Wow. These days it seems like Russians are allowed to publicly criticize the efficacy of their government's policies online without being branded white supremacist science deniers and purged.

It would be cool if we tried that.

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On the opposite: If you're 'pro Putin', you can say anything you want. If you are anti-Putin, it's hard to say anything if you are in jail (or dead). Want to try it?

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If I could say I'm "pro America," which I am, and say anything I want, that would be nice.

I'm not suggesting I think Russian state surveillance is nice. Just noting the irony.

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But you can say anything you want, and the worst thing is that you are called names (or blocked on Twitter). I'm sure that the Russian opposition would love to live in your world, the reality you take for granted (or even complain about).

I would call that irony...

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Not a good sign when “hardliners” from military sites write these things. The hipsters vs goons war is about to heat up again in Russia and guess who got all the guns!

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That was not particularly helpful.

Other than Poland, western nations have sent equipment that will fail in the field, either because it is too old, no spares are available, no training was given, or in the case of RPGs, the batteries were flat. However, they can be used like a caber and tossed at the Russians.

The only useful tool is the T75s.

Second, the NATO nations are going to tire of this war very quickly. There is nothing like the odd power cut, or empty supermarket shelves, to kill jingoism stone cold dead. When the first German politician has been punched out by an irate but frail looking age pensioner, cold feet will ensue.

Yes, this conflict will drag on. It is, after all WWIII. WWs tend to drag on. Rememberthe call "It will be all over by Xmas. That was WWI.

Now some unpleasant fact of life. It takes 118 fired rounds to kill each soldier. Missiles overcome this distressing statistic, and the Russian missiles out-perform those of NATO, and especially those of the US.

Many of the volunteers will be unable to withstand front-line conditions. Any still alive come winter, will die quickly.

Americans are gung-ho now, but I recall the die-off of enthusiasm three years into Vietnam, which will be three months on this timescale. as starvation breaks out in the US. Advanced preppers are Americas favourite kids on the block.

The US dollar is diving and will continue to do so.

The entire southern hemisphere is on Putin's side, excepting Australia which is, after all, the 51st state. The one unrepresented in Congress.

As the 2015 Rand report "War on China" matures, Australians are realising that all the US bases in their north are now nuke targets. In the tiny Northern Territory alone, there are eight, which is enough to wipe out the entire population. Even with the media blackout, run by the US, people are realising their longevity is now firmly compromised.

It's only a matter of time before the US/Australia military alliance is abandoned, as a former PM recommended.

This is a lot of picture change and knowing how thorough is the Russian intelligence system, Putin is aware of this. Time is on his side.

NATO is running out of time.

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We were always at war with eastasia

Russia and China still push the con-vid narrative and jabs.

Oligarchs run both nations.

How is this any different than the great reset wef pipe dream?

Last month China and Russia approved the use of pfizers new crap drug. Why? I thought they were against the west? Why cater to big pharma that lies, cheats, and steals?

Win or lose, people lost. people always lose when the pathological leaders listen to pathological wealthy people.

This author has been pointing this out for months. Please do look at his older articles.

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I have these thoughts too. This is exploration in the dark.

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Thinking the very same thing.

I mean, its like Covid. Something is happening somewhere and the whole world runs crazy. It is if someone somewhere turns a switch and the whole world switches into mode B. Lockstep.

In times of non- monopolies people would invent something to handle shortages, driving technology in the process. But right now, it feels like solutions are not allowed. And you want me to believe Ukrainian fertilizers are necessary to avoid food shortages for the whole world?

Here in Germany there are no food shortages, but prices doubled because of their war- switch.

There is only one war. Oligarchs against all of us.

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Apr 29, 2022
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So true. If only more people realized it.

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They will force you to play. You can't escape them.

