It is sometimes argued, “I will never agree to the New Normal and therefore the New Normal isn’t possible!” Cool story bro but generations of youngsters are being groomed to accept and violently defend everything that you find distasteful and soul-crushing...
I can confirm this with truly soul-crushing experience:
New to my neighborhood, last winter I volunteered to shovel snow - to help out, to get to know people etc. What started as just an odd observation, turned into a pattern over 3 months winter season:
- almost EVERY person over 60y greeted me, smiled at me, thanked me, a few started a conversation, you could feel that human warmth, something very natural coming from people who lived all their lives naturally
- age group 35-60, general politeness and thankfulness, zero smiles or attempts to talk
- age below 35 - zero greetings, zero smiles, no thanks, no conversation, ZERO over 3 months. Note it is not just shy little girls or riotous teenage boys, young people up to 35 are now infected..
On the brighter side, movie Spaceballs is up there with Airplane, Galaxy Quest, Police Squad, if you are into that sort of thing. The scene about instant cassettes is a classic
You are awesome, Riley. You can be sure I went for the song as it is from you that I learn about Russian pop (ironically). And you know what, the lyrics of this song as as illogical as the rest of the reality around us. I noticed the same thing as I was listening to the American pop at the laundromat, which is where I learn about American pop. You and the laundromat are the sources of my interaction with the pop culture. Seriously though, this woman makes no sense with her lyrics. She says, "If I got a penny for every time I think about you, I would be the poorest person on this Earth, I would be a bum." And then she goes about how she thinks about the dude all the time. Makes. No. Sense. O tempora, o mores.
More than ever, it is the ‘BRICS’ heavyweights--China & Russia--that are the vanguard states leading and accelerating the maddening march towards a technocratic dystopia. Only the most obtuse Z-Anoners fail to acknowledge this stark reality regrettably.
Thanks, Riley. Merry Solstice to you and everyone else, 3:27AM UT. 12/22/23.
As long as people believe there is a real virus out there, the virus scam will not be defeated. There will always be new "variants" and new "viruses" to whip up via computer programs based upon nothing pieces of code strung together to form "genomes." How could masks possibly stop a "virus" which hasn't even been proven to exist? 🤣
Here in Berkeley, California, we don't even need mask mandates, lots of people are donning them anyway, scared witless by the narrative which they desperately cling to, that there is a real threat out there.
"... generations of youngsters are being groomed to accept and violently defend everything that you find distasteful and soul-crushing."
Here in the Land of the Free, it's not just generations of youngsters, but pretty much all generations that have been brainwashed into regarding their fellow humans as permanently unsafe, virus-spouting, life-endangering biohazards.
You would think that the headaches and weird chemical smells from the masks would be their own warning....such a farce, a sign of who is weakest mentally.
Made me smile, even being in this place. I guess the endless contradictions are meant to annoy us, or maybe that's just who they are .endless talk of saying absolutely nothing of value.
..."The globalists flee in terror! Bill Gates and Dr. Tedros on suicide watch!"...this is marvelous news to end the year. These are two graves I would definitely spit upon, at least.
I don't know what to say. This is, of course, blatant unscientific insanity. In Russia! Our only hope. What a disappointment. Bigger than the illogic, the insanity, is the naked display of power tripping. The authorities - or this one man and does he have a bunch of cronies and are they all somehow profiting from all this in pecuniary terms - simply exert this power, humble people, make mere nothing of them, humiliate them in the worst way by forcing them to adopt demeaning displays of acquiescence to illogic and diktat.
This is what cult leaders, monsters, always do with their subjects. It is a 'first step'. To make your subjects do something ridiculous with a straight face. It has the double effect of separating the more especially your victims from the mass on the one hand and making clear your iron control on the other. You cut them off and push them down all in one movement.
Let the people saving smartphone apps begin to appear ! The sooner the better.
Let an app appear in St Petersburg whereby people can communicate with each other their feelings about this madness and indignity.
And where the madness and indignity is made clear to those who do not know, are not sure, are not clear.
People must stop being inactive on the one hand: doing nothing to save themselves, not even petitioning their elected reps, not organising etc. etc: and the creating and using of apps is probably the easiest/best way of breaking that impasse, getting things going.
And they must stop being 'active' on the other hand: active as a 'non-person' 'just doing my job' - i.e. 'I am not a person I am merely a function doing what it must.' So I bar you, block you, deprive you, punish you, direct you, control you, etc. all part of my function as policeman, local authority, health worker, taxman, whatever.....
No. People should insist at all times that they are people first and will only perform those functions they find humane and sensible. So, for instance, of course, all people should be consulting 'the apps' that reveal the truth of the situation and the truth of what their fellows feel about it. And they should contribute to that intellectual 'cyber space' their own resolution that they will not perform their functions as demanded by the insane.
St Peter's devious festivity rules most disconcerting. I thought we had passed that station. The forces of evil apparently have got a firm foothold in Russia.
It is sometimes argued, “I will never agree to the New Normal and therefore the New Normal isn’t possible!” Cool story bro but generations of youngsters are being groomed to accept and violently defend everything that you find distasteful and soul-crushing...
