Hang in there man! Will send in my 'hood thugs if they keep tryin' to talk reckless to you via these emails!
By the way, 700 thousand mask violations since the start of the pandemic? More than half of the entire Moscow metro is not wearing masks or has them "slipped down on the chin" at all times, and that's just what I saw when going there maybe ten times over the past year! Probably more like 700 million violations weekly.
Not going to lie, you actually had me worried for a moment there. I suspect the main reason you haven't been black-bagged yet is due to your irascible sense of humor. Laughter in the face of death is appreciated by even the most dour of Slavic hearts.
Well done for obligingly covering this important topic. It was really interesting. Many people are hungry to learn about mask enforcement in the Moscow metro.
Интересная. I suspect it is bad all over the place in slav land, including Slovenia and Croatia. Yet these are exactly the wrong people to piss off beyond the Russians. Ask me how I know ...
I've had three glasses of wine, two beers and am an apex savanna predator (ok, apex if you don't include Nile crocodiles, lions, spotted and striped hyenas, and leopards). All my posts are satire.
Also, I have no idea what you are talking about. :)
An entire generation social distancing, incessantly washing hands; slaves with masks. Propaganda has us chasing injections and boosters, scanning QR-codes we hate so we can buy shit shipped from halfway across the planet that we don't need. We're the middle children of history. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War is a bad cold; our Great Depression is our locked down lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be free of lockdowns, and one of the maskless elite, and billionaires with our own islands. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
Well, Incompetence wouldn't merit Armageddon, which we are about to get. This wasn't the post that my Edward Slavsquat email alert showed me. I want to use that in my next blog post.
“Over the past several weeks, many friends and total strangers have emailed us to express concern that our internet scribblings could land us in hot water with the Russian authorities. Why? Just for telling the truth?”
Just remember: “Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”
Hang in there man! Will send in my 'hood thugs if they keep tryin' to talk reckless to you via these emails!
By the way, 700 thousand mask violations since the start of the pandemic? More than half of the entire Moscow metro is not wearing masks or has them "slipped down on the chin" at all times, and that's just what I saw when going there maybe ten times over the past year! Probably more like 700 million violations weekly.
Thanks, Lil' Kremlin! Good to know the Moscow 'hood boyz have my back!
Not going to lie, you actually had me worried for a moment there. I suspect the main reason you haven't been black-bagged yet is due to your irascible sense of humor. Laughter in the face of death is appreciated by even the most dour of Slavic hearts.
I really hope that isn't it. Who else is going to keep me sane?
Entertained? Yes!
Sane? No way!
Well done for obligingly covering this important topic. It was really interesting. Many people are hungry to learn about mask enforcement in the Moscow metro.
Just doing our duty, sir!
Boo for the fake out. I was about to suggest Brno as a possible new location from which to blog. Have you ever been to Brno?
Yay for Моисеева link.
Carry on.
I lived in Brno on-and-off for like 2 years! Even gave dear old Czechia a sign-off once the COVID Taliban took over. Things aren't going very well over there, from what I've heard... https://anti-empire.com/inside-the-czech-covid-protectorate-panic-mandatory-face-masks-suffocate-the-once-noble-beer-bums-of-central-europe/
Интересная. I suspect it is bad all over the place in slav land, including Slovenia and Croatia. Yet these are exactly the wrong people to piss off beyond the Russians. Ask me how I know ...
Are you currently situated in Brno? I am craving a proper beer...
нет. Я нахожусь не слишком далеко от Москвы … Idaho, USA. ;-(
Yes, we have NO GOOD beer.
Been dreaming about living with my peeps in south slav land forever. Istria maybe, or Soca river valley. Plzen would be great, too.
Keep up the great work. Your star is rising.
Wonderful piece, thank you. The first four paragraphs read like butter. You are an excellent writer.
Some day you’ll have to render the details regarding your absorption by slav land, although it may not be complete until you’ve lived everywhere.
This must be 7D chess being played by the Russian Government
Send them this URL https://www.bitchute.com/video/umJMFWtcEU5m/
= Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle: Do Masks Work? He Performs a Simple Experiment
(3' vid, understandable even for first-graders.)
No, not a heckin' strongly worded emailinio to Edwardo!
Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
- Sorry just spent the last hour on 4Chan.
Was it hypersonic? If so, then probably from Russia with love.
You forgot rule number one:
- Never talk about Hypersonic Antivaxx Email Delivery Technology Club.
If in doubt see rule number two:
- Never talk about Hypersonic Antivaxx Email Delivery Technology Club.
But there is no Hypersonic Antivaxx Email Delivery Technology Club. You just made that up.
I've had three glasses of wine, two beers and am an apex savanna predator (ok, apex if you don't include Nile crocodiles, lions, spotted and striped hyenas, and leopards). All my posts are satire.
Also, I have no idea what you are talking about. :)
An entire generation social distancing, incessantly washing hands; slaves with masks. Propaganda has us chasing injections and boosters, scanning QR-codes we hate so we can buy shit shipped from halfway across the planet that we don't need. We're the middle children of history. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War is a bad cold; our Great Depression is our locked down lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be free of lockdowns, and one of the maskless elite, and billionaires with our own islands. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
"We've all been raised on television"
I find it extraordinary that people still watch TV. I stopped about fifteen years ago.
For a moment I thought you said "anthrax"...
We just can't get the staff...see rule number three... ;)
Well, Incompetence wouldn't merit Armageddon, which we are about to get. This wasn't the post that my Edward Slavsquat email alert showed me. I want to use that in my next blog post.
By the way, I like your sense of humour Edward.
“Over the past several weeks, many friends and total strangers have emailed us to express concern that our internet scribblings could land us in hot water with the Russian authorities. Why? Just for telling the truth?”
Just remember: “Truth is treason in the empire of lies.”
Perhaps you need to mask your identify....!
of course :) see you tomorrow!