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Thanks for this attempt to address both sides of the issue. It is rare indeed.

From my Chinese perspective I think both Thomas (Röper) and Riley make some good points. If I may summarize, Riley writes that Thomas seems overly optimistic about Russia’s role as an independent player, while Thomas cites evidence to show that the big kahuna in Russia is not part of the show. Nonetheless, I think both neglect to consider a subtler interpretation.

In essence, it is this: The world is not a black and white place. On the contrary, it is full of grey zones. In one sentence, Thomas actually hints at this. He writes:

“Dass Russland versucht, mit am Tisch zu sitzen, wenn diese wichtigen Kreise sich treffen, ist nicht überraschend. Wenn man die Wahl hat, denen zuzuhören oder nicht, würde auch ich zuhören, um möglichst viel über deren Ideen und Pläne zu erfahren.“

For non-German speakers, basically he is saying that it should hardly be surprising that the Russian leadership wishes to be present at the table when the agendas are being discussed and set.

This should be obvious, but it seems to be a difficult concept for many.

Instead, many die-hard conspiracy fans (as well as the professional propagandists who practice muddying the waters as a profession) seem obsessed with the idea that it’s all one big show and that the principal leaders all around the world are just reading their scripts. Some of the most ridiculous ones go as far as to claim that all of these scripts are being written by clever communists in Beijing. The ones whose propaganda machine is regularly ridiculed throughout both China and the world. Right.

This in my opinion is a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

The fact that both Chinese and Russian elites regularly associate and have associated with the Western elites who are often found in Davos every January demonstrates… nothing. The same applies to the fact that SOME of their policies and official fairytales overlap with those of the West.

For argument’s sake, let’s assume for example that the ‘carbon dioxide bad’ storyline is a scam. Why might leader X choose to play along?

• He is just an appointed puppet and has no real decision making power.

• He believes it to be in his or his country’s interest to play along.

• He doesn’t see himself as an ‘expert’ in the area of climatology and has actually bought into the fraud. The scam pushers have their fingers in the financing of ‘science’ all over the world, including Russia and China.

• He believes that for some reason the scam is ‘useful’ to him or his country, for example to help make energy usage more efficient, or because it offers another tool to maintain control over the unruly peasants.

• He realizes that he has been scammed, but is too embarrassed to admit it.

If there are troops belonging to a foreign power stationed nearby, one should not be surprised to encounter scenario #1. But it is hardly the only imaginable one. There are plenty of others.

Well how about the possibility that the current top dog in Moscow got there thanks to the support of other key players to whom he is indebted? Upon reflection, it should be obvious that this is a certainty rather than a possibility. But does that mean he must necessarily remain their puppet? History is full of examples of leaders who turned on their sponsors.

If we look at the situation in China, we see a government which over the past year literally tried to move heaven and earth in an attempt to raise the birth rate, among other things by obliterating much of the private education industry. This ‘cost’ was enormous and there is no way this decision was taken lightly. And yet, a few months later the same leadership rolled out its own untested slurry which ended up having a substantial negative effect on fertility. To their credit, they rejected the mRNA technology, and made it explicitly illegal to coerce anyone into getting themselves injected, but attempts at coercion did take place and in the end the majority of the population went along with the pitch. (China does not have ‘vaccine passports’ in contrast to the storyline regularly on offer in Western social media.) In medical circles inside China these negative effects on fertility were known from early on. Perhaps no-one dared tell the boss? Or perhaps the boss wasn’t listening? It seems hard to avoid concluding that a substantial dose of ignorance and/or face-saving at the highest levels must have been at play here. If they were just script readers, why bother literally at the same time to put so much effort into increasing the birth rate?

Sometimes the most probable explanation is also the simplest one.

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hey, meant to respond earlier but got side-tracked. You make a number of excellent points. By the way, I really enjoy your dispatches from China.



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Very interesting comment, please keep on coming on that comment section. People might disagree but such a good quality input is worth reading.

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"For non-German speakers, basically he is saying that it should hardly be surprising that the Russian leadership wishes to be present at the table when the agendas are being discussed and set."

