Excellent post. From the beginning this has been an international planetary coup. Patriotism is one thing but nationalism to the exclusion of we the people around this globe is insane. Being as human as possible in the face of this is a path forward, if a vulnerable one.
I guess that depends on how you define a coup. Be that as it may, don't forget such 'coups' need not be top down. They can also proceed bottom up, i.e. in this case from within the "public health" bureaucracy of each country, almost all of which were shaped and trained by WHO/Rockefeller Foundation standards and concepts. The power of this entrenched bureaucracy is severely underappreciated.
This coup - if it may be defined as one - is top down, sideways and bottom up. From the top is directed by the monied, empowered folks at the World Economic Forum (Davos) and Bilderberg. Government, corporate, institutional leaders take their cues from these. Buried within the structure of governments at all levels are able bureaucrats fully capable of carrying out orders. Handmaidens of all the above are those those in the medical field, the mainstream corporate press, in advertising, in social media, Big Tech, etc. From the bottom up we have ordinary citizens living according to what they see or hear from all of the above. Largely fear-based they live in terror of whatever fear porn they absorb. WHO/Rockefeller Foundation part of the overall plan.
Sadly with any one that has blind optimism, they trust heroes that say what they want to hear.
We all want to believe that there's someone fighting the corruption, but when trump or putin etc talk the talk while doing the opposite, those of us who have healthy skepticism give up on that false hope.
People like this guy, Luongo, Ehret, and others are blinded by faith. That's why they can excuse china's lockdowns as a good thing while ignoring that con-vid was at most like the flu.
And many doctors who question the con-vid shots still promote the equally useless flu shots as safe and effective. Same blind faith, even when they see some corruption, they think it's an isolated case haha.
Well, Ehret is certainly Moscow funded. Also The Duran, which has the silent partner RT's Peter Lavelle. Is Luongo getting Kremlin cash? Even in alternative media there is corruption. It doesn't even have to be overt, you get a big donation from someone connected to Moscow after you write a pro-Moscow article and you just know that if you continue that bias and you will get more donations. Why did Moon of Alabama, Saker and Caitlin Johnstone go full Covidian?
I do not think they get so much money from Russia. It seems to me they are believers. Ehret's interests are wide; he cannot verify everything he discusses, especially if he does not understand Russian. Until recently, I too was a believer in Putin's goodness even though I had studied and travelled to Russia for over a decade.
Threre is something wrong with Ehret. While his insights to technocracy and eugenics are valuable, he is somehow praising FDR all the time, suggesting that he is some kind of political Messias that needs to be embraced again. This means he is indirectly advocating Socialism and state control over private enterprise, deficit spending and all the fraud fostering actions that will do so much harm. He must be aware that if FDR was not himself a Soviet agent, his closest aides were: Alger Hiss, General Marshall, Harry Dexter White, Harry Hopkins. He never talks about this. Suspicious.
Lately I wantet to check on his strategic culture foundation website but the site is down. Only an error message in Eussian. Apparently he used a Russian hosting service.
Ehret is probably foremost Beijing and then Moscow funded. He is still an intellectual though, his take on American and Canadian history is interesting.
Quite so. His wife is Chang or Chung or something but his near orgasmic praise of the CCP is obvious enough. Same goes for Brian Athletic (or whatever his name is) who near salivates at a big red flag. Ffs
would that be Brian Berletic at 'new atlas'? This is all new to me. To find/think that the only sources I have for reliable info on the war are 'moscow paid' is a worry. Does it matter? i.e. are they paid because they tell the truth or do they tell whatever they tell (is it the truth?) because they are paid?
Bottom line: are the maps they show me telling me what's real?
Yes. He’s a China hack, if anything. I don’t know about the Duran but they certainly NEVER mention Palestine.
A good point you make. It is certainly possible, even, that voices are unpaid and simply sympathetic and I actually usually veer in that direction as there is far too much binary conspiracy bickering.
Erwan Castel is a French/Breton who has been fighting with Donetz and Lugansk as a sniper and has received many reward. He is a very sincere man with principles. His blog gives very interesting informations about what is going on on the ground. He is very critical of the French analysts who are inconditionnaly pro Russian. Have a look, check by yourself (DeepL does a very good job at translating.
who are these people? 'Luongo, Ehret and others..' ?
I like your 'con-vid'.
But about convid I think the main thing is the mandating, the force. I don't really care how many shitshots they put into people if the people are at liberty to refuse.
It's the coercion I object to. There should be choice. There must be choice, somewhere on the planet there has to be a place where people have choice, else people are extinct.
There is a great deal to be sorted out here for certain. I look for information where I can find it. The messenger is simply not important to me (except to recognise their skewed motivation). If I perceive truth in a message I am going to pay attention to it. Politics is full of strange bedfellows. The truth is far larger than those who pretend to understand it. Truth will stand on its own.
Can I just say, I really appreciate your in-depth, evidenced Substack posts "from the other side". For people outside of Russia, there is a proverbial 'Iron Curtain' on media, so it is very difficult to 'peer in', especially for anyone who doesn't speak or read Russian, and the only Russian media outlets that cover Russia are, of course, Russian government owned.
I think the public's perception outside of Russia is a mindset of 'absence of evidence' ('innocent unless proven guilty'); if they don't explicitly see evidence of Russia doing globalist things, so they assume Russia doesn't do globalist things.
Coupled with the fiery, well published rhetoric of Putin, and the West (synonymous with globalism) seemingly very upset at what he's doing in Ukraine - whilst sending Ukrainians either antiquated, dated, experimental or unreliable tech and insisting they all die (sorry, "fight") to the last man - most of the anti-globalist West think of Putin as "sticking it to the man".
They don't get to see articles like yours. I also think there is an aspect of "hopium", they hope that Putin is on 'Team Good Guy' because if he isn't, everyone is in deep... poop. It would mean all nuclear superpowers are controlled by globalists, and there is an aspect of denial in this.
I consider the situation akin to Trump in the US. Says all the words people want to hear, they cheer vicariously for him, and then he aids the very globalism he claims to oppose. No-one is holding them to account for their actions. There are still rabid Trump defenders insisting he isn't guilty of rolling out the "genetic slurry" (as you so aptly put it) shot simply because the poison shot was... optional? Wait, what? Mass murder is okay so long as you give them a choice (and trick them with a giant deception campaign)?
It's a long, uphill battle exposing Controlled Opposition. The public are suffering from "Stockholm Syndrome" and do not want to examine the facts if it violates their worldview. One ZeroHedge commentator referred to you angrily as an "anti-Russian hater" with a lot of upvotes, but I found their delusions amusing because 5 minutes on any of your articles shows you're well researched and level headed, and evidently none of your criticisms have come anywhere near that of the classic Western shill that screeches endlessly about Ukraine.
Keep up the good work of posting evidence, I enjoy reading!
Yes the “Stockholm syndrome” has been operative for a long time. Fortunately truth stands in its own as a message and doesn’t necessarily require the understanding of the messenger.
Yes, this part baffles me the greatest. Even if you extend the kind of bridge of reasoning that Trump was - charitably - ignorant of the "very very clever" Deep State ploys, you still undermine the position he's a suitable leader for resisting the Deep State.
I personally know he wasn't "ignorant" on the matter because even as early as 2020 - before the shots were even considered - I highlighted systematic evidence that Hoskins effect meant no "vaccine" (genuine or otherwise) could work on SARS-CoV-2 if the data were to be believed, as even within a month it had forked 8 major strains. By the time you rolled out any shot, there would have been hundreds more.
Citations, quotes, peer reviewed papers. The failure of the flu "vaccine" to stop flu was overwhelming proof they didn't have any chance against a 'worse than flu' SARS-CoV-2. Regardless of your thoughts on SC2, I was using their own evidence against their own reasoning.
Both the White House and Number 10 ignored this evidence and Trump and Boris financed it "yugely". Even the UK pro-vaccine shilling JCVI couldn't bring themselves to promote the poison shot for children (they compromised and offered it to disabled children but that always gives me Action T4 vibes).
