What a marvellous summary. The confirmation I needed that no rushed through, fake 'vaccine' can be trusted. East or West, natural immunity is best! Thanks Edward 👏 👏 👏

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Exactly. I don't trust any of these rushed "vaccines".

Thanks for reading, Paul!

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Corona virus...

Intravenously injected nanomaterials can adsorb a wide range of proteins in the blood (39). The bio-corona of blood proteins is rapidly formed, and it has been shown to affect hemolysis and thrombocyte activation (40). Furthermore, complement activation on the surface of nanomaterials is of particular concern when it comes to clinical applications. In fact, complement proteins have been consistently identified in or on nanoparticle coronas (28, 30, 40, 41). The complement system is a critical component of the innate immunity in the blood; it is a proteolytic cascade typically triggered via three distinct pathways (classical, lectin, and alternative) that converge to generate the same set of effector molecules at the third component of complement (C3) (42). Complement proteins opsonize pathogens and cells for engulfment via complement receptors and could conceivably promote nanomaterial uptake as well. However, certain complement factors may instead confer “stealth” properties to nanomaterials by preventing further complement activation, as shown in a recent study on GO (43). Complement activation also liberates two potent effector molecules (C3a and C5a) that play important roles in the recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells as well as anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death (44). Several reports have documented pathway-specific complement activation by various types of nanomaterials including carbon-based nanomaterials such as CNTs (45, 46) and GO (47, 48). The question is: could particle surfaces be engineered to avoid protein adsorption and/or unscheduled complement activation? The attachment of polymers such as poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) on particle surfaces is a common approach in nanomedicine, and the traditional view has held that PEGylation completely prevents protein adsorption, thereby preventing the clearance of particles by the reticuloendothelial system. However, if this were true, then how does one explain complement activation on PEGylated particles? In recent years, the view has emerged that PEGylation of nanomaterials only partially blocks protein adsorption and may even promote the formation of a bio-corona that is distinct in comparison to the corona formed on pristine nanomaterials (49, 50). Indeed, in a recent study using macrophage-like RAW264.7 cells, the adsorption of specific proteins was shown to be required to prevent uptake of PEG- or poly(ethyl ethylene phosphate) (PEEP)-coated polystyrene particles (51).

The choice of polymer coating matters. Luo et al. (52) reported that PEG-coating prevented uptake of GO by murine peritoneal macrophages while coating with cationic poly(ether imide) (PEI) favored uptake at low doses, but compromised cell viability at high doses. In another recent study, the authors provided evidence that PEGylated GO of approximately 200 nm in lateral size induced immune responses (cytokine release) in murine peritoneal macrophages; interestingly, comparable levels of activation were also observed following PEGylation of the non-carbon-based 2D material, molybdenum-disulfide (MoS2) (53). The authors speculated that integrin signaling could account for the enhanced cytokine responses in cells exposed to PEG-GO. Overall, the study suggested that PEGylation does not serve to passivate the surfaces of 2D materials. Xu et al. (54) prepared a series of GO derivatives including aminated GO (GO-NH2), poly(acrylamide)-functionalized GO (GO-PAM), poly(acrylic acid)-functionalized GO (GO-PAA), and PEG-functionalized GO (GO-PEG), and compared their toxicity with pristine GO. The GO materials all displayed lateral dimensions in the range of 100–500 nm and the ζ-potential was negative for all the materials in cell culture medium due to protein adsorption. Among these GO derivatives, GO-PEG and GO-PAA induced less toxicity toward murine J774A.1 macrophage-like cells than pristine GO, and GO-PAA proved to be the most biocompatible one, both in vitro and in mice (54). The differences in biocompatibility were suggested to be due to differences in the compositions of the bio-corona, especially whether or not immunoglobulin G (IgG) was present; GO-PAA and GO-PEG had less IgG content in their protein coronas (30−40%) than GO, GO-NH2, and GO-PAM (50−70%). IgG is a well-known opsonin that plays a key role in the clearance of pathogens. This study points toward strategies for safe design of GO for biomedical applications and underscores the importance of the bio-corona (54).

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0008622311008244 The use of UV light to trigger different processes involving graphene oxide sheets suspended in aqueous medium at room temperature has been investigated. These processes include (1) deoxygenation of the sheets in the absence of photocatalysts, reducing agents and stabilizers, (2) selective nucleation and growth of metal nanoparticles on the sheets to yield graphene-based hybrids and (3) decomposition of the dye molecule rhodamine B in the presence of only graphene oxide.

