There is no connection between improved global health and WHO. WHO is a pox upon the world as it seeks to become the ultimate controller of health and life. By employing digital prisons, WHO seeks to murder billions as demanded by gates and other nefarious anti-humans. Screw the WHO, UN and all the rest of 'em. Trust NO government to ever have its citizens best prosperity in mind.

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Quite brilliant a strategy the globalists have deployed via their Trump tool. A dramatically elevated level of global worship of the WHO is now essential to preventing Trump from destroying the humanity-loving, ‘liberal’, enlightened, Judaic world order that’s been such a blessing to the planet for centuries. Tax revenues will be sent quietly to Gates to restore WHO funding ‘privately’, as the growing public sentiment against the WHO does an abrupt U-turn. Love your poison injection to save the world from Trump (and forget that he’s the guy who spearheaded the 2020 poison injection campaign)!

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He's spearheading the 2030 edition too, with new $500Bn public-private-partnership "Stargate" that will use AI to design mRNA drugs in 48 hours or DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK.

Can't make this shit up.

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The pro WHO views expressed by these Russian politicians is a combination of corruption and ignorance. These idiots are corrupt AND stupid.

All governments, including the Russian government, are gangs of thugs who promise you safety if you give up your freedom to them.

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Incredible 5D hypocrisy.

But people who cheer the US withdrawal should know the reason. Look for the stars.*


Trump announces US withdrawal from World Health Organization, Betsy Klein, CNN, 1/21/25.

President Donald Trump announced Monday he is withdrawing the US from the World Health Organization, in a significant move that drew criticism from public health experts on his first day back in the White House.

Trump has long been critical of the United Nations’ health agency, and his administration formally began a withdrawal from the WHO in July 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic continued to spread. But four years ago, then-President Joe Biden halted the US’ exit from the body tasked with coordinating the international response to health emergencies in one of his first actions after taking over the White House.

The text of Monday’s executive order *cites the “organization’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic that arose out of Wuhan, China, and other global health crises, its failure to adopt urgently needed reforms, and its inability to demonstrate independence from the inappropriate political influence of WHO member states,” as reasons for the US withdrawal.*

“That’s a big one,” Trump told an aide as he began to sign the executive order, pointing to his 2020 decision and his belief that the US was paying too much money to the organization compared to other countries. *In 2020, Trump also consistently accused the organization of aiding China in allegedly covering up the origins of Covid-19 and allowing its spread.*

This coincides with a recent report from the US House hyping the "lab leak" BS. Kate Sugak, a native of Moscow, has done a great job shredding this notion.



Links at the page.

My comments. An EXCELLENT job by Sugak. Two big objectives of the reports. 1. Restore trust in the authorities. 2. Serve geopolitical goals. What’s the point go discussing a virus-based narrative when this virus has never been proven to exist via physical isolation and purification. Such a story rests upon a computer-generated model of a genome which has never been shown to exist in the material world.

The report is meant to appeal to 4 different groups. Opponents of lockdowns see conclusions by the report which oppose lockdown measures. Lab leak believers get their faith reinforced. People who are afraid of viruses can get a booster for their fears. And those who are disappointed in how the government handled the event get to see an official explanation which admits wrong doing, a limited hangout. Operation Warp Speed is lauded by the document as a “model” for “what to do", but all the vaccines created by the Operation are opposed. This even by itself is basic self-contradiction, indicating that there was no effort to create a coherent explanation, but to provide emotional appeals to different groups.

Geopolitical goads served are related to the US-China confrontation.

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Fact free assertions. The late Nobel Prize nominee Stefano Scoglio shredded the entire nano myth back in October 2023.


Graphene Does Not Exist, Stefano Scoglio, 10/13/23.

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So, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) doesn't exist with its thousands of jobs, many college textbooks and AI Precision Healthcare?

Do some reading instead of being lazy and relying on someone else about what to think. There is nothing but sourced evidence in these podcasts.