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Apr 29, 2022
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I am an essential caregiver for my elderly mother, so I had to get a vaccine in order to see her in long term care - I now have PERMANENT neurological damage, heart and autoimmune issues. My husband was forced to get 2 vaccines or be fired from his job. Because I only got one shot, I can't even travel freely in Canada, nor can I leave the country. This country is not free at all - it's a WEF puppet state, full of ignorant sheeple.

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The entire point of the war is its dragging on. Read Nineteen Eighty Four. This is one more step in the implementation of the Great Reset. By ALL sides, be they the US/NATO aka Oceania, Russia/EU - Eurasia, and China/India/South Africa/Brazil- Eastasia. Everyone's store shelves will empty out. You're being played, we are being played.

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The fact that so many people can't comprehend that is astonishing.

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The mighty Wurlitzer is working its wonders. People can't comprehend all sorts of things. Authorities have explicitly admitted that there is no SARS-COV-2 virus and people can't comprehend that either.

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Same agenda different disguises.

Notice all the "bio lab" blabber from both sides.

We'll pivot back to super safe and effective public health when this phase is over

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This comment didn't age well.

6 months later Russia is on the defensive, Western weapons are proving to be superior and war winning, like Himars, m777, Harm, and the Javelin/Nlaw.

Russia's missiles have not been able to create a win, but Ukraine's missiles sank the Russian Flagship, the moskva.

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Au contrair. You are premature. But, my little one, let me explain.

Putin is, foremost, a nationalist. A patriot. The 2014 Nuland putsch exposed his borders. He immediately put missile development into overdrive, realising that the next conclusive battle would be won with this weapon. Meanwhile, the US squandered its R&D budget on the Afghanistan War. $2 .5 trillion down the gurgle. Ask yourself this question. What has the US got that can match a Mach 25 Scramjet Hypersonic Tsercon that is fully manourverable to target? Zilch. You are foolish to believe US boasting. It is hollow.

Second point. The Russian response to the NATO invasion was to protect its Russian-speaking former nationalists.... not invasion of Ukraine.

Third point. The US has been in constant war since 1946. Russia had its CIA-initiated war with Afghanistam, ended decades a go. Thus its military commanders have grown stale. It always happens. Obvious incompetence has been exposed and the general nicknamed Armageden has been pulled out of his very successful defense of Syria and handed Ukraine. He is one of the most formidable military commanders since Giap of Vietnam. The US has only incompetents, or psychopaths like McChristal.

Ukraine has a way to play out. Meanwhile, the US has a logistics war of its own, burgeoning in America. This is self-flagelation, initated by the Rockefellers, Israel, and Bill Gates and his sidekick, Fauci.. Ultimately, it is suicide. The US logistics injuries may include diesel engine oil, MV tyres, food, fertiliser, and the outcome of citizen-initiated espionage. Steal your own people's food, savings, pensions, homes, farms, water, seeds, and guns, and you eventually get it in the neck.

These injuries will impact at the same time as Germany and France lose their electricity generating capacity and thousands die of lack of warmth and nutrition. And these, too, will be exacerbated by diminished immune systems caused by the mRNA jabs.

Surely, I don't have to go on. The West is sliding towards the abyss. The only factor I cannot read is whether or not Russians are being jabbed with mRNA. The truth that few acknowledge is that all vaccines cause injury. Just how much is a matter for conjecture but one statistic produced by an independent analyst is that victims of one childhood schedule vax die at five times the rate of unvaxxed. That should make believers like you nervous. but it won't. You will choose to disbelieve. Few yet realise this but 'belief' is just another form of ssuicide.

On top of all this is inflation and threatened collapse of currencies. No time frame is available so we can all just guess.

The only people who are facing these multiple crisies realistically are Preppers. They convert all account money to cash and precious metals, conserve ammunition and food, and are prepared to dig in.

My recommendation to you Benjaminn is to move to Israel, where national suicide has become the favoured activity of 95%.

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Where are those Hypersonic missiles now?

how are they stopping Russia from getting rolled up? 8 months into the 3 day war they haven't won the war yet.

