One clear theme of Putin's words is that agreements, written or otherwise, are not worth the paper, yet the Russians continued to place store on agreements. Why?

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to claim the moral high ground! to win the moral hyperwar!

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Hypersonic hyperwar.

Faster than sound because it's total bullshit.

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Yeah right. What's the point of a contract that nobody can enforce?

It's a bullshit show... pro wrestling politics.

My favorite Ukraine war moment was when Russia hit the ukranian power infrastructure.

Somehow my girlfriend was still seeing Ukraine go on like normal, like they never lost power. What the fuck happened? Nothing.

It was like the movie Wag the Dog. Half of the shit is over hyped- same fighting scenes from different angles.

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With conflicts and wars, never believe a picture, video or story. Why? Because of this: truth is the first casualty of any conflict, war.

"By deception shall you wage war."

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According the Russia and the Pro Z crowd we in Europe and Ukraine would all have been freezed to death in icy tombs in our homes for a year by now.

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No....you are just all paying extortion rates for power now though! ..... Haha..it's not like you don't deserve it!

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I don't get that either, what's the strategy behind hitting power infrastructure. It probably happened after Ukraine hit infrastructure in Russia which is also dumb, then Russia retaliated so both look equally dumb.

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And it was so phony that my girlfriend couldn't find any thing on social media where they said that there were power outages. It would've taken months to fix whatever they claim was targeted.

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To be viewed as the good guys. But communism, or Judaism as Rabbi Stephen S. Wise calls it, is behind all the sh\t.

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My heart sank with the first paragraphs..... the long history lesson.... I thought 'Oh Christ, Putin's screwed it up... he's blown it...'

But by the time I got to the end I was thoroughly onboard.

Thing is it was a dignified, calm, sensible, literate, knowledgeable discussion.

Not an MSM attention grabbing, meme loaded, histrionic, inaccurate, digressive, impertinent piece of click bait flim flam.

It will not serve those who live on that fare.

But by god it will serve all those who seek to be calm and sensible.

A sensible discussion between a head of mighty state at war and a member of the laity, the hoi polloi ( albeit a kinda 'select member'). A unique thing in itself perhaps.

I see a post below here asking if Putin said anything that might have any effect whatever on the plans of the deep state cabal.

Well I think so. I think everything he said will have an effect.

They will have a better measure of their enemy and they will see he knows exactly what he is doing.

They will read his words and know he appraises their situation, their perils, accurately and they'll note his predictions for their future.

They will recognise that Putin has spoken quietly in the ear of every sensible man and woman in their nation saying calm and true things - something they know they themselves are incapable of doing being incapable of anything beyond sideshow hucksterism and the hard sell, persistence false propaganda.

He just got under their guard and spoke as an adult. Something they never do. Can hardly comprehend how to do.

Overall the biggest thing Putin said to them was come and dicker. We're open for business. And he laid out the starting point: denazification. Well that's easy. They'll nod their heads at that. It costs them no blood or money to 'denazify' by decree and they can claim moral highground in the doing of it: claim they always wanted to do it but were kept off balance by all the recent pressing issues.

Denazification can be their exit route. Both sides can agree on denazification.

Daddy has laid it out for the greedy ignorant pigs. If they can't see it then too bad. Events will proceed as they must.

Putin laid that out, too.. events proceed as they must...

Hopefully the people will get the idea and the meme will spread through the populace, life as seen by Putin is real, true, honest, understandable, hopeful. Life as seen by recent USA ówners' is quite the opposite as everyone knows.

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Lol! Oh because of agreements on pieces of paper worked out so well for Russia before right? His whole argument was how the West does not agree to it's written agreements and even more so it's verbal agreements so he'd already undone his own argument by the time he said this. He even hinted he'd give back the East territories and default back to the piece agreement partly signed last April. Western colleagues tells ya all you need to know. Two sides of the same coin. COVID proved this. Don't be under any illusions wake up and stope taking your hopium.

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I don't really understand where you're coming from. Your remarks seem to be something of a non sequitur.

