ALL vaccines are worthless AND dangerous...their recent MRNA concoctions being the most hideous of them all...

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I agree.

Spare your pets: avoid the vets.

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How Vaccines Can Cause Cancer: https://archive.org/details/img-2097_202401

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Actually the cause of cancer in vaccines is graphene. It is proven in the scientific literature

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I see no reason why the cause of cancer in these injections cannot have multiple vectors. After all, if they want to create millions of customers for the cancer industry and kill off millions more, why only settle for introducing one carcinogenic mechanism/substance into an injection when you can have two or three?

Thanks for helping raise awareness about graphene but I think it is important to take a step back and look at the bigger picture when we are analyzing these injectable bioweapons and other tools for eugenics/big pharma as their means of poisoning, sickening and killing people are often multi-pronged.

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Indeed, all of them. But not only covid vaccines have graphene. We are all in danger. See my substack

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Logonov says "You can immunise a patient often, a lot, and for a long time." Sounds a great business plan $$$!

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Yes I saw that quote and the hair on the back of my neck stood up and blood started to boil also. It is so transparent, that it’s all about the benjamins and signing the masses up for lifetime contracts. Also when the side effects become evident they will roll out more vaccines for them and tell you that because you took the other vaccine now you have to take this one also. Iatrogenesis at it’s finest, pick their pockets and then when there is nothing left push them over the edge.

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Ask your doctor if death is right for you.

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I would need someone who speaks Russian to confirm, but I think 'loganov' is Russian for 'gates'.

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The Amish people have no autism, no immuno-deficiency, no epilepsy. The Amish people are unvaccinated. The US government have been studying them for decades but have NEVER issued a report. Why? Because doing that would expose the fake narrative and the murderous CDC that is killing its own misguided, non-Amish people in their millions. Deliberate, US Government train derailments are poisoning the Amish's honest, hardworking farmland ...because EVIL simply cannot abide any good...!

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I asked my dad the other day if I can just go join the Amish. I was honestly asking him if that's how it works. I said, it sounds peaceful.

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Why no report? 'Cuz that would put Big Food out of business. If you want to be healthy you must eat what God gives us in nature. Almost 70yo I have no chronic conditions and no ailments. The most processed food I eat is Adams 100% Natural Peanut Butter. Only has one ingredient.

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Long earthly life to you man and a joyous eternity! Respect Elder...

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Some of the Mennonites have problem because those accepted vaccines . Not the Amish.

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The answer to why they are not affected by Covid is because they were not injected with anything that causes Covid. We already said it in 2021

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"Russia's League of Patients" are virus believing idiots like everywhere in the rest of world.

Safe? No vaccine ever was safe! And the C shots are even not so called vaccines but bio weapons.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella And Varicella Vaccine For Children Shows Nanobot Swarms, Quantum Dots And Self Assembly Hydrogel - https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/measles-mumps-rubella-and-varicella

Changing Live Blood Analysis Findings In C19 Unvaccinated Blood - https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/changing-live-blood-analysis-findings

Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface - Greg Reeses Report on Infowars - https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/hydrogels-in-covid-vaccine-as-programmable

Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 43 | "Exposing the Covid Bioweapon Genocide" With Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr Joseph Sansone - https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/unrestricted-warfare-ep-43-exposing

Fluorescent Skin In C19 Vaccinated - Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 7: Conversation with Former DOD Contractor Justin Coy, PhD - https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/fluorescent-skin-in-c19-vaccinated

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“The two technologies that underpin AstraZeneca’s vaccine and Sputnik V are very similar,” said Gamaleya Center director Alexander Gintsburg in 2020.

Gintzbirg's wiki is exceedingly short: "He is Jewish."

In the beginning, AZ was banned by a dozen or more countries due to blood clots.

Blood Clots Schmudclots. Who knew?

More than a dozen countries, mostly in Europe, have suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine over fears the shot may have caused some recipients to develop blood clots.

