That’s the worst part about it: these reptilian overlords could care less how many grizzled Russian grown men and women tell them to shove the QR codes, since they are looking two-three decades ahead with this totalitarian crap. They will probably use the biometrics to find the tastiest children’s blood to drink and organs for their transplants to stay forever young.

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It's the children they are really after...

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Sber Consumer Products? I would buy that for a dollar!

Why not since the RoboSberCops are already here... https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/problem-how-to-crush-the-unvaxxed

I for one welcome the Sberocracy, as long as the Sberverse is compatible with the Metaverse.

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Is any of this still ongoing in 2023? Most of the material is from 2-3 years ago...

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All the evil is based on the central banks' fiat money that they use for global control.

Without the money, the monsters would have no leverage.

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This is a war-of-attrition between two different facets of the Russian personality.

It is the fearless (aka: Boris & Gleb-ly nihilistic, think "Russian Roulette") early-adapter and tech-curious incarnation of Russians, versus the been-through-hell, fool-me-once, fuck-you, stubborn-to-the-end, cynical incarnation of Russians. (Praying to God the second is victorious.)

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The future's looking pretty dystopian. How'd we get on this stinking timeline? I'm moving to another dimension pronto!

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Yeah, but does Sber have that sexy robot voice like in Logan's Run?


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