We, definitely not the Controlled Opposition party, would like to offer you freedom from evil western imperialist central digital currency by offering our, uh... freedom central digital currency with a freedom sticker label slapped on it.

That giant database tracking tool over there with financial payment blocks? That's to, uhh... enhance freedom.

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Freedom label is also WEF approved using sustainable ground-up crickets.

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Thank you for highlighting the fearless and selfless efforts of well-intended political leadership of my homeland for the benefit of well-being and security of all workers and peasants!! Good job, Riley (and a "vympel").

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Most Russians seem unaware that the central bank in Russia is run like a private institution with access to the public's piggy bank.

They never had Ron Paul out there educating them on the topic.

It seems to go over their heads. They don't seem capable of figuring out this dastardly scheme.

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Russian history is clear! Russians are stupid mindless serfs! While powerful entities fight for control over these slaves. The Ukrainian war perfectly reflects how easily manipulated these slavs are. How do we join freemasonry to save our sanity? I am sick of screaming into an empty hallway while these stupid plebs swallow anything regurgitated from the television. I want to join the aristocracy and through war terror and famine, rule over these mindless goym!

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J.Kondratii... The elite will welcome you aboard the NWO ship and provide you with a berth and an integral role, and when the shop finally comes to port and the war is over, your expendability will suddenly become clear. You are nothing to them, just as the Ashkenazim citizens of Israel are being jabbed out of existence. Their function as citizens of a nation has expired.

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Well you should start by sharpening a knife and dropping your britches.

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Does what you wrote make sense in your brain?

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Hey, you said you wanted to join the ruling elite. Do what they did when they signed a deal with g-d. If it worked for Abraham it might work for you.

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Ok I think you might be reading different literature than me. Please expand on that?

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I think he is talking about circumcision. You might wanna read between the lines of what that could mean.

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You've never heard of the Old Testament my guy?

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I think quite a lot know, not prudent to talk aloud about such things in Russia.

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You can say whatever the hell you want in Russia among friends or the kitchen table or telegram groups.

Peasant solidarity still exists.

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A Russian colleague (in Russia) when I mentioned that our political leaders were a little crazy right now said that this had been the case in Russia for a long time. That kind of looks 'figured' to me. Whether they can do something about it is another thing.

Anyway don't let me stop your circumcision party.

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Same program at work on the other side of the iron curtain.

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"And so it goes, so it goes, so it goes, where it's heading no one knows." Thanks again, Riley, trying to keep our heads above the madness the musings of the Putin admiration society which dominates the West's blogosphere and "intellectual" milieu.

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"... securing Russia’s financial sovereignty".

Nikolay Starikov has shown the way to secure Russia's financial sovereignty and it has nothing to do with counting on the work of the Central Bank. In fact, Russia does not have a central bank, it is rather the Money Changers who have a central bank also in Russia:


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A glance at Starikov's book reminds me of G. Edward Griffin's The Creature from Jekyll Island, Bill Still's The Money Masters, James Corbett's The History of the Federal Reserve, or Ellen Brown's Web of Debt. These are a few examples of superbly written documentaries and books that strike to the heart of the analogous matter in America, yet have had no mainstream impact on the public perception of the US Federal Reserve. Not even when one author (EB) ran for Congress.

Do you think the bankers will permit Strarikov's ideas to reach widespread circulation in Russia just because his books there are written in a country that uses funny characters? What do you think propaganda is for? ;-(

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Propaganda is the temporary system to manage public perception until Elon Musk's final solution is put in place.

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I'll ask what every serious economist is currently asking themselves: Will the new CBDC still be gold-backed?

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Haha! Right... Gold. CBDCs are backed by human cattle, just like the corporate government portfolio.

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No, absolutely not. CBDC is to be backed by electronic surveillance and control--and boosted by vaccine mandates.

(1) The value of the digital currency can be maintained only if people have to use it, and they will have to use it if their activity is monitored and taxed. So, every transaction, no matter how small, will be monitored and taxed. in 2018, the World Bank published that nearly half the world lives on less than $5.50 a day. For the most part, their income has not been taxed. So, billions of peasants selling spices on remote village markets will be connected to digital platforms via cell phones and the internet beamed by satellites --and taxed.