Sweden, Latvia, Bulgaria, Ireland, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, and The Netherlands, Indonesia, Romania, Iceland, Democratic Republic of Congo, Thailand among others.

"Only 40 people" in Britain developed blood clots by May 2021.

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Oh yes and as I recall, Japan suspended use of Astra Zeneca and then generously donated their stock to the Philippines.

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Japan is the only country that doesn't dance to the tunes of the WHO.

Mr. Abe was reminded that such thing is not tolerated by the elites of the world .

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Then why are they on booster #5 (shot 7)?

They are as corrupt and crooked as everywhere else.

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Japan just gave a bunch of military aid to Ukraine.

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Who says this ? The Japanese .

Whos' boosters ? The Japanese .

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Our World In Data. ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer

Select "Metric" and "Interval" to view the various ways of looking at the data.

300 shots per 100 people and 140 boosters per 100 people.


Japan was almost entirely Pfizer.

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These are only statistics from whom ????

" I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself." W. Churchill

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Japan discovered what we discovered in 2021, but the government had to keep quiet. The minister who gave that news was fired a few days later. Who has so much power to put graphene in all the vials in the world? And not just covid vials. In this new normal, anyone who is not awake will last very little.

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Graphene has also been discovered in dental and surgical anaesthetics...They have infused anesthetics with heavy metals, hydrogel and graphene oxide.

Spain played a major role in the discovery and development of graphene.


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We were the first in the world to spread the news. The doctor. Campra has two analyzes that confirm this, and then different researchers in all parts of the world confirmed what Campra saw in 2021

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Who is 'we'?

I watched presentations by La Quinta Columna in 2021.

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This is from Emma Steen from 2021 . OK ? The Japanese will not commit suicide for the happiness of Schwab . They never shot down the country and there was no mask mandate . What they use to inject their population is their business . You were not there to investigate . They developed their own vaccine .

But if it makes you happy that they are killing their own , so be it .

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"But if it makes you happy that they are killing their own , so be it " - You view our concern that 80+% of our species just injected poison multiple times is "wanting you all dead"? WTF? Dude, we're NOT the ones shooting them up or advocating that they get shots. We're the ones yelling "STOP".

Pfizer had the biggest market share out of the 8 approved covid vaccines by a wide margin.

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All industrialised countries are fully on board. The rest either accept the creep towards tyranny through bribes and financial enrichment or they are frogmarched to the table.

The WWII war criminals of Japan were not punished: they were moved into positions of power to run the corporations, banks and government...just like the rest.

Princes of the Yen


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Unless Japan rejects the WHO agreement, they have resisted nothing.

The "Dream Vaccine" is still in development, no? The standard Pfizer–BioNTech, Moderna and Oxford–AstraZeneca have been used.

Unless the vx are saline they are damaging.

Covid-19 Vx to date:


The vax digital passport also appeared in 2021.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


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The distribution of the vaccine was carried out by the Japanese Defense Forces . Since the WHO or you were not present , it could of been anything .They can print anything as passport or whatever . They say something what they don't do .

They did not started the passport system . Until the end of WWI there were NO passports .English invention . NOT Japanese .

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Meanwhile at the peak of the "covid operation", the Israeli population was considered by Satanyahou, the "laboratory of the world", thus poisoning it on the same scale. There are lots of side effects on the population, which is documented by local maverick doctors and the toll is staggering. Many Israelis are French speaking and thus joined the French 'resistance'.

At the same period, Bourla was forbade to go to occupied Palestine because... He was not "injected". He claimed that he was at a young age and thus not at risk and furthermore he feared that people would think he was privileged by having been injected...

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Swivel-eyed Loon: "Trust science."

So when do you plan to get it?

"Sooner. I can. I will...I don't want to have an example I am cutting the line...My type is not recommended to get vaccination now.."


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Thanks linda O, I am sure you'll enjoy that one, once translated...