Those are self-assembling structures

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC5039077/ : Studies have elucidated two mechanism of graphene mediated ROS damage: (1) Upon cellular internalization, GO interferes with the electron transport system, induces overproduction of H2O2 and hydroxyl radicals. This leads to the oxidization of cardiolipin and the release and translocation of hemoprotein from mitochondrial inner membrane to the cytoplasm. This triggers release of cytochrome c complex (cyt c) which induces calcium release from endoplasmic reticulum and activates caspase 9 which in turn activates caspase 3 and 7 leading to cell death (Figure 21) [136]. (2) GO induces the activation of MAPK (JNK, ERK, p38) and TGF- β signaling pathways that lead to activation of Bcl-2 proteins which in turn activate mitochondria-induced apoptosis

Those people are simply poisoned - viruses are irrelevant - they can just add another oxidative stress to someone who is already struggling

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Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Stimulate Ruffling and Shedding of Mammalian Cell Plasma

Membranes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5120764/ Published in final edited form as: Chem. 2016 Aug 11; 1(2): 273–286.

doi: 10.1016/j.chempr.2016.06.019

Pfizer documents - Clinical protocol (Pages 67-69):


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Yeah, those graphene shots are actually not rushed - it is all for blockchain and telemedicine, etc. - so much suffering, deaths, injuries for the ruling guys realize their goal of digital currency and total monopoly on data and the Internet of Viruses, Bodies and Things. Utopia, horrific utopia.

Here is the "corona virus"

https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-58861-8_2 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9298084 DCCORONA

https://projects.ics.forth.gr/_publications/CORONA2015.pdf CORONA

This is why they poisoned people with toxic graphene - just google graphene - masks - images

No, graphene DOES NOT KILL VIRUSES - it kills the host

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Yep . The rhetoric sounds just the same, whether spoken in English or Russian.

2 countries that just can't get along, yet somehow the "playbook" is pretty much the same. So very WEF'ING odd.

Ignore 'that' science, 'this' is the science you should follow.

Trust us.

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Great recap on VVP's positioning on the S-V rollout and "in-direct enforcement."

He travels that pro-jab high-wire in a very similar manner to DJT, which to me gives both an 'out' to [plausible deniability] as the jab-driven death waves continue emerging. What is missing from VVP's narrative since day-1, however, is nevertheless leveraging against him: prevention and protection via therapeutics, especially Ivermectin. India and Japan formally adopted Ivermectin with proven, safe results. Africa has a long, proven history of regular, safe Ivermectin use. See any cv19 deaths from the highly crowded living conditions Africa? "Exactly." I have yet to read of anyone in RF leadership even mention the use of Ivermectin as a therapeutic, which, IMO, is darkly suspect on its face value. It begs the question: "Are parts, most, or all of RF's leadership engaged on depopulation of its old, weak, and infirm citizens? (Hey NY, MI, and RI governors, I'm lookin' at you)

I await Part II of this excellent S-V rollout recap of the heavy hitters' stated positions with great anticipation, and may we all gain more enlightenment as to just "who is who" in this worldwide game of death.

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Do you have a source for Japan "formally adopted Ivermectin"? I see people continually say this, but have never found any article or evidence that it happened. Nothing in the Japanese media or Japanese news sites. The only thing I've seen is the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Board (a board which may have some influence but no authority from what I understand) stating some belief in Ivermectin and giving some evidence, but nothing about it actually being used in Japan.

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thanks for asking, and you cited part of my source material on promotion of ivermectin use. I will dig and get back to you...

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I have a few links, and note that Japan has been pressured to "tow the narrative line, or else" but per the cdc massive "ooops, my bad; no more restrictions required" announcement yesterday, a whole new situation now has to be considered...

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Yeah, which is why I was curious to know if you actually had seen anything. :) It was clear during my own research that aside from the Tokyo Medical Board Chairman, everyone in Japan appeared carefully silent on ivermectin. I seem to recall their Japan-based ivermectin study eventually got released, I should go read up what they wrote.

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"Ivermectin Becomes the Recommendation of Japanese Doctors to Cure Corona Disease" -from Aug 2021. There are more like this that reflect a groundswell of front-line providers in Japan proving Ivermectin saves lives from "the cv19 bug"...

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"How the Media Lied About Japan Not Using Ivermectin for Coronavirus" paste that article from Dec 2021.

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Well said. But it just doesn't seem very Russian to be supporting a depopulation agenda. It's kind of ultimate gentlemenliness in Russia to show care and reverence for the old and sick.

But yes suspect, and not very scientific to ignore therapeutics, nor to ignore your critical experts.

It does seem like dancing to someone else's tune. Not very sovereign of Russia

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Whomever's tune Putin dances to is speculative. The glaring lack of other forms of therapy is damning of itself.