It seems you're actually venting your favourite theme rather than addressing anything I've said and I just happen to be the lucky recipient today.

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Not at all Arthur. I was just trying to give you a different perspective. I felt like your remarks were too optimistic and not facing the reality. You put your comments on a semi public forum and I was hoping you may be up to have them challenged and debated rather then just stated. I do hope I am wrong and you are right but there is mounting evidence to say the contrary. There has been a huge culling of Slavic people on both sides while there is also demographic replacement occurring in Russia just like in the West. The way I interpreted this speech is Putin wants Russia to be more like the West and from my own observations I'd say it's between 15 to 20 years behind only and it is the Slavic spirit that keeps the devil at bay for now. Peace would be the best outcome now but the purpose has already been served.

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Good luck trying to get one of the hopium eaters to debate ya! All that noise they generate is simply some kind of ai script inserted into every damn website still left up and running. And they're totally astonished when anyone dares challenge their dross. Here's the best take I've read yet on the whole debacle - worth quoting in full:

"Truthers" are buying the Tucker Carlson/Putin interview psyop, lock, stock and barrel. Suddenly hopium snares the mind of people who otherwise appear to be waking from mass hypnosis. Then, Poof!.

The "love is blind" opiate of "hopium" tosses stirrings of wakefulness aside for more truly blind hopeful insanity.

In a heartbeat apparently Russia was not overthrown by the Jews over 100 years ago. Or if it was, they threw off the Jewish communist yoke when "The Wall" came down in 1992.

Yes, Putin was KGB, but he's not now! And he's not really a billionaire oligarch who bathes in blood (maybe you haven't seen the videos) and is surrounded by Chabad Lubavitch satanic handlers.

All this is forgotten, tossed aside in the twinkling of an eye...for the hope that Putin the Great will save us!!! Never mind that this Putin being "interviewed" replaced the other one who was assassinated in 2014, so now we listen on bended knee to this even more compliant Jewish sock puppet.

All this before even beginning to mention the shill, the controlled opposition that is Tucker Carlson, trust fund brat from seriously moneyed lineage. It takes almost no research at all to uncover extensive detail exposing what I merely hint at here.

But the VAST majority, sadly even most who claim to be interested in the Truth, far prefer pleasant fairy tales to facing hard realities. Putin, Carlson and Biden all play for the same "Hidden Hands" team

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you forgot to use that great code word that is supposed to shut all mouths of dissent: "multipolarity".

oh, you could have thrown in "win-win" somewhere too, but that's more China's shtick.

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That's a beautiful quote. I need to look into this 2014 Putin assignation and thing more. Thank you.

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I think they might use masks, i did found Putins eyebrowns looking kind of odd in the interview.

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Actually, Putin said the opposite. He wanted to do business with the west not be like it. Russia is part of the West anyway. Russia is part of Christendom and Christendom gave us the "West" If it wasn't for the Catholic underhandedness for a few hundred years there would be very little rift.

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Russia is Eurasia. But is run by xenocrats who send their children to be educated in the West and keep the money there. They'd love it if Russia was like the West the power players just want a bigger seat at the NWO table.

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Well, that's what Putin is trying to do, make it Eurasia, now that he's found that he can't trust the West. Problem is he's gonna find he can't trust anyone, especially the Chinese or the Moslems.

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He never hinted that at all. There's no hint that he'd give up anything!

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Have you heard what was speculated what the peace deal was that Ukraine chucked out? He hinted he'd default back to that from my understanding of the talk. Check out the work of Rurik Skywalker who is Slavsquats friend and he argues all the points I'm trying to tell you better than me.

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Yes I've read his stuff. He clowns around too much for me. I like direct information. Plus I don't know if I can trust his sources.

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I also read about the comment above that what affect will this really have and disagreed with the commenter in his own post ( not sure if I am now blocked or not ) but I got the impression he did not like being challenged to his “ special “ view exonerating the corrupt Biden administration and the West for their responsibility in this proxy war .

