Russia to create its own mRNA shot. Sure, why not?
My deadly genetic slurry is more multi-polar than yours
Exciting news from TASS:

Here are some very reassuring and multi-polar comments from Denis Logunov, the deputy director of the famous Gamaleya Center (the big-brains behind Russia’s original unproven genetic slurry, Sputnik V):
The technology of mRNA vaccines has a very important advantage: it can be administered at least every month … Here is the natural limitation of vector vaccines, which you cannot administer more than once every six months, because antibodies appear, they must decrease. Six months—this is the minimum, the ideal period between two injections. <...> Therefore, this decision was made, by order of the director [Sputnik V Papa Bear Alexander Gintsburg], a laboratory group was created to develop such [mRNA] vaccines. Here I will present you our new data regarding the mRNA platform,” he said.
Logunov said that mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer or Moderna give strong immunity after three to four vaccinations.
Imagine saying these insane things in September 2022.
Actually, it’s easy to imagine because the Gamaleya Center has always been in love with mRNA shots, and has long advocated for creating clot-shot cocktails with Big Pharma.
TASS continues:
[Logunov] added that experiments were being carried out on intramuscular, intravenous, nasal and intratracheal administration. Following the lecture, Logunov said that the industrial production in Russia of the mRNA vaccine, which is currently being developed by the Gamaleya Center, can be organized with the purchase or development of specific equipment. Now the vaccine is being developed at the facilities of the center.
Fascinating. It’s nice to know that even while facing 10,000+ sanctions, Russia still might be able to purchase the necessary equipment to produce its own mRNA goo. (The Gamaleya Center has lots of experience working with third party contractors. It even paid mysterious unnamed manufacturers, using delicious US dollars, to provide doses of “Sputnik V” that it was supposed to be making itself.)
Joyous news. This will certainly help with Russia’s plummeting birthrate and ongoing demographic crisis.

Meanwhile, the Gamaleya Center is moving forward with creating new Omicron and Delta flavors of Sputnik V—in near-lockstep with Big Pharma. What a bizarre coincidence.

Take that, Collective West.
Oh well. Subscribe to Edward Slavsquat for some free mRNA nose spray?
Wonder if there is a prize to the country most successful in the commission of genocide.
«experiments were being carried out on intramuscular, intravenous, nasal and intratracheal administration»
At least one mode of delivery is still missing but I'll refrain from giving them ideas.