Dec 22, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

This post is a masterpiece :)

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Thanks, Natalie :) any news from Ukraine? all this war talk is actually starting to make me a bit sweaty...

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

No need to worry, our NSDC (National Security and Defense Council) has it all under control. That's what they say, and I have no reason not to believe them, especially remembering the story of Crimea.

On a serious note, I feel uneasy as well. But there haven't been any news of our military getting ready for war, and I've read that the Trilateral Group reached ceasefire agreement yesterday https://korrespondent.net/ukraine/4430523-v-obse-pryvetstvovaly-dohovorennost-o-prekraschenyy-ohnia-na-donbasse . It's anyone's guess what can happen.

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

But honestly, I'm more worried about the soaring gas prices and the tensions over the gas pipelines...

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Dec 23, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

An update: according to a recent order of the Ministry of Defense, women aged 18-60 are now liable for military service and thus subject to military registration (did I say that right?) The reason cited for this is the amassment of Russian troops along Ukraine's borders.

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False flag chemical attack incoming!

But don’t worry, the mighty mask will protect against fake chemicals just as is does against fake covid.

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Ooh, that must be why a woman on a bus today was wearing a quilted fleece mask. It was quite a sight.

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Why would anyone want to stop him ? I tried to stop some friends from taking the jab(s) and their feedback was less than pleasant, so I switched modes.

Now I tell them to take two sets of jabs from two different makers, to be sure. Because there is nothing but pure health in those vials, and double health is always welcome ツ

These concoctions are cleaning the world of the stupid and I only hope the pace will increase.

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If the eugenicists succeed in eliminating their supporters, the moronic, then we have a better chance of resetting them the fuck out of power...


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You bring up an interesting point. When the sheep, rats, mice, and assorted detritus have been exterminated the only species left will be lions.

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“Pure f’ing health” lol; they should relabel the vials with that. 😂

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of course, source is RT so who knows if there is any truth here.

Yet, one can dream ...

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Thank you, it made me laugh.

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where, oh where is pancake boi?

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I'm lining up with you you.

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I get it, he is only trying to ramp up the slapstick factor of the goings-on. It's a good thing, and in keeping with his character. There will be more Zhirik shots coming, many more.

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we should start a betting pool. How many Zhirik shots by February 1? My bet is 11.

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

One more by the stated deadline.

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Are they real though.

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

As real as the shots Putine gets and everyone in the government, i suppose. But it doesn't matter. Real or not, this shot glut makes things funnier for the people, making light of the whole covid scare and eroding the trust in vaccines.

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Rational arguments don’t work. But Zhirinovsky’s antics may. Cue the clown music as he takes another shot. 🤡

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by Edward Slavsquat

He figures if rockstars made shooting up drugs “cool” he can do the same with vaccines. Gotta stay high on them antibodies!

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it was probably saline ... but then again, they’re so crazy, maybe not? and the Putin powder, baking soda? 💕🐱💕

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from what I've heard, the Duma parties hard. So who knows?!

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wait, what? you can get high on baking soda? who knew?!

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The Velvet Underground -Live 1967 Loop/Run.run.run @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdg0iLYG7Ro

50 years ago!!!, compare with the garbage of now. The Velvet Underground were extraterrestrials musically speaking (sheep heads otherwise, but musically-artistically unsurpassed).

Unfortunately, as stunning as it is to listen to them again, it doesn't help us progress one iota from the shit we're in.

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Maybe it does. Listening to them might rewire some brains.

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The Wisdom of Lou Reed (Blue in the Face) @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xduERw9BSns

Blue in the face = KICK ASS FILM.

Also, Jim Jarmusch among my favorite directors. While I can agree on the need to rewire/*reflash* some brains, it's not sufficient as we need something programmatically to be done in sync.

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Volenti non fit injuria.

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Has anybody developed an anticipated timeline in which the braindead manage to become fully dead? I am guessing four years, in which time I hope the effing doctors and nurses are in no shape to stab anyone. I am speculating that the elite will then review their position and decide they need the filthy unvaxxed to run the world because their moronic henchmen are either zombies or dead. Any advice is appreciated, including how to avoid satellite and clone searches of my hideout in the vast wilderness. I was hopeing for a Putin-generated rescue in Australia but you have inspired misgivings in a Russian alliance. Let me know how many jabs it takes to kill Zhirinovsky. We may be able to use the dosage to hasten the demise of the Medical Mafia.

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just posted. stay tuned ...

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One of the more important components of PSYOP-19 is actual demoralization. Now in the USSA we have leftist politicians that had both death injections AND the death boosters popping left and right for "covid" as they demand the citizenry get their never-ending death injections for themselves. Reality inversion is a powerful demoralization technique, and transforming the entire planet into Death Cultist groupthink "vax" zombies is the endgame, well, that, and their clinical slow kill.

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And he's gone...

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, 25 April 1946 – 6 April 2022. #RIP


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Beter call him syringenovsky

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Ssshhhombody ssshhhtop him.

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pretend that I believed his stupidity So either the VPjab doesn't work or just placebo. (Sigh heavily) THEY really wanted to sell their jab desperately even at such IQ (idiocy quotient)!

Anyway, off topic! Congrats you left the RT. Might I ask if you have any idea why Rick San, the bootlicker left RT? I know you don't give a shit.. I'm just asking

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