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Sourced to whom,? Scoglio looked at the core science in that article, original analysis. Have you ever heard of him before? Precision Healthcare, is propaganda for the believing masses who also believe in viruses, virology and contagion theory. The IEEE is as "real" as the WHO.

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As long as the masses believe in the existence of viruses, they will be in the clutches of medical tyranny.

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Trump doesn’t need WHO, because his thugs are already deploying 500bln anti-cancer mRna shots (Larry Ellison, Altman and a Jap thech mogul). Together they gonna rape the nation. Business as usual.

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"Devastating. Bill Gates will have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of his life."

Nah, he'll purchase a 100% silk sleep eye mask and will continue funding the usual ghoulish projects.

"We believe that MITS, (minimal invasive tissue sampling) when combined with other elements of a national surveillance system, can dramatically improve the accuracy of investigations into the cause of death."

Most autopsies would reveal that strokes, turbo cancers, and neurological diseases were related to the experimental mRNA toxin mandated throughout most of the planet.

Oh, and Gates is not alone in this dubious vaccine enterprise:

Tesla is building "RNA microfactories" for coronavirus vaccine developer CureVac in Germany.

CureVac, an unlisted German company, has said it is developing transportable, automated mRNA production units that it calls printers. They will be designed to be shipped to remote locations, where they can churn out its vaccine candidate and other mRNA-based therapies depending on the recipe fed into the machine."

Hmm, who needs the WHO when you can churn out an unlimited supply of toxins at any geographical location.

Well, you had to know somebody was going to take IG Farben's place. Btw, did you see Musk's Sieg Heil salute the other day. 😁



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Edward, your sarcasm is brilliant! Well written comments.

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I know you're being snarky, but it's worth mentioning a brief history of the WHO.

First, it was a continuation of a similar agency carried over from the League of Nations days, whose sole job was a) to COLLATE data on infectious outbreaks and b) establish int'l agreements on quarantine procedures. That's it.

But then during WW2, Japan barred exports of anti-malarial drugs, and a shit ton of American soldiers died of "tropical diseases" during the fighting in the Pacific (far more than died from bullets, etc) and so the USA/UK became fixated on "curing" malaria. Phase 2 of the WHO's existance was a gigantic push to kill every mosquito on the planet via DDT, heralded as "bringing science to the benighted poors of the world."

Sadly, that backfired, BIG TIME as DDT turned out to be toxic af AND the mosquitos all came back with a vengeance since the survivors were all DDT-resistant.

The WHO then morphed into phase 3 in the 1950-1970s, which was "using vaccines to cure all diseases," starting with polio. Well, that didn't work, but they did stop smallpox (allegedly) and WHAM BAM the western scientists are all now heroes again. And so if we can just keep trucking with those vaccines, we'll score more miracles after miracles, boys!

Phase 4 was the 80s, wherein Reagan slashed most US contributions to the UN, including the WHO because of reasons (including anger that the Soviets were steadily gaining control over UN agencies, something that still resonates as shown in the OP). This merged with the HIV bullshit, and the WHO, under guise of providing HIV screening/testing/treatments soon became the de facto healthcare system for dozens of countries. Even today, literally everywhere there is a "high HIV rate," you'll find the WHO is providing >50% of that country's healthcare.

Phase 5 began in 2000s when Gavi and Gates et al realized they could just straight out buy the WHO and use it as a private army to force big pharm meds on the poors. And that's where we're at today, although they have big plans for Phase 6 which is WHO expands to control EVERY country's healthcare system.

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I forgot phase 4.5, which was the 1990s, in which the WHO became a laughingstock over their mishandling of all kinds of shit, including SARS (the OG Covid), and the WHO's own website had to put out disclaimers that no, they were NOT publishing fake news (I swear this is literally true). This is also when China got seriously pissed off and started ramping up their own bio labs, including bringing in the French to build Wuhan...