(2) Vaccine mandates have a twofold purpose:

(i) to regularly provide huge funds both to the private sector and the government, and also

(ii) to make the population get injected with nanoparticles, which can change their bodies or minds and contain electromagnetically reactive structures that facilitate remote control.

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One of the main goals of the plandemic is ushering of CBDCs. Eugenicist experimentation and bio-terrorizm that is done via "vaccines" is in the 2nd place, osit.

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Hi Edward, thanks for the great articles, we don't get much information here in the west about what's going on in Russia.

If you are interested, come to Gab (https://gab.com/home), your articles would be useful to all Westerners who see Putin as the "savior" of the new multipolar world.

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Thanks for reading, Luis. Will look into getting a Gab account.

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Check out this guy's account: https://gab.com/thezblog

The Z Man is a rising star among WN in North America. He has sparred recently with civic notsees of American Greatness about the cult doctrine of "unalienable Rights", and sometimes he drops a few bombs directly on his targets, as in this piece at his blog: https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=29133

Fyi, he's claimed to be descended from Russians and to look like Rasputin. He's somewhat disoriented, as WN's tend to be. (Usually they want a shortcut to togetherness, as does Putin through Christianity). Still, he has an intelligent audience and didn't fall into the ghastly pit of Yukrainian chauvinism like some other WN. Probably you could prompt him to write about the ERG.

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Translated into Croatian:


Thank You Edward. Hello from Zagreb!

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very cool, thanks for that!

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False heroes...

Sure, Putin has said honest things about the issues.

But he constantly plays dumb about the messed up stuff. Did he forget about the nwo infiltration?

Sure, Jordan Peterson talks about freedom and censorship.

But he said we shouldn't have online anonymity after his softball bibi interview. Did he forget free speech?

Sure, Elon Musk claims to be pro free speech.

But he's still censoring people.

Did he forget?

If your hero forgets the basics, it's time to realize that they're limited hangouts.


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Can a critical mass of Russian citizens be awakened before it's too late? Can they be brought to see that Putin is nothing more than a "black masked" villain of globalist Hegelian lucha libre, a role chosen for him by the unitary transnational plutocracy to capture their trust?

Meanwhile, he and his WEF partner Zelenskyy pour the young proles of each nation into the killing fields, ensuring there will be no great uprising of youthful have nots when the digital prison prepares to close the door of the cyber plantation.

Few understand that Putin and Zelenskyy waited 8 years to set up a war that would inflict maximum casualties on the underclass of both nations? Ruling class control of retail narratives have successfully concealed perhaps the greatest of all truths about the last two world wars: They were conducted to burn off the underclass fuel of the international labor movement. So too we will see the ruling class rattling the chains of the global underclass hoping they can trigger artificial factions of underclass to blame and to attack each other instead of making the next critical leap in human evolution: escape from slavery by transnational plutocracy.

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Jan 15, 2023
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I am saddened by this. The Russian people have recent historical cause to be maximally cynical. It was a master stroke of evil genius by the globalists to cast him in the role of a nationalist hero pumping double barreled middled fingers in the general direction of the west. Decent people struggle to fathom such a level of treachery. The war and the persistent Russophobia stoke the perception that Putin and his men are champions of the people, enemies of the Notso New World Order.

A desirable illusion is the most difficult of illusions to reject in favor of reality. This is how honey pot operations work. People tend to believe what they need to believe and not what they should believe.

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For 20 years, Putin was a light in the darkness for so many. Oh well, it's probably better that we become more self-reliant. If we want to beat global slavery our only ally is looking back at us in the mirror. Time to get off our arses and fight.

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Hegelian theater. He has been showing us the way to the pseudolibertarian dystopia favored by the WEF, as opposed to, say the constitutional libertarianism of the west or, certainly, democratic socialism. He also needed to be seen as opposition to the west to enlist and retain the trust of the Russian people who would otherwise have seen his WEFfer essence had he not.

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Perhaps. And yet he expelled the Zionist bankers. That is the most telling action. That he looked into the WEF is also the signature of a cautious and thorough tactician, which has typified his actions for 20 years.

So I will keep an open mind whilst leaning on no allies except, most likely, Vigano.