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As you read (or watch) the interview Vlad gave to the next Vice President of the United States, ask yourself this:

Has Putin actually said something new or made some "shocking revelations" that anyone who is even semi-awake hasn't already known for at least two years?

Even more importantly:

Has he said ANYTHING at all that can genuinely have an adverse impact on the plans of the infamous they/deep state/cabal?

Maybe he did and I missed it. Happy to be corrected (genuinely).


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Great comment. My wife (who is Russian) and I had the same reaction. Why really did Russia need the SMO and how really does it end, short of WW3? Putin actually made a few oblique references to a globalist ideal that simply reinforced our long held belief that he always was one of "them". Hegelianism in action.

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Has someone made the claim that Putin 'needed" the SMO? No one here knows Putin. So no one knows for 100% certain what is going on in the background and the reasons why Putin does anything.

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"Need". Poor word choice on my part and you're correct.

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Thanks, Michael.

It looks like the Kremlin wanted to reach millions that watch Carlson. No, Putin didn't say anything new to the semi-awake, but we were not his target audience. Also, Putin totally controlled the conversation so he got his message across.

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No, he really said nothing "new," but the historical context and facts were important. Actually, he did say something "new." When asked who blew up the pipelines, he replied, "you." Then went on to implicate the CIA. That was pretty bold and enlightening! To Tucker's credit, he asked the questions and let Putin answer without interrupting! Maybe some may have wanted to ask other questions, but Tucker got two hours of Putin answering his questions, not as some may have liked with simple yes and now answers, 30 second sound bites. Loved that Putin asked "is this a show or a serious discussion." This was one for the ages!

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"Actually, he did say something "new." When asked who blew up the pipelines, he replied, "you." Then went on to implicate the CIA."

Nothing new there. Seymour Hersh broke the story a year ago (February 2023) and explained exactly and with meticulous detail how the US and its allies did it, including the specific units involved, where they are based, how they trained for the operation and how and when the charges were placed.


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Well... I think it was new that both Germany and France were ALSO behind the sabotage of the Istanbul talks.

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I wouldn't take anything coming out of Putin's mouth at face value more than I'd do the same with anything coming out of Biden's or ANY sitting politician's mouth.

Also, does that fact "can genuinely have an adverse impact on the plans of the infamous they/deep state/cabal" as per my initial comment?

They ALL serve the same masters...ALWAYS!

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that master is/are the capitalists (and now, the supra capitalists, the bankers).

but people are so insane about communism they can't see the capitalists that run everything for their own benefit.

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"Because Tucker Carlson's father was the longest serving director of the CIA's Voice of America, and he, following in his footsteps, has been designated as a limited hangout to contain and control dissident sentiment and channel it into a manageable reaction through useful idiots."

Noticed how the interview was posted the evening after the Senate advanced a $95.34 billion bill including aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan... And also on the same evening that the Justice Department delivered a report describing Biden as an "elderly man with a poor memory."

Tie those dots together and you might get the impression there's an "internecine squabble" between US oligarchs over Biden's foreign policy agenda becoming a bit too messy.

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It is interesting that, at the top of the interview, Putin mentioned how Tucker wanted to join the CIA and it didn't happen. Putin is a man who chooses his words carefully. Everything he says is for a reason. Begs the question, what was his reason for saying that?

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What is Putin's reason for following the western convid scam?

What is his reason for following the WEF carbon agenda?

Whats Putin's genius reason for support for digital ID and CBDCs?

5d chess is imaginary mental masturbation

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His reasons likely have to do with $$$ and power like everyone else's

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Instead of joining the CIA, Carlson joined the (CIA) Media.

Putin was stating a fact and a connection that will linger in the minds of the viewers.

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Yes I think so too

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Thanks, Linda.

"The CIA media," seem to say some pretty outrageous things, no?

"'That poisonous moron Victoria Nuland' - Tucker Carlson on the US State Department's obsession with regime change to a weak leadership in a large, multiethnic & nuclear Russia."

Here's the video: https://t.me/inessas1992/5971

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Part of being controlled opposition is timing:

Carlson was nowhere in sight when Nuland was running the Maidan Coup in 2014.