But, I'm curious: why is everyone so against depopulation? It's gonna happen, period. Major dieoff in the works as peak oil slowly tsunamis modern civilization. There are way too many of us, period. No no no no no no no no no.... the planet cannot sustain 8 billion people. About a billion is the sweet spot.

We did this to ourselves. The fundamental creating this situation began centuries ago, long before the likes of Schwabb.

But yeah, depopulation is happening and being encouraged. Basically, there's a war going on as fools fight for dry-humping privileges toward a dying civilization that was already doing itself in just swell without power-addicted maniacs making it worse by trying to help (or something).

Right now, we're worried about plagues and shortages. In a year or two we might be worried about all those in addition to worrying about how much fun it isn't to die cold, thirsty, starving but festively glowing in the radioactive dark.

Let me be more blunt: 99% of Terra the Fair would LOVE to see humanity brought to its knees, and I am among that 99%.

Meanwhile, Hail Atlantis! All this wanton pillage of the planet and each other should at least be enjoyed. If you were to rape and then kill me, I would hope that at least YOU enjoyed it. SOMEBODY should get something out of all this madness. Hey God: was it good for you?


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And draw us near

And bind us tight

All your children here

In their rags of light

In our rags of light

All dressed to kill

And end this night

If it be your will

And end this night

If it be your will

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Putin's Russia has been obviously part of the "covid" theater. The king was naked (there is no "virus"), but Russian authorities played along with the worldwide psyop, whose ulterior motives are total control and genocide.

As the script has been the same in Russia, China, and the US (although China has been used for dry runs for various mass poisonings), which suggests that the global banking grandmasters are running the show everywhere.

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Script, indeed. Question is, how many more scamdemic iterations might be planned or will be needed, and to what final end? Is the Ukie SMO, now rife with pot shots at a huge nuclear powerstation, a part of a larger picture? A case is building that jab rollouts, to biometric passports, regional wars or not, end up opening a nasty financial 'great reset' where we are ultimately "WEF'd into a cattle-tagged, own nothing and be happy open-air prison with a big 1984 flat screen hanging on the wall with Greta's angry face of damnation staring down at us at the crack of dawn every day. I need a drink...

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The Fear Porn being rolled out about that Nuclear power plant is mind boggling. Yep, they're already to go Chernobyl, six in row, chain-reaction, destroy all of Europe. Sorry folks, these are modern pressurized water reactors, they can't go Chernobyl. They will never be breached unless Russian government or whoever owns them tells them to use shaped charges to first breach the 2 ft thick containment dome and then go inside that and use special shaped charges to breach the 1ft thick pressure vessel which would just release a lot of steam, and then shut cooling off to the small core in the middle of the giant containment dome, and very large pressure vessel, thus gradually causing a meltdown, Fukushima, not Chernobyl, and a slow release of a minor amount of isotopes, no deaths, insignificant compared to the war. And if Russia wanted to do that it would be far easier and far more effective to just use a nuclear weapon or a deliberate radiological bomb. Same crime, same international sanctions while being vastly more effective as a weapon. But heck why bother with that, why not just use a bioweapon like the CIA/Davos released worldwide with zero consequences.

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indeed, and taken in context, it is another chapter in the kabuki theater that adds more weight to the concept that both east and west are exploiting the people of Ukraine to provide all involved world governments cover to conceal the mass die off emerging since early 2021's jab rollout...

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Just to clarify you know it's Ukraine bombing the NPP right? It's definitely not Russian shelling. It's a Ukrainian provocation, they are trying to declare the area a demilitarized zone, and be given back the powerplant by the UN. It supplies 20% of Ukraine's energy. It's also part of a sick tactic the Ukranians are using, when they lose territory they try to destroy everything. " If we can't have it, nobody can." The Western Kiev regime gas been genocidi g the Donbass for eight years, but during this war their total contempt for their own citizens in this region has been crystal clear. They do nothing to support the civilians and actively target them and vital infrastructure.

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Personally I doubt Ukraine is doing much of anything. I suspect they have NATO/Davos surrogates dictating orders to the top Ukrainian Generals, who know they must be obedient. Like General "Kiss-Ass" Milley. Which isn't surprising, looking at recent events in the good ol' USA, I seriously doubt the elected or pretend-to-have-been elected politicians run much of anything anymore. The Stasi-FBI does whatever Davos/Banksters tells them to do and the puppies Wray and Garland have to spin it as though it was their decision.

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Yes definitely agree tactics training mission 100% US/NATO. But the vitriol, the hate and the anti-Russian Nazi style pogrom, is Ukraine, deliberately polarized, brain washed manipulated but still very much Kiev. Still the thug militias turned special ops, still the "policy" openly spewed in public by Zelensky. Russians/ ethic Russians aren't human to them. And the precious land of Ukraine also means nothing, everything can be sacrificed on a whim for a cheap PR stunt.