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All vaccines cause blood clotting because they all contain the same compound, graphene. We already demonstrated it

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All vaccines are inherently fraudulent. They are chemical weapons supposedly designed and made to protect us against alleged pathogens which have either never been proven to exist (i.e. viruses) or have never been proven to be pathogenic (bacteria, fungi).

Thanks, Riley.

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NOT EVEN ONE so-called "virus", using Koch's or even Rivers' postulates, has ever been isolated or purified by any lab anywhere in the world. During the Spanish Flu researchers tried everything they could think of to infect healthy people with the "virus". They took samples from the noses and mouths of sick people and put them into the eyes, ears, noses and mouths of healthy people in an effort to make them sick. NOT EVEN ONE person got sick.

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" Pasteur greatest claim to fame ought to have been the inauguration of the calamitous prostitution of science and medicine to commercialism . " E. Douglas Hume 1923

The real scientist was Antoine Bechamp.

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Pasteur admitted he was a fraud, saying, on his death bed, quote: "The germ is nothing, terrain is everything".

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Jewish religious law says a Jewish doctor cannot heal a Gentile, that a Jew cannot save the life of any Gentile whose life is in danger, that a Jewish doctor may deliberately harm a Gentile with experimental medicines, hence the term 'experimental' vaccines being ritually used in the cases of the Jewish-created Pfizer and Moderna COVID jab bioweapons invented by Al Bourla and Tal Zaks already for example as a psychologically disabling mechanism using words. I have no idea if the Russians also term their similarly Jewish-designed Sputnik as 'experimental' as well as that would be most interesting if they have done.

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17 Nov 2020

Jerusalem Post:

Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines?

One can’t escape their presence in the forefront of leading companies in the race to find a vaccine that will prevent coronavirus.


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The Israelis were given Schizer jabs too.

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Note the death of Israeli toxxine poster boy Yonatan Erlichman from a heart attack at eight years old:


Looks like they gave that boy the real thing.

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Maybe they really did in that limited instance, or maybe that was faked, one cannot believe a single word in any Israeli media source from any 'side'.

Here are some rabbis celebrating the 'Corona' very enthusiastically with great joy while dancing and clapping their hands, which should make one question if the account of the alleged little Jewish boy allegedly dying from a heart attack supposedly from a Pfizer COVID jab is at all genuine. Maybe he was really a Palestinian boy that the Israeli Jews had been testing the bioweapon jabs on with lethal consquences, such repurposed photos are very common in the media and particularly in the manipulative Jewish media.



Like in WWII the more powerful Jews allowed a few thousand Jews to die for political purposes by bombing food and medical supply routes to the internment, prison and labour training camps in the very last months of the war so as to be able to enhance their victimhood status and use this to back up their demands for a Jewish homeland in Israel to be created. German civilian criminals were also interned in Auschwitz for brief periods like 6 month sentences for petty offences such as fraud.

A Jewish journalist John Sack who wrote 'An Eye For An Eye' which can be downloaded for free on aaargh books exposed how 200,000 mostly German civilians containing just one half of a percent formally documented former armed services were held in the Auschwitz complex and elsewhere after WWII ended and 60,000 to 80,000 of them were horrifically beaten and tortured to death and starved to death, even babies, with much of the photographic evidence then purposed to present faked evidence of Jews actually having been the victims of German atrocities who had been photographed being tortured and killed, so that the Germans would really be getting punished several times over even after they had not done anything.


