Another excellent investigative analysis - my network just picked up on this story about a week ago, so it is just getting into circulation in the West. This is a highly significant development and warrants considerably more investigation.

Thank for the heads up on the small recent purchase, but never worry about correcting errors. Transparency is the key.

Excellent work.

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Russian central bank must ctl + p rubles out of thin air and buy more gold...which will drive price up (not really since the LBMA and ETFs will hypothecate harder)......but the WEF handlers do not want such optics just yet -- the timing of the great reset must coincide with crashing global markets and it's just too early to drive gold prices up, which you won't own but will be happy knowing your global state holds (not on your behalf) as RT does another propaganda piece on how the One World Gov't holds all the gold in the world so rest assured slave you are golden sans any gold of your own.

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One hand selleth, the other conjureth.

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Feels to me like Russia is hedging...Euros for gas to China...keeping their gold reserves stable...selling excess gold for Euros and Swiss Francs...they prob have loads of USD reserves. And Putin came out against his central banks recommendation saying that Crypto is the way of the future. All in all probably a sensible monetary policy. Hedge your risk.

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the Bank of Russia definitely has a lot of gold; so I think there is merit to the idea that perhaps they simply want to diversify holdings. That being said, the current outflow of gold doesn't really benefit the russian government in any way -- these are private sales and the profits are now allowed to be stashed abroad. So this is definitely worrying; although it would be quite a different matter if the Russian government was carrying out these sales and using profits to add to reserves.

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Going against the free market by imposing authoritarian controls isn't such a great idea either isn't it?

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