This coup - if it may be defined as one - is top down, sideways and bottom up. From the top is directed by the monied, empowered folks at the World Economic Forum (Davos) and Bilderberg. Government, corporate, institutional leaders take their cues from these. Buried within the structure of governments at all levels are able bureaucrats …
This coup - if it may be defined as one - is top down, sideways and bottom up. From the top is directed by the monied, empowered folks at the World Economic Forum (Davos) and Bilderberg. Government, corporate, institutional leaders take their cues from these. Buried within the structure of governments at all levels are able bureaucrats fully capable of carrying out orders. Handmaidens of all the above are those those in the medical field, the mainstream corporate press, in advertising, in social media, Big Tech, etc. From the bottom up we have ordinary citizens living according to what they see or hear from all of the above. Largely fear-based they live in terror of whatever fear porn they absorb. WHO/Rockefeller Foundation part of the overall plan.
This coup - if it may be defined as one - is top down, sideways and bottom up. From the top is directed by the monied, empowered folks at the World Economic Forum (Davos) and Bilderberg. Government, corporate, institutional leaders take their cues from these. Buried within the structure of governments at all levels are able bureaucrats fully capable of carrying out orders. Handmaidens of all the above are those those in the medical field, the mainstream corporate press, in advertising, in social media, Big Tech, etc. From the bottom up we have ordinary citizens living according to what they see or hear from all of the above. Largely fear-based they live in terror of whatever fear porn they absorb. WHO/Rockefeller Foundation part of the overall plan.