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Did he actually expel the Zionist bankers? I am eager to believe this and would be delighted if you have some sources for me to read.

The Saker used to write a great deal of how beholden Putin is to Israel, others how beholden Putin is to Chabad Lubavich. I'm not anti-Jewish in the least but I am anti-AngloZionism. My sense is that Putin and whatever US president are both Hegelian puppets of the AngloZionist Transnational Plutocracy (China too).

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Beware Digital Currency and the disappearance of hard CASH! It's all about control, manipulation and SLAVERY!

'Do NO Harm' and 'Informed Consent' were both removed from the Doctors Hippocratic Oath when Covid was invented. The medical profession nosedived into deceit and dishonesty by allowing Big Brother to dictate their medical actions and moral decisions.

A bit like altering the dictionary meaning of VACCINE twice in a decade to suit the DEADLY but USELESS Covid injection.

World Health Organisation is now redundant , CORRUPT and cannot be trusted since Bill Gates became their biggest benefactor (influencer). They are now being encouraged to take over the whole planets Health systems. Starting with obtaining the Authority to proclaim the next artificial Scamdemic, and then impose all the worst Controls and Disciplines that we experienced during the Covid Scamdemic.

With their Newly obtained powers they will be able to MANDATE INJECTIONS (called 'Vaccines') that will have little to do with human health - more like Total Control and Slavery!

What are we going to watch when all sportsmen & women have died from the Covid Injections? Apparently, there were 5 with heart issues in one University on the same day?

Some of us sceptics believed from the unbelievably speedy 'invention' of the DEADY COVID VAX they were at best 'SUSPECT'. ("Speed of Science" = My arse!) Now we all know they can be DEADLY!

The 'System' has allowed Flu to re-emerge and are trying to justify even more profit making injections (called vaccines).I suspect all injections might now be 'doctored' with unwanted dangerous additives!

More 'boosters that don't work? Just to sell more injectable crap into, our already devastated bodies.

If we continue to refuse the DEADLY COVID INJECTION, can Doctors still prescribe 'Sudden Early Death Syndrome (SADS) for us?

Do any Doctors still remember "Do no harm" as part of their oath to provide professional conduct?

Heart DAMAGE from Covid Vax is permanent!

What about 'Informed Consent'? That was formally terminated as a Patient courtesy or requirement the same Date Covid Vax cheated it's way into the market with an unjustified (EUA) Emergency Use Authorisation - because they got the FDA to agree that IVERMECTIN & several other proven pre-existing Safe & Effective anti-viral medicines did not exist, or, if they did, "They're only for animals."!

Big Pharma Covid injections (called "vaccines"???) = NO 'LIABILITY' = LICENCE TO KILL with impunity!

Why do the CDC refer to DEADLY VAX 'DANGER SIGNALS' as "Safety Signals"? This Poison is made with NO GUARANTEE of SAFETY or EFFICACY by unethical and massively profitable organisations that accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for any/all ADVERSE REACTIONS or/and DEATHS that follow their supposed DEPOPULATING 'cures'. The word 'MIOCARDITIS' is now part of our daily vocabulary!

The crap is so unreliable, that now NEW AILMENTS are being (invented) discovered like SUDDEN EARLY DEATH SYNDROME (SADS)! High functioning athletes are dropping like flies!

Why would anybody play RUSSIAN ROULETTE with their otherwise healthy bodies, and those of their innocent children! Apparently there are now 770 different adverse reactions recorded that relate to Covid injections (ridiculously referred to as "VACCINES").

LIABILITY MUST BE REINTRODUCED for these Bio-weapons designed for depopulation of the planet!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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The Liberal Facilitation of Death

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In some cases even perhaps the 'liberal encouragement for people to choose death'. Combine that with an extremely effective multi year economic war that has put millions in debt, depressed, isolated and stressed, well you have an effective machine to send a great many people to "elsewhere" (as they said in The Giver).

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I know that there must be a way to slip some painful knowledge about the Electronic Ruble Gulag into the consciousness of Putinfiles like Brian Berletic and the Alexes of The Duran. They won't want it, but sometimes we need to experience some pain in order to be transformed from caterpillars into winged adults.

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