You speak as if the globalist agenda was built without integration of Russia. In Kissinger's globalist plans, Russia is perfectly integrated in the agenda with the construction of an Eurasian block. The Russian leadership doesn't have to "wish to be present at the table", it is obviously already part of it.

"The fact that both Chinese and Russian elites regularly associate and have associated with the Western elites who are often found in Davos every January demonstrates… nothing."

Ok... and what do you think about BlackRock financing the Chinese Communist Party, as it is the case currently?

"History is full of examples of leaders who turned on their sponsors." Some examples?

Look, as an exemple, what Russia and China are doing in Africa currently. Pillage of the Sahel and slaughtering of the populations in the most stunning silence of the international medias. There is sort of Russian and Chinese exception in the international media, avoiding critics towards these two countries. Russia and China are planned to rule the next unipolar world and a kind of neo-communist propaganda lies in many mainstream and "alternative" international medias.

Alex Newman's videos regarding Putin and China, and Covid scam, are remarkable:


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"Pillage of the Sahel and slaughtering of the populations in the most stunning silence of the international medias. "

This statement is utterly absurd and not related to any existing facts. I mean, at that point , neither "slaughtering" in Mali or RCA nor "pillage".

In fact, it is raw macronist propaganda. I have all data to demonstrate the complex reality and how far it is from what pseudo sandrine writes endlessly. Since it would take space on that forum, I would ask Riley before posting.

Because historical background is essential, as well as chronology, some of the commentators who are willing to make an aside in RCA's history will find that 37' documentary very interesting and why not, somehow, entertaining, "La chute de Bokassa" (Bokassa's downfall):


Great footages of the Bokassa coronation as Emperor of CA (no more républic, lol) and testimony of French insiders stating that that sinister farce would have never occured without French backing...


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A few times ago, here in this forum, you would say that Wagner was inexistant in the Sahel. You're just a very funny dude.

And on Réseau International, (jewish-communist blog based in Switzerland) you were an ardent supporter of Putin.

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I think anybody here understands what is your objective on this forum.

And personnaly I spent more than 10 years fighting the western elites extremism on the forums, including Macron, Holland, Sarközy, Obama, Trump, Johnson... I am perfectly informed about what is going on in the Sahel, and your apparent expertise is just aiming at misleading the readers.

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Absolutely false. You should check my informations on OPEX360 (French Army forum) : official!!!

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No one in the Worlds mainstream media brings up what China and Russia are doing in Africa and to a lesser extent in South America. And South America is in danger of being almost 100 percent marxist if they take out Brazils Bolisnaro. Oh but Marxism is dead ! Far from it. And the global Elites are all very fond of being fascist and leftist since March of 2020. Whether China and Russia are working with or against the WEF, there are only Monsters running our World! Can you give me some hope that there is a good guy on the current World stage?

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I would say "No one in the Worlds mainstream media AND NEITHER in the "alternative media" bring up what China and Russia are doing in Africa and to a lesser extent in South America.

And this should really make us wonder why. I have my own opinion on the subject.

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Other than the Epoch Times on China and JR Nyquist on China and Russia I don’t know who else? I just saw a leaked document from England concerning the upcoming food rationing! Food and energy shortages and it all looks planned……

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Excellent, thoughtful comment. You've got a new subscriber!

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Thank you for your thoughtful insight. However several analysts I follow believe there is something else going on. That Taiwan is a ruse, and that North America is the actual target of China. ( and Russia) China needs more land and the US stands in its way. There was a Chinese general about 20 years ago who allegedly stated that America would become the actual target. And if so is the WEF working with them?

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This is a bit off topic, but.... how? I mean, technically... how could China possibly invade North America? It's a LONG way across the ocean, and the waters in the middle are reputed to be crawling with heavily armed ships.

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We have an open border since Jan 2021. There could be many enemy saboteurs and soldiers from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and other countries. China and Russia could also have many in place already. Giant shipping containers can be retrofitted to hold soldiers and arms. Canada could have thousands of enemy soldiers already in place. They could knock out the Power grid before an invasion. Russia could wipe out a few cities with their nukes preceding an invasion. And a much deadlier plague could be sent here preceding an invasion? I kinda hope none of that happens….

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