How are they stopping Himars? Harm? M777? Javelins? All those "sensitive" items you claimed need western batteries and don't work. Your qoute exactly:

"Other than Poland, western nations have sent equipment that will fail in the field, either because it is too old, no spares are available, no training was given, or in the case of RPGs, the batteries were flat. However, they can be used like a caber and tossed at the Russians."

Kherson is about to fall and Russia is "Evacuating" it. Where are those hypersonic missiles?

Himars was instrumental in shaping the battlefield for Kherson and Kharkiv. What happened to the Hypersonic missiles then? Your comment has no basis in reality.

Ukraine is making gains on the battlefield slowly while Russia burned itself out. Now the cities russia lost 5000 men taking, Severodonetsk and Lyschansk, are within artillery range and the infamous Bilohrivka, site of the bloody battle crossing where russia zerg rushed a pre-sighted artillery river crossing, is back in Ukrainian hands.

Russian TV has been all doom and gloom recently along with their propaganda outlets.

Almost like Hypersonic missiles and backwards hatchet attacks don't matter, professionalism does.

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I didn't realise Benjaminn was a girls name. What a nagging shrew.

Is it possible for you to grasp that for the US/NATO this is a war of aggression. For Russia it intervened in the US/Nazi slaughter of 14,000 of its former citizens. Making them collateral damage was not the Russian way, even though this is standard tactics for the US. Having US-lapdog countries such as Australia donate armaments came as a surprise to Putin, not realising the media monopoly of Rupert Murdoch and his global propaganda machine.

Now that Putin knows he is facing a multiple-nation attack on his borders he will adjust his tactics accordingly. Logistics is a devourer of time. Meanwhile, 60% of this planet's people oppose the US and its endless wars of aggression. China, too, is now offering help to Russia. The US sanctions and gold theft is backfiring on them and especially on Germany, which is clearly suffering from Stockholm Syndrome caused by 76 years of American occupation. To scrap coal and nuclear power, and now Russian gas, was probably the most stupid action taken by any government in human history. As former Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser warned several times, America cannot be trusted and will betray any ally as soon as convenient.

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Dodging the question.

"Other than Poland, western nations have sent equipment that will fail in the field, either because it is too old, no spares are available, no training was given, or in the case of RPGs, the batteries were flat. However, they can be used like a caber and tossed at the Russians."

Why are Western weapons proving so effective and Russian ones not so? You claimed it was old equipment and batteries were failing. Some of those weapons came directly from one of my units. Some of those m777s still have my sweat and probably skin cells from cuts on the spars and sharp steel.

How are Himars doing? M777? Harm? Another Pantsir got smacked overnight in Nova Khakovka by a Harm. 15 million dollars, gone. They aren't cheap and they've lost 9 of them.

Not sure you noticed, but the majority of the world voted to condemn the Russian annexation.

Nobody invaded Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine.

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As somebody once pointed out, if you do not know history, you are doomed ever to repeat it.

The west delivered a coup in Ukraine and forced the democraticaally elected president to flee. This was done at a cost of $4 billion dollars, arranged by then US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, and who has since admitted it publicly. This is invasion. There are Israeli and US troops there, some 30 bioweapons close to the Russian border, and some soldiers and mercenaries from many other countries, who arrived before Putin.

Putin held off for seven years before coming to the rescue of terrified Russian-speakers, 14,000 of whom had been killed by the Bandera Nazis. if you don't acknowledge this then you are just another dumbarse soldier who believes the propaganda drummed into you. I don't argue the legitimacy of ensure soldiers hate the supposed enemy but such people are no use to me. Stick with your own ignorant mates. I am guessing you also believe the mRNA jab is "safe and effective".