Boris Johnson overrode them, and insisted it be given to all children. You know it is evidently wrong when even the pro-vaccination organisations are showing reservations and *advising against*.
In subsequent correspondence to Number 10 I always referred to Boris as a child murderer. He must known deep down it was true because I never got any pushback for it. I am sick to my soul on many events, even my own indirect participation. It strikes my soul even more that despite evidence to the contrary people are still supporting these men.
I will admit I had some hope Putin wasn't party, with his rhetoric of a "multipolar order", but Edward has pierced that hope effectively. I had heard rumours of mandatory vaccination but it was impossible to gauge the extent. It is hard not to invoke the 'what if Putin is just ignorant' type arguments, but the obvious "bromance" with WEF shows he's fully aware.
You wrote"It strikes my soul even more that despite evidence to the contrary people are still supporting these men."
I don't know about England but micron has an approval rate of 12%, very few people support the thugs maskarading as the rulers. Our country is run by McKinsey, Bain, Rothschild, the population feels helpless since bombarded by enless propaganda spread out by corporates media heavily financed by the micron's regime. Half of our population is officially in depression.
That being said, your spiritual suffering is shared by millions. We are together Man, keep smiling.
Thanks for this attempt to address both sides of the issue. It is rare indeed.
From my Chinese perspective I think both Thomas (Röper) and Riley make some good points. If I may summarize, Riley writes that Thomas seems overly optimistic about Russia’s role as an independent player, while Thomas cites evidence to show that the big kahuna in Russia is not part of the show. Nonetheless, I think both neglect to consider a subtler interpretation.
In essence, it is this: The world is not a black and white place. On the contrary, it is full of grey zones. In one sentence, Thomas actually hints at this. He writes:
“Dass Russland versucht, mit am Tisch zu sitzen, wenn diese wichtigen Kreise sich treffen, ist nicht überraschend. Wenn man die Wahl hat, denen zuzuhören oder nicht, würde auch ich zuhören, um möglichst viel über deren Ideen und Pläne zu erfahren.“
For non-German speakers, basically he is saying that it should hardly be surprising that the Russian leadership wishes to be present at the table when the agendas are being discussed and set.
This should be obvious, but it seems to be a difficult concept for many.
Instead, many die-hard conspiracy fans (as well as the professional propagandists who practice muddying the waters as a profession) seem obsessed with the idea that it’s all one big show and that the principal leaders all around the world are just reading their scripts. Some of the most ridiculous ones go as far as to claim that all of these scripts are being written by clever communists in Beijing. The ones whose propaganda machine is regularly ridiculed throughout both China and the world. Right.
This in my opinion is a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
The fact that both Chinese and Russian elites regularly associate and have associated with the Western elites who are often found in Davos every January demonstrates… nothing. The same applies to the fact that SOME of their policies and official fairytales overlap with those of the West.
For argument’s sake, let’s assume for example that the ‘carbon dioxide bad’ storyline is a scam. Why might leader X choose to play along?
• He is just an appointed puppet and has no real decision making power.
• He believes it to be in his or his country’s interest to play along.
• He doesn’t see himself as an ‘expert’ in the area of climatology and has actually bought into the fraud. The scam pushers have their fingers in the financing of ‘science’ all over the world, including Russia and China.
• He believes that for some reason the scam is ‘useful’ to him or his country, for example to help make energy usage more efficient, or because it offers another tool to maintain control over the unruly peasants.
• He realizes that he has been scammed, but is too embarrassed to admit it.
If there are troops belonging to a foreign power stationed nearby, one should not be surprised to encounter scenario #1. But it is hardly the only imaginable one. There are plenty of others.
Well how about the possibility that the current top dog in Moscow got there thanks to the support of other key players to whom he is indebted? Upon reflection, it should be obvious that this is a certainty rather than a possibility. But does that mean he must necessarily remain their puppet? History is full of examples of leaders who turned on their sponsors.
If we look at the situation in China, we see a government which over the past year literally tried to move heaven and earth in an attempt to raise the birth rate, among other things by obliterating much of the private education industry. This ‘cost’ was enormous and there is no way this decision was taken lightly. And yet, a few months later the same leadership rolled out its own untested slurry which ended up having a substantial negative effect on fertility. To their credit, they rejected the mRNA technology, and made it explicitly illegal to coerce anyone into getting themselves injected, but attempts at coercion did take place and in the end the majority of the population went along with the pitch. (China does not have ‘vaccine passports’ in contrast to the storyline regularly on offer in Western social media.) In medical circles inside China these negative effects on fertility were known from early on. Perhaps no-one dared tell the boss? Or perhaps the boss wasn’t listening? It seems hard to avoid concluding that a substantial dose of ignorance and/or face-saving at the highest levels must have been at play here. If they were just script readers, why bother literally at the same time to put so much effort into increasing the birth rate?
Sometimes the most probable explanation is also the simplest one.
"For non-German speakers, basically he is saying that it should hardly be surprising that the Russian leadership wishes to be present at the table when the agendas are being discussed and set."
You speak as if the globalist agenda was built without integration of Russia. In Kissinger's globalist plans, Russia is perfectly integrated in the agenda with the construction of an Eurasian block. The Russian leadership doesn't have to "wish to be present at the table", it is obviously already part of it.
"The fact that both Chinese and Russian elites regularly associate and have associated with the Western elites who are often found in Davos every January demonstrates… nothing."
Ok... and what do you think about BlackRock financing the Chinese Communist Party, as it is the case currently?
"History is full of examples of leaders who turned on their sponsors." Some examples?
Look, as an exemple, what Russia and China are doing in Africa currently. Pillage of the Sahel and slaughtering of the populations in the most stunning silence of the international medias. There is sort of Russian and Chinese exception in the international media, avoiding critics towards these two countries. Russia and China are planned to rule the next unipolar world and a kind of neo-communist propaganda lies in many mainstream and "alternative" international medias.
Alex Newman's videos regarding Putin and China, and Covid scam, are remarkable:
"Pillage of the Sahel and slaughtering of the populations in the most stunning silence of the international medias. "
This statement is utterly absurd and not related to any existing facts. I mean, at that point , neither "slaughtering" in Mali or RCA nor "pillage".
In fact, it is raw macronist propaganda. I have all data to demonstrate the complex reality and how far it is from what pseudo sandrine writes endlessly. Since it would take space on that forum, I would ask Riley before posting.
Because historical background is essential, as well as chronology, some of the commentators who are willing to make an aside in RCA's history will find that 37' documentary very interesting and why not, somehow, entertaining, "La chute de Bokassa" (Bokassa's downfall):
Great footages of the Bokassa coronation as Emperor of CA (no more républic, lol) and testimony of French insiders stating that that sinister farce would have never occured without French backing...
I think anybody here understands what is your objective on this forum.
And personnaly I spent more than 10 years fighting the western elites extremism on the forums, including Macron, Holland, Sarközy, Obama, Trump, Johnson... I am perfectly informed about what is going on in the Sahel, and your apparent expertise is just aiming at misleading the readers.
No one in the Worlds mainstream media brings up what China and Russia are doing in Africa and to a lesser extent in South America. And South America is in danger of being almost 100 percent marxist if they take out Brazils Bolisnaro. Oh but Marxism is dead ! Far from it. And the global Elites are all very fond of being fascist and leftist since March of 2020. Whether China and Russia are working with or against the WEF, there are only Monsters running our World! Can you give me some hope that there is a good guy on the current World stage?
I would say "No one in the Worlds mainstream media AND NEITHER in the "alternative media" bring up what China and Russia are doing in Africa and to a lesser extent in South America.
And this should really make us wonder why. I have my own opinion on the subject.
Other than the Epoch Times on China and JR Nyquist on China and Russia I don’t know who else? I just saw a leaked document from England concerning the upcoming food rationing! Food and energy shortages and it all looks planned……
Thank you for your thoughtful insight. However several analysts I follow believe there is something else going on. That Taiwan is a ruse, and that North America is the actual target of China. ( and Russia) China needs more land and the US stands in its way. There was a Chinese general about 20 years ago who allegedly stated that America would become the actual target. And if so is the WEF working with them?
