This disease X shit was invented before con-vid.

Honestly, I think they ran the con-vid shamdemic early and screwed themselves.

They were supposed to do the WHO and other authoritarian health legal shit before the shamdemic.

Some fun reading that "smart" Putin should read before he loses his credibility by looking like a Western puppet.


Btw, these assholes like the gamelaya guy and Pfizer etc keep talking about updating the vaccines while telling you to get the same original shit shot.

Now they wanna update it? Good, fucking prove it works and is safe, not this emergency power dictator shit you jagoffs!

They claim it's quick to update but they didn't do fck for years.

People are starting to see that it's total bullshit.

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Your thesis is carried by the fact, that the plandemic broke out exactly when the riots in Hong Kong were at their pinnacle. The mood was extremely anti- China at that time. After the "breakout" everyone was going home because of deadly virus.

So there may very well be a connection. Xi just executed the script too early.

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I was really hoping things would be different for Russia, as you may have been. You would think, because it's such a big place, that they wouldn't want to depopulate it. Makes no sense.

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The whole world is controlled by a single ultra evil force, that showed operation C19 very clearly. All political whores did in lockstep what they were supposed to do. Scum.

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This "single ultra evil force" is JEWISH. It's an unspeakable taboo truth, but IT'S LIKE THIS. We need to understand it and draw the consequences.

Joe Fallisi

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They're all puppets but that's ok because the more stupid shit they pull like this crap, the less people trust in their so called authority.

It's funny to see Big pharma now get big into cancer treatments and heart treatments.

Both treatments will be toxic and they'll just blame the deaths on the "disease" instead of the "cure".

Shitty science pervaded for so long because people trusted these snake oil salesmen.

It's about time they realize COVID was a sham and the real injuries and deaths happened after they released the clot shots.


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They may be trusting the (not) authorities less, but only when they pull their 401Ks out of the big markets, or cash them in alltogether (which is likely already happening I would think), will the beast be starved of it's seed money. I guess if things get worse, they will get better, eh? thanks Rob

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Good point. A lot of the money these people have is funny money.

The working class have real money from actually doing something.

The wealthy are rentier capitalists who make money on just owning something. It's parasitic.

For example, Elon musk was worth 100 billion around the time he bought Twitter for 50 or so billion. He had to make deals to cash out his wealth in the stock market aka the casino. Pulling out that much money backfires as it makes the price drop 😂

So you gotta make deals with big buyers to keep the scam flowing.

Also, some how Twitter at the time was "valued" at much more than 50 billion, so why did they sell for "cheap"?

It's stupid ass gambling with money they really don't have!

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I read in a Chinese study the Rothschild have around 30 trillion of [b]investment capital only[/b] under their control. This is 300 Elons.

Personally I think these new Tech- Oligarchs are just actors for us dumb plebs. It started with Bill Gates and since then any other of those actors played the autistic Genius.

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My sister is four shots in and now has cancer. She gets the full toxic program. So after getting poisoned once by free will she accepts a much more toxic second round.

It's just too hard to admit that all your life was a lie, I think. People just want the illusion.

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"It's funny to see Big pharma now get big into cancer treatments and heart treatments."

After having destroyed people's health with C-shots and since decades.

"Both treatments will be toxic and they'll just blame the deaths on the "disease" instead of the "cure"."

Exactly. And yet people won't get it.

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7.821 billion (2020)

8,045,311,447. (2023)

Depopulate? by not depopulating...?

If you or anyone else wants to do a side bet that the worlds population will be lower in 2024 than the 2023 "total"..then I will take the opposite bet.

Perhaps you meant The increase in excess mortality worldwide....="depopulate"?

I cannot imagine any big pharma/military industrial complex organisations who desire to "depopulate" so they have less customers...so thats out.

And the vast majority of western countries are increasing their populations with immigration..

So thats out as well...

Perhaps you mean the virus itself..which normally takes out a small % of people way outside the ages of breeding..so thats out as well.

Its not looking good for the "depopulate" meme is it? :)

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"And the vast majority of western countries are increasing their populations with immigration.."

It's to destroy roots and culture to destroy society. It is to reduce resistance.