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Maybe I am nuts but I am starting to think at least one of the reasons for Russias invasion (and they had others), and Chinas damaging lockdowns over a disease which kills few, is to give the West Leaders a cover for the take down of the Wests living standards due to supply disruptions, shortages and inflation. All of this facilitates the Great Reset Agenda which Russia, China and Western Elites/Leaders are all in on

Russias reward will be keeping some parts of the Ukraine. China reward might be Taiwan (I would hate to see that but the US would sell out its mother if it has one). Everyone wins but the regular people in the West and Taiwan/Ukraine

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I've given up in thinking in geopolitical terms.

All of these people see themselves as part of a super class and feel no relation to their fellow countrymen.

So it doesn't matter for Xi to murder 100 Million Chinese people if this improves his standing in the power pyramid. Same for the ruling Oligarchs in Russia/The West.

The Western Oligarchs want to end the Democracy experiment right now, because their slaves can be controlled easier and cheaper by technology now.

Hmmm... I'm feeling right now I wrote the exact same blabbering as a comment to you before. If so, sorry.

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Thanks for this. The very last entry, from yesterday, is incredibly delusional, the very idea that you could basically occupy all of Ukraine and not set off SEVERE consequences shows minds gone berserk. Honestly, all that Putin really wanted was a persistent war to enable a state of war to be imposed upon society, enabling the imposition of all sorts of other measures, adding up to The Great Reset.

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Apr 29, 2022
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Hmm, i have to disagree with a bunch of this. The Rockefellers are not Zionists, they don't even believe in nations, or rather know better than to think nations mean anything, they are artificial constructs, useful for capital, the modern state born at the same time as capitalism, joined at the hip. The Vatican and the Mormon Church are totally invoved with the Great Reset. Capitalism's dynamics, its crisis tendencies is what create wars, the big capitalists control the governments. Most of today's nation-states did not even exist till the 19th or even 20th Centuries.

Immigration? I'm an immigrant. Everyone living in the US is a descendant of immigrants, whether they came to the US "voluntarily" (often forced by poverty to migrate) or brough over in chains (slaves and indentured servants). Immigrants are part of "identity."

No one teaches homosexuality. About 3% are born bi or gay, that's just how their brains are wired. I'm not remotely either, but they are not my enemy. And no one teaches sex, all you can do is try to teach the known facts, stay ahead of the game.

Teaches with strict authority is part and parcel of obedience training. Schools are not meant to educate, but to train people in being good corporate servants, they are like factories. Having strict teachers solves nothing. And forcing people to go to church is worse than useless.

I'll quit for now, you are way off here.

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Apr 30, 2022
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Sarah... you are wasting your breath. But, yes, you are right. Most US Zionists are Christians. Dumb-arse, but Christians. And of course the Rockefellers are Zionists. I tracked them for 20 years. But I surveyed a vast full demographic 2001 to 2010 and found only 1% or less are homosexual.

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Gay conversion "therapy" has a miserable record. So do attempts by "hip" or PC parents to raise kids to be bisexual or gay. Biology has not been overridden by culture, no matter what social determinism wants to tell you.

And show me what "nation" means. What does it mean to be German? It's a totally social construct, has nothing to do with ecosystems. Working people have no homeland, only different national groupings of exploitative elites.

I did not say Zionists have to be Jewish, lots of Jews are not Zionists, and vice versa. I said the Rockefellers are not Zionists. They don't give an EFF about nations. They are like the Ned Beatty character in "Network."

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gay conversion therapy is less harmful than transgender 'affirmation' care. And in the same ball park really.

By denying the identity significance of your body, you also dispense with the anchoring referent for your claim to maleness. What, then, is that “female” identity referring to? Nothing. It is a self-referential condition of mind. As such, to apply the word “female” to a body-denying gender identity is an act of both defiance and deceit. But at this stage of its deconstruction project, transgender ideology must equivocate. It trades on the resonance of concepts it wishes to destroy.

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You don't give anorexics liposuction because they feel fat

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Apr 30, 2022
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Come on, give us a fact, give us a single one as to what all Germans have in common which no one else does.

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Honestly, following your discussion, I see no conflict. Both of you seem to have pretty much the same world view.