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Aug 12, 2022
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Yes, you can. At a low budget, think: top ramens. a 12-pack is 2 bucks. We always keep a few hundred, rotating them out and new ones in, and 100 gallons of drinking water. Folks reading here who made it through college know what I'm talking about. Primitive, but effective. I wonder if Edward is buying them in Tiblisi to avoid any further cafe fleecing. ;)

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Aug 12, 2022
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understood. I was a couch hopper through parts of college. Not as extreme as you mention, but having grown up on Venice Beach during my youth summers, I know what that looks like. At least you are able to maintain access to information that may assist you with some peace of mind. The style of writers here in this band of readers is quality; we are all building our knowledge.

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But but but someone is going to save us... we just need to sit on our collective asses in the west and wait for Putin and Don the orange to rise up and over throw the cabal of global clotshotters. The fact they were both fast tracking the development of the same shots that are key in the progression of digital enslavement of humanity is just a 5D chess move.... right.... guys, it is right?

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-on the 'same shots' aspect, it begs a further look at just where S-V jabs are made throught its rollout, and, like the "no-longer-accountable- to-the-FDA-required-trial-studies-results-authorization for-distributing-USA jabs," is the S-V original formula 'evolving' with similar lacks of authorization oversight by RF leadership? And if RF is contracting abroad for S-V production, why? --and how is it that this massive sanctions war against RF always seem to exempt and leave open continued co-operation with RF's jab development and rollout worldwide?

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Aug 12, 2022
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My take on Mara Lago is also loaded with red flags. He's one indictment away from disqualification, and he's also lost a huge swath of his voters via the jab apocalypse going on...

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Edward, just a quick note to thank your work which is really interesting. Continue to talk to us objectively about what is really happening in Russia because few do it with honesty and especially without propaganda.

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Appreciate that, Amalia. Thanks for reading!

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I live in France and here it is either the sickening anti-Russian propaganda of Macron and the mainstream media, or the pro-Russian dissidence that wants us to believe that Putin is an anti-globalist angel.

Big shit and lies on all floors.

Reading you changes me a lot from everything you find in Europe, especially since everything you say is sourced. I really appreciate this other level of reading and it's a great breath of fresh air.

Good kiss from France to you Edward and thank you again

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How do you say "warp speed" in Russian?

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“Russia’s fate and its historic prospects depend on how many of us there are... it depends on how many children are born in Russian families in one year, five, 10 years, on what they will grow up to be" Putin 2020.

Can someone remind Putin that he should avoid mass vaccination if he wants to achieve the above goal.

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Putin is under the bankers thumbs, just like every other country leader in the world; the other ones are dead. Lukashenko is still resisting, but for how long ?

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Putin's handling of covid is at best his great failing. He has failed the Russian people he claimed to want to protect.

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Looking at Putin's pronouncements regarding COVID vaccinations, it is striking to me that he is in almost perfect lockstep with the leaders of Western nations. Or should I say he is in perfect alignment with the wishes of the World Economic Forum under Klaus Schwab?

The implications are profound as Putin is portrayed as standing against Globalism, which seems unlikely in light of the facts. However, it is possible that there might be a falling out among thieves about the issue of who will be top dog after the Great Reset.

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I think VVP is throwing the WEF under the bus in the 11th hour, and leading the eastern block into its own era of digital currency, which has resulted in the thousands of "crush the RF" sanctions. RF and China has gold, oil, natural gas and commodities to back up their new currency... The West? tick, tock...tick, tock...

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putin cares not for your lives, does he know its all a fraud? yes

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But Putin isn’t dumb enough to think these short are safe and/or effective, right? So, it would be more likely that he, too, is practicing democide and calling it единственный путь вперед.

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Excellent documentation of the chronology. Thanks, Riley. There is no doubt. In the face of questions about the notion that there is a serious pandemic at all, or indeed even a scientific proof of a novel virus that's loose on the land, Putin is continuing to push clot shots upon a resistant public and continuing to cooperate with Big Pharma multinationals in developing new poisons. But many folks simply cannot examine their perspectives and take out this blind faith in Putin.

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Refusing the vaccine is a “dishonest position against your people,” Putin said on December 23, 2021.

OR, is this is really an attempt by yourself, VVP, at reverse-psychology misdirection against the skeptics that S-V is safe, and or needed at all?" A bit like Biden's mumbling and jumbling and even Trump's bloviating on this same gaslighting, no?

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What Paul Cardin said.

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When my dad Putin spoke of hacksxxxxination he meant for the NUkraine, nyet?

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