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Can I just say, I really appreciate your in-depth, evidenced Substack posts "from the other side". For people outside of Russia, there is a proverbial 'Iron Curtain' on media, so it is very difficult to 'peer in', especially for anyone who doesn't speak or read Russian, and the only Russian media outlets that cover Russia are, of course, Russian government owned.

I think the public's perception outside of Russia is a mindset of 'absence of evidence' ('innocent unless proven guilty'); if they don't explicitly see evidence of Russia doing globalist things, so they assume Russia doesn't do globalist things.

Coupled with the fiery, well published rhetoric of Putin, and the West (synonymous with globalism) seemingly very upset at what he's doing in Ukraine - whilst sending Ukrainians either antiquated, dated, experimental or unreliable tech and insisting they all die (sorry, "fight") to the last man - most of the anti-globalist West think of Putin as "sticking it to the man".

They don't get to see articles like yours. I also think there is an aspect of "hopium", they hope that Putin is on 'Team Good Guy' because if he isn't, everyone is in deep... poop. It would mean all nuclear superpowers are controlled by globalists, and there is an aspect of denial in this.

I consider the situation akin to Trump in the US. Says all the words people want to hear, they cheer vicariously for him, and then he aids the very globalism he claims to oppose. No-one is holding them to account for their actions. There are still rabid Trump defenders insisting he isn't guilty of rolling out the "genetic slurry" (as you so aptly put it) shot simply because the poison shot was... optional? Wait, what? Mass murder is okay so long as you give them a choice (and trick them with a giant deception campaign)?

It's a long, uphill battle exposing Controlled Opposition. The public are suffering from "Stockholm Syndrome" and do not want to examine the facts if it violates their worldview. One ZeroHedge commentator referred to you angrily as an "anti-Russian hater" with a lot of upvotes, but I found their delusions amusing because 5 minutes on any of your articles shows you're well researched and level headed, and evidently none of your criticisms have come anywhere near that of the classic Western shill that screeches endlessly about Ukraine.

Keep up the good work of posting evidence, I enjoy reading!

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Yes the “Stockholm syndrome” has been operative for a long time. Fortunately truth stands in its own as a message and doesn’t necessarily require the understanding of the messenger.

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Aug 28, 2022Edited
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Yes, this part baffles me the greatest. Even if you extend the kind of bridge of reasoning that Trump was - charitably - ignorant of the "very very clever" Deep State ploys, you still undermine the position he's a suitable leader for resisting the Deep State.

I personally know he wasn't "ignorant" on the matter because even as early as 2020 - before the shots were even considered - I highlighted systematic evidence that Hoskins effect meant no "vaccine" (genuine or otherwise) could work on SARS-CoV-2 if the data were to be believed, as even within a month it had forked 8 major strains. By the time you rolled out any shot, there would have been hundreds more.

Citations, quotes, peer reviewed papers. The failure of the flu "vaccine" to stop flu was overwhelming proof they didn't have any chance against a 'worse than flu' SARS-CoV-2. Regardless of your thoughts on SC2, I was using their own evidence against their own reasoning.

Both the White House and Number 10 ignored this evidence and Trump and Boris financed it "yugely". Even the UK pro-vaccine shilling JCVI couldn't bring themselves to promote the poison shot for children (they compromised and offered it to disabled children but that always gives me Action T4 vibes).

Boris Johnson overrode them, and insisted it be given to all children. You know it is evidently wrong when even the pro-vaccination organisations are showing reservations and *advising against*.

In subsequent correspondence to Number 10 I always referred to Boris as a child murderer. He must known deep down it was true because I never got any pushback for it. I am sick to my soul on many events, even my own indirect participation. It strikes my soul even more that despite evidence to the contrary people are still supporting these men.

I will admit I had some hope Putin wasn't party, with his rhetoric of a "multipolar order", but Edward has pierced that hope effectively. I had heard rumours of mandatory vaccination but it was impossible to gauge the extent. It is hard not to invoke the 'what if Putin is just ignorant' type arguments, but the obvious "bromance" with WEF shows he's fully aware.

Demoralisation is rife. What do we do now?

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You wrote"It strikes my soul even more that despite evidence to the contrary people are still supporting these men."

I don't know about England but micron has an approval rate of 12%, very few people support the thugs maskarading as the rulers. Our country is run by McKinsey, Bain, Rothschild, the population feels helpless since bombarded by enless propaganda spread out by corporates media heavily financed by the micron's regime. Half of our population is officially in depression.

That being said, your spiritual suffering is shared by millions. We are together Man, keep smiling.

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Not so different here in Germany.

People here are less aware of Politics than in France, as always. But anyone is fed up with this soulless corporatism and "incompetent" leadership.

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