained some sort of language about outlawing Nazi ideology, and then according to Putin, Germany and France came to him and said:

"You can't expect Kiev to sign this agreement with a gun to their head. Please pull your troops back.”

And Putin did that..and then Ukraine actually used that opportunity to build up its military; get supplies from Washington; and continue the war.

So I guess my problem with this idea of how much can Russia tolerate? Well it had a gun to Kiev's head and then it allowed itself to be lied to again.

I don't get this..If war is politics by other means and and you know again and again again, over the last 30 years, Russia has been deceived and lied to and led by the nose, why would you then launch a military operation to solve this issue and then sort of decide: "Well okay, we're not going to wait until the issue is actually solved. We're gonna take the word of the West again."

..How many times can you be led by the nose?"


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lucy, charlie brown and the football.

our politicians play it too, and the proles never seem to catch on.

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> The share of Russians who refused to use biometric data was no more than 5%

This is the problem.

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Red light on the truth meter went beserk over this input.

Could have just been a power surge.

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I don't believe in power surges. xD

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The wording is a bit misleading (in Russian too). https://avto.vesti.ru/hitech/article/3791028 I'm not sure whether he's referring to 5% of citizens who have specifically gone out of their way to state their refusal to have their biometric data collected and used (https://www.gosuslugi.ru/help/faq/biometrics/64889 -- involves going to a govt office or bank and making a written request. Many people against their biometry being collcted/used didn't do this, as they smelled a scam, were too lazy, had no idea this was an option, or had no idea their biometrics had already been collected) or 5% of people who have said no when the nice bank teller asked to take their picture, or something else entirely. In any case I doubt that it was presented as "hey would you like to have banks and the government collect and use your biometric data?" Because I'm pretty sure the no's would have had more than 5%. Of course, opinions are nice to have, but if you get fooled nonetheless it doesn't matter much, I guess.

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Seems to me that Russia is in the same mess as the west. This is going to end badly for everyone. As Gerald Celente says; 'When all else fails(and it has, covid didn't work as expected and no one in their right mind is buying EVs because no one believes in the climate change narrative)they take you to war'. History proves Gerald to be correct.

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"This is going to end badly for everyone."

i cannot agree with your opinion of the future. the nature of reality, yin/yang

states that if some thing exists, so too does it's complement. therefore some will do well,

some people will survive, learn, grow stronger,

and some of the corrupt, or many of them

will fall to their own machinations.

every man has a choice on whether or not he goes to war,

decides if there are reasons for such drastic actions.

perhaps the war you speak of will be;

those on the side of Life, Peace and honouring the Creator and Creation

and those on the side of death, destruction and falsehoods..

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That’s not Taoism that’s social Darwinism lol

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When I said 'everyone' that was an externalized generalization. There are rough waters ahead, no doubt. Hence; newmoonfarm.ie

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Feb 11, 2024
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God allowed many things so far. What makes you think he won't allow Global Thermonuclear War and the following 1000 years of slave societies?

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Feb 11, 2024
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Cute. Obviously trying to argue with you is going to end in disaster but let's at least perform a single simple test. This Yahshua person, what of him? What's his deal?

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Feb 11, 2024
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Well, you mentioned his body so that particular test has been passed. If you had been chanelling a demon (directly), you would have denied he had a body. Although I suppose there are still little details that can make it go anywhere.

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"Russians are complaining that Chinese cars and auto parts function poorly in winter conditions."

'According to University of Michigan Energy Institute, driving and charging an electric vehicle in colder weather has its nuances because temperatures "below 40 degrees" Fahrenheit can reduce charging power.

The average winter temperature in Russia is 14 degrees Fahrenheit. No wonder, EV owners are having trouble charging their vehicles.


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Regis is so oblivious to the bullshit Russia pulls.

You told him multiple cases where Russia plays the victim in a stupid way and it goes over his head.

He reminds me of an Eastern version of my father.

Maybe it's a boomer thing lol

Here's a great interview with former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis where he goes into the different ways big tech is like a modern fiefdom. In China though, the banks work with the tech... Meanwhile in Russia and USA the banks have way too much power..