Please don't bomb me ;-)

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Apr 29, 2022Edited
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Illegal immigration is a big business because of .... stupid immigration laws. Capital can go anywhere it wants to, people can't. The Great Reset will feature a shift to remote work, it won't matter where workers are located. Focusing so much on immigration is like building the Maginot Line re WWII.

All sorts of problems with the Frankfurt School people, but one thing they were not is Zionists. Where do you get such garbage? Blame for the slave trade can go all over, including to some elite families in West Africa who facilitated it, Arabs, New England Protestants, and yes, some Jews. Rockefeller means Rothschild? Where do you get your info, dude? I know, the Internet.

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Some Chinese official said we need more bio security and no boarders.

I'm no sure that no human is illegal trope is unhelpful while we are still a nation state system. Everybody country has rules for entry and becoming a citizen etc... and some penalty for not following the rules. I mean there are a ton of ways things could be managed better but there actually does appear to be some organized relocation by some forces that has nothing to do with being a refugee. Idk Who they hell wants to come to this covid-laden, racist hell hole with concentration camps and an economy on the brink of implosion. Not a good time. If people cared about these people they would AT LEAST warn them that it's just not a good time

What PR firms are down south advertising a 50s style "American Dream"?

Now, the Israel lobby does exert influence over congress. Trump seemed to be in love with them but that is rare for a president. They don't get everything they want and their power over US politics is diminishing. The are currently sucking up to China and Russia trying to position themselves as a tech support hub and are easing back on their USD .

The 'don't say gay bill" is NOT talking about homosexuality , even though it's a broad umbrella) its about stopping the teaching of gender rhetoric (an outgrowth of queer theory). It's nonsense and confusing to even adults. Social contagion is a thing. We don't need socially awkward children being told they are the opposite sex (because it happens frequently) and put quickly on a diet of a sterilizing cocktail of power drugs (poetry blockers/cross sex hormones).

If allow them to go through puberty they will most likely be homosexual.

But what we are creating is a largf3 network of tween age sterilization clinics

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I was being sarcastic, I remain unconvinced of the existence of some new 'novel' virus. More of a reclassification of normal mortality bolstered by response caused deals. Like murder by protocol The process of isolation and then that is also is causative used in studies is murky ands questionable.

Speaking of which, Dr Gao the director of Gate's Chinese CDC just published papers that sars-cov-2 came from outside of China. Then 2 other papers said Gao's paper was likely wrong. Looks more like mental masturbation with computer modeling based on assumptions based in 100 yr old theory.

Anyway, anyway the billionaire backed trans political project is garbage.

The small amount of pre pubescent gender dysphoria will pass through it if allowed to go through puberty.

There is a growing community of detransitioners . Who looked at it as a maladaptive coping mechanism

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Covid-laden? What is "Covid"? Any proof that virus actually exists? You too are taking the totally artificial construct of nation state for granted, as if it's a part of nature. And you seem to see everything through that totally false frame of reference. There are no nations, "Chairman of a big corporation" (played by Ned Beatty) explained that in "Network" in 1876. You are confusing sexuality with transgender. There is a tiny fraction of people who are born with the sexual wiring all crossed, it happens, it's a miracle that the bast majority come out with totally standard "wiring" giben the complex processes which need to happen. No one turns gay because of social conditioning, or hetero for that matter. Nature overrides foolishness of that sort.

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Apr 30, 2022
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No human being is illegal. Humans are real, nation states are artificial constructs.

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The Zionists made some deals with WEF goons. They had to do that dreadful vax pass system and get it up and running fast.

Palestine did way better with COVID than Israel with literally no vaccination

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People in he Palestinian region, who have been far less jabbed, didn't get sick from jabs. That's why they have better looking numbers health wise. How can anyone do better or worse than anyone else "with Covid," when there is no legitimate way to measure "COVID," or even prove it exists?