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"spook nobility" — rurik skywalker

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Well we have to wonder if that was something that Tucker told Putin before the interview or not .

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I don't think there's anything Tucker could tell Putin that he doesn't already know

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there's no squabble. it's just that Biden can't read his lines nor recite them with any conviction anymore.

they have to get a new finger puppet to put on the index finger (in U.S.A. the traditional finger used for pointing at things to draw attention). that is all.

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Maybe not, but they can't get rid of Mr. Creepy until after the election, as Kamala is a loser. That being said, they're probably wanting the Orangeman to take the heat for continuing the bloodbath in Ukraine and Palestine.

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and he will do so, although claim a "win". because he is also their stooge and clown.

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Carlson really needs to work on his fall back expression of rapt attention. It is most annoying.

Putin advocates a One World government: "The world should be a single whole..That is the only scenario where the world could be stable, sustainable and predictable.."

Russia is following the same script as the rest...

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When Tucker (most of the time) puts on that expression of deep concern ("rapt attention") I want to punch him. And that silly giggle because he does not know how to intelligently respond to whomever he is interviewing.

I am sure Putin thought him an idiot. When you are interviewing, you keep a straight and neutral face. Basically, what Tucker is doing is sucking up to his interviewee and comes out as a big incompetent phony. JMO.

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I think 'deep concern' may be a better description.

He cycles through looking perplexed, amazed, befuddled, and aghast.

I wonder if he attended any drama classes? I would be willing to bet he did.

I have not watched the entire interview but it appears that Putin mentioned that Carlson wanted to join the CIA but did not. LOL.

Most informed people will be thinking: ..so Carlson joined the CIA Media instead - which is probably why Putin mentioned it.

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"He cycles through looking perplexed, amazed, befuddled, and aghast. I wonder if he attended any drama classes? I would be willing to bet he did."

And after graduating from those classes, went hog wild with his histrionic, self centered, pretentious style of interviewing. Doesn't he have any coaches or advisors? Probably not. For sure, he didn't when he was at Fox - they just let him look foolish year after year. LOL.

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he is replicating what the Elites believe the "common man" would do if they heard such things that are supposed to rock their little world views apart.

it's a very bad act, but nobody sees through it and just explains it as Tucker is a frat-boy dummie.

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Yes - Carlson's rapt attention expression is a tad annoying.

Yes - I know the writing on the wall is clear, and my interpretation may just be stubborn optimism, rather than realism, but I am just not on board.

Yes - Putin could be sprouting OWG terminology, but I read him otherwise, as making a plea for chosen unity, not just inevitable forced, flawed unity.

There is ample evidence in the interview, that Putin has tried repeatedly to get the US & CO to be sane and sensible, without success.

He is well aware, that the US is trying to weaken and destroy Russia, Europe and China if possible.

BRICS may be cause for some concern in certain arenas.

Perhaps BRICS + will be a spanner in the works of the OWG after all.

Or just another false shepherd, herding sheep into the same fold, as many think.

Time will tell.

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the fold they want you to cave into is the model of China---a so called technocracy run by Capitalist oligarchs pretending they have the political will of the people in hand under cover of a fake "communist state", and the plebs willing to go along with this because of supposed "rises in living standards".

it's the same thing they sold immigrants to come to the USA, but it won't involve the same "reasons" for backing the system that empowers most not at all (our stated reason was "freedom", whereas their oligarchs want to con people to believe that their slaving away in an Apple phone factor is for the "advancement of all our peoples").

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Yes I am aware of some of the shadows in the dark.

That the US is in bed with China, despite sustained efforts to the contrary, for instance.

And oligarch baddies of all stripes are in the OWG bed together.

As if that is going to work for long - has to be a war and a divorce eventually.

People are gullible, but only to a certain point, then they ignite in the cause of so-called "freedom".

Tyrannical regimes have risen and fallen throughout history.

This is different - now "they" have the technology to lock "us all" up for good.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Until the power grid fails that is.