This is a bit off topic, but.... how? I mean, technically... how could China possibly invade North America? It's a LONG way across the ocean, and the waters in the middle are reputed to be crawling with heavily armed ships.
We have an open border since Jan 2021. There could be many enemy saboteurs and soldiers from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and other countries. China and Russia could also have many in place already. Giant shipping containers can be retrofitted to hold soldiers and arms. Canada could have thousands of enemy soldiers already in place. They could knock out the Power grid before an invasion. Russia could wipe out a few cities with their nukes preceding an invasion. And a much deadlier plague could be sent here preceding an invasion? I kinda hope none of that happens….
great article, great research. thanks for your painstaking ongoing and refreshing message. it is very needed in the collapsing and brainwashed West. Respect
Who could still say that Putin and Russia were not part of the master plan from the beginning, when Kissinger's Eurasia - the one that Putin helps to implement right now thanks to the war- is only a milestone to the NWO. Come on!
The West may collapse, because russia and Western elites planned its destruction (war, sanctions, QE, massive immigration, cocaine, perverse propagandas, porno, etc) but something else is happening: globalists need European populations consent to the Eurasist master plan, but the populations are wakening, and debunked the very artificial storyline "Holy Russia Vs the Evil West".
Another stunning statement is : while Russia and China barbarically plunder and assassinate in the Sahel in 2022, (rapes on children, women, men, tortures, mass murders, pillage and racket of the populations, of mining concessions, theft of land, desolation of the populations), there is a total silence in the international media. Why?
your emotional answer seems a mix of replies to different comments. anyway, Europe may not collapse, it IS collapsing as we speak. Yes engineered. Furthermore, people do not need to give consent to the eurasian project as Europe is being "eurasianized" as we speak with decades long escalating weaponized mass immigration of non white armies which is financed and organized for a big part by Russia.
"It's OK when Russia does it" because many in the West are *desperate* to believe that someone, anyone, in the global power elite, is on "their side." Roper's selective blindness is utterly infuriating, and so is the knowledge that many will grasp on to his article as "proof" that Putin is "on our side." Thanks once again for being the storyteller who sheds light, Riley!
All world leaders are doing their part to implement the global agenda. Them not playing their part dies lika John Magufuli of Tanzania. If Putin had been the real anti West/globalist deal he would have blown the lid on the Convid scam and poisonous "vaccines".
This reality, valid as it appears to be, with Vladimir Putin, promoting, and pushing vaccination on his own people, is about the most disturbing thing I have come to know since writing my book in 2020 - THE TYRANNY of MASKS. (bit.ly/3oJrJX6). I was harboring with no small zeal, the illusion that there remained a vast land, overseen by a president representing the last holdout to the luciferian globalism, even entertaining a thought of moving there. (I speak Russian - so why not). What now? Belarus?
More like middle-aged, jah? In fact, by the time people cared if he was a Dovosian Young Global Leader, he was already a major global leader, period. Like, before Young Global Leadership went all commersch, man.
"If Putin is opposed to this anti-human system—and maybe he is—why he is allowing it to take root in Russia? To me this is a much more important question than whether or not Putin approves of western elites."
That is, for me, the core question.
Putin doesn't need Davos and his psycho shithead buddies -- that I know of. Putin has all the power he needs -- or appears to.
Why? RIley titled an article of his "I believe we are facing an evil that has no equal in human history", and I have to agree.
What is that evil? Space aliens? Annunaki watchers from the comic book version of the Bible (one of my personal fave Biblical perspectives). A hidden nuclear arsenal that might be used a la rogue to trigger a full-blown nuke exchange that nobody wins? A forced 3-way with Margarita Simonyan and Nancy Pelosi? (as an obscure Firesign Theater joke says: "It's like dogs fucking in the street; I TRY not to watch, but...")
The reason I have a problem with 'Putin is Just Another Davosite' is not because I hate to lose the hope he represented to many of us, nor is it because I refuse to notice the lockstep similarities between him and the Davosite agenda.
It's because something just doesn't fit right. That sense of something doesn't justify me holding on to a shred of Putin-hope nor does it justify me writing him off as just another schnook, a once tolerably decent gangster who was slowly corrupted and stupefied by the morally softening effects of power, into a genuine global creepster. But something doesn't fit right, and like my old man used to say, "YOu get that many dirty dogs together, one of them's bound to be a son of a bitch."
I'm doing some reading this week that may shed some light. Or not. We'll see.
There's no reason I can see to use something like Face Pay when the aim of a cashless transit system can be achieved by a simple swipe card which can be purchased anonymously. First the goals: 1. Eliminate the potential for employee theft. 2. eliminate the problem of handling large amounts of cash in small denominations. 3. improve data collection on ridership for planning purposes. None of these goals is nefarious by intention, even Face Pay can be rationalized as a way to eliminate the costs associated with maintaining a retail system for swipe cards. As someone who once worked for a transit system I can assure you, the costs are eating us alive, and any potential solution to the problem is taken seriously.
The trouble is that any system that collects user specific data can be used for nefarious purposes. This problem also exists with cash in the form of embedded security codes which are used to prevent counterfeiting. That same technology can be extended to where the individual currency note contains a history of every transaction it's involved in, so cash itself may be subject to the same conditions and abuses.
One of the main points of arms control as applied to intermediate range missiles is that they are dual use technology that can have defensive or offensive capability simply by a change of ordinance. Extend that dual use principle to every aspect of the modern world as governed by digital cash, cell phones, licence plate readers, face recognition, biometric ID systems, satellites, all of it. It ALL has the potential for misuse.
But step back for a moment and ask yourself, what features do ALL governments have in common? First the need to collect tax and other revenue, second to monitor the population for planning purposes, but also to control criminal activity. Given that ALL governments share these objectives, I see no reason to suggest that they're all acting in concert to execute some master plan. They may well be, but the fact that they have common goals does not by itself imply that.
Russia has long standing issues with control of immigration, money laundering, and systemic corruption at all levels. This problem did not go away with the removal of the oligarchs - it is still present in every aspect of society, an unfortunate inheritance of the Soviet system and of human nature itself. That the current government would adopt means to address the issue does not in itself imply collusion with some overarching international agenda, but simply that they, like every other government on Earth, have adopted similar solutions to similar problems. In other words, correlation is not causation.
Frankly, I'm suspicious of the Putin as WEF agent theory. First, it has not, to my knowledge, been a constant theme over many years but only recently surfaced in connection with the pandemic and SMO, and it's constant repetition on social media only adds to my suspicion. What better way to sow doubt among supporters of Russia than to suggest her leader is part of some grand global conspiracy? Second, the guilt by association fallacy that all WEF alumni are somehow part of some master plan. This negates individual motives in associating with that institute. Belonging to a club has certain advantages, but it doesn't imply that we're acting entirely on its behalf. The old adage, keep your friends close but your enemies closer may apply here. Third. How many of us here hold the same beliefs we did in our youth? Personally, mine have shifted 180 degrees in the time Putin has been around. Is he the same guy he was 20 or 30 years ago, or has he learned something in the interim?
Therefore, I'm agnostic on the assertion that Putin is one of "them." It bears investigating, as does every aspect of our current situation, but to draw that conclusion on the basis of relatively limited data which may have a more benign explanation has the potential to seriously mislead us, which may actually be the point. We're hearing a lot of nonsense stated as fact where it relates to Russia these days. Why should this be any different?
All the technologies you mentioned are very detrimental for the health of all living thing. Ontologicaly, inherently because the frenquencies they use have been proven to be a danger for all life forms, be they insects, birds, mammals. All those techs also implied geopolitical aspect, think Musk promoting coup d'état to get ressources like lithium... and what is going everywhere rare earth are coveted to rationalized and eliminate the costs.
"Why should this be different?" Read this blog more deeply. I think it gives real data.
