The policy of adding fluoride to the public water supply was discontinued in Russia in 1990..(at least officially).
The side effect is that peasants without their diets being supplemented with this neuro-toxin are annoyingly clever and tirelessly point out government lies (this includes a certain Russian from California who responds to name Riley and who is yet to be seen in proper attire - Adidas track suit)
If Russian government is ready and willing to kill people with vaccines, surely for the greater good the water is about to taste a little funny in Russia again.
"The arguments (most of them factual) are unstoppable, Cerise KO debout, you have to throw in the towel."
That being said, I think Lucien Cerise is a good man who has done a great job at warning us with his very good books and I will quote a sentence in one of the comment which is the reason why he has written his text:
"It's a statement of total despair. So Lucien Cerise takes refuge in (tries to convince himself of) the idea that Russia is going to save us, and that what we're seeing is just a ruse on its part. In my opinion, God is much more reliable."
We might work again with Nicolas Bonnal to translate and publish your work... As I wrote in a comment in the precedent article, your work has been published in two other web sites.
In an ironic way, it is fun & easy to read research articles like this that are probably hastening the creation of real-time AI editors that will be able to go out and scrub or change any bit of the web that embarrasses the overlords.
What stimeys me, is how exhausting it all must be. Imagine having to wake up everyday knowing that more needs to be scrubbed, then more, then you must cover your tracks, then you have to silence all the people that see what is going on. It feels like an exponential increase of effort. Exhausting. Just go do something else with all that effort.
So you're saying this is like if Taylor SWIFT/Russia tried to do a mental exercise of coming up with a song/banking system different than hometown girl with ex boyfriend issues/SWIFT?
A little point about the different flavours of CBDC, namely wholesale (inter-bank) and retail. One can exists happily without the other. Even if replacing SWIFT with wholesale CBDC were such an awesome idea, the need for the retail part would remain a mystery.
If I am convinced that the world is overpopulated and headed for inevitable disaster - unimaginable suffering and death - then acting to avert this, via managed depopulation, is a justifiable choice. Any suffering and death caused, is not immoral, but merciful, as without depopulation, the eventual carnage will be far greater. Evil globalists are in fact saviors. Deluded as they may be, some definitely do see themselves as saviors. Of course, as the elite, the rich must save themselves as a priority. Saving some others too, just shows how benevolent and merciful they really are. The demi-gods are qualified by their status, to decide the fate of the rest. However, all is not well in heaven. Some gods are nationalists, who love their nation and their culture. Some are ruthless capitalists, who only care about money and power, and have no allegiance. Others are divided. Thence the currency wars. CBDC and the nationalists have lost. They cannot stay sovereign and independent without a national currency. Nations try to establish independent financial systems for this reason. Why participate in depopulation? Because there is no other choice. China and Russia must depopulate or perish. Their resources will be divided between too many people, to make them power players against a depopulated West, with massive resources to be shared by far less people. Continued population growth, will mean decreasing power, and impending doom anyhow. So Russia and China herd the stragglers via BRICS. While at the same time, trying to protect their national interests, via a viable independent currency. All for the greater good of all.
"Russia’s financial messaging system SPFS will be linked with the Chinese cross-border interbank payment system CIPS. While India does not have a domestic financial messaging system yet, it plans to combine the Central Bank of Russia’s platform with a domestic service that is in development."
India's participation in the financial messaging system could be highly significant, if it happens.
I only see survival with some kind of liberty by living below the Power's radar. That's the main reason why i only use cash and not credit cards, by that way i can't be a paid sub in any substack, because i can't use cash to have access. The guys Riley and Rolo should take that into account when they ( more Rolo) allow only paid subs to read/comment their articles,
Double dipping is going on and it's more "trick" than treat:
Riley Waggaman on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell - 21 September 2023 :
The policy of adding fluoride to the public water supply was discontinued in Russia in 1990..(at least officially).
The side effect is that peasants without their diets being supplemented with this neuro-toxin are annoyingly clever and tirelessly point out government lies (this includes a certain Russian from California who responds to name Riley and who is yet to be seen in proper attire - Adidas track suit)
If Russian government is ready and willing to kill people with vaccines, surely for the greater good the water is about to taste a little funny in Russia again.