Also, lot's of (pleb) wealth is destroyed in the process. We don't want those immigrants, they are brought in by our governments, who are not controlled by us plebs.

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Good point.

Maybe it's just phase one and depop is not the goal right now but to establish slavery is. Additionally you may test some of your bio-weapons.

But I think we can say for sure them Oligarchs are Eugenics and want us to die in troves. We are useless eaters costing their resources in their eyes. We have no right living on their planet.

Them dumb asses believe ai will replace their workforce.

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Have you visited and checked every country? Maybe there's nobody in Edmonton or Novosibirsk right now?

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Thank you Mr Poe....Asking me an obtuse and truly stupid rhetorical question that never answered anything I said (a common trait amongst knuckle dragging advocates of "depopulation by Vaxx") is just...hilarious...You can do better little buddy!!


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It was a joke. Also in my experience the only ones who go straight to insult are Brigade 77 types. Suggest you get a humour upgrade.

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But you know also 'truth in humour'.

The Greeks didn't write humour until the 5th C. I wonder if it is going to take AI the same amount of time. What do you figure?

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Sadly it does make sense. The depopulation thing was all explained by the guy who tried to assassinate Chubais (and who is now rotting in jail with other patriots like Igor Strelkov):


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Thanks. Guy saw all of this in March 2020.

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So much for multipolarism being the planet's savior from a unipolar biosecurity surveillance state.🤨

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Guterres' proposal is, to garnish multipolarism with multilateralism, which makes the word salad so much more appealing.

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For Doctors Of Medicine:

This Is Not A Crisis Of Identity;

This Is Not A Crisis Of Competence

( ... There Is Too Little To Matter) ;

This Is A Crisis Of Conscience.


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"Ideally, vaccines should be administered to the public 1 to 1.5 months in advance to stop future pandemics from ravaging the population and the economy, Gintsburg said"

Step 1 - announce the incoming fictional pandemic via government institutions, bought media, bought lab coats.

Step 2 - assure compliance by fear (truly deadly virus this time) and draconian law

Step 3 - inject the population with ANYTHING your dictatorial mind wants = lower their IQ, lower their fertility, make them more docile etc.

Step 4 - when fictional pandemic never arrives, congratulate yourself that we only just managed to beat it by having a great government, great vaccines, and everyone being vaccinated. Now everyone go home, pray to your great leader and never question vaccines or government actions again.

Step 5 - completely suppress the information about monstrous negative side effects to keep the flock calm (like excess mortality over 20%, years past the end of the pandemic)

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I have to refrain from reading Gintsburg to protect my sanity.

Beginning to wonder about Putin too.

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Kosherputin, actually - and since the beginning.

Joe Fallisi

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Please clarify Joe ... Putin good or Putin bad?

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Kosherputin, the former KGB official, placed at the helm of the unfortunate Russia by the Jewish KGB chief Andropov, surrounded by filthy Lubavitcher rabbis and kippaholigarchs and friend of the genocidal jews of Tel Aviv?... VERY bad.

Joe Fallisi

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Thank you for the clarification Joe.

Kosher means good.

So many are likely to misunderstand your terminology.

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Our benevolent and caring government here in Canada is also using the money they take from us lovingly (using the threat of violence and kidnapping) to turbo-charge the mRNA and CRISPR genetic slurry injection industry.

- https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2023/03/the-government-of-canada-continues-to-invest-in-domestic-vaccine-production.html

The state sponsored propaganda outlets are all thoughtfully encouraging us to rejoice, more genetic clot shots of all different flavors, yay!

- https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pharmaceutical-vaccine-drug-products-1.7030697

- https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/federal-government-200-million-mrna-1.6031024

They are pouring our tax dollars into all kinds of fun new genetic injections, as the 17 million people they helped with the global covid injection MAID program ( brightlightnews.com/staggering-17-million-deaths-after-covid-vaccine-rollout-drs-denis-rancourt-marine-baudin-jeremie-mercier/ ), was not quite enough to fight over population so they are thoughtfully going to keep on trying to get those numbers up with a range of new slow-kill clot shots.