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I'm not too worried about most of those things. The nation, the church, the school where teachers hold absolute authority - that's not exactly a healthy learning environment - all of these things are tools of control more than anything else. Their strongest advocates are very much complicit in the Great Reset, and why wouldn't they be? They're what makes it possible to drag the people into senseless wars and force them to live beneath their means. They've done so longer and more effectively than their more modern counterparts.

Just look at which societies kept the strictest covid restrictions around the longest, and no, it wasn't those Democrat-controlled US cities.

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Well, the SF Bay Area, especially San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley (where i live), all controlled by "left" Democrats (a total facade of "left"), have kept strict restrictions around a LONG time. Many people are still wearing masks there, outdoors, though they don't even have to, they are virtue signalling.

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Fair enough. I'm in Quebec, which seems to be the last place left in North America where masks are still required. They're playing the "two more weeks" game with them, if they can keep them around until fall it will be all too easy to bring back other restrictions.

Despite (or perhaps because of) our premier being something of an anti-woke culture warrior, a hardline nationalist really, we've had the strictest covid restrictions in North America, including vaccine passports at Walmart and an 8pm curfew with a heavy police presence in the streets. I can't imagine that happening anywhere in the US.

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I could imagine it here, we might as well have had it two years ago. But yeah, i hear you, i know a bunch of people in Quebec province, mostly in Montreal.

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I don't believe Putin was so naive or brain damaged as to think "oh, we go in, take Kiev, Zelensky folds & it's all over." Nice if it happens? Sure. Bet the bank on it? Only if you're Dementia Joe.

Kiev was planned as a feint. Phase 1 was largely to assume positions. Movement has been slow to enable negotiations, avoid civilian injuries & start grinding Ukr military.

Phase 2 has not yet begun, but that is likely where it becomes "all in.".

History will look back & see that Putin did what he could to prevent all out war while protecting Russia's sovereignty.

When "all-in" includes nuclear annihilation, no sane person is likely to be in a rush.

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A sane comment for sure..thanks!

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Guess what, he did.

This post did not age well.

Putin literally thought this would take 3 days and the Russian army would be welcomed as liberators. That didn't happen.

Kyiv wasn't a feint. It was an attempt to capture the capitol and cause the government to fall. There were fast gains in the south early on. Then little recently.

What is phase 2, abandon huge amounts of equipment in Kharkiv? Weird strategy. And lose Lyman? Kupyansk? Kherson is about to fall. Is that in the strategy books also?

Russia's sovereignty does not involve taking away Ukraine's. They had their chance to be decent folks for hundreds of years by not committing genocide, but that's over.

Ironically putin didn't want Ukraine to become anti-russia yet he made nato stronger and made Ukraine Anti-Russia through his terror campaign.

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Putin will destroy once Russia with his Ukraine war adventure and next he will build back better to destroy Russia again with the 4th IR.

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Not to worry, Putin is bringing Georgy Zhukov out of retirement and the Russians will cross the Oder soon.

As an American I do not understand my own psychopathic government all I know is the actions of the US are that of an unhinged lunatic. I know Mr. Lavrov understands this and I am sure Mr. Putin does as well. What I do not understand is why would Russia play at war when they know their adversary is not really Ukraine but the US? If you are going to play then you need to go all in. Russia should have mobilized and put the entire country on a war footing. Doing so would have sent a clear message to the west that Russia is not playing around as well as ensuring adequate forces to take Ukraine.

This Putin guy is a mystery. Who does he really represent, Russia or Klaus Schwab? One would think Russia would know the American way of war, i.e. start something with no idea of how to end it, is not the best way. Either go all in or go home.

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Yes, you are right. Although I am heterosexual, I once worked in the entertainment industry, which was dominated by gays. My flat mate was one of the early transitions to female, so it should be clear I am not overly transfixed by gays. But this George Soros divide and rule scenario needs to be called for what it is. Very few of the claimed trannys and gays are actually that. Neurotic young men and women need to make these claims to render them distinctive in the eyes of their peers.