Or any one of a million other things happen to upset the apple cart.

We are all supposed to believe in the THEORY of evolution.

Although geneticists have long known that the theory is flawed.

You do not have to be a geneticist to know that.

People can be very stupid.

They can also be very smart.

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BRICS was conceived and is currently being supported by the same OWG.

All the assets have been moved East.

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Well India has just given the WHO a major rejection.

Unless this is just show, this may represent a crack in the BRICS/OWG armour.


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India was one of the first countries to successfully test CBDCs.

The Digital Programmable Rupee was launched by Reserve Bank of India in 2022.

It can be tracked using blockchain technology and decentralised electronic ledgers.

This is why Bitcoin was never going to 'set you free'.

Alt media who promote cyber currency are just assisting with the psyop and the ponzi.

Blockchain will run the Digital Prisons.

India is already ground zero for Big Pharma manufacturing: it is the world's largest producer of generic medicines by volume with a well-developed vaccine industry.

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hello Linda O,

You might appreciate that interview featuring the most invaluable Madame Webb on that very subject of CBDC:


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So you think the rejection of the WHO is just show?

Or are the signatories real dissenters?

Some at least are, I think.

India needs to be watched.

While Modi is a OWG bulldozer, the Indian people have formidable resistance capabilities.

They have shown their resilience in pharma and farming arenas, mounted competent legal opposition to covid measures early on ( not sure where that went), and strongly oppose Modi's sacrifice of the poor on the altars of the rich.

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The letter was sent by real dissenters to India's government - not by India's government to the WHO.

"The letter to India’s prime minister and the minister of health makes clear that the WHO’s massive conflict of interest should disqualify it from any role in world health."

Everyone is going to need "formidable resistance capabilities" because that is the only thing that will stop these monsters.

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I think you need to read the article again. India has rejected nothing.

"Yohan Tengra of the Awaken India Movement conducted a two-year investigation into how this works in India. Through his research, he exposed the billionaire cartel that controlled India’s COVID-19 Task Force. Tengra listed not just the names of those who sat on this task force, but he also detailed how they are financially connected to the pharmaceutical-vaccine industry."

This group sent a letter to the government of India objecting to the Treaty.

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Yes you are right - did not express myself clearly enough.

The objection to the WHO "pandemic treaty" was addressed to the Indian government, which is not likely to forward it to the WHO.

However, an objection could still be lodged with the WHO.

And this reveals an informed dissident voice against the WHO power grab in India, which may gain public momentum, with potentially positive outcomes.

OK - the people are up against the Modi power structure, but they are not in prison yet.

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That "letter from India" is from a group of "concerned scientists". I really would like to think one major country will opt out of this stupidity but its a requirement to access the capital market. India is kind of hard to control but Modi might pull it off.

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Please explain.

Do you mean the capital market in general?

If so, I am unsure of the exact mechanism, that links WHO membership to capital market access, but assume it is just part of the control mechanism of the IMF,BIS, WB & Co..

Or do you mean the capital market, that will arise from the WHO's proposed international "pandemic preparedness" drug profiteering racket?

For the sake of Indians, and us all, let's hope Modi does not prevail.

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Yes, I'm sorry it was not explicit. Following all the "virtuous" rules such as WHO and BIS (often they are linked) are required to be considered a low-risk locale for investment. This is the same thing with the ESG/woke rules. Clearly if you can't comply with the UN sustainable development goals (all this crap is in there) then you are a risky country that investment funds and retirement systems are expected to avoid. Or you could be liable for exposing your clients to "risk".

This Is the play they have used against Poland and Hungary, and soon against Argentina. I know all the z-anons are hoping Argentina will fail but that place was a nightmare. I worked there when they last collapsed. I hope maybe the new guy guts the peronist monster.

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And this: "It is not about the personality of the leader. It is about the elites mindset, leader deal."

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Interesting statement.

I also don't think it a coincidence that Carlson was given his platform in 2016 and that his views complimented and amplified Trump's presidency.

