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Putin ain't duped. Go back to ask if the FSB is not simply a rebranded KGB and if China and Russia are not on the same team for some years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoliy_Golitsyn#:~:text=New%20Lies%20for%20Old.%20In%201984%2C%20Golitsyn%20published,the%20United%20States.%20Among%20other%20things%2C%20Golitsyn%20stated%3A

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Golitsyn sure predicted a lot of things that seems to have come true. But we have no way of knowing if Russia and China are working with the WEF as most western leaders are now doing. China wants more land and to control the Earths precious minerals and Russia wants to be great again. Is this in conjunction with the WEF? North America seems to have a giant target on its back from all sides. And our Leaders don’t seem to care?

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My opinion is one tent. Who financed the Russian revolution? Schwab is a Lenin admirer. Actually existing communism is simply Super Capitalism.

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One tent is certainly a possibility. The States, Trudeau, Australia, New Zealand etc have certainly gone the socialist/ fascist route since March of 2020! China and Russia combined make one powerful force. Why would they work with the WEF? JR Nyquist has long time believed that Russia and China will one day ( now soon) invade North America. Maybe that is the deal that binds them and the WEF?

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I am familiar with Nyquist. I read Christopher Story who defended and promoted Golitsyn's Perestroika Deception and New Lies For Old. WEF emerged from Kissinger mentoring Schwab. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/08/investigative-reports/the-kissinger-continuum-the-unauthorized-history-of-the-wefs-young-global-leaders-program/

In my opinion Nyquist does not go far enough. The financing of the Soviets came from the West. If scrutinized carefully I believe UK and USA backed the USSR as documented by Anthony Sutton. I know that a relative of Maurice. Strong helped build Communist China. Yale in China helped too. I suspect for about 120 years the plan for total global control more or less ala Brave New World is Western elites. Putin is a creature of the Westernizing Oligarchs.

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Very interesting read! So Kissinger funded and mentored Klaus Schwab. I had previously read that Kissinger and Putin are very buddybuddy. And many people do not know that Joe Biden’s political career was funded early on by communist friendly Billionaire Armond Hammer and by other communist groups. And Soros is funding many of our criminal friendly District Attorneys and Biden’s open border policy. America is being targeted on all sides. To be conquered later by China or to be so weak as to offer little resistance to be merged into the NWO.

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Depending on one's view America ended with the Civil War.

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Our leaders have been compromised. If you look at Biden’s actions in the context of supporting China instead of America he has actually done a good job.

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China is playing everyone.

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China got played bigtime when it developed the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon under contract from the likes of Anthony Fauci. Potential lawsuits in the $trillions for that.

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