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They also have their own "multipolar" finances from the Rothschild..Mouahaha... And their multipolar way to participate in the pillage of mining concessions in Africa...their multipolar agreements with western finance to transfer western technology to china and destroy western industries and employment

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All ordered and payed for by the owners of FED/central banks. BRICS was started by GoldmanSachs and Rothschilds took over.

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Yes, and they would like to sell us their "multipolarity" concept .. We and them must not have the same d├йfinition of multipolarity.. For me, it should be a way to reinforce the power and sovereignties against the deep state. Instead, Russia and China destroy economic powers in Africa, in Europe...

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When these parasites say multipolarity, they actually mean:

jewish ethnocentricity and kozmopolit diversity for goyim worldwide....

See if you like my work on substack: https://siriusispodstruje.substack.com/p/silent-muslim-invasion-of-europe

I write in Croatian and English languages.

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we must agree on many subjects except maybe on communautarianism, a tool for the elite. the topic is complex ЁЯШК

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not that complex once you know the root and cause of the central bank worldwide usury. communism morphed and is now branded as transhumanism. thanks to smart tech and experimentation on humans. but its not that hard to see how "democracies" are all doing the same things what communists would do, just in a roundabout way, so the sheep eat it up. create a class of super rich oligarchs and impose total surveilance on the population.

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