I suspect Röper is controlled opposition. I've read his piece where he contradicts Ernst Wolff's take on the scamdemic. I believe Wolff's interpretation is correct. He believes Putin is controlled just like China, which I believe is correct.
If you watch to the end (starting at 2:21.00) you will hear his ludicrous explanation of why Russia dealt with the Covaids scamdemic in the way it did. It is nonsense. I know the virus doesn't exist so that means the FSB and Putin know this as well. I also know you cannot produce a pathogen in a lab that can be transmitted between people and cause disease. This only happens in BS голливудские фильмы.
His absurd theory is that Russia sent over specialists to discover what it was that the US had developed in their Biolabs and had unleashed on the world. This is why Russia sent specialists to Italy in March/April 2020, to find out how dangerous this 'pathogen' was. He mentions the Russian ministry of defense announced officially a few weeks back (perhaps Edward can confirm this) that they believe the 'pathogen' is a bioweapon created by the US. Now the interesting bit is he uses the EXACT same argument used in the UK to justify the regional lockdowns that did happen in Russia. This is a globalist dogwhistle. Namely, they believed there was a danger the deaths due to the fake virus would lead to the hospitals being overrun and cancer patients, etc would not receive any treatment. Utterly pathetic. The guy is a goon.
This automatically discredits him because he hasn't even grasped the basics. The virus doesn't exist.
" Now the interesting bit is he uses the EXACT same argument used in the UK to justify the regional lockdowns that did happen in Russia."
I was reading Röper regularly throughout the scamdemic and can confirm this. He did this for anything happening in Russia. When they had mask mandates in Russia just like in Germany it was always the cool Russians who didn't care about that (vs the sheep-like Germans) and it was always some regional Bureaucrat who's fault that was.
I think propaganda is a matching word for his work. Point is, when criticizing German policies, he always has a good point. Too bad it pretty much seems to be the same in Russia.
China wants to be the new energy provider and has been buying politicians and using media to enforce climate change as reality. They need oil gone or priced high so the world switches from oil to lithium. China has been playing the long game acquiring/has their hand in 90-95% of the worlds lithium and rare earth metals supply.
Putin got baited to at least take the dombas and the media and politicians have now drilled in everyone that Putin bad and no more oil/ gas from him. The media has created a frenzy and more and more people want an EV.
This plays right into chinas hands who can now supply us with more lithium batteries, more solar panels, windmills, etc. We are switching dictators from Putin to Xi for our energy/transportation needs. It’s crazy.
The other benefit for keeping Germany from Russia oil/gas is that it keeps the USA dollar higher and in demand. The last thing the USA wants is Germany//EU/Russia and Asia becoming friends.
Lithium does not replace oil. Nuclear replaces oil, gas & coal. And batteries are more about nickel, manganese and cobalt. Lithium is a common metal, unlimited supply in seawater. China is stuck with Russian gas & oil. For Energy security it is starting a major nuclear expansion. Wind & solar are a scam, Davos is trying to create energy poverty. Mostly they don't want nuclear since it blows away their Malthusian resource shortage narrative.
Sure it can. France achieved 88% of their domestic electricity production in 20yrs, replacing fossil. They use 5oz of uranium per year per person in France which is about $15 per person per year worth. And close to 50% of their domestic primary energy consumption. Do that once more and that would replace all fossil energy. Of course you would have to do a lot of energy conversion alongside of that. i.e. BEVs, heat pumps, nuclear district heating & hot water, nuclear synthetic fuels etc.
Golitsyn sure predicted a lot of things that seems to have come true. But we have no way of knowing if Russia and China are working with the WEF as most western leaders are now doing. China wants more land and to control the Earths precious minerals and Russia wants to be great again. Is this in conjunction with the WEF? North America seems to have a giant target on its back from all sides. And our Leaders don’t seem to care?
One tent is certainly a possibility. The States, Trudeau, Australia, New Zealand etc have certainly gone the socialist/ fascist route since March of 2020! China and Russia combined make one powerful force. Why would they work with the WEF? JR Nyquist has long time believed that Russia and China will one day ( now soon) invade North America. Maybe that is the deal that binds them and the WEF?
In my opinion Nyquist does not go far enough. The financing of the Soviets came from the West. If scrutinized carefully I believe UK and USA backed the USSR as documented by Anthony Sutton. I know that a relative of Maurice. Strong helped build Communist China. Yale in China helped too. I suspect for about 120 years the plan for total global control more or less ala Brave New World is Western elites. Putin is a creature of the Westernizing Oligarchs.
Very interesting read! So Kissinger funded and mentored Klaus Schwab. I had previously read that Kissinger and Putin are very buddybuddy. And many people do not know that Joe Biden’s political career was funded early on by communist friendly Billionaire Armond Hammer and by other communist groups. And Soros is funding many of our criminal friendly District Attorneys and Biden’s open border policy. America is being targeted on all sides. To be conquered later by China or to be so weak as to offer little resistance to be merged into the NWO.
Our leaders have been compromised. If you look at Biden’s actions in the context of supporting China instead of America he has actually done a good job.
China got played bigtime when it developed the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon under contract from the likes of Anthony Fauci. Potential lawsuits in the $trillions for that.
What an intriguing debate. I think both authors have some good points. And Russia often copies whatever the West is doing, so why wouldn't they introduce a CBDC nobody asked for. But consider Russia's reaction or lack thereof: Whenever the West starts doing something that Russia strongly opposes and that it sees as a threat, it sends out a few news articles critizing Western policies (then they forget about it while Western news keep pushing and repeating their thing forever until it gets going, some years later Russian liberals whine and want to copy the West). For example, Western "gay propaganda", gay flags everywhere, televised demonstrations and underage children being told about the freedom of choice, pushing some into taking hormones and destroying their lifes before it began (obviously seen by Russia as the threat that it is, though most thinking people in the West are opposed in the same way but they don't speak out)... Even Western developments that Russia opposes but doesn't see as a threat are criticized by Russian media, like how some Western politicians want to stop using reliable sources of energy.
So has there been criticism in Russian media about CBDCs and how EU citizens would be under full control by the elites if CBDCs replace cash? They clearly know about NGOs, do they talk about them, like explaining Event 201 on tv or maybe this weird World Government thing in Dubai recently? What about Covid, do they criticize the West for any of its many attacks on its population like creating panic about nothing, forced medication, (I think the new idea of "lockdowns" has been criticized a bit). How has the West's "reaction" to Covid been explained or framed by Russian media?
Regarding some other aspects, Röper is either wrong or too superficial, like mistaking a lack of official data about side effects of the new genetic medication with a lack of such side effects. His argument about who else should they've picked as head of the RDIF other than the good man from Goldman Sachs isn't clear either: Is he implying Russia has no "good" guys who would be competent enough?
Excellent post. From the beginning this has been an international planetary coup. Patriotism is one thing but nationalism to the exclusion of we the people around this globe is insane. Being as human as possible in the face of this is a path forward, if a vulnerable one.
I guess that depends on how you define a coup. Be that as it may, don't forget such 'coups' need not be top down. They can also proceed bottom up, i.e. in this case from within the "public health" bureaucracy of each country, almost all of which were shaped and trained by WHO/Rockefeller Foundation standards and concepts. The power of this entrenched bureaucracy is severely underappreciated.
This coup - if it may be defined as one - is top down, sideways and bottom up. From the top is directed by the monied, empowered folks at the World Economic Forum (Davos) and Bilderberg. Government, corporate, institutional leaders take their cues from these. Buried within the structure of governments at all levels are able bureaucrats fully capable of carrying out orders. Handmaidens of all the above are those those in the medical field, the mainstream corporate press, in advertising, in social media, Big Tech, etc. From the bottom up we have ordinary citizens living according to what they see or hear from all of the above. Largely fear-based they live in terror of whatever fear porn they absorb. WHO/Rockefeller Foundation part of the overall plan.
Sadly with any one that has blind optimism, they trust heroes that say what they want to hear.
We all want to believe that there's someone fighting the corruption, but when trump or putin etc talk the talk while doing the opposite, those of us who have healthy skepticism give up on that false hope.
