Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

What a delight this post is ;-)

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Yes indeed!

I am super excited to see how that pepper infused village cheese turns out!

And when they combine the power of endless cheese with the power of endless heirloom peppers through seed saving, they will be capable of destabilizing the entire global economy!

Long live the Edward Institute!

(for more info on how heirloom pepper power is almost as world changing as puppy power and endless cheese power: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/hot-peppers-for-health )

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

It's wonderful to learn that the "Institut Slavsquat du fromage fin" is now fully operational.

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Hearty congratulations to mum, pupsters and the team.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

"...a spunky village Parmesan. Whatever. "

I've been making cheese for a year now, every week 2 extra gallons of raw organic milk from a local dairy that delivers. A humbling experience... from the same ingredients, one gets such different results. Cheese seems a perfect example of how one's intentions manifest.

We friends opened a "Brie" post-sauna Sat here at Doomstead Whey. Close, but no cigar. We also got to open the first bottle of my home brew ice-wine cabernet. Too sweet for my taste, but good sipping with the cheese.

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It is alchemy, working with those ancient bacteria and yeasts, transforming one thing into another more tasty, bioavailable, shelf stable and complex thing, it is magic I tell you!

Ice wine eh, I used to pick the grapes for the vineyards that make ice wine out west, great pay (40$ an hour and that was 15 years ago) but you have to get up at 2 in the morning and work with numb sticky hands with a headlamp in minus 15 C weather, haha good times. Did you guys grow the grapes and harvest them outside or use a freezer? Have you ever tried making Ice Cider or Ice Perry? It can be formulated to be more dry and well balanced if you add in some crabapples for tannins and organic acids, really tasty stuff.

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

love this post, thank you

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Are there in Russia wine-making supplies stores? Because they have the best mesh bags to hang the cheese, I use now only one of those. You seem to have just cheese cloth, right? And how this dog has so many puppies, she is some sort of champion. I thought it was her first pregnancy. I also thought that she is not yours. Puppies are very cute, I hope they all survive. The mom has only six nipples usually, how she manages? Feed her well, poor thingy, I don't know - red meat? Good luck with everything!

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

dogs usually have 8-10 nipples, actually. Just enough)

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Somehow my reply to you turned out as a separate comment, so I place it again here. Let us hope, it's just I used to know one dog who was runt of the litter, was the seventh puppy, had to be rescued. Grew up into something huge, though :))

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Congratulation Riley,

As a French, I am glad to see that you won't drink samogon with you cheese but a red wine. You definitely are civilized.

But what kind of wine is it?

I wish i could send you a bottle or two but I don't know if it is possible at the present moment even if french companies in fact still operate in Russia and one Systema senior instructor has had a visa to come teach in France (great!!!). If it is possible, let me know, it would be a pleasure to send some bottles to add to my monthly contribution to your R and D countryside culinary experiment.

As to the puppies, I guess the cat presently lying on my laps wouldn't find it a good idea...

Try some camembert!

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you are vey kind my friend. I'll do some research and contact you if I think it's possible to transfer some red wine. We are currently brewing our own fruit wines, but obviously there's no comparison to the liquid delights you have in France))

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Do you research and contact me. It wouldn't be very expensive collector's wine but genuine 'vin nature' or organic with local grape varieties. There could also be a bottle for the guy (I forgot his name) who destroyed you wood stocking master work. Has he ever think someone in France would think about offering him a present? I actually thought about that already when I read the article.

The Systema instructor is Vladimir Zaykovskiy.

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Mar 19Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I am just back from the local wine store where the owner is a great man. He checked if the shipment was possible and found a kind of 'premium' way of sending bottles in Russia. It would be in Russia in 48 hours but it's rather expensive. I would do it but he will find a way to make it less expensive. I told him the whole story and as he definitely is not anti-Russian (lol) and understood the gesture, so we have almost already chosen what organic wine (made with love and passion) we could send you.

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Mar 19Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Necron sends troops against Russians (against French in fact), Bugey Libre will send wine in Russia!

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Zelensky is far more efficient than Riley!! Yes! If micron had told him he was about to send him some missiles and some funds, he would certainly have sent him his address, his bank account number in Croc'dile's Island.

