I love it how when actual doctors question the efficacy of vaccines and germ theory they are "conspiracy theorists". But when a banker like Kirill Dmitriev talks about vaccination against the coronavirus, it's all fine and dandy!

Not to mention Kirill Dmitriev's wife Natalia Popova is the first deputy CEO of "Innopraktika", headed by Putin's daugther. They went to university together apparently, and recently all information about their organization and other (including RT's parent company) have disappeared from the main register for companies.

And Innopraktika were the ones "testing the vaccine". So much for the theory of "Putin surrounded by globalists trying to 5D chess his way out of it, just you wait and he will save humanity!"

Basically someone is making a lot of money hand over fist while killing the population a little bit and making a shit show of everything. PT Barnum would be amazed.

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What would be the motivation for doing this? Is the Sputnik V not killing or disabling enough of the population? Perhaps we should add Astra Zeneca as a catalyst to speed up the process. If anyone is foolish enough to do this at least check on the batch numbers before driving yourself off a cliff. http://howbad.info/. This database has no information regarding Sputnik V.

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"What would be the motivation for doing this?"

To completely muddle legal liability. Anyone who is injected by a "vaccine" from more than one maker, even if it is AstraZenenca and Astra relabeled as Sputnik V, is effectively letting the criminals off for health damage and/or death, because nobody will able to prove which "vaccine" did what damage, letting both off the hook. Or I believe that's the plan anyway.

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Bingo. This has been elucidated elsewhere; eliminate the control group.

Once all the sheep have all been led off to slaughter, only lions will remain.

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Excellent point. That hadn’t occurred to me.

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You have to go back farther.

You'll recall that early last year, Pfizer and Moderna ganged up on AstraZeneca and pushed its slurry out of the market. They reported adverse events from AZ.

So my guess is that someone from either side approached the other and made a deal. Probably AZ to Gameleya. "Hey our shit isn't doing well, but it's basically the same as yours, here's your chance for Western vaccine recognition."

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Come si fa a credere a queste fantomatiche inversioni di rotta , quando sappiamo benissimo che il piu' grande produttore e finanziatore di vaccini è (RDIF) per Sputnik V /AstraZeneca, continuo a sostenere la retratezza culturale della Russia su questa evidente e confutata pseudo -scienza della pseudo-virologia virale, ma se non esiste nessuna prova nessun documento in 220 stati -nazione dell'esistenza di questi immaginari fantomatici microganismi virali tramite i " FOI " DI Christine Massey della libera informazione mai in nessuna parte del mondo , e' lecito chiedersi cosa servono le preventive vaccinazioni di massa se non aderire ad una programmazione geopolitica unica , siamo stanchi di questa non scienza sopratutto da una nazione che si dichiara alternativa e multipolare certamente su questo tema non tollerabili e attendibili....!!!!.


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Why has there always been this plan when both shots aren't particularly effective?


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