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Thanks for this comprehensive round-up. A couple of comments:

1) Norway also announced it would be sending more NASAMs to Ukraine.

2) Here in Tiraspol (PMR), cucumbers are scarcer's than hen's teeth and insanely expensive. I have a feeling that the issue stems from a lack of supplies from Turkey, for reasons that I'm unaware of (Turkey is the #3 global producer of cucumbers). But I do know that Holland previously provided a heck of a lot of (hothouse) cucumbers for Europe, so recent legislative attacks on farmers there may also be affecting the global "supply chain."

3) Tomatoes, by contrast, are widely available here at normal prices for this time of year. Tomatoes are just about the ideal vegetable to grow in vast quantities inside natural gas-powered hothouses (aka greenhouses), so I have no clue why Russia isn't producing all the tomatoes it needs, domestically.

4) If Chubais ever strokes out from a Covid shot, I don't think there will be many people crying about it :)

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Some hard core stuff in here, thanks, Riley!

"• It would be “illogical and inappropriate” for Moscow to withdraw from the World Health Organization, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said during an interview on February 5. He explained that Moscow seeks “cooperation with those countries that accordingly support our direction” on issues of global health, and supports “exchange of data and information”. According to Murashko, the “pandemic” demonstrated the need for “cooperation” with the WHO. [ria. dot u]

• The coronavirus pandemic has not ended, Gamaleya Center Director Alexander Gintsburg insisted on February 2. “The past pandemic, in fact, continues, because the pathogen has not gone away, it has only become more numerous, and has given a powerful impetus to many technological areas in healthcare and science,” Gintsburg said as part of Health Day at the Russia International Exhibition and Forum in Moscow. [interfax dot ru]

• Coronavirus currently does not pose a significant risk to people’s lives and basic health, said Anna Popova, the head of Rospotrebnadzor. She added that compulsory mask rules were unnecessary, since the disease is not severe and only a small number of people become infected. [ria dot ru]

• The term “disease X” is used to model various situations; it is not a specific virus, said Anna Popova, head of Rospotrebnadzor. She explained that health experts need to calculate various epidemiological scenarios in order to prepare responses to possible threats. [ria dot ru].....

• Another 17 Russian banks are preparing to join the digital ruble pilot project, according to a press release from the Bank of Russia. Among the credit institutions planning to join the project are Rosselkhozbank, Tinkoff Bank, and Sberbank. The Central Bank and a group of banks began testing the digital ruble in August 2023. At the moment, 13 credit institutions, about 30 trade and service companies, and approximately 600 citizens are participating in the project. [gazeta dot ru].....

• The Moscow Region will create a “digital profile for migrants”. The profile will consist of “electronic card with a chip” that will contain the individual’s fingerprints, medical examinations, and other information. [regions dot ru]

• Estimates of the number of illegal migrants in Russia are varied, but it is now believed that there are 3–4 million of them, the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ demographic institute told RBC. [rbc dot ru]

• State Duma deputies want to create a nationwide pet identification system. The lawmakers believe it would be easier to identify animals if they were required to have a “brand or tattoo” that contained data about their owners. [klerk dot ru]"

Amidst everything else, the global project to implement 4IR continues, with FULL PARTICIPATION by Russia and BRICS.

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Thank you for this very informative update, Mr Waggaman. It's always appreciated. I don't comment to your posts often, but I always read them.

I would like to take the opportunity to leave a comment here about a (recommended) discussion between Mr Rurik Skywalker (comments only open to subscribers) and Mr Iaian Davis (but they are both subscribers here, so perhaps they will read it here, and of course Mr Waggaman's subscribers might benefit from this comment).


Mr Skywalker expresses an interest in the metaphysical or esoteric reasons for events in the world right now (just like Mr Hrvoje Morić of Geopolitics & Empire does, from time to time).