I can confirm this with truly soul-crushing experience:
New to my neighborhood, last winter I volunteered to shovel snow - to help out, to get to know people etc. What started as just an odd observation, turned into a pattern over 3 months winter season:
- almost EVERY person over 60y greeted me, smiled at me, thanked me, a few started a conversation, you could feel that human warmth, something very natural coming from people who lived all their lives naturally
- age group 35-60, general politeness and thankfulness, zero smiles or attempts to talk
- age below 35 - zero greetings, zero smiles, no thanks, no conversation, ZERO over 3 months. Note it is not just shy little girls or riotous teenage boys, young people up to 35 are now infected..
On the brighter side, movie Spaceballs is up there with Airplane, Galaxy Quest, Police Squad, if you are into that sort of thing. The scene about instant cassettes is a classic
You are awesome, Riley. You can be sure I went for the song as it is from you that I learn about Russian pop (ironically). And you know what, the lyrics of this song as as illogical as the rest of the reality around us. I noticed the same thing as I was listening to the American pop at the laundromat, which is where I learn about American pop. You and the laundromat are the sources of my interaction with the pop culture. Seriously though, this woman makes no sense with her lyrics. She says, "If I got a penny for every time I think about you, I would be the poorest person on this Earth, I would be a bum." And then she goes about how she thinks about the dude all the time. Makes. No. Sense. O tempora, o mores.
Tessa :)
Yes, the tune is illogical, but so catchy! And the remixes on YouTube are immensely entertaining. Exhibit A:
hope you're doing well my friend!
More than ever, it is the ‘BRICS’ heavyweights--China & Russia--that are the vanguard states leading and accelerating the maddening march towards a technocratic dystopia. Only the most obtuse Z-Anoners fail to acknowledge this stark reality regrettably.
Thanks, Riley. Merry Solstice to you and everyone else, 3:27AM UT. 12/22/23.
As long as people believe there is a real virus out there, the virus scam will not be defeated. There will always be new "variants" and new "viruses" to whip up via computer programs based upon nothing pieces of code strung together to form "genomes." How could masks possibly stop a "virus" which hasn't even been proven to exist? 🤣
Here in Berkeley, California, we don't even need mask mandates, lots of people are donning them anyway, scared witless by the narrative which they desperately cling to, that there is a real threat out there.
"... generations of youngsters are being groomed to accept and violently defend everything that you find distasteful and soul-crushing."
Here in the Land of the Free, it's not just generations of youngsters, but pretty much all generations that have been brainwashed into regarding their fellow humans as permanently unsafe, virus-spouting, life-endangering biohazards.
You would think that the headaches and weird chemical smells from the masks would be their own warning....such a farce, a sign of who is weakest mentally.
Made me smile, even being in this place. I guess the endless contradictions are meant to annoy us, or maybe that's just who they are .endless talk of saying absolutely nothing of value.
..."The globalists flee in terror! Bill Gates and Dr. Tedros on suicide watch!"...this is marvelous news to end the year. These are two graves I would definitely spit upon, at least.
Keep on Slavin'
AIDS everyone has AIDS. We are living a south park episode.
I don't know what to say. This is, of course, blatant unscientific insanity. In Russia! Our only hope. What a disappointment. Bigger than the illogic, the insanity, is the naked display of power tripping. The authorities - or this one man and does he have a bunch of cronies and are they all somehow profiting from all this in pecuniary terms - simply exert this power, humble people, make mere nothing of them, humiliate them in the worst way by forcing them to adopt demeaning displays of acquiescence to illogic and diktat.
This is what cult leaders, monsters, always do with their subjects. It is a 'first step'. To make your subjects do something ridiculous with a straight face. It has the double effect of separating the more especially your victims from the mass on the one hand and making clear your iron control on the other. You cut them off and push them down all in one movement.
Let the people saving smartphone apps begin to appear ! The sooner the better.
Let an app appear in St Petersburg whereby people can communicate with each other their feelings about this madness and indignity.
And where the madness and indignity is made clear to those who do not know, are not sure, are not clear.
People must stop being inactive on the one hand: doing nothing to save themselves, not even petitioning their elected reps, not organising etc. etc: and the creating and using of apps is probably the easiest/best way of breaking that impasse, getting things going.
And they must stop being 'active' on the other hand: active as a 'non-person' 'just doing my job' - i.e. 'I am not a person I am merely a function doing what it must.' So I bar you, block you, deprive you, punish you, direct you, control you, etc. all part of my function as policeman, local authority, health worker, taxman, whatever.....
No. People should insist at all times that they are people first and will only perform those functions they find humane and sensible. So, for instance, of course, all people should be consulting 'the apps' that reveal the truth of the situation and the truth of what their fellows feel about it. And they should contribute to that intellectual 'cyber space' their own resolution that they will not perform their functions as demanded by the insane.
St Peter's devious festivity rules most disconcerting. I thought we had passed that station. The forces of evil apparently have got a firm foothold in Russia.
Wishing you a lovely holiday season.
the whole world has gone insane and the fake virus 'covid' is what took it over the edge. great post.
"Morning filters"... as in filtration camps? Sorry, I couldn't help noticing the association...
All the border guards seem to be wearing masks too. ZAnon isn't going to like this. Sticking fingers in there ear. I can't hear you.