Quite a few Jews in Ukraine really did get shot though when a Lithuanian unit of the SS arrived (only 400,000 of the 1,000,000 total SS were actually of German origin, the rest came from 30 other nations as volunteers according to the highly decorated Belgian SS officer Leon Degrelle), and the Lithuanian troops actually joined in when the local Ukrainian population decided it was payback time against the Jews for the 10 million Christian Slavs that the Jewish Bolsheviks had slaughtered or starved to death there earlier. Then a more disciplined unit of actually German SS arrived and stopped the less disciplined Lithuanian SS unit from continuing joining in the vengeful killings of Jews with the local Ukrainians, but the gas chambers of course were entirely fabricated, even a Jewish-conducted world Jewish population census with figures taken both before WWII and after WWII showed more or less the same 15,000,000 world Jewish populations still in existence, and another census of world Jewish population by a different organization provided extremely similar figures from before and after WWII, as what occurred in Ukraine was the only significant killing of Jews that really took place anywhere in WWII. Graves at Babi Yar allegedly contained 100,000 Jews murdered by the Germans in WWII, but thousands of Allied aerial reconnaissance photos proved this was an impossible allegation even though it was supported by 40,000 sworn affidavits provided by Russian troops. The bodies had really lain there for over 20 years and had really been those of earlier Christian victims of the Jewish Bolsheviks, that is how this thing works.

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Yes, they did it. Many Israelis suffer side effects. The Haredim (of all walks)were not so inclined in get jabbed and were so unruly that lockdowns, social isolation was hardly applied.

The regretted and praiseworthy prof Zelenko has been important in for some in the community to realized they were getting poisoned and for many humans outside the tribe. There has always been ethical Jews.

If I remember correctly, the original inhabitants of the Palestinian land imprisoned in Gaza have not been so inclined to submit to the injected poison but they won't be used as a kind of placebo in any study because they are being killed by other means.

What a sad world...

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Nor can we talk about side effects of vaccines. First, they are not vaccines, they are graphene-based liquid interfaces, we already demonstrated this in 2021.

Second, they do not produce side effects. If I give you a hemlock infusion, the hemlock does not produce side effects, but rather a main effect, making you sick and killing. The same thing happens with covid vaccines, due to graphene which is deadly, its main effect is to kill. And it doesn't kill instantly, it kills over time. It is the perfect crime and one that no one can blame on vaccines, since you can die within months or years. I don't think all those vaccinated will survive. Spread the news wherever you are because the human species is in danger of extinction. For more information, please see my substack

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They just say they were, in reality the Israeli military tested them out on blacks in Africa and on Palestinian prisoners. According to an Israeli military intelligence whistelblower, the Israeli Jews themselves were never really injected with any of their own weapons obviously, they aren't daft.

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Our World In Data for excess deaths or all cause mortality show they are hit the same as others.

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No one vaccinated will survive, especially if they have 3 or more doses

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While I hope you are wrong I fear that you are correct. Good luck everyone is all I can say at this point.

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We are not wrong, since 2021 we have predicted future things based on evidence, reading between the lines of the official world. You don't know what they have prepared for us!! Take a look at my substack and you will understand everything, you will understand who runs the world

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Not even those who haven't been "vaccinated". They are being hunted!

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Indeed. We have more opportunity than those who know nothing.

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In fact, Dr. Lev Zelenko, a Ukrainian Jew (now deceased) who practiced for many years in the US., discovered very early on that the mRNA faux vaxxx is deadly, and warned everyone publicly, even traveling to Israel to explain the true situation to the gov't and to influential rabbis -- but to no avail. They continued with the vaxxing there, and are now suffering the same consequences as elsewhere in the "free" world.

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Please view this very informative video concerning the real nature of Dr Zelenko, who was actually a member of the genocidally lethal Chabad Lubavitcher rabbinical sect behind the Noahide Laws which he can be seen being fervently in support of here.


In this video above, Zelenko is saying all 'demons' are to be executed, so he was never really sincere about wanting to save Gentile lives. Demons as far as Jewish law and scripture are concerned are any people who follow non-Jewish religions as far as the Chabad Lubavitchers and similar rabbinical sects and the Jewish scriptures themselves are concerned.

Zelenko's real intended job was to deceive all the Gentiles into thinking that as he was a Jew apparently trying to save all their lives, then all 'conspiracy theories' that Jews are behind the COVID in the first place must all be very obviously ridiculous and false, this deception being intended to paralyze the intended prey of the Jews and to allow them to carry on jabbing people to shed on each other, without anyone ever being able to accuse the Jews of being behind it all.