People like this guy, Luongo, Ehret, and others are blinded by faith. That's why they can excuse china's lockdowns as a good thing while ignoring that con-vid was at most like the flu.
And many doctors who question the con-vid shots still promote the equally useless flu shots as safe and effective. Same blind faith, even when they see some corruption, they think it's an isolated case haha.
Well, Ehret is certainly Moscow funded. Also The Duran, which has the silent partner RT's Peter Lavelle. Is Luongo getting Kremlin cash? Even in alternative media there is corruption. It doesn't even have to be overt, you get a big donation from someone connected to Moscow after you write a pro-Moscow article and you just know that if you continue that bias and you will get more donations. Why did Moon of Alabama, Saker and Caitlin Johnstone go full Covidian?
I do not think they get so much money from Russia. It seems to me they are believers. Ehret's interests are wide; he cannot verify everything he discusses, especially if he does not understand Russian. Until recently, I too was a believer in Putin's goodness even though I had studied and travelled to Russia for over a decade.
Threre is something wrong with Ehret. While his insights to technocracy and eugenics are valuable, he is somehow praising FDR all the time, suggesting that he is some kind of political Messias that needs to be embraced again. This means he is indirectly advocating Socialism and state control over private enterprise, deficit spending and all the fraud fostering actions that will do so much harm. He must be aware that if FDR was not himself a Soviet agent, his closest aides were: Alger Hiss, General Marshall, Harry Dexter White, Harry Hopkins. He never talks about this. Suspicious.
Lately I wantet to check on his strategic culture foundation website but the site is down. Only an error message in Eussian. Apparently he used a Russian hosting service.
Ehret is probably foremost Beijing and then Moscow funded. He is still an intellectual though, his take on American and Canadian history is interesting.
Quite so. His wife is Chang or Chung or something but his near orgasmic praise of the CCP is obvious enough. Same goes for Brian Athletic (or whatever his name is) who near salivates at a big red flag. Ffs
would that be Brian Berletic at 'new atlas'? This is all new to me. To find/think that the only sources I have for reliable info on the war are 'moscow paid' is a worry. Does it matter? i.e. are they paid because they tell the truth or do they tell whatever they tell (is it the truth?) because they are paid?
Bottom line: are the maps they show me telling me what's real?
Yes. He’s a China hack, if anything. I don’t know about the Duran but they certainly NEVER mention Palestine.
A good point you make. It is certainly possible, even, that voices are unpaid and simply sympathetic and I actually usually veer in that direction as there is far too much binary conspiracy bickering.
Erwan Castel is a French/Breton who has been fighting with Donetz and Lugansk as a sniper and has received many reward. He is a very sincere man with principles. His blog gives very interesting informations about what is going on on the ground. He is very critical of the French analysts who are inconditionnaly pro Russian. Have a look, check by yourself (DeepL does a very good job at translating.
Thank you for that. Very valuable additional source. I got that interview with herve juvin from it. all good stuff. thanks.
who are these people? 'Luongo, Ehret and others..' ?
I like your 'con-vid'.
But about convid I think the main thing is the mandating, the force. I don't really care how many shitshots they put into people if the people are at liberty to refuse.
It's the coercion I object to. There should be choice. There must be choice, somewhere on the planet there has to be a place where people have choice, else people are extinct.
There is a great deal to be sorted out here for certain. I look for information where I can find it. The messenger is simply not important to me (except to recognise their skewed motivation). If I perceive truth in a message I am going to pay attention to it. Politics is full of strange bedfellows. The truth is far larger than those who pretend to understand it. Truth will stand on its own.
Can I just say, I really appreciate your in-depth, evidenced Substack posts "from the other side". For people outside of Russia, there is a proverbial 'Iron Curtain' on media, so it is very difficult to 'peer in', especially for anyone who doesn't speak or read Russian, and the only Russian media outlets that cover Russia are, of course, Russian government owned.
I think the public's perception outside of Russia is a mindset of 'absence of evidence' ('innocent unless proven guilty'); if they don't explicitly see evidence of Russia doing globalist things, so they assume Russia doesn't do globalist things.
Coupled with the fiery, well published rhetoric of Putin, and the West (synonymous with globalism) seemingly very upset at what he's doing in Ukraine - whilst sending Ukrainians either antiquated, dated, experimental or unreliable tech and insisting they all die (sorry, "fight") to the last man - most of the anti-globalist West think of Putin as "sticking it to the man".
They don't get to see articles like yours. I also think there is an aspect of "hopium", they hope that Putin is on 'Team Good Guy' because if he isn't, everyone is in deep... poop. It would mean all nuclear superpowers are controlled by globalists, and there is an aspect of denial in this.
I consider the situation akin to Trump in the US. Says all the words people want to hear, they cheer vicariously for him, and then he aids the very globalism he claims to oppose. No-one is holding them to account for their actions. There are still rabid Trump defenders insisting he isn't guilty of rolling out the "genetic slurry" (as you so aptly put it) shot simply because the poison shot was... optional? Wait, what? Mass murder is okay so long as you give them a choice (and trick them with a giant deception campaign)?
It's a long, uphill battle exposing Controlled Opposition. The public are suffering from "Stockholm Syndrome" and do not want to examine the facts if it violates their worldview. One ZeroHedge commentator referred to you angrily as an "anti-Russian hater" with a lot of upvotes, but I found their delusions amusing because 5 minutes on any of your articles shows you're well researched and level headed, and evidently none of your criticisms have come anywhere near that of the classic Western shill that screeches endlessly about Ukraine.
Keep up the good work of posting evidence, I enjoy reading!
Yes the “Stockholm syndrome” has been operative for a long time. Fortunately truth stands in its own as a message and doesn’t necessarily require the understanding of the messenger.
Yes, this part baffles me the greatest. Even if you extend the kind of bridge of reasoning that Trump was - charitably - ignorant of the "very very clever" Deep State ploys, you still undermine the position he's a suitable leader for resisting the Deep State.
I personally know he wasn't "ignorant" on the matter because even as early as 2020 - before the shots were even considered - I highlighted systematic evidence that Hoskins effect meant no "vaccine" (genuine or otherwise) could work on SARS-CoV-2 if the data were to be believed, as even within a month it had forked 8 major strains. By the time you rolled out any shot, there would have been hundreds more.
Citations, quotes, peer reviewed papers. The failure of the flu "vaccine" to stop flu was overwhelming proof they didn't have any chance against a 'worse than flu' SARS-CoV-2. Regardless of your thoughts on SC2, I was using their own evidence against their own reasoning.
Both the White House and Number 10 ignored this evidence and Trump and Boris financed it "yugely". Even the UK pro-vaccine shilling JCVI couldn't bring themselves to promote the poison shot for children (they compromised and offered it to disabled children but that always gives me Action T4 vibes).
Boris Johnson overrode them, and insisted it be given to all children. You know it is evidently wrong when even the pro-vaccination organisations are showing reservations and *advising against*.
In subsequent correspondence to Number 10 I always referred to Boris as a child murderer. He must known deep down it was true because I never got any pushback for it. I am sick to my soul on many events, even my own indirect participation. It strikes my soul even more that despite evidence to the contrary people are still supporting these men.
I will admit I had some hope Putin wasn't party, with his rhetoric of a "multipolar order", but Edward has pierced that hope effectively. I had heard rumours of mandatory vaccination but it was impossible to gauge the extent. It is hard not to invoke the 'what if Putin is just ignorant' type arguments, but the obvious "bromance" with WEF shows he's fully aware.
Demoralisation is rife. What do we do now?
You wrote"It strikes my soul even more that despite evidence to the contrary people are still supporting these men."
I don't know about England but micron has an approval rate of 12%, very few people support the thugs maskarading as the rulers. Our country is run by McKinsey, Bain, Rothschild, the population feels helpless since bombarded by enless propaganda spread out by corporates media heavily financed by the micron's regime. Half of our population is officially in depression.
That being said, your spiritual suffering is shared by millions. We are together Man, keep smiling.
Not so different here in Germany.