It's pathetic and destructive, especially if they chemically swap genders.

Soros doesn't care about the suicides or the destroyed lives.

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Off topic but tangentially related.

I just read a WHO report saying 9/11 sparked the proliferation of (HCBLs) High Containment biolabs for 'biosecurity'. The number in the world has been steadily increasing since 2001 . The are all for 'security'

This TASS piece is a bit multifaceted of propaganda. Everybody in power new about the US/Russia/Former Soviet program of biolab rehab which started in 98. Russia was formally involved until 2013. WHO was involved and watching the whole thing. Undoubtedly, China was watching.

Hell, CHINA built the BIGGEST HCLB in the world that finished in 2017. Right at the sight of were "The worst pandemic in 100s" was 'discovered' by the Chinese branch of Gate's CDC franchise

Russia also just announced last week they are going to build 25 more labs for ya know, security .

The one HCLB in the Ukraine was finished in 2010 with the bio security interested nations and organizations watching. And now they are pearl clutching about WMDs

According to the WHO there are 3700 HCLBs in the world as of 2018. And demand is picking up

I call bullshit on the next pandemic already


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Still support Russia just like I support Bolsonaro here. At this point the least bad choice is the one who can implement the globalist/great reset agenda as slow as possible and as messy as imaginable.

So pray for Bolsonaro president and for Russian tanks in Brussels.

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I now understand a glitch in this war, or rather the media-reported coverage of it.

The most influential politician in Poland wants to invade Ukraine to reclaim a city lost in 1919. He wants to force NATO to support him. A totally oblique agenda. Yes, of course he is nuts. He's a Pole. They always have dual agendas. It goes with the history of that part of Europe. But the US is secretly promoting the ulterior motive. When the Polish Minister of Defense speaks, he does so surrounded by US troops.


So then I looked again at US equipment on standby. F35s? Yes. Blackhawkes? Yes, but not really useful in this kind of war. The shocker is the missile line-up; which includes the super-dud Patriot.

The Patriot had a non-functioning guidance system and so, a dozen years ago, this was re-invented by Raytheon. Bugger me, if it has not been reinvented yet again. Now it misfires.

All of a sudden the whole picture becomes clear, just like if sombody has switched the lights on. The Pentagon has no capacity to win this war. There is no other interpretation possible. This is no cunning and strategically designed proxy war. This is a proxy war because the US cannot win. It is technologically obsolete. Well, I am not the first to note that.

And the world's best intelligence service, Putin's, is aware of this.

Now I understand why Russia invited the Pentagon generals to witness the test firing of the Tzircon scramjet hypersonic Mach 25 missile. The general's jawdrop was comical, especially as some had declared such a missile was technologically impossible. But this was no cheap humiliation of the Jones by the Brownskis.

This was to force the US to call the Ukraine bluff by putting its allies on the firing line. I am guessing that somebody in the White House was primed for this... unwittingly... together with the imposition of sanctions that have relieved Putin of his biggest headache... the west-orientated oligarchs. Not only has the US got rid of these for Putin, but the sanctions have alientaed the 20% of the Russian electorate who want globalisation and westernisation.

This sector now blames Biden for their sudden loss of standard of living, and Putin's popularity has soared, along with the Ruble.

I can tell you now, I am never playing chess against this bastard.

So I am left thinking, who in the White House could have been primed. It had to be somebody very familiar with Ukraine and who is compromised by drugs or paedophilia or...

Well, fancy that. The answer was staring me in the face for the past year and I did not see it. I cannot resist making a game out of this. Have a guess, boys and girls. See if you can guess who primed Joe? You won;t have to hunt for clues.

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Poland isn't going to invade an ally.

Poland has sent hundreds of tanks, hundreds of artillery pieces, and also 58 of their newest Krab SPHs, high quality ones, along with billions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of rifles. Dozens of damaged tanks go to Poland and come back working and in fighting shape.

Poland has been a giant hub of logistics and everything going into ukraine flows through the eastern air hub.