Zelenko never was your friend, he only treated rich New York Jews and Jewish Trump in New York with his protocol, if they ever really needed it at all that is, as COVID is an ethnically self-targeting bioweapon based on genetic profiling that is designed to 'passover' the Jews themselves without sterilizing themselves or they never would have released it in the first place.

These laws are surely intended in their effects to precisely coincide with the WEF plan to get rid of 7.5 billion people, 6 billion alone of which will be killed under just one of these several laws merely for contravening the intended worldwide law against supposed idolatry, and several other Noahide Laws have death penalties, but no Jew themselves can ever be executed under these laws, only Gentiles. There's Jewish fairness for you.

Crypto-Jew Trump, both of whose parents died in a Jewish nursing home, whose family name is changed from the original German Jewish Drumpf, who attends regular Torah classes, has said in a video-recorded public speech that all people in America and nations abroad who are 'against' the Jewish faith or people "must pay the ultimate price" (death), and even said of any other nations that will fall under this definition, "We will be coming for you", no doubt intending to use heavily manipulated and misled young American men and women armed services personnel to do the murdering and dying for the Jews then as usual, as Jews never trouble themselves to get their own hands dirty or risk personal harm in these kinds of circumstances when they can use their slave amies to do this for them, as the Jewish Kissinger said, (Gentile) "Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.".

Trump very surely intends dragging America into more vindictive wars for Israel, being quite the merciless mass killer like the similarly crypto-Jewish Joe Stalin in truth who I feature photos of on my site in full traditional Asian Bukharian Jewish religious attire accompanied by other similarly dressed Jews on different occasions.

Stalin also passed a law that any person deemed guilty of antisemitism throughout the Soviet Union would face an automatic mandatory death penalty, he carried on executing Christians throughout the Soviet Union right through WWII whilst an 'Allied leader', and right up till 1953 when he died. Stalin stated in the wording accompanying his law that the law had been made because Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the communist revolution.

In America and Europe we are similarly going to see such absolute decrees mercilessly imposed by effective fierce military force of one sort or another even on a domestic level, just as happened in Bolshevik Russia earlier, even if that will now be put into action partly by selling you vegetables filled with mRNA GM weaponry that unavoidably sterilizes your nuts and makes women miscarry.

Jewish-designed COVID jabs are already doing just that to all Gentile Americans and all other Gentiles all over the world, even via shedding as the surely crypto-Jewish so-called Jesuit Fauci (Fauci is a Jewish name) with his heavily Jewish accent has stated during on a video-recorded hearing that self-replicating nanotechnology in contained in the COVID mRNA 'vaccines'.

The Russian Christian people thought it could not happen there back then either under the Bolsheviks. But the tribal dark souls behind this still today know exactly how to send people insane enough to dish out COVID jabs to others that they must surely know by now are actually harming people and not actually helping them in any way. Those administering these COVID jabs have 'been learned' to think like the people in the dystopian novel '1984', and they still carry on doing it while they tell themselves this is the way things are going to have to be from now on.

People soon get driven mad enough by Pitesti Program-like Bolshevik psychological repatterning programs of one kind or another to participate in the mass slaughter of others somewhere or even to willingly submit to it in some arranged meat grinder conflict, TPTB are the dark masters of cruelly manipulating human psychology and know exactly what to do with their intended Gentile victims to get these plans carried out unquestioningly.

Collectively, people cannot even be bothered to mass together on the streets in the US and physically throw Biden and the other blatant criminally insane perps out of their fancy government offices and replace them with good people, even when they have guns in the US to be able to save themselvess with in just such circumstances under the constitution, but many are actually hoping Trump will be elected to 'save them', but he is a devout Chabad Lubavitcher deadly enemy hostile foreign power military occupation agent fixing to get all Gentiles in America who practice any non-Jewish religion for example slaughtered, but many of the Americans will still campaign and vote for him, because part of their brains have literally been physically switched off by occult, electronic, chemical and psychological means. Israelis voted Trump the most pro-Noahide Law POTUS ever.