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he seems to be part of the Repub party's swivel of concern for "the common man" and those continuously inculcated libertarian values that most people here fall back on--"freedom of choice".

you know--the educated snobs and stockholm syndromed minorities for the Dems, and the Reps are now to take up the mantle of "the common working man's concerns".

it's hogwash, but people fall for it.

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This interview bolstered my view that the US and Putin are really just fighting over who gets to eat which peasants ( in the words of Tessa Lena) while agreeing on the big transhumanist globalist agendas. Tucker Carlson just previously did an interview with Russel Brand where all they talked about was the hidden powers behind the uniparties in the west. Yet he interviews Putin, and not one question about the CBDC'S, Digital ID's , the vaccines, or the WEF functionaries in Russia. Why? Sometimes it is what is not said or asked that is the most telling. For that matter has Trump ever mentioned.... the WEF for example? I can't recall Trump ever doing so.

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Halfway through.

This interview shaped my world view. Let me explain.

I was brought up during cold war. Russia was the enemy. NATO existed to defend against Russia.

The last 30 years I heard that "we want to join NATO" narrative several times from the Russians. For me, an absolute anomaly. Why joining an organization that purely exist to keep you in check? I never understood.

Now, with my knowledge about Globalists, Oligarchs and Corporatocracy, this is starting to make sense. What if NATO isn't that shield against the Soviets or Russia as of today? What if NATO is (maybe always was) the military arm of an Oligarchy, meant to use military power to plunder foreign nations?

Wouldn't it make sense for the Russian Oligarchy (read: the Russian mob) to join NATO (read: Western mob) and form an even stronger organization to finally exploit the rest of the world?

Seen in this aspect, it makes perfect sense to the mob leaders to fight their own populations if they don't wanne pay their protection money anymore and demand more freedom, right? So seeing the world as a place owned by different competing mobs building alliances from time to times against other mobs, getting resources by exploiting their slaves is maybe the most accurate picture as of today.

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This is why they want to destroy the idea of a nation, religion and even family. To perfectly serve the mob we must accept the mob leaders as our authorities (this would never work) or some kind of system (under their control of course) they force on us m(we are living in it).

So there is the real world (mob rule, taxes, exploitation), and there is the fantasy world they present to us (Democracy, evil competing mob, "society").

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There are various laws against monopoly positions because they can abuse their position. Having a global military monopoly sounds very scary to me.

What we have already is a Global military and economic pan-poly that is used to scare everyone about the enemy while there is no enemy, it is a global coup and the only way to defuse this is if a few countries decide to no longer play the game.

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Monopolies: Here in Germany, we have three? grocery store companies left, ruling 90+%? (a guess from living here) of the market. They pretty much sell the exact same stuff, prices are equal to the cent.

On Christmas, they all sell gingerbread hearts. Why only on Christmas? I would buy that stuff all year long.

They sell two kinds. With milk chocolate and with bitter chocolate. 90% of people choose milk chocolate. But do they offer a ratio 90 to 10? No. After Christmas, all the bitter chocolate are left and milk chocolate is out, because they come in 50-50 ratios. It feels like some communist planning office is delivering ratios to this "market". If it were a market, you could buy this stuff all year long and the ratio you would find in the supermarket would be 90 to 10.

You would also see a much greater variation in food.

And it's not only supermarkets. Monopolies are everywhere. Any bakery is a franchise now, even Kebab is franchised. There is no market.

Rules against monopolies are just another "Trust us, we protect you from evil"- scam.

This feels so much like a zoo. Maybe it's just that?

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there are no countries that can afford to literally stop "playing the game".

even for the countries which everyone is trying to convince did just that, they only started playing the same game in more restricted pond.

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It would not be so bad if the game continues if there was some choice, if people had a way to say we will leave and move to Slovakia if you force us to get injected or conscript us for yet another NATO proxy war.

