Wonder if there is a prize to the country most successful in the commission of genocide.


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At the beginning of 2022 Pfizer forecasted $102 billion in profits for the year, thanks to whackcine sales. What they didn't say was how much they'd make from selling the whackcine-injured who survive meds for their new and/or worsened conditions.

But, surely, as the many Putin fanclub members around "think," Dr. Gintsburg, head of Gamaleya, wouldn't have such things in mind when rushing their new "immunising" concoction to market.

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Such excellent business model, such foresight! It was reported at the beginning of the year how Shizer has been acquiring "relevant" plants,

Arena Pharmaceuticals company developing potential treatments

for immuno-inflamatorg diseases ~$6.7bn, they acquired Canadian cancer drugmaker Trillium Therapeutic ($2.26 bn) I'm sure there's more. That's how you do it! You plan ahead. Profit above all else!

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Sep 30, 2022
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I concur completely. Antoine Becahamp and "terrain" is NOT taught in USA schools. I only learned of Antoine Bechamp and "terrain" in June 2020 during my research to find out why almost all countries in the world had gone crazy (exception of Belarus and Eritrea and other countries like Tanzania until their leader was assassinated. Only Pasteur is taught in American high schools. Why? Because Pasteur's germ theory makes money for the banks and pharmaceutical "snake oil" salesmen. Pasteur's germ theory also controls people by keeping the element of fear of "catching" a "virus" from a fellow human being.

Terrain is very simple to understand for me. All environments have pollution (with exception of pristine nature) in various degrees from very high to very low toxicity. Hence the reason, in worst cases humans get cancer. (By the way, we ALL know that cancer is NOT contagious.) And in best cases simply undergo a detox from time to time. As you already know, pure water without chemicals is extremely important to the health of life. For the most part, Belarus has very pure drinking water so I am very fortunate where I live.

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yes the winner gets an autographed picture of Bill Gates chit chatting with Jeffrey Epstein

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well if there is Canada may be winning, here the plutocrat's footsoldiers inject people with deadly biotech cocktails and then when those that are injected immediately die they tell the surviving family members it was due to "natural causes" and move on to injecting more people https://jessica5b3.substack.com/p/another-good-canadian-woman-dies

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Read recently that the mountie-in-charge may not have tremendous support politically - hope that's true , for the sake of the Great Canadian people.

Stay strong.

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Oh ya and in addition to murdering people via injection our government apparently also has a mafia-esk type pay off program for those that make too much noise about their fallen family members. I think the fact that they are setting aside payoff money to provide people funds for "funeral expenses" (among other things) related to mRNA injections says a lot. https://tnc.news/2022/03/17/feds-prepare-75-million-for-first-five-years-of-covid-vaccine-injury-claims/?fbclid=IwAR0bk-7bQxEwHTpUY-iqY0z6idahzd--fe8IR7crzkOFIKLKqts72Bx_Ayw

The report attached to the government payoff money stated “Eligible individuals may receive income replacement indemnities, injury indemnities, death benefits, coverage for funeral expenses and reimbursement of eligible costs such as otherwise uncovered medical expenses,”.

This shows clearly that we are in fact dealing with organized criminals willing to try and pay people who have lost loved ones to known bioweapons / dangerous transhumanist experimental injections to stay quiet. These are text book racketeering tactics, albeit being implemented on an unprecedented (global) scale.

Australia now has a similar program to pay people off after their government kills them via injection. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/australia-has-solved-the-vaccine

At this point, anyone still lining up for these "booster" injections should also be lining up for a psych evaluation.

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In Australia, the doctor must stand tall and submit a form stating that the vax CAUSED the death ............ in the current environment, wonder HOW MANY docs wanna do that?

In Canada, IF the same requirement is in place - again, wondering the same.

Doctors speaking out against the jab?? Not sure how many would want to risk retribution.......

As to the 'sanity' of those who line up to roll up that sleeve and beg for their next jab?

- They gonna FAIL that psych eval, with FLYING COLORS.

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Yes that is true, but then again that sneering puppet was never very popular to begin with. I suppose if the voting system here still operates as advertised he certainly will not remain in office but the damage done is substantial. I do not know if this Pierre Poilievre guy that will likely replace him is honest and legit (or some kind of Blackrock/WEF double agent), but if he is what he says he is I hope he has some good bodyguards otherwise I have a feeling he will end up like JFK did. In any case, I am not hoping some politician can help me or make things better, instead I am investing my time and energy in more ancient, honest and resilient communities of life, planting seeds in the rich Earth, tending them and helping others do the same.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment.

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«experiments were being carried out on intramuscular, intravenous, nasal and intratracheal administration»

At least one mode of delivery is still missing but I'll refrain from giving them ideas.

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Maybe Chyneese will go for it since they have more experience in probing

those orifices for reliable testing (?) And there are mosquitoes of course.

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Do you mean like getting infected from reading alt media? ;)

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No, I mean where else they could shove the vaccine but they should do that exclusively to themselves.

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I know. I've had a few prostate exams in my time.

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As much as I like to hear the powerful critiques of the totally psychopathic, corrupt, and degenerate West made by Putin and other Russian leaders, it is very concerning that Russia appears to be marching in lockstep with Big Pharm in America and Europe promoting these Satanic and evil mRNA "vaccines," i.e., gene therapies. WTF? Thanks for your coverage of this important issue.

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"I was just doing my job" - Dr. Mengele, pardon, Gintsburg.

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If Sputnik V works so well, then why a Russian MRNA injection? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Patent royalties? Combined with current difficulties in Russia/USA relations? Why buy expensive US Liquid Natural Gas when you can produce plenty of your own for cheap and still sell it high?