Now the mass murderous Trump wants to carry on doing what Stalin did. After the end of WWII, the Kremlin even then tried to insist that this same law be enforced in every nation throughout the entire world, but this idea was modified to achieve the same real intended end by less obvious means, surely because many military-trained and recently battle-hardened peoples still able to access arms could well violently revolt against such an open plan.

And one day every year each POTUS ever since 1991 has sat in the White House with a number of Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis and officially re-affirmed their solid commitment to eventually impose these laws, which the entire UN have also officially agreed to do in any case. Chabad Lubavitcher beliefs are that all non-Jews are literally a subhuman and entirely godless hostile species in both spiritual and physical terms who must all be enslaved, then ultimately all exterminated, and then all sent to hell at the end of this world under the 'Angel Duma' according to the Zohar.

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I can't argue with you on much of what you wrote, not having knowledge of many of the points you raised, but regarding Dr. Zelenko, I believe you are mistaken. He may well have been an orthodox Jewish partisan, and spent his career in the US mainly caring for the Jewish community where he lived, but he worked out an alternative therapy for SARS-CoV-2 using repurposed safe drugs and dietary supplements, then was very vocal in spreading this information to the world, and in spite of suffering from terminal cancer, he travelled to Israel to lecture on the dangers of the death shot and introduce his alternative safe therapy regimen. These meetings are public record--I have seen videos of them. I suppose you could go full "conspiracy theory" on it and claim "false flag compassion" or some such, but there is no doubt that Zelenko's prescribed therapy works and is completely safe (except for a small minority of cases in which ivermectin conflicts with a preexisting physiological condition), and although Zelenko was obviously and unabashedly motivated to go the extra mile to get the message about the dangers of the vaxxx to "his people" to prevent them from self-genocide, he campaigned tirelessly in the U.S. as well to get his message out to everyone who would listen, even posting videos from his deathbed.

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Simply not worth replying to.

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I hope you are wrong about Zelenko! I agree with the rest!

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In the video by Ms Glass, Dr Zelenko clearly says what he does, that all 'demons' (alleged 'idolators' following any non-Jewish religion) are to be killed, this is the actual Noahide Law, this is the Torah edict of Deuteronomy verses such as 20:16 as well, though most Jews today deceptively say these Deuteronomy edicts were just intended to be carried out only in a limited geographical area in only a very limited time period against only a very limited set of people, yet numerous rabbis today can be seen in video-recorded speeches while addressing their congegations to repeatedly refer to Deuteronomy teachings as essential Jewish teachings to 'justify' the intended total extermination of all Gentiles throughout the entire world today, there is no error in my understanding of this issue, which is not in any way subjective and cannot be merely subjective or merely a matter of my personal opinion, the rabbis themselves are entirely specific in such video-recorded speeches that that is a spiritually absolute decree that that must be carried out.

This is actually the basis of communism, Stalin stated that Judaism is fundamental and essential to the communist (Jewish) revolution (world takeover) when imposing his mandatory death penalty law for supposed 'anti-semitism' throughout the Soviet Union, and Lenin stated that it is quite acceptable for the communist revolution to eliminate nine out of every ten people living in the entire world, just as the WEF is effectively saying exactly the same thing, but now with the world Gentile population having increased since the time of Lenin, Klaus Schwab, whose mother was Jewish, who keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, says that 7.5 billion people must be eliminated, while euphemistically and deceptively saying the population must be 'reduced' to 'save the planet'.

If this tribal plan of the WEF/UN Israeli government front organizations is carried out, DARPA humanoid robots will then increasingly be deployed to replace even the planned last few hundred million remaining mainly Chinese and Japanese Gentiles who are initially planned by Schwab to be kept alive as the last few humanoid slaves for the Jews after such a purge, so these last few human slaves too will ultimately also be eliminated to leave only the Jews alone and their robotic workers then occupying the entire planet.