People here are less aware of Politics than in France, as always. But anyone is fed up with this soulless corporatism and "incompetent" leadership.
Thanks for this attempt to address both sides of the issue. It is rare indeed.
From my Chinese perspective I think both Thomas (Röper) and Riley make some good points. If I may summarize, Riley writes that Thomas seems overly optimistic about Russia’s role as an independent player, while Thomas cites evidence to show that the big kahuna in Russia is not part of the show. Nonetheless, I think both neglect to consider a subtler interpretation.
In essence, it is this: The world is not a black and white place. On the contrary, it is full of grey zones. In one sentence, Thomas actually hints at this. He writes:
“Dass Russland versucht, mit am Tisch zu sitzen, wenn diese wichtigen Kreise sich treffen, ist nicht überraschend. Wenn man die Wahl hat, denen zuzuhören oder nicht, würde auch ich zuhören, um möglichst viel über deren Ideen und Pläne zu erfahren.“
For non-German speakers, basically he is saying that it should hardly be surprising that the Russian leadership wishes to be present at the table when the agendas are being discussed and set.
This should be obvious, but it seems to be a difficult concept for many.
Instead, many die-hard conspiracy fans (as well as the professional propagandists who practice muddying the waters as a profession) seem obsessed with the idea that it’s all one big show and that the principal leaders all around the world are just reading their scripts. Some of the most ridiculous ones go as far as to claim that all of these scripts are being written by clever communists in Beijing. The ones whose propaganda machine is regularly ridiculed throughout both China and the world. Right.
This in my opinion is a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
The fact that both Chinese and Russian elites regularly associate and have associated with the Western elites who are often found in Davos every January demonstrates… nothing. The same applies to the fact that SOME of their policies and official fairytales overlap with those of the West.
For argument’s sake, let’s assume for example that the ‘carbon dioxide bad’ storyline is a scam. Why might leader X choose to play along?
• He is just an appointed puppet and has no real decision making power.
• He believes it to be in his or his country’s interest to play along.
• He doesn’t see himself as an ‘expert’ in the area of climatology and has actually bought into the fraud. The scam pushers have their fingers in the financing of ‘science’ all over the world, including Russia and China.
• He believes that for some reason the scam is ‘useful’ to him or his country, for example to help make energy usage more efficient, or because it offers another tool to maintain control over the unruly peasants.
• He realizes that he has been scammed, but is too embarrassed to admit it.
If there are troops belonging to a foreign power stationed nearby, one should not be surprised to encounter scenario #1. But it is hardly the only imaginable one. There are plenty of others.
Well how about the possibility that the current top dog in Moscow got there thanks to the support of other key players to whom he is indebted? Upon reflection, it should be obvious that this is a certainty rather than a possibility. But does that mean he must necessarily remain their puppet? History is full of examples of leaders who turned on their sponsors.
If we look at the situation in China, we see a government which over the past year literally tried to move heaven and earth in an attempt to raise the birth rate, among other things by obliterating much of the private education industry. This ‘cost’ was enormous and there is no way this decision was taken lightly. And yet, a few months later the same leadership rolled out its own untested slurry which ended up having a substantial negative effect on fertility. To their credit, they rejected the mRNA technology, and made it explicitly illegal to coerce anyone into getting themselves injected, but attempts at coercion did take place and in the end the majority of the population went along with the pitch. (China does not have ‘vaccine passports’ in contrast to the storyline regularly on offer in Western social media.) In medical circles inside China these negative effects on fertility were known from early on. Perhaps no-one dared tell the boss? Or perhaps the boss wasn’t listening? It seems hard to avoid concluding that a substantial dose of ignorance and/or face-saving at the highest levels must have been at play here. If they were just script readers, why bother literally at the same time to put so much effort into increasing the birth rate?
Sometimes the most probable explanation is also the simplest one.
hey, meant to respond earlier but got side-tracked. You make a number of excellent points. By the way, I really enjoy your dispatches from China.
Very interesting comment, please keep on coming on that comment section. People might disagree but such a good quality input is worth reading.
"For non-German speakers, basically he is saying that it should hardly be surprising that the Russian leadership wishes to be present at the table when the agendas are being discussed and set."
You speak as if the globalist agenda was built without integration of Russia. In Kissinger's globalist plans, Russia is perfectly integrated in the agenda with the construction of an Eurasian block. The Russian leadership doesn't have to "wish to be present at the table", it is obviously already part of it.
"The fact that both Chinese and Russian elites regularly associate and have associated with the Western elites who are often found in Davos every January demonstrates… nothing."
Ok... and what do you think about BlackRock financing the Chinese Communist Party, as it is the case currently?
"History is full of examples of leaders who turned on their sponsors." Some examples?
Look, as an exemple, what Russia and China are doing in Africa currently. Pillage of the Sahel and slaughtering of the populations in the most stunning silence of the international medias. There is sort of Russian and Chinese exception in the international media, avoiding critics towards these two countries. Russia and China are planned to rule the next unipolar world and a kind of neo-communist propaganda lies in many mainstream and "alternative" international medias.
Alex Newman's videos regarding Putin and China, and Covid scam, are remarkable:
"Pillage of the Sahel and slaughtering of the populations in the most stunning silence of the international medias. "
This statement is utterly absurd and not related to any existing facts. I mean, at that point , neither "slaughtering" in Mali or RCA nor "pillage".
In fact, it is raw macronist propaganda. I have all data to demonstrate the complex reality and how far it is from what pseudo sandrine writes endlessly. Since it would take space on that forum, I would ask Riley before posting.
Because historical background is essential, as well as chronology, some of the commentators who are willing to make an aside in RCA's history will find that 37' documentary very interesting and why not, somehow, entertaining, "La chute de Bokassa" (Bokassa's downfall):
Great footages of the Bokassa coronation as Emperor of CA (no more républic, lol) and testimony of French insiders stating that that sinister farce would have never occured without French backing...
A few times ago, here in this forum, you would say that Wagner was inexistant in the Sahel. You're just a very funny dude.
And on Réseau International, (jewish-communist blog based in Switzerland) you were an ardent supporter of Putin.
I think anybody here understands what is your objective on this forum.
And personnaly I spent more than 10 years fighting the western elites extremism on the forums, including Macron, Holland, Sarközy, Obama, Trump, Johnson... I am perfectly informed about what is going on in the Sahel, and your apparent expertise is just aiming at misleading the readers.
Absolutely false. You should check my informations on OPEX360 (French Army forum) : official!!!
No one in the Worlds mainstream media brings up what China and Russia are doing in Africa and to a lesser extent in South America. And South America is in danger of being almost 100 percent marxist if they take out Brazils Bolisnaro. Oh but Marxism is dead ! Far from it. And the global Elites are all very fond of being fascist and leftist since March of 2020. Whether China and Russia are working with or against the WEF, there are only Monsters running our World! Can you give me some hope that there is a good guy on the current World stage?
I would say "No one in the Worlds mainstream media AND NEITHER in the "alternative media" bring up what China and Russia are doing in Africa and to a lesser extent in South America.
And this should really make us wonder why. I have my own opinion on the subject.
Other than the Epoch Times on China and JR Nyquist on China and Russia I don’t know who else? I just saw a leaked document from England concerning the upcoming food rationing! Food and energy shortages and it all looks planned……
Excellent, thoughtful comment. You've got a new subscriber!
Thank you for your thoughtful insight. However several analysts I follow believe there is something else going on. That Taiwan is a ruse, and that North America is the actual target of China. ( and Russia) China needs more land and the US stands in its way. There was a Chinese general about 20 years ago who allegedly stated that America would become the actual target. And if so is the WEF working with them?
This is a bit off topic, but.... how? I mean, technically... how could China possibly invade North America? It's a LONG way across the ocean, and the waters in the middle are reputed to be crawling with heavily armed ships.