Noble Hobbit Waggaman,
Here is another comment from Nouveau Monde:
"The arguments (most of them factual) are unstoppable, Cerise KO debout, you have to throw in the towel."
That being said, I think Lucien Cerise is a good man who has done a great job at warning us with his very good books and I will quote a sentence in one of the comment which is the reason why he has written his text:
"It's a statement of total despair. So Lucien Cerise takes refuge in (tries to convince himself of) the idea that Russia is going to save us, and that what we're seeing is just a ruse on its part. In my opinion, God is much more reliable."
We might work again with Nicolas Bonnal to translate and publish your work... As I wrote in a comment in the precedent article, your work has been published in two other web sites.
Damn it, Riley, there you go again, blowing up people's bubbles. Don't you know the deluded resent you? 😂😂😂
Thanks for doing so. Clarity is scarce nowadays, at a premium!
In an ironic way, it is fun & easy to read research articles like this that are probably hastening the creation of real-time AI editors that will be able to go out and scrub or change any bit of the web that embarrasses the overlords.
What stimeys me, is how exhausting it all must be. Imagine having to wake up everyday knowing that more needs to be scrubbed, then more, then you must cover your tracks, then you have to silence all the people that see what is going on. It feels like an exponential increase of effort. Exhausting. Just go do something else with all that effort.
So you're saying this is like if Taylor SWIFT/Russia tried to do a mental exercise of coming up with a song/banking system different than hometown girl with ex boyfriend issues/SWIFT?
The Russian digital ruble will crush the Fed's electronic pesos.
Can't we just barter for goods internationally? Portland, OR makes a very good potato vodka, but I could do with some good caviar.
A little point about the different flavours of CBDC, namely wholesale (inter-bank) and retail. One can exists happily without the other. Even if replacing SWIFT with wholesale CBDC were such an awesome idea, the need for the retail part would remain a mystery.
I was sure in the beginning of the "SMO" that this will be the propaganda going forward - "sanctions".
If I am convinced that the world is overpopulated and headed for inevitable disaster - unimaginable suffering and death - then acting to avert this, via managed depopulation, is a justifiable choice. Any suffering and death caused, is not immoral, but merciful, as without depopulation, the eventual carnage will be far greater. Evil globalists are in fact saviors. Deluded as they may be, some definitely do see themselves as saviors. Of course, as the elite, the rich must save themselves as a priority. Saving some others too, just shows how benevolent and merciful they really are. The demi-gods are qualified by their status, to decide the fate of the rest. However, all is not well in heaven. Some gods are nationalists, who love their nation and their culture. Some are ruthless capitalists, who only care about money and power, and have no allegiance. Others are divided. Thence the currency wars. CBDC and the nationalists have lost. They cannot stay sovereign and independent without a national currency. Nations try to establish independent financial systems for this reason. Why participate in depopulation? Because there is no other choice. China and Russia must depopulate or perish. Their resources will be divided between too many people, to make them power players against a depopulated West, with massive resources to be shared by far less people. Continued population growth, will mean decreasing power, and impending doom anyhow. So Russia and China herd the stragglers via BRICS. While at the same time, trying to protect their national interests, via a viable independent currency. All for the greater good of all.
Nooooo! That made me laugh and it's not a laughing matter! 😄😄😄
Thanks for that though 🙏
Thanks for the piece, Riley.
"Russia’s financial messaging system SPFS will be linked with the Chinese cross-border interbank payment system CIPS. While India does not have a domestic financial messaging system yet, it plans to combine the Central Bank of Russia’s platform with a domestic service that is in development."
India's participation in the financial messaging system could be highly significant, if it happens.
I only see survival with some kind of liberty by living below the Power's radar. That's the main reason why i only use cash and not credit cards, by that way i can't be a paid sub in any substack, because i can't use cash to have access. The guys Riley and Rolo should take that into account when they ( more Rolo) allow only paid subs to read/comment their articles,
The black king team is really a bad chess player.