Zelenko was a self-stated devoted member of the Chabad Lubavitchers who are behind the genocidally lethal Noahide Laws.

What is revealed in the words of Zelenko is standard Chabad Lubavitcher belief and is the intended practice of all Chabad Lubavitchers and other politically dominant rabbinical sects throughout the entire world. The rapidly growing Chabad Lubavitcher sect alone themselves now constitute a massive 30% of all Jews in the entire world.

So Zelenko's cleverly planned pretence as a Jew of actually wanting to save Gentile human lives was really only purposed on ultimately saving Jewish lives alone by creating a diversion that was and still is intended to assure gullible Gentiles of ultimate Jewish benevolence and of course of non-involvement in the creation of the COVID bioweapon itself by the Jews themselves, as his very presence in his purported role as intended saviour of all mankind as a Jew was intended to make Jewish culpability for this terrorist crime of creating the COVID bioweapon in the first place appear to be a total impossibility.

Zelenko's actions and statements were most definitely merely an intentional deception and ruse planned well beforehand surely along with the other Jews behind this actual military campaign only to convince people that Jews are actually intending to help Gentile people survive a bioweapon that really, Jewish scientists themselves have designed for the Jewish military.

Not only Israel's military themselves are involved, but also the heavily Jewish-infiltrated militaries and governments and so-called medical services of all other nations who are now effectively already dominated by malevolent Jewish tribal control.

Trump never ever tried to authorize Zelenko's cure that Zelenko gave to his rich New York Jewish patients to be then also given to the hundreds of millions of American Gentiles. I doubt very much that such a cure was ever really even necessary for Jews themselves in the first place anyway as COVID 19 is an ethnobomb bioweapon that is specifically designed to be genetically selective in its targeting, designed to pass right over Jews themselves without really affecting them anyway. That different ethnic groups are affected very differently by COVID 19 has been fully established by detailed medical study.

Israel is on record as having the largest biological warfare research facilities in the entire world and as having long been developing genetically self-targeting bioweapons intended to target non-Jewish ethnic groups.

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To acquire citizenship in Israel, by law one has to prove by blood-testing that one has unique haploid genomic sequences that are uniquely peculiar to Jews alone, and obviously any applicant also has to be able by law to demonstrate Jewish family lineage and that they are a Jew by religion (and not merely a 'Zionist' of course, though as Head Commonwealth Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has stated, Judaism is Zionism and is inseparable from it, and that to be against Zionism is merely veiled antisemitism).

Trump has stated in a televised public speech that all those people in the US itself and those of entire nations elsewhere deemed to be 'against the Jews' or 'against the Jewish religion' (which itself states all Gentiles in the entire world are to be enslaved and ultimately totally exterminated) "must pay the ultimate price", just as the provably Bukharian Jewish Stalin stated the same thing in his law that was imposed throughout the entire Soviet Union that the Kremlin after WWII even wished to have imposed at that time in every other nation throughout the entire world, so what we are actually seeing now is draconian Stalinist Bolshevism very rapidly being militarily imposed over the whole world now.

Jewish-based Stalinist Bolshevism is exactly what duped people will ensure if they vote in Trump for POTUS, just as that is what they will ensure if they vote for the other side, or rather, since vote-counting is clearly all faked today by the Jews occupying the US and running both main parties anyway, if they allow any of these intended mass murderers to stand for election at all or even allow their phony voting and vote-counting systems to continue to be allowed they will suffer just the same.

