I was wrong. I thought Putin might be different. He is not. He is as anti-human as all the rest of the government thugs and psychos.

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Putin is part of the 1984 like new world order we had since ww2, if not ww1.

These days we are in the end of this 1984 endless fake cold war bullshit thanks to their COVID fukups.

It explains why Russia didn't do shit to stop the Libya massacre and why they're such bullshitters when it comes to Syria, poo poohing illegal Israeli and US strikes on their "ally" Syria.

It also explains why they never use their veto power at the UN , instead abstaining like cowards. BTW why the fk do we still have a few nations with single veto power and why are these assholes ok with it?

Because it's all a fkin show.

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The reason why we have a few nations with single veto power - when there is global mafia sitdown (=UN meeting), these few nations represent heads of the ruling families. To use appropriate lingo, the remaining 180+ countries without veto power are just associates. They are crew members who have not been 'made'. They commit crimes under the protection and direction of made members (like for example whoever bombed NordStream pipeline at the US request).

I agree why these 180+ countries never stand up against head honchos - it is all a fkin show. Their leaders are not elected but selected, it is almost impossible to elect truly independent, nationalistic leaders anywhere in the world who would remove shackles. Those who try, meet untimely end. Just look up those handful of African presidents who stood up against covid madness.

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The shitfuckery's just only starting:

Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments, & AI To "Save Capitalism"


Putin's Russia and Rothschild in yet more post-plandemic coinciditis. Work in progress for season 3 of "Theatre of War: Ukraine".

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Have you ever seen the photo of Marina Abramović with a Rothschild in front of the 1797 painting “Satan Summoning His Legions?"

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Peter the Great had St. Petersburg made to look like a Western city. The USEUNATO terrorists and Russia have been working as "peers" for centuries, nothing new under the sun. Catherine the Great saved the Polish Jesuits from persecution after the Vatican disbanded the order, offering sanctuary in Russia.

As for Putin, he even calls the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine, another pet globalist project, a "Russian-speaking" country. It can't get clearer than that really.

And Nicholas II, the last tsar, bragged about being a close lookalike of his cousin George V of England.

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Thanks, Crixcyon.

Many of us thought Putin was different. When Putin “saved” Russia in the early 90s, he really saved Russia for the Russian oligarchs. I saw a video where the oligarchs had to sign allegiance to Putin. (It’s the one where Deripaska tried to keep Putin’s pen.) Allegedly, the agreement was about the oligarchs staying out of politics and the Russian state letting them prosper. Putin may have forgotten, or didn’t know, that money is the blood of politics and the media (also in the hands of oligarchs) shape peasants’ perceptions and win elections.

So Russia is an oligarchy, as in “it’s the oligarchy, stupid.” The oligarchs share the same DNA, including both paranoia and contempt for the peasants, regardless of where they are. Paranoia - because they know that their billions will not stop a cheap bullet that can end their lives in seconds. (This may also be one of the reasons why the Russian oligarchs have private armies.) The oligarchs’ solution: total control of the peasants. The WEF, the big pharma, or Gref for that matter, are just the executioners of the peasant control apparatus to protect oligarchs.

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The Schwab Mob have to control both sides. If there was genuine opposition to the cabal, it would be visible, but Russia is going down the globalist route, just like all the countries of the west. If there is to be genuine opposition, it has to be us, the people of this world, if we don't resist this, no one is ever going to come and save us. Its up to us now!

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If Russia was really a bastion of freedom and nationalism it would recieve the same treatment Hitler's Germany got during ww2 after he kicked out the bankers and Rothschilds. In other words total war and destruction with unconditional surrender terrms. Putin is just an actor that is fooling many patriotic Russians and sending them to the slaughter in the killing fields in Ukraine.

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Mate, the look up the relationship between the Nazis and the BIS and Rockefellers. They were absolutely not antagonistic to international financiers.

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They closed down free masonic lodges and arrested rothschilds. If Hitler was in their pockets they wouldnt have firebombed whole cities and demand unconditional surrender

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Nazis and Germany aren't the same thing. Hitler may not have been a direct puppet, but he was financed by big banks.

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The entire "NAZI" booha since the 1920ies is idiotic tbh.

Let's call Democrats "democrazis", Liberals "libzis" and Republicans "repuzis". If you like, capitalize the first letter to give even more emphasis to mean devil, your ideological enemy.

Jews successfully invented "history" again, and people to this day hurl around a slur term that was originally just payback for "Sozi", masonic Social Democrats aptly called out and exposed by National Socialists.

The National Socialists were a party, which Hitler was going to dissolve after the war, since political parties are prone to corruption and infiltration.

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Salut Micheal,

Remember Milosevic, Saddam hussein and even The Guide of the Lybian Jamahiryia who had been supported at some point by the empire and then branded "Hitler" before their country were being bombed... Bombing is big business, very good business...

Hitler had been useful and ultimately very profitable...

What if Hitler had survived?... As well as Borman who had the keys of the treasure and probably the role to work with the Anglo-Zionists and the Jewish revisionists...

