The eternal mystery of common folks being talked into and/or being drafted to go be maimed, killed or screwed up mentally for elites who sit at home smoking fat cigars and drinking expensive cognac. Why? The people who are being forced into waging war are the vast majority, yet for always and ever we have let a few psychotic people do this to us. When will people say enough? That is a rhetorical question, because if we learned nothing from as major a catastrophe as the Great War it is obvious we are incapable as a species to learn anything meaningful at all. The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 was our only meaningful effort to try and stop war but look what happened only a decade later.

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War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other. Paul Valery

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I can see it now:

"Support the war effort. Take you clot shot today!"

"Protect our troops. Get your shot today!"

"Report clot-shot resisters. Death to traitors!"

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It's funny how these 5d chess players and admirers forget that the east has not prevented any wars or invasions by the west since the (engineered) collapse of the USSR.

Back then, people played 3d normal chess.

It's almost like capitalism (globocap as cj Hopkins calls it), is cool with war and kind of thinks it's funny to see people die and suffer.

But don't worry, they're upgrading the game to 6d chess. It comes with another dimension of bullshit.

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Yeah, they go to war because they can not hide it anymore..

The narrative is crumbling...

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You can't beat balalaika. Sadly it's more like gangster chanson in Boris Johnson's quarters.

The truth about England scrapping Covid regulations is the gov't is playing a game. All the surveillance and "fusion doctrine" remains in place. Fear will be switched back on for the next virus -- and there will be lots of talk of war because that does wonders for the stock price of Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon Technologies.

Britain drops pandemic rules but financial reality sustains The Great Reset


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Dewd, WTF?

We, your loyal readers, are absolutely getting shelled out here in loyal readership land. The Herzog vid you linked is painful. We KNOW humans are crazy. Maybe even some of us are crazy. Col. Kurtz was right.

It is they, them who don't think humans are crazy you must reach.

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I won't leave without saying goodbye!

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Humans are depressingly, stubbornly obtuse. Honestly, if I did not have eternal faith, hope, and love (received directly from our mercifully kind Creator), I would be just like that penguin, running for the hills. Seek the Lord while He may be found.

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As Gene Hackman said in the submarine movie: "War is imminent". Everybody see the signs and I have a strong feeling this is being planned between the "opposing sides" in order to speed things up with the mad plans of the ruling elite.

We live just 40 k from a NATO military airport. In Norway, just in the past few years more and more permanent US military capabilities set up shop. In March and April they will hold the largest NATO military excercise since the 80's, Cold Response 2022. In the news lately, something not done in years, thousands of private owners of cars have received letters from the Defense authorities that they will require their cars in case of emergencies, meaning war.

The signs are getting stronger and we are stacking up on food, booze and painkillers.....


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I'm afraid we're facing another real danger here. When it comes to a warm conflict Russia has the conventional upper hand with their S400/500/550 "defense" systems. The only thing the USA+ would have to counter this dominance is nukes. It's not as if they didn't do it before, and it's not as if they're not crazy enough to do it again.

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Russia also has a much higher ratio of real soldiers than does the west. American soldiers are so fragile I think Russia would only have to taunt them to win the war.


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"Meat shields don’t do that well when the bombs start dropping."

Perhaps not. But vaccines, masks, lockdowns, social distancing will.....

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let war come; either America wins and just speed up Soylent Green/Matrix/Robocop city or Russia/CHina win. they may end up doing exactly what America wants today, but will be slowly and much more corrupt.

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Excellent, Edward.

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That version of 'Yesterday' is incredible. Powerful. Great article too. 👍

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This war don't require boots on the ground else they wouldn't hackszxxxxinate soldiers...

The end game of viruganda war to distract from failure of big Harma hacksxxxine

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Jan 20, 2022
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this is not WW1 or WW2, there will be no mass conscription. just some hundreds of thousands pros plus nerds with computers "piloting" drones. the mRNA jabs and the degradation of the immune system they cause are to prevent millions of plebs in the West of taking the chance of overthrowing their governments once the shooting starts

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In my country, everybody gets a letter when they're 17 stating that they are elligable for militairy service. If they need you, you'll go or face grave consequences for deserting. Can't imagine other countries being much different. It's foolish to think you will not be sucked into it.

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True.I live in The Netherlands and I received the letter in October of 2020.Scary shit

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mass conscription of atheists who believe Darwin to fight for feminism, diversity and muslim immigration? no way. just some tens of thousands plus nerds with drones.

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Yea, being atheists is what really characterizes people.

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You have no say in it you dunce. When your number is up, you'll go down.

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"Take that hill soldier!" Then as they all run up and before the bullets fly the heart attacks begin. . . So maybe these clot shots aren't so bad after all?

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A compromised immune system, as well as most clot shot side effects, do not prevent you from shooting a gun.

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