J.Kondratii... The elite will welcome you aboard the NWO ship and provide you with a berth and an integral role, and when the shop finally comes to port and the war is over, your expendability will suddenly become clear. You are nothing to them, just as the Ashkenazim citizens of Israel are being jabbed out of existence. Their function as citizens of a nation has expired.
J.Kondratii... The elite will welcome you aboard the NWO ship and provide you with a berth and an integral role, and when the shop finally comes to port and the war is over, your expendability will suddenly become clear. You are nothing to them, just as the Ashkenazim citizens of Israel are being jabbed out of existence. Their function as citizens of a nation has expired.
J.Kondratii... The elite will welcome you aboard the NWO ship and provide you with a berth and an integral role, and when the shop finally comes to port and the war is over, your expendability will suddenly become clear. You are nothing to them, just as the Ashkenazim citizens of Israel are being jabbed out of existence. Their function as citizens of a nation has expired.