Poland knows, if Ukraine falls they are next.

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This is the point of the conflict and note that this was written in 1997: "Next comes the Ukrainian question. The sovereignty of Ukraine is such a negative phenomenon for Russian geopolitics that, in principle, it can easily provoke an armed conflict. Without the Black Sea coast from Izmail to Kerch, Russia gets such an extended coastal strip, really controlled by someone unknown, that its very existence as a normal and independent state is called into question. The Black Sea does not replace access to the "warm seas" and its geopolitical significance drops sharply due to the stable Atlanticist control over the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, but at least it makes it possible to secure the central regions from the potential expansion of Turkish influence, being extremely convenient, reliable and an inexpensive border. Ukraine, as an independent state with some kind of territorial ambitions, poses a huge danger to the whole of Eurasia, and without a solution to the Ukrainian problem, it is pointless to talk about continental geopolitics at all. This does not mean that the cultural, linguistic or economic autonomy of Ukraine should be limited, and that it should become a purely administrative sector of the Russian centralized state (as, to some extent, was the case in the tsarist empire or under the USSR). But strategically, Ukraine should be strictly a projection of Moscow in the south and west (although more details about possible models of restructuring will be discussed in the chapter on the West). The absolute imperative of Russian geopolitics on the Black Sea coast is the total and unlimited control of Moscow along its entire length from Ukrainian to Abkhazian territories. It is possible to divide this entire zone on an ethno-cultural basis as much as you like, granting ethnic and confessional autonomy to the Crimean Little Russians, Tatars, Cossacks, Abkhazians, Georgians, etc., but all this only with absolute control of Moscow over the military and political situation. These sectors must be radically divorced from the thalassocratic influence coming from the west and from Turkey (or even Greece). The northern coast of the Black Sea should be exclusively Eurasian and centrally subordinate to Moscow..." https://n01r.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Foundations-of-Geopolitics-Geopolitical-Future-of-Russia-Alexander-Dugin-English-auto-translation-with-appended-original.pdf It's quite instructive to read this translation, it might kick some people out of bed, so to speak...

And that last bit, written 25 years ago, is being carried out today. Crimea was the first chunk to be bitten off, now it’s Donetsk, Zaporhizia, and Kherson Oblasts, after that Odessa. Moldova appears to have been placed within the Moscow-dominated Eurasian sphere of influence. If this analysis is correct, then Romania is next, followed by Bulgaria - but Ukraine is the keystone. It should now be obvious - from this book written 25 years ago (whose full English translation I just found - French and German are easy, but Russian is hard work...) - that the outrage over the US-funded biological warfare labs and everything else was just a convenient pretext for something that was planned out decades ago.

Here’s some background on Aleksandr Dugin:

”Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin, the man behind “Duginism,” is a Russian political strategist with ties to some of the most powerful people in Russia; various oligarchs, billionaires, Kremlinites, military men, and even Putin himself. This includes people such as Sergey Naryshkin (Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service), Igor Rodionov (Defence Minister), and Gennadiy Seleznyov (Chairman of the State Duma). Dugin’s father was a colonel-general of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), which is essentially the Russian militaries’ own KGB; a foreign-intelligence agency. GRU was originally established in the USSR by Leon Trotsky’s deputy. Because Dugin’s father was an extremely high ranking glowie, Dugin was born into spookdom; the number of influential KGB agents that Dugin has collaborated with is too long to list: http://archive.vn/iOvCT.

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Would say. Friedrich List is more important than Johann Gottlieb Fichte for Russias economical future.

Poland and Baltic States are part of the war.

Western borders of Ukraine should be closed OR

You punish Poland and the Baltic States.

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I am not a believer in Navalny either. So for my part, Z.

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I just finished reading Tolstoy's "War and Peace." In perspective, this little Ukraine operation is nothing compared to Napoleon burning down Moscow. Will Russia have the stamina to see it through? I guess we shall see.

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