Thankfully our universities are hard at work indoctrinating people into the death cult so we can expect entire generations of new doctors to be super excited to play a roll in the next global MAID injection program.

- https://www.canada.ca/en/pacific-economic-development/news/2022/09/backgrounder-government-of-canada-announces-funding-for-advancements-in-mrna-vaccine-technology-at-the-university-of-british-columbia.html

- https://www.pharmacy.utoronto.ca/news-announcements/researchers-develop-new-mrna-based-delivery-technology-gene-editing-lungs

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Thanks, Riley. Once again, more evidence that a failure to fully confront the "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” disinformation narrative helps keep this utter fraud going, enabling a widening imposition of a digital totalitarian system of control. Everywhere!

It's particularly infuriating to see people within the "health freedom movement" continue to do so, be it to promote their own financial interests, or to promote the "multi-polar" vision being advanced by alt-media as something we should support and strive for.

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The issue seems to be that HFM (health freedom movement) people seem to think that their particular area - medicine, politics, science, whatever - can be fixed and we can all live happily ever after.

They fail to see, that the fix they propose is impossible, because area failures are indicative of systemic failure.

If we do not fix the system - assuming that is possible - area fixes will just be band aids, and the ship will inevitably continue to leak, until it flounders, and sinks if necessary.

A dose of icy cold water, is apparently the only thing, that will awaken many.

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It may unfortunately be a "dose" consisting of full immersion.

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Tragically true unfortunately.

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The only good thing is I know fake but legit QR codes were all the rage amongst many not wanting to get the jab and enjoy life in Moscow at the very least if not in the wider parts of Russia. The Russian people unlike the sheep and lemmings of the West saw through the BS pretty early on better than most whatever the overlords claimed. Lockdown was not as severe and the so called leaders of Russia would have had another revolution on their hands had they attempted to prolong things in Russia like those in Australia or China. Armed with this fact people like the Aussie Cossack and many ZAnon cheerleaders seemed to create that false narrative for the naive Westerner that the system was so different in Russia, but fail to grasp it's the people not the so called leaders that make it different. We can only hope if they try that shit again the same approaches will be taken.

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Pretty certain we can rest assured that a 'vaccine' against a 'Disease X' (blank to be filled in, later) will work JUST as well as all the 'vaccines' developed, produced and jabbed into arms world-wide have worked thus far. In fact - POSITIVE we will see equal efficacy. In other words - none.

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Same depressing program all over the world - doesn't look very multipolar.

Always when I read or hear disease X I append in my mind: formerly called Twitter.

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These medical geniuses are purely insane and beyond arrogant. There will be no disease X except the fear you decide to harbor in your soul over it's improbable existence and there is no mRNA injection that will save you from anything other than living longer.

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Oh yes, they only want our best…

Everyone watch this shocking video:

Truth Science and Spirit Episode 4 : The Reality of Shedding - https://rumble.com/v48pis6-truth-science-and-spirit-episode-4-the-reality-of-shedding.html

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Once again I won't be able to listen to that video which subject interest me to the highest point. Rumble cannot be watch in occupied in Brit/US/ Zionist France... To bad. We have had a program designed by true scientifics on that disturbing subject, the "Conseil Scientifique Indépendant. No data can be found, only suspicions after testimonies and the scientific probability, since there are no studies.

As an aside, in my job, there is a charming smiling woman that I would have loved to share some intimacy with. For month, I would not know how to ask her if she had been injected even if I suspected that she had (hence my lack of hurry) because she might have probably lost her job for not doing sootherwise. Two of my co-workers admit to have found false certificates.

She received three doses. To bad...

I would never take that risk at this point because of probable shedding.

Because I mentioned my co-workers I will add these few testimonies. N... is a 25/30 years handsome guy. He is almost sick permanently and wears the face diaper as our Big Boss Total advise us to do in case of "The Symptoms" (yes it is written like this in our resting room). Which symptoms, what symptoms, symptoms of what??? Utter madness. So I asked N...

-" Were you falling sick that much before you got injected?"

N...: "No, they injected us a "saloperie" (dirt, shit...)"