We have an open border since Jan 2021. There could be many enemy saboteurs and soldiers from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and other countries. China and Russia could also have many in place already. Giant shipping containers can be retrofitted to hold soldiers and arms. Canada could have thousands of enemy soldiers already in place. They could knock out the Power grid before an invasion. Russia could wipe out a few cities with their nukes preceding an invasion. And a much deadlier plague could be sent here preceding an invasion? I kinda hope none of that happens….
great article, great research. thanks for your painstaking ongoing and refreshing message. it is very needed in the collapsing and brainwashed West. Respect
Putin unmasked:
Who could still say that Putin and Russia were not part of the master plan from the beginning, when Kissinger's Eurasia - the one that Putin helps to implement right now thanks to the war- is only a milestone to the NWO. Come on!
And regarding the "collapsing" of the West, it is clearly a co-production of the WEST AND the EAST, starting decades ago. I recommend this book: https://portalconservador.com/livros/Joseph-Douglass-Red-Cocaine-The-Drugging-of-America-and-the-West.pdf (how Russia and china planned to destroy american youth and western youth in general).
The West may collapse, because russia and Western elites planned its destruction (war, sanctions, QE, massive immigration, cocaine, perverse propagandas, porno, etc) but something else is happening: globalists need European populations consent to the Eurasist master plan, but the populations are wakening, and debunked the very artificial storyline "Holy Russia Vs the Evil West".
Another stunning statement is : while Russia and China barbarically plunder and assassinate in the Sahel in 2022, (rapes on children, women, men, tortures, mass murders, pillage and racket of the populations, of mining concessions, theft of land, desolation of the populations), there is a total silence in the international media. Why?
your emotional answer seems a mix of replies to different comments. anyway, Europe may not collapse, it IS collapsing as we speak. Yes engineered. Furthermore, people do not need to give consent to the eurasian project as Europe is being "eurasianized" as we speak with decades long escalating weaponized mass immigration of non white armies which is financed and organized for a big part by Russia.
Yawn... Boring...
"It's OK when Russia does it" because many in the West are *desperate* to believe that someone, anyone, in the global power elite, is on "their side." Roper's selective blindness is utterly infuriating, and so is the knowledge that many will grasp on to his article as "proof" that Putin is "on our side." Thanks once again for being the storyteller who sheds light, Riley!
cognitive bias is alive and well
take nothing at face value, be sceptical of everything!
All world leaders are doing their part to implement the global agenda. Them not playing their part dies lika John Magufuli of Tanzania. If Putin had been the real anti West/globalist deal he would have blown the lid on the Convid scam and poisonous "vaccines".
another great article...albeit depressing...were all under the control of psychopaths and idiots
This reality, valid as it appears to be, with Vladimir Putin, promoting, and pushing vaccination on his own people, is about the most disturbing thing I have come to know since writing my book in 2020 - THE TYRANNY of MASKS. (bit.ly/3oJrJX6). I was harboring with no small zeal, the illusion that there remained a vast land, overseen by a president representing the last holdout to the luciferian globalism, even entertaining a thought of moving there. (I speak Russian - so why not). What now? Belarus?
Belarus might be the last holdout.
Russia is a lovely place though. There are places you can go where they probably won't be able to bother you (for now)
"Vladimir Putin was not a Young Global Leader"
More like middle-aged, jah? In fact, by the time people cared if he was a Dovosian Young Global Leader, he was already a major global leader, period. Like, before Young Global Leadership went all commersch, man.
"If Putin is opposed to this anti-human system—and maybe he is—why he is allowing it to take root in Russia? To me this is a much more important question than whether or not Putin approves of western elites."
That is, for me, the core question.
Putin doesn't need Davos and his psycho shithead buddies -- that I know of. Putin has all the power he needs -- or appears to.
Why? RIley titled an article of his "I believe we are facing an evil that has no equal in human history", and I have to agree.
What is that evil? Space aliens? Annunaki watchers from the comic book version of the Bible (one of my personal fave Biblical perspectives). A hidden nuclear arsenal that might be used a la rogue to trigger a full-blown nuke exchange that nobody wins? A forced 3-way with Margarita Simonyan and Nancy Pelosi? (as an obscure Firesign Theater joke says: "It's like dogs fucking in the street; I TRY not to watch, but...")
The reason I have a problem with 'Putin is Just Another Davosite' is not because I hate to lose the hope he represented to many of us, nor is it because I refuse to notice the lockstep similarities between him and the Davosite agenda.
It's because something just doesn't fit right. That sense of something doesn't justify me holding on to a shred of Putin-hope nor does it justify me writing him off as just another schnook, a once tolerably decent gangster who was slowly corrupted and stupefied by the morally softening effects of power, into a genuine global creepster. But something doesn't fit right, and like my old man used to say, "YOu get that many dirty dogs together, one of them's bound to be a son of a bitch."
I'm doing some reading this week that may shed some light. Or not. We'll see.
Track 6, pls: https://soundcloud.com/jeff-campbell-43
There are truthers who believe that the NWO agenda is ultimately controlled by an external force. That would explain a lot.
I forgot to include a known ruling entity: the rapidly metastasizing global AI complex.
There's no reason I can see to use something like Face Pay when the aim of a cashless transit system can be achieved by a simple swipe card which can be purchased anonymously. First the goals: 1. Eliminate the potential for employee theft. 2. eliminate the problem of handling large amounts of cash in small denominations. 3. improve data collection on ridership for planning purposes. None of these goals is nefarious by intention, even Face Pay can be rationalized as a way to eliminate the costs associated with maintaining a retail system for swipe cards. As someone who once worked for a transit system I can assure you, the costs are eating us alive, and any potential solution to the problem is taken seriously.
The trouble is that any system that collects user specific data can be used for nefarious purposes. This problem also exists with cash in the form of embedded security codes which are used to prevent counterfeiting. That same technology can be extended to where the individual currency note contains a history of every transaction it's involved in, so cash itself may be subject to the same conditions and abuses.
One of the main points of arms control as applied to intermediate range missiles is that they are dual use technology that can have defensive or offensive capability simply by a change of ordinance. Extend that dual use principle to every aspect of the modern world as governed by digital cash, cell phones, licence plate readers, face recognition, biometric ID systems, satellites, all of it. It ALL has the potential for misuse.
But step back for a moment and ask yourself, what features do ALL governments have in common? First the need to collect tax and other revenue, second to monitor the population for planning purposes, but also to control criminal activity. Given that ALL governments share these objectives, I see no reason to suggest that they're all acting in concert to execute some master plan. They may well be, but the fact that they have common goals does not by itself imply that.
Russia has long standing issues with control of immigration, money laundering, and systemic corruption at all levels. This problem did not go away with the removal of the oligarchs - it is still present in every aspect of society, an unfortunate inheritance of the Soviet system and of human nature itself. That the current government would adopt means to address the issue does not in itself imply collusion with some overarching international agenda, but simply that they, like every other government on Earth, have adopted similar solutions to similar problems. In other words, correlation is not causation.
Frankly, I'm suspicious of the Putin as WEF agent theory. First, it has not, to my knowledge, been a constant theme over many years but only recently surfaced in connection with the pandemic and SMO, and it's constant repetition on social media only adds to my suspicion. What better way to sow doubt among supporters of Russia than to suggest her leader is part of some grand global conspiracy? Second, the guilt by association fallacy that all WEF alumni are somehow part of some master plan. This negates individual motives in associating with that institute. Belonging to a club has certain advantages, but it doesn't imply that we're acting entirely on its behalf. The old adage, keep your friends close but your enemies closer may apply here. Third. How many of us here hold the same beliefs we did in our youth? Personally, mine have shifted 180 degrees in the time Putin has been around. Is he the same guy he was 20 or 30 years ago, or has he learned something in the interim?
Therefore, I'm agnostic on the assertion that Putin is one of "them." It bears investigating, as does every aspect of our current situation, but to draw that conclusion on the basis of relatively limited data which may have a more benign explanation has the potential to seriously mislead us, which may actually be the point. We're hearing a lot of nonsense stated as fact where it relates to Russia these days. Why should this be any different?