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that's no good if they are using every means to force Slovaks to also take the jab. that's no good if they are infiltrating fifth columnists into Slovakia to foment unrest upon which the government has to respond.

the mafia has their tools and if you won't do business, they will keep escalating the tools. it's even better if they can peel off parts of your own population, playing the PR game, as well as all of your neighbors who will begin to view your country as the problem child in need of discipline.

what do they keep threatening Hungary for?

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I think the problem is that the top leaders still think they can play the game without coming clean and gaining the trust of ALL their intelligent citizens and mobilising them in a campaign to clean house and spread the gospel.

A very hard task but perhaps the globalists will make a mistake they cannot recover from. If we do nothing we are in over our heads, if we keep trying we may get in up to our necks, if we find a chink in their armour and can drive a wedge though we may still come out smelling of roses. That is my fervent hope.

They did not realise HQC/Ivermectin would find traction so fast and easily and because it could derail public support they had to show their true colours by committing lots of fraud and stuff to get it squashed. This left a trail of evidence that cannot be removed and proves beyond doubt that they had malicious intent.

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Ahhhhh how we have de-evolved as humans. Are people really this stupid? Think! When was the last time a dictator or tyrant sat down to have a interview with a CIA puppet masquerading as a journalist? Is this where we are at. Your meta verse? It is beyond pathetic people believe this shit.

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Absolutely. Total shitshow

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the US always like to send journalists to their enemies, to question them and hear their views. They did the same with Osama bin laden, Saddam,Kadaffi and Assad.

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at least the first three you list were also probably CIA inductees or assets.

fake adversarial interview to spew the "other" side's propaganda. keep the proles waffling back and forth between two illusions, neither of which is the real story but always posing as "alternatives" that must be selected from.

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And they were also actors. I know this is a hard concept for people to. Grasp. But you need to get on the same page here. Your reality is a lie. We are all stuck in this shitty sit com put on by the Canaanite phonetians. They script reality. Majority of people you see on the tube are all related. Did you just think all those “Royal families” just died off? 😂. Nah. They just went incognito they run this shit show. And it’s a giant production to keep you entertained...so you are placid and dumbed down slave. Your cattle sweetheart, the only. Real journalists are on these su stacks the rest are all owned telling you what they want you to know. Here do yourself a favor. Get on yandex or metger. And look at Putin in the 70s 80s 90s etc. pay attention to details. His ear tragus, nostrils eyes to ear height. They are all different people. You will see he too is an actor. A brand. They pawn off and sell. Along with all those Muslims. You mentioned. People are not observant and the controllers prey on that.

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Say what you want about Putin, the guy gives a damn good interview. There's always something new there, even when he's rehashing old material. I think this interview will be very impactful in American politics, though of course most people miss his subtle trolling (he's always trolling the West).

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I hope so. Even someone as well-read and traveled as Tucker Carlson didn't have the patience for the extended responses. The US news covers eight stories in 90 seconds, on the hour. Not much will register, quite possibly.

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It was... sadly predictable. The only fun part was the hot seat that Bush and Clinton won't be put on tomorrow. But it was a nice try.

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unlike Tucker I would've asked him some REAL questions like...do you realize 9/11 was a Mossad orchestrated FALSE FLAG...why haven't you exposed the obviously faked moon landings... do you believe 6 million jews died in the so called holocaust...have you ever spoken about the 2 million German POW's that were starved to death or the rapes and murders of German's by the Russians after the end of the war...do you believe the "Jesus" myth is just another jewish psyop...do you know that the "Hamas attack" oct 7th was another false flag and have you condemned Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza...why did you promote the CLOT SHOTS for an obviously fake "pandemic"...why are you promoting the WEF's plan for digital ID's and a digital currency...are you a part of the WEF's plan for a "great reset"...do you believe in "man made" global warming and if so why and what would you do about it...and finally are you controlled...like the US and Europe...by the kosher cabal...

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In order to ask these questions effectively and not just be a powder-puff one has to have detailed knowledge of the subject matter. I doubt Tucker has that knowledge.

And that is why he didn't ask ...............and it is probably a good thing that he didn't ask while not having the information needed about those subjects with which to ask follow up questions.