I then went to one of the managers and ask him:

"I..., you are always sick (he even been hospitalized a few month ago and he is a 35/30 rather healthy man, Muslim, who does not smoke or drink), were you so often sick before having been injected?"

I...:"No, but I have started a treatment". He gave me an Arabic word for it and explained briefly that it was done in order to renew the blood.

Nobody is shocked when I mention the terrible side effects we are witnessing and that the satanic propaganda doesn't mention, of course. One co-worker (30 years) told me she has articulation pains, another one jumped to say that one of her husband's friend has now a facial problem à la Gavin Newsome. I talked to the most senior manager and asked her if the fact that a 40 years old woman would almost die from a lung infection in the middle of July (many weeks in hospitalisation) could have been caused by the injections she now somehow question (unemployment or submission). Her answer was a serious "Yes". I then told her some doctors offer treatments to try to get rid of the "saloperie", if she want, I would do a research for her.

One cannot easily talk to a poisoned individual without trying to find some cure.

In the present so called government there is no more an Health Ministry but a "Work and health" one... Quite telling of how they would handle disease X...


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I should definitely have mentioned that important fact to you all, on a more positive note.

I have treated first to co-workers, among them the local boss with Japanese Artemisia and since everyone was watching these facts brought the best, Artemisia Sinensis in the resting room and informed everyone that they can take as much as they want if they have "the symptoms" (LOL). After one month, the bag is almost empty and must be refilled!!

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oups... Two co-workers.

I brought...

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Hi Bugey Libre,

In the context of Covid, shedding means viral shedding. Since viruses don't exist, viral shedding is not possible.

However, TRANSFERENCE of "vaccine" toxins is possible.

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Thanks Anton,

You are of course right but at that point, at least in the 'francosphere", one use the word shadding for transference of spike toxin.

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Yes. Always the question: "What Were They Doing Before The Pandemic" ? JJ Couey reminded me of that simple test this morning.


The other one, even simpler, Google 'Name + WEF'. Varoufakis, defender of Assange, all sorts of people.

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What should we make with this? Is it a propaganda aimed at Westerners?


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Hey Bugey!

compare the RT.com story to the TASS report (which is for domestic consumption):

https://tass.ru/obschestvo/19811047 : "Onishchenko allowed for the possibility of new strains of coronavirus" . The article then goes on to state that Covid is still capable of causing spikes in mortality but has lost its "pandemic potential". RT highlighted the last part and of course doesn't mention that the WHO already declared the pandemic "over". The RT article is obviously tailored to create the impression (without claiming it explicitly) that Russia has "completely dropped" Covid. Except here's RT (in Russian, read by Russians) talking about how Covid "incidence" allegedly "spiked" after the New Year holidays: https://russian.rt.com/russia/news/1259349-popova-orvi-covid-19

It's obvious that we're moving on to this "disease X" business but unfortunately the Russian government has learned nothing from the last "pandemic", and is openly stating that it intends to deploy the same kind of "vaccines" to fight the next "public health crisis". So it goes.

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Salut Riley, I hope you and your kid are fine as well as your loved ones and the villagers.

This double speak is disgusting, to say the least. Because of your hard work, you can notice that I can now smell the stench of lie and propaganda.

One a lighter note, check that link and translate it, it's worth it. Booba is the most notorious French rapper. While he's not my glass of wine, one must admit the guy is good at writing and has gut. He is living in Florida so he can speak freely to his French audience and he has recently join the cause of those who give their voice to the many many people who have had side effect (more or less lethal) after the poisonous jab. He has recently been asked for an interview by one of the most cartoonish so called fact checker, a Rothschild's stooge, Julien Pain. I guess you and the readers will appreciate the answer from the Duke of Boulogne:


While we are at it, check that one which could be translated into Russian:


Raoult's not dead! The now retired Professor is now giving interviews to all who ask him to say ravaging truth, in hope for an awakening and some kind of insurgency.

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They should be made to test it on their children first. Give it a few years and see what happens. At this stage the vaccine tested would be superceded so it will be necessary to find some other Pharma/Govts children to test it on. Rinse and repeat until they say no.

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