All the technologies you mentioned are very detrimental for the health of all living thing. Ontologicaly, inherently because the frenquencies they use have been proven to be a danger for all life forms, be they insects, birds, mammals. All those techs also implied geopolitical aspect, think Musk promoting coup d'état to get ressources like lithium... and what is going everywhere rare earth are coveted to rationalized and eliminate the costs.
"Why should this be different?" Read this blog more deeply. I think it gives real data.
I suspect Röper is controlled opposition. I've read his piece where he contradicts Ernst Wolff's take on the scamdemic. I believe Wolff's interpretation is correct. He believes Putin is controlled just like China, which I believe is correct.
I speak fluent German so I also watched this
If you watch to the end (starting at 2:21.00) you will hear his ludicrous explanation of why Russia dealt with the Covaids scamdemic in the way it did. It is nonsense. I know the virus doesn't exist so that means the FSB and Putin know this as well. I also know you cannot produce a pathogen in a lab that can be transmitted between people and cause disease. This only happens in BS голливудские фильмы.
His absurd theory is that Russia sent over specialists to discover what it was that the US had developed in their Biolabs and had unleashed on the world. This is why Russia sent specialists to Italy in March/April 2020, to find out how dangerous this 'pathogen' was. He mentions the Russian ministry of defense announced officially a few weeks back (perhaps Edward can confirm this) that they believe the 'pathogen' is a bioweapon created by the US. Now the interesting bit is he uses the EXACT same argument used in the UK to justify the regional lockdowns that did happen in Russia. This is a globalist dogwhistle. Namely, they believed there was a danger the deaths due to the fake virus would lead to the hospitals being overrun and cancer patients, etc would not receive any treatment. Utterly pathetic. The guy is a goon.
This automatically discredits him because he hasn't even grasped the basics. The virus doesn't exist.
" Now the interesting bit is he uses the EXACT same argument used in the UK to justify the regional lockdowns that did happen in Russia."
I was reading Röper regularly throughout the scamdemic and can confirm this. He did this for anything happening in Russia. When they had mask mandates in Russia just like in Germany it was always the cool Russians who didn't care about that (vs the sheep-like Germans) and it was always some regional Bureaucrat who's fault that was.
I think propaganda is a matching word for his work. Point is, when criticizing German policies, he always has a good point. Too bad it pretty much seems to be the same in Russia.
Putin got duped by the west and China?
China wants to be the new energy provider and has been buying politicians and using media to enforce climate change as reality. They need oil gone or priced high so the world switches from oil to lithium. China has been playing the long game acquiring/has their hand in 90-95% of the worlds lithium and rare earth metals supply.
Putin got baited to at least take the dombas and the media and politicians have now drilled in everyone that Putin bad and no more oil/ gas from him. The media has created a frenzy and more and more people want an EV.
This plays right into chinas hands who can now supply us with more lithium batteries, more solar panels, windmills, etc. We are switching dictators from Putin to Xi for our energy/transportation needs. It’s crazy.
The other benefit for keeping Germany from Russia oil/gas is that it keeps the USA dollar higher and in demand. The last thing the USA wants is Germany//EU/Russia and Asia becoming friends.
Idk. The USA loves a mess in Europe it seems.
Lithium does not replace oil. Nuclear replaces oil, gas & coal. And batteries are more about nickel, manganese and cobalt. Lithium is a common metal, unlimited supply in seawater. China is stuck with Russian gas & oil. For Energy security it is starting a major nuclear expansion. Wind & solar are a scam, Davos is trying to create energy poverty. Mostly they don't want nuclear since it blows away their Malthusian resource shortage narrative.
China is playing everyone, is my take.
Sure it can. France achieved 88% of their domestic electricity production in 20yrs, replacing fossil. They use 5oz of uranium per year per person in France which is about $15 per person per year worth. And close to 50% of their domestic primary energy consumption. Do that once more and that would replace all fossil energy. Of course you would have to do a lot of energy conversion alongside of that. i.e. BEVs, heat pumps, nuclear district heating & hot water, nuclear synthetic fuels etc.
Putin ain't duped. Go back to ask if the FSB is not simply a rebranded KGB and if China and Russia are not on the same team for some years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoliy_Golitsyn#:~:text=New%20Lies%20for%20Old.%20In%201984%2C%20Golitsyn%20published,the%20United%20States.%20Among%20other%20things%2C%20Golitsyn%20stated%3A
Golitsyn sure predicted a lot of things that seems to have come true. But we have no way of knowing if Russia and China are working with the WEF as most western leaders are now doing. China wants more land and to control the Earths precious minerals and Russia wants to be great again. Is this in conjunction with the WEF? North America seems to have a giant target on its back from all sides. And our Leaders don’t seem to care?
My opinion is one tent. Who financed the Russian revolution? Schwab is a Lenin admirer. Actually existing communism is simply Super Capitalism.
One tent is certainly a possibility. The States, Trudeau, Australia, New Zealand etc have certainly gone the socialist/ fascist route since March of 2020! China and Russia combined make one powerful force. Why would they work with the WEF? JR Nyquist has long time believed that Russia and China will one day ( now soon) invade North America. Maybe that is the deal that binds them and the WEF?
I am familiar with Nyquist. I read Christopher Story who defended and promoted Golitsyn's Perestroika Deception and New Lies For Old. WEF emerged from Kissinger mentoring Schwab. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/08/investigative-reports/the-kissinger-continuum-the-unauthorized-history-of-the-wefs-young-global-leaders-program/
In my opinion Nyquist does not go far enough. The financing of the Soviets came from the West. If scrutinized carefully I believe UK and USA backed the USSR as documented by Anthony Sutton. I know that a relative of Maurice. Strong helped build Communist China. Yale in China helped too. I suspect for about 120 years the plan for total global control more or less ala Brave New World is Western elites. Putin is a creature of the Westernizing Oligarchs.
Very interesting read! So Kissinger funded and mentored Klaus Schwab. I had previously read that Kissinger and Putin are very buddybuddy. And many people do not know that Joe Biden’s political career was funded early on by communist friendly Billionaire Armond Hammer and by other communist groups. And Soros is funding many of our criminal friendly District Attorneys and Biden’s open border policy. America is being targeted on all sides. To be conquered later by China or to be so weak as to offer little resistance to be merged into the NWO.
Our leaders have been compromised. If you look at Biden’s actions in the context of supporting China instead of America he has actually done a good job.
China is playing everyone.
China got played bigtime when it developed the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon under contract from the likes of Anthony Fauci. Potential lawsuits in the $trillions for that.
What an intriguing debate. I think both authors have some good points. And Russia often copies whatever the West is doing, so why wouldn't they introduce a CBDC nobody asked for. But consider Russia's reaction or lack thereof: Whenever the West starts doing something that Russia strongly opposes and that it sees as a threat, it sends out a few news articles critizing Western policies (then they forget about it while Western news keep pushing and repeating their thing forever until it gets going, some years later Russian liberals whine and want to copy the West). For example, Western "gay propaganda", gay flags everywhere, televised demonstrations and underage children being told about the freedom of choice, pushing some into taking hormones and destroying their lifes before it began (obviously seen by Russia as the threat that it is, though most thinking people in the West are opposed in the same way but they don't speak out)... Even Western developments that Russia opposes but doesn't see as a threat are criticized by Russian media, like how some Western politicians want to stop using reliable sources of energy.
So has there been criticism in Russian media about CBDCs and how EU citizens would be under full control by the elites if CBDCs replace cash? They clearly know about NGOs, do they talk about them, like explaining Event 201 on tv or maybe this weird World Government thing in Dubai recently? What about Covid, do they criticize the West for any of its many attacks on its population like creating panic about nothing, forced medication, (I think the new idea of "lockdowns" has been criticized a bit). How has the West's "reaction" to Covid been explained or framed by Russian media?
Regarding some other aspects, Röper is either wrong or too superficial, like mistaking a lack of official data about side effects of the new genetic medication with a lack of such side effects. His argument about who else should they've picked as head of the RDIF other than the good man from Goldman Sachs isn't clear either: Is he implying Russia has no "good" guys who would be competent enough?