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Putin unmasked:


Who could still say that Putin and Russia were not part of the master plan from the beginning, when Kissinger's Eurasia - the one that Putin helps to implement right now thanks to the war- is only a milestone to the NWO. Come on!

And regarding the "collapsing" of the West, it is clearly a co-production of the WEST AND the EAST, starting decades ago. I recommend this book: https://portalconservador.com/livros/Joseph-Douglass-Red-Cocaine-The-Drugging-of-America-and-the-West.pdf (how Russia and china planned to destroy american youth and western youth in general).

The West may collapse, because russia and Western elites planned its destruction (war, sanctions, QE, massive immigration, cocaine, perverse propagandas, porno, etc) but something else is happening: globalists need European populations consent to the Eurasist master plan, but the populations are wakening, and debunked the very artificial storyline "Holy Russia Vs the Evil West".

Another stunning statement is : while Russia and China barbarically plunder and assassinate in the Sahel in 2022, (rapes on children, women, men, tortures, mass murders, pillage and racket of the populations, of mining concessions, theft of land, desolation of the populations), there is a total silence in the international media. Why?

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your emotional answer seems a mix of replies to different comments. anyway, Europe may not collapse, it IS collapsing as we speak. Yes engineered. Furthermore, people do not need to give consent to the eurasian project as Europe is being "eurasianized" as we speak with decades long escalating weaponized mass immigration of non white armies which is financed and organized for a big part by Russia.

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Yawn... Boring...

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