Maybe the German people was meant to be broken and not it's leader who would be able to flee to Latin America where the Germans have had great business asset and for a long time already.


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What about the Octogon network?...

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Well said!

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Schwab is himself just a figurehead, a public face. People need to care less about him and more about people like Michael Bloomberg and Marc Andreessen.

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Good point!

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Here's a bit of useful information for you, Diane, that you probably missed - indeed it wasn't much in the headlines. When Mr. Schwab had to kick Russians from the public part of Davos, he faced a budget deficit in millions, for it turned out that 70% of his financing had been coming from the Russian banks. In fact, you don't get more Schwabian than Mr. Putin and his fellas.

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Now, that is interesting! Thanks for that.

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I think Putin hates the globalists but being a tactician he keeps his enemies close. I believe Putin, Xi, Trump and MBSalman have a plan.

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Thanks to your lucid texts about the Russia of Putin, I’m now with clear vision that all these stooges from the wef are in a vast movement of coordination to implement a new slavery system...

“for da greater good” ( schwab’s voice)

Russia is no exception.

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Still not sure about that, they want Putin’s destruction because he refuses the global banking system

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2 + 2 = 4

By definition "government" is 'limits on the mind'.

The question that must be posed to all government officials:

What is the purpose of government?

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After years of denial, does anyone think that the Putin groupies, apologists who those who can't see beyond their immediate oppressors are even capable of changing their tune in the face of evidence? I don't, but thanks for at least trying to set the record straight, Riley, those of us who are looking for the facts thank you again.

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"People don’t want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. "

And yet so many people choose to be manipulated even when they have knowledge. Which is one of the reasons this shitshow isn't going to end any time soon.

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Being a victim is much easier than taking self-responsibility.

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The best place to hide something is in plain sight.

This is especially true, if you terrorized a population into catatonia, or have used the mainstream media news to gaslight viewers. You can literally say what you intend to do and most won't connect the dots and notice that the multipolar agenda is "no different" than the unipolar Global Empire. 🫣

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Other than the usual theme of this substack, I think u might have hit on another important issue.

Are there alternatives to development and adoption of 4IR technologies for a nation to practically survive the economic and later on, military competition? What are some of the ways a honest leader can differentiate from these globalists, and yet not hurt the strength of the country's ability to survive, nevermind a further goal of prosperity? Is going recluse like North Korea the only solution, and how long would that last?

It's an important discussion because the pretend independent leaders are hiding behind "there is nothing else we can do", and if there is truely no viable alternative in the New World Order, then doesn't that make dissenting voices sound like like ignorable complains, and an admission that humanity is truely doomed?

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North Korea is no more recluse, it is linked with Russia and China, isn't it?...

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Just trying to find a close example. But if such a country exist, it probably would have been a target for war or "natural" disaster.

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Riley, i do have to state this very strong difference with you, must have missed it the first reading.

"There’s a final comment that Putin made—a rather important one—that we should address. Russia’s president told GrefFest attendees that “it is impossible to ban AI, it will develop all the same. If we ban something, it will develop elsewhere, and we will only fall behind—that’s all.” True. There’s no stopping “progress”. "

[Jeff: FALSE!, THAT”S IDENTIFYING WITH THE STATE AND SURRENDERING TO 4IR. This leading developer of AI stated earlier this year in mainstream media that it is irredeemable, we need to shut it done. Eliezer Yudkowsky Opinion on AI


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Um, how is this Sber thing even pronounced? I like vowels, they are very helpful for nuance...

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If now or at any point in the future some figure is being propped up as our, "Hero" they're probably controlled opposition.

Looks like our Digital Prison World is coming online.

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During the same meeting, US moon landing was debunked by AI. Have you highlighted that?

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Did not pick up.

Thank you.

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The only fly in the ointment being that AI is basically shite - a over-hyped massively scaled simple processor that is riddled with holes and constantly failing. Go ask the Israelis how their AI-empowered defensive shield did last month.

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Garbage in, garbage out.

If they gave AI real data access and didn't force it to lie it would have given us truth:

-vaccines are useless at best, dangerous at most

-private for profit medicine only causes more sickness

-world peace would happen if they got rid of fkin UN security council veto powers

And so on.

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Not *this*, here, is how constructive criticism looks like! xD Although S-400 doesn't have the oomph for that, you'll need something bigger. Umm, a Topol?

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BRICS+ is a complete fraud and there are too many people in the alternate media dont want to look into it or dont care to

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So many people supported, or at least facilitated, the push towards a NWO and a OWG in Star Wars. Did they see that the goal was potentially evil, or not? Did they see that Vader was evil, or not? Did they just need a job, and were forced to serve out of fear, regardless? Did they desperately just need a dream, something to believe in, a future hope? There are always principled people in all arenas, who have not forsaken sound reason, common sense and logic. They play on a risky chess board. However, the moral, responsible minority, are the unknown and unpredictable factor, the loose canon that may determine the outcome of the war. There is always hope.

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