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Wow right on man! Home brewed wines, nice work. My parents had a vineyard and winery in BC and I worked in viticulture for well over a decade (from the "cellar rat" job title to vineyard manager) so making wine is in my blood now. Elderberry and Goji berry make for superb ingredients for homemade wines and they take the beverage out of the fun and tasty realm and into the fun/tasty and medicinal realm.

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

PS: If I sent you some bottles it would of course be wine you would never ever buy in Russia.

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DHL still operates to/from Russia but pretty limited in what they’ll accept for transport.

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Mar 19Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Thank you for making me smile today.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 19Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I enjoy your above-par sub-stack so much, every time. Thank you heartily from the Willamette River Valley in Oregon USA Inc.

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Wonderful! The village has such advanced technology , who would have thought it?

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Mar 19Liked by Edward Slavsquat


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It's generally underneath the arse of the man wearing the manure-encrusted boots we must kiss or be forced to write po-mo critiques on the Art of Wood-stacking.

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Riley discovered the perfect "blue pill".

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Cheese and puppies, what better combo could htere possibly be? ! Wow - ten! Clever girl. You are all so clever.

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Now that the Institute has mastered canine DNA, maybe now it has the technology to develop the antitdote to artitficial mRNA?

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Yes! I think you are onto something there.

I advocate that they make pine needle and turmeric infused Parmesan cheese ;)

They can secretly gift this cheese to their spike protein shedding neighbors to simultaneously impress them, make friends, heal their spike protein filled bodies and mitigate all the spike protein shedding!


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In all seriousness though, I actually did something similarly sneaky to what I suggest above in the hopes of helping my synthetic mRNA injected family members under the guise of gifting them fun tasty Christmas snacks (well they were actually fun tasty christmas gummies, though they served another purpose on top of that).

Check it out: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fab76fb91-3429-4d90-bb55-c2611000feb1_489x640.jpeg

This pic linked below shows some of the ingredients that went into making my immune system optimizing (shikimic acid rich) pine needle infused gummies (I also included, Cannabis infused coconut oil, echinacea root extract and matcha powder). The gummies were created to be a great source of vitamin C, antioxidants, essential oils, and medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), minerals, nootropic compounds (such as L-Theanine, Epigallocatechin Gallate and Pterostilbene) and serve to stimulate increased levels of mitochondrial biogenesis and also to help prevent the spike proteins from fucking up my brainwashed family member's cardiovascular systems.

(some of the ingredients: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F09ed2598-6442-4161-9517-a8b1542c8011_2040x1470.jpeg )

I told them the ingredients and just listed the health benefits not related to mRNA detox so it would not rattle them/deter them from eating them (considering their delusions about "safe and effective" government approved genetic slurries).

They all said they liked them a lot and (unlike 3 of my high school friends that took the injections) none of them have dropped dead from heart attacks or contracted myocarditis yet as far as I know, so who knows maybe they helped! :)

The gummies tasted great and packed a real punch (THC wise) so they gave you a fun night or a good night's sleep while also healing the body.

I shared more pics of how I made the gummies here:


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Wow. Pine needle infused gummies! Obviously, you need to patent this and sell the rights to the Institute.

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:) haha ya man and they even had that crisp christmas tree taste and aroma!

I am not really down with intellectual property laws I think such systems are mainly a way to hyper-consolidate/hyper-centralize control, wealth and knowledge (I am more about decentralizing all those things) but I think that idea is very amusing and thank you for making me smile.

I`ll share the basic recipe with anyone motivated enough to make their own medicine in the hopes it can help people to boycott big pharma, create resilient communities to boycott statist systems and just make life more enjoyable in general. I am a firm believer in contributing towards a gift economy. I will also be including recipes like that in my next book (Stacking Functions in the Garden, Food Forest and Medicine Cabinet : The Regenerative Way From Seed To Apothecary).

Thanks for the comment.

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Warming the heart and belly💕💕💕💕. Such good news, finishing the maple sap boil here and started seedlings for summer tomatoes and peppers. No puppies, our ‘Genuine West Virginia Brown Dog’ Jenny, a foundling that looks a lot like yours has been spayed. Mountains of WV, USA. Sure wish our state department weren’t such war mongering dicks here and shipping not so problematic and pricy you’d score some Maple syrup. Do you have maples growing there?

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Mar 18Liked by Edward Slavsquat

You funny man Mr Riley…

Edward Institute for

Village Studies. 😂

Good one! May your

studies take you where

you wish to go…..

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