Greed and addiction are our masters' masters.

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Birth rate is a good marker for "effectiveness" of mRNA (or with adenovirus vector) inoculum. Political actors in west and east are in the same mood who try to kill their own citizen very fast. Maybe because they are evil, ignorant (is the same thing) or just stupid. The tragic thing is that in Russia, because of soviet period and postcommunist period the people who know how bad the inoculum is are in greater peril than in west and their voice is difficult to be heard.

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Tovarich, the real advantage of mRNA DEATHVAX™ is that it can be taken daily, and if the formulation is correctly prepared you will die if you miss a single dose.

And of course tavorich, if you misbehave such that your social credit score dips below the good malcheek and devotchka AI algo threshold the slurry serving shall be denied you.

Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution!

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Through the miracle of 5D chess, the slurries will be extra scientificky and therefore effective. The definition of "effective" is left as an exercise for the reader.

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still searching. Can't find it anywhere on the CDC's website ...............

it'll turn up - SOMEwhere !

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Yesterday a friend visited me. She was weeping. Her mother took 4th dose in August. She has been dead for 3 weeks now (we are still in September). My neighbor also took the fourth dose. He's been very sick since. My other friend took her 3rd dose, she is going blind. My other friend took her 3rd dose. She had a pre-stroke condition.... She just had Covid and many severe health issues.... It would be difficult to call it strong immunity after 4th dose.

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this is just another reason why the "virus" hoax needs to be exposed...https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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Why do they want to follow everyone else down the road to Hell? They have lost their minds!

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How big is it in Russia? In the West we are also told about the new medical scam in trend on a regular basis, but it is not the center of the media circus, far from it at that point.

How does the Russian population react to these news? I mean both, the new Ginsburg new poison and the death and fertility data.

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A good question whose answer will arrive in mass populist form, I would guess. The population is an abstract notion, after all, not a salient identity. The AIs of the world probably understand the question better than we do even though they have no clue of what it is that they "understand".

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Very discouraging news. Sad. Russia’s Vector State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology is developing a mRNA coronavirus vaccine, Yelena Nechayeva, the center’s deputy director general, said on Wednesday, Sept 28.

"There are no mRNA vaccines in Russia, but now several organizations, including "Vector", are working on that," she told TASS on the sidelines of the Openbio forum.

According to Nechayeva, the "Vector" center is currently working on technologies and control methods for the vaccine development. Pre-clinical tests have NOT yet kicked off.

Russians in general are skeptical about injections. Hence NO announcement of the success of the Sputnik V booster campaign. Why? Because the Sputnik V booster campaign is a flop. In my opinion, Russians for the most part, will NOT buy (or take for free) what the "Openbio MRNA forum" is selling" (or pushing).

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Thanks for the update my friend.

Meanwhile in Canada... https://jessica5b3.substack.com/p/another-good-canadian-woman-dies a woman went into a Saskatoon Shoppers Drug Mart to get dosed with some more genetic slurry contaminants on September 14 and then dropped dead within minutes of being injected. The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health is denying that the injection was responsible for her untimely death, instead, the health authority insists she died of “natural causes.” The pharmacists at the shoppers drug mart have now been ‘instructed’ not to talk about it and refuse to warn people inquiring about potential side effects. The family of the deceased woman insists that she was perfectly healthy and had no underlying conditions.

For the so called "health authorities" to unilaterally declare she died of "natural causes" (without any investigation) when she died in close temporal proximity to the injection would be like if a relatively healthy person drank a beverage and began having seizures minutes after and internally bleeding, but then the purveyors of the beverage tried to tell the family that just lost their loved one that it was due to "natural causes" (oh and by the way in this hypothetical scenario with the person dying immediately after drinking the newly marketed beverage containing unprecedented ingredients it would be manufactured by a corporation that has been charged with felony level crimes multiple times).

I think the fact that the pharmacy is refusing to inform others going into their facility about this occurrence when they ask about potential side effects to be not only criminal, but morally repugnant. Those involved in remaining silent, explaining away and covering up that woman's death are accomplices to murder.

This kind of thing is not an isolated incident. I have heard from first responders here in Ontario that have been called to pick up many unresponsive people from pharmacies and injection sites and they say they are also being called out to high numbers of car accidents (where after they pronounce the victim dead on the scene) they find out that an inordinate amount of people found dead in these situations were attempting to drive home after being injected.

Make no mistake, what is taking place globally right now is Democide, and in a very similar fashion to how it went down in Nazi Germany, the medical establishment is playing a key role in ensuring that the body count keeps rising. It is a new kind of war that is being waged now, people are not being dragged off to the death camps, they are being lured and coerced to line up and be slaughtered of their own volition. Many have trouble seeing through the thick suffocating fog of the propaganda to being able to realize that we are living in the killing fields of a war, well it is rather one sided, so perhaps mass murder is a more appropriate term, but what ever you want to call it, it is a gruesome and highly effective operation (which is making billions in profit for a select few via their big pharma/government racketeering operations) and that is leaving a trail of needless death, despair and suffering in it's wake.

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And the taxcattle are lowkey footing the bill for this "scientific research" on taxcattle management and culling at the "biosecurity protocols" slaughterhouse, just as with the Russia military-industrial complex. Rockefeller-style philanthropic WHO "medicine" is not the only thing Putin's Russia takes seriously, they take their UNSC permanente seat at the UN's Rockefeller HQ in NY quite seriously as well. The terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate doesn't need any friends with "enemies" like Russia and China.

And to complete today's dose of Orwellian asshattery, Kremlin says it's mulling renewing NewSTART treaty talks with the US. EUrasia is not at war with Oceania, EUrasia has always been at war with etc....

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