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After some time hopefully Russia and the rest of the world will wake up to the evilness of the WHO and WEF. Trump's move to leave WHO could eventually have positive repercussions (domino effect) as well as changes coming to US health policies from RFK Jr, if he is confirmed.

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wow....looks almost as cold there as it does in Florida this am!

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Cold? Like minus 29 F cold? That's what we've got, and that's not normal. Even for us igloo dwellers up here! 🤣

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31 F in Novgarod - that's FL cold. But no snow cover and wet snow falling ... I'm thinking the ground is still not sufficiently frozen for tanks or wheeled motorized contraptions to deploy.

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Trump is going to save America and the world!

According to his inaugural speech anyhow!

And we know politicians never lie, or exaggerate, or hallucinate!

They are out and out truth speaking realists!

Well at least the patriotic, superhero types like DJT!

Sadly there is nothing left for honest freedom loving bloggers to do now.

Trump has all the bases covered!

Reportedly, he has delegated the Russian agenda to secret agent Malania.

So Russia will be saved too, along with the rest of the world.

Thank you for all you have done for the cause Riley.

You are now relieved of your duties in the alt media salt mines.

You can now happily retire to your little village Nirvana, and concentrate on advancing the interests of your Slavic studies Institute, until it becomes a world renowned source of information on common sense sustainable development living!

Well mostly common sense anyhow - some things might need a little tweaking - like sustainable water transportation activities and wood chopping exercises to sustain winter warmth!

Apologies for any hints of anything vaguely resembling sarcasm here.

Some of the traits of this obscure ES blogger, may have infiltrated my subconscious, making me a little more skeptical than I should be.

Go back to sleep everyone and all the presents you ever wanted, will be under the tree on Christmas morning, compliments of DJT!

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Thank you for your reporting, Comrade Slavsquat.

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What a wonderful woodpile.

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Burn, baby, burn!

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So, what are pro-Putin American nationalists going to say about this? They think Putin is one of them.

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They will say nothing because they see nothing. You know, like the Hogan's Heros guy.

But if they were really BBBASED && REDPILLED then maybe they could start studying Russian and queue up for refugee immigration status? Ask at your local embassy!

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They gonna lobby Trump to get back into the WHO? lol

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I still like Putin. No , he isn't a choirboy. Yes, he is a gangster. Yes, he does some bad things. Kinda like a human being, in fact.

I say that the WHO will be defunct or hollowed out or majorly reformed in 5 years or less. An army that can't win battles, loses. The WHO loses most of its battles (medical, that is, not political). In a world where health issues will continue running rampant with or without the WHO, a world health organization that steadfastly kills its patients will only go so far.

Y'all are so fascinated by evil. Evil is boring dumb shit... but then, most of us like boring dumb shit if it keeps our minds off our troubles.


Anyone in the mood for some well-written perspective on this thing called "reality" vis a vis enlightenment, I recommend this old chestnut:


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"Meanwhile, ungrateful citizens who don’t want to be tormented by health-destroying WHO “guidelines” have been reduced to writing appeals to Russia’s Health Ministry, which along with Russia’s Foreign Ministry—and the entire federal government, actually—remains a committed and faithful servant of the WHO."

Sadly this is the case in many, possibly most nations, besides Russia.

Nations that do want to leave the WHO, are not giving the critical reasons for doing so, like Trump is not.

Exiting the WHO and staying friendly with Gates, inevitably sets off alarm bells!

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The U.N. in case anyone forgot is signed on by every nation, except Palestine (Legal Name: GAZA) & the Vatican City-State. Both of whom (pun intended) are labeled as "Observer Nations" so when Palestine ceases to exist, that will leave the Vatican as the "Overseer" of every nation on Earth.

Got your Oikocredit yet? The U.N. has a religion "UNCouncil on Human Relations" it's own Space force UNOOSA it's own churches building UNDP it's own military

The N.W.O. isn't something approaching.

_Cherish is the new love, be well._

°Cherish° "Fondly remembered, best left unspoken."

*May God nod toward thee & thine!*

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