It's important to know that by viewing absolutely everything 'esoteric' as 'dark' can only lead to misunderstanding and limited knowledge:

A lot of what's unfolding in the world at this time is both ORGANIC and CYCLIC on a metaphysical level:

Ancient civilizations understood very well what would happen at the end of a very long cycle (the End of Days/End Times, also described in the Bible), which is; people and their rulers become destructive and self-destructive at the same time (it's not only the elites - the is a general trend, meaning we also have to look at ourselves). Humanity destroys itself at the end of the cycle. THE REMNANT makes it through to the other side and starts a new world.

At the end of a long cycle everything degenerates into collapse. It happens internally (spiritually/mentally/consciously because of collapsing morality, ethics, conscience, etc), as well as externally (deterioration of rule of law, corruption, authoritarianism, etc). Please See: Pitirim Sorokin: 'The Crisis of Our Age' (transition phenomena described in detail).


We are at the end of a 26,000-year cycle (Precessional System - The 'Great Year' in the Yuga system) as well as transitioning between two 5,125-year 'Great Cycles' (in the Maya system).

Accelerationism: ("embracing apocalypse through acceleration") is the result of darkening and declining consciousness at the end of this 26,000-year cycle. The 26,000-year cycle 'reboots' in 2032 (which is why 2030/2032 are such important years and feature in so many agendas).

Everything is being accelerated because 2032 is a deadline (time is running out! - so limited windows exist for certain forces to achieve their objectives), after which everything turns UPWARDS again in the cycle - this is the GOOD NEWS.

Detailed information on the metaphysical big-picture view here:


[free download]

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metaphysics is mostly nonsense.

if we are to believe anyone, then anyone can make up anything about metaphysics, and it should all be taken equally seriously because it is literally all unproven opinion/assertion. in that sense, i should stop listening to anyone else and go back to praying to the rocks in my backyard. that would have just as much validity.

including "string theory" , ie maths told us it should work, therefore the world does work this way.

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The final bullet point item - "pet identification system"......how long before they simply cut out the "middleman" (the pets) and WE become the tagged pets??

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A very rich and varied news survey. An ideal way to remain informed. Thanks for plowing through all that and giving the condensed contents.

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If you are planning for enhancing your 2024 garden back in the village life and would like to get some highly productive (and delicious) crops in there (assuming you and/or Ekaterina do not already have them growing on your property) I highly suggest looking into Serviceberries/Saskatoon berries. Amelanchier spicata and amelanchier ovalis are already naturalized in Russia (but I think Amelanchier alnifolia would do well where your place is at as well).

If you are unfamiliar with this species and want to learn more about service berries, here is a link to my most recent post that delves into amelanchier (service berries) and the many benefits it can provide in the context of permaculture design and forest gardening.


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mr. slavsquat, the obvious way to get rich (at this precise moment and place) is to get a geothermal heat bank underneath a green house and start growing tomatoes and cukes for the hungry cities on your newfound homestead.

raising them "on gas heat" is a dumb waste of resources and raises the costs. even if gas is abundant in your country.

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Facilitating valuable information sharing and dialogue.

I must rely on Riley and others, for input I just do not have the resources to investigate in depth.

I appreciate, that Riley says what he thinks about whatever, and why.

Some others state the facts as they see them, without any explanation, implying or actually stating that others are deficients or inerts, if they don't know whatever.

This attitude and input is not helpful.

At least some reasons for stated views, or links to information, are appreciated.

Some commenters have probably invested tons of hours, and are experts in certain areas.

Others have only had limited information input.

Even if we have all had tons of input, we may not all come to the same conclusions.

I appreciate the attitude, that meaningful dialogue is valuable, regardless of starting points and endpoints not set in stone.

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Brave, life expectancy in Russia:

As of 2013, the average life expectancy in Russia was 65.1 years for males and 76.5 years for females. The average Russian life expectancy of 71.6 years at birth is nearly 5 years shorter than the overall average figure for the European Union or the United States. The Human Rights Measurement Initiative finds that Russia is able to fulfill 78.0% of the requirements for basic health, in relation to Russian income levels. Before the revolution, Russia's annual mortality rate was 29.4 per 1,000 people, and infant mortality was 260 per 1000 births. In 1915, life expectancy at birth was 34 years.2 The lack of complete....

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that's ok, we in the USA!USA!! are desperately trying to catch up [down] with you.

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