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Tucker wasted his opportunity to ask real in depth questions instead of the weak ones he did ask...nothing new was disclosed...pathetic

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Love it. But you wouldn't even get outside the building with those views. Did you also notice the cough and it being edited out mainly in video but still being in the audio?

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Rich, please. Those are questions Americans need to be asking of their "representatives," and the "Deep State." The whole world has been focused on Ukraine and if they listened, they got Putin's explanation. But, only the intellectually weak and lazy or ideologically trapped can ignore the facts that have led to where the world is today. Kudos to Tucker.

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the article is about Tucker questioning Putin not about questioning our "representatives"... are you saying the questions I presented are intellectually weak? if so please elaborate

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Thank you for posting the transcript. I enjoy your stack.

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Well , just as I expected, a huge waste of time. Carlson had a real opening when Putin rambled on about denazificatio , “ So why did you let them go?” Tucker is tool a propagandist opinion influencer , nothing more.

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Exactly all those Azov fighters who he gave back in a prisoner exchange. Such great denazification there.

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i have not watched the interview, what was Putin's reply when he let those hated azov nazi's go?

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It was not asked. That's my point. How can you swear down your all about denazification when your actions speak louder than any words. I doubt it was even in the criteria of the scuppered peace negotiations from April 2022.

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I have considerable respect on many levels for President Putin, especially when l look around at other world leaders today. He is the supreme strategist and l believe wholeheartedly, willing to work with the West in facilitating world peace. However, he will be prevented from doing so whilst the “money and power” behind the American government continues warmongering constantly around the world in countries where they have no inherent right to control. It’s a complex situation. However, the worlds greatest chess players came out of Russia! The West would do well to work with President Putin and Xi. There are too many civilian lives being lost in their hundreds of thousands currently.

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Putin is a Judo master too.

He is playing chess against Biden who is playing checkers and body-slamming the racist, neo-Nazi West. Russia is the true multicultural Antifa state! Ki-yah!

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Maybe he was a judo master. But he appears kind of porky now, maybe judo would be too difficult for him at this point in his life? I am not criticizing him for getting fat; it tends to happen spontaneously in old age. I am just asking, can you say a person is a judo master if he (maybe) doesn't practice it anymore?

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Sounds like something a Nazi would say.

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Can I have a proper response? I am a person of good will. I know SFA about the judo culture & was just asking. Thanks.

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I don't know if he does Judo now. I would think not.

In his youth though, Putin was part of a criminal jewish gang operation out of a judo dojo. The "Judo Gang" are members of his old days that he took with him from Peter to Moscow to run the Kremlin. Several of the jewish judo club are billionaires now.

I hope that answers your question, Nazi!

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This one may require a /sarc tag. I think these are new people from Geopolitica and Empire not acquainted with the Slavic dark humor.

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lol really

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Yes, it answers my question. I am curious as to how you obtained this information about Putin in his youth. I think Putin is an old commie and that's it, but it is just an opinion.

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Ask the Judo & Taekwondo assoc about if they consider him a master. And then decide if it really matters anyway.


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I agree basically, but I would like to define "work with Putin and Xi" carefully.

Perhaps nations are entitled to be run however they choose, except that the vast majority of the people never really get to choose, and usually suffer to a greater or lesser extent, regardless of the colour of the regime.

I doubt the majority of people are happy in either Russia or China.

Russia appears to be happy to stay at home, promote national interests, and just be respected.

Russia wanting world respect is understandable, but what is the value of the respect of nations that are not respectable?

Also, what integrity has the claim of wanting to promote world peace, from a nation that does not promote the peace/security of its own people, via respect for inalienable human rights.

China is quite another matter.

Not going there.

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Maybe Putin can put some of those chess players in the Russian military, lol.

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This was interesting. And more to the Point, SHOULD have been Seen by Everyone on msm. Ridiculous that Tucker had to do it this way. At Least He is trying to give Everyone involved a fair shake.

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Absolutely agree!

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"Don't you have anything better to do?" Putin to the US (on the war in Ukraine)

🤣 😆 🤣

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