In the US, they plan to use the combination smallpox/money pox (Jynneos) as a cure all cover up for all the shingles outbreaks caused by natural immunity destruction from the Covid jabs, Monkey pox is yet another outcome of the immune enhanced destruction of the innate immune system. While the deaths and permanent disabilities increase monthly from the initial injuries from the gene altering chemical bio weapon they created via a computer model of a virus that has never been isolated in a human. It’s a merry go round of profit for the slurry manufacturing industry.

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Yep and in most nations in 2020:

-total deaths in line with previous years

-average age of "cv" death around life expectancy...

That means there was nothing new during the "pandemic" besides the bad medical treatments like remdesevir and ventilators

But 21 and 22 have higher total deaths and lower avg age of cv death than past years periods.... Hmmm from the jabs , because nothing else changed!

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makes sense.

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You always seem to successfully "inject" humor in your posts....truffle hog! Seems like such an appropriate label! ( Seeing his photo also kinda helped).

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What do you someone who is grateful to have received the shots even though it killed them?

The Grateful Dead

I would ask what their favorite music band, but it would be like adding a booster to someone who has already crossed over.

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Sounds applicable here. Maybe they wanted to cross over.....Perhaps they knew and it was an unconscious suicidal approach....Suppose we will never know. Unless some medium can get through to someone crossed over due to the shots....but maybe they can't tell us and we need to figure it out for ourselves? Here I go- your dark humor got me over thinking.... things to ponder.

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I actually have heard that many ARE crossing over on an unconscious intentional choice level, not so much suicidal but more like they decided to ascend out that way.

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Interesting, yet sounds consistent with what I've heard said about 911 and the souls crossing over during that. That concept is a huge part of the book "Courageous Souls" (by Robert Schwartz) and involved in the books "Destiny of Souls" and Journey of Souls"(Michael Newton books). I read them years ago, but they are stacked within view within 3 feet of me now......

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Wow...so cool that this is emerging in your consciousness at this time! 3 feet, huh? :) My old mentor talked about this time a bunch of years ago and that lots of people would be leaving the planet and that it is a part of the process and to neither fear it nor judge them for it. <3 <3 <3 Have you read Dying to be me by Anita Moorjani?

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A beautiful sentiment, ladies. It makes the choices of my family members a little less mystifying. They're ascending right off a cliff by trusting the government, but I have to respect their wishes. Even their death wishes.

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Amazing how corrupt the medical field is. I shouldn't have been surprised. Wherever there is big money, there is big corruption.

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"fellow space lizard," love it

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Sadly, what this suggests is that there is no-one in Russia (or other nations of the world) strong enough to stand up for the health of their own people. Forget Putin being photographed riding his horse topless, through mountain streams.

A strong leader would say -

There is no evidence to support this treatment,

There is however libraries of evidence showing a direct connection between vaccines and

-Deliberate sterilisation programs

-Skyrocketing rates of autism and other neurological diseases in children

-Rises in chronic diseases all linked to auto immune disorders.

Either the citizens of the world rise up and put a stop this degenerate and utterly corrupt vaccine industry, or we wipe ourselves out.

Let us join hands around the globe and fight the real evil, globalists, rapacious corporate greed, eugenics ideologies and the use of 'medicine' by intelligence and military groups to main and kill the innocent.

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He looks liek a monkey himself.. he really needs this!

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Ya know, my grandfather lived in a rural town of Guttenberg. (Ginsburg's name made me do a double take.). It was a short trip to a town of Waterloo (another double take at comment made by a fellow reader ). My grandpa always had some hogs on his farm...pink ones come to my mind in recollection. I can't seem to get that old familiar creature's face out of my mind now...Randomness/ order? HELP! 😂

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Ditto on evil space lizard truffle hog humor.

Me wonders if this will be Gospodin Truffleicious's Waterloo.

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Textbooks of the future will include the dietary proclivities of space lizards.

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The truffelhog... my word I enjoyed that.

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I hadn't read Anita's book, but a,m very familiar with her as I have heard her present and be interviewed so many times. I felt reading the book would be like a repetition and I have so many books lined up and so little time to get to them nowadays as I want to keep up on everything else. It sounds like your old mentor is in line with the same ideas as the books I mentioned. I think the hard part of being human is that we cling to what we have grown attached to....our loved ones, etc. It is hard to see them make choices leading to potential (what we see as ) doom. Hopefully we'll all see clearly when we leave this plane. Am I getting too esoteric? A couple of my favorite author/mentors passed away not too long ago. One was Ram Dass and the other Hank Wesselman. I absolutely resonated with both of them and the latter had some really interesting books involving his traveling to the future in his dream state and it involved a damaged and overgrown again (rejuvenating) earth. I can't help wonder if he is there now. I had better stop! I could go on and on! You've given me food for thought and now I am having a feast/cravings! OH, and that 3 feet thing....synchronicities are abounding exponentially in my life more now than ever lately in very unusual ways. I've always noticed them, but now more.....those things give me hope.

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