All the treacherous Trump authorised after getting together with Dr Zelenko was the Israeli Gilead company death drug Remdesivir which was medically known already to be entirely useless for treating COVID itself and in any case kill 53% of everyone given it in ICU due to resultant kidney and/or liver failure, along with the entirely useless mechanical ventilators that almost inevitably lead to usually fatal secondary pneumonia and death, with an associated death rate of 75% in ICU's in those under 65, and 97.2% in those over 65, while purposely denying massively effective hyperbaric oxygen therapy that is actually much cheaper than mechanical ventilation, and while denying the zinc-ionophores ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which is clear evidence of Trump and Zelenko/Chabad Lubavitchers controlling the US/UN colluding together as lethally intended anti-Gentile Chabad Lubavitcher agents.

It is not possible for this understanding to be possibly mistaken, it is directly evidenced, the Chabad Lubavitcher teachings and those of the Jewish scriptures themselves that all Jewish sects are based on from the original Torah itself right through to the Talmud and Zohar effectively state that all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately to be totally exterminated.

Under Jewish law, a Jew is permitted to save the life of a Gentile only to conceal actual hatred of the Gentiles by the Jews, while Jews are actually commanded that in general it is forbidden to save the life of any Gentile whose life is in danger. It is stated in Jewish scripture that to kill Gentiles is like offering incense to 'the lord', and that even the best of Gentiles should be killed, and that medicines that are deceptively to be to be termed 'experimental medicines' by the Jews can be used to harm the Gentiles, which is precisely why COVID jabs are ritually termed 'experimental' vaccines, when in truth, they are anything but experimental, they have been very purposely designed with the most detailed and extensive medical testing possible to do exactly the massive harm they do with highly meticulous and highly malicious planning before they were militarily deployed against the Gentile world.

Look at all the immense detail contained in hundreds of thousands of pages of Pfizer's research that they were forced by court order to reveal after initially trying to have that data kept secret for 75 years on nearly 1,300 medical conditions, including 'COVID pneumonia' and permanent deletion of important gene sequencing from the human genome actually being caused by their COVID jabs, they never really rushed that jab out in any hurry, that must have taken years to develop.

Trump, just the same as other government leaders who were also surely knowingly involved in this Jewish military campaign that was also carried out by most other infitrated or controlled governments around the world, was fully informed beforehand by Pfizer of all this information that was later only forced to be released to the public by court order even before they deployed these bioweapons against their hapless and mostly unsuspecting Gentile slave populations.

After all, the American DOD itself (with 50% of all US generals in the armed services being openly self-stated practicing Jews) had been directly involved in ordering the creation of this bioweapon in the first place in full collaboration with Moderna and Pfizer Jewish dual natioality scientists who were responsible for developing these bioweapons.

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Do you have links? It is indeed probable that, like in all countries (micron has never ever been injected), some 'elected' were not given the witch soup, but the general population has been poisoned. During the 7th of October 2023 attack of the Palestinian Resistance, many Israelis have been killed by the IDF, and in gruesome manner, in some Kibboutz and at the Nova Festival.

Their leaders in the City of London, the US, just don't give a shit about the population which by the way is very divided between more or less antagonistic ethnic origins groups and very important socio-economic different situations.

The hardest question of understanding what a Jew is applied in Israel as well. What do you think an Haredim in Mea Sharim thinks about a gay leftist, a Russian of dubious "jewish" roots, an Ethiopian Fellash of a Yemenite Mizraim?

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Feb 19, 2024
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I do not believe in any of the utterly demonic Abrahamic fake religions, and none are genuine, they are all criminally insane in desiring to send all non-believers to some hell or other hell for all eternity to burn alive there incessantly or whatever, what kind of retarded demented sicko would even want to do that or be capable of doing such a thing to another living soul?

There is a real infinite spiritual Oversoul though, but none of the evil Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam or Christianity has the slightest positive relationship to that or knowledge of that, and all of them maintain chronic schizophreniform mental illness as they are just not healthy in the slightest.

Here is some real hot foot-stomping Hill Billy stuff for you:

https://biblehub.com › exodus › 32-27.htm

Exodus 32:27 - Moses Breaks the Tablets - Bible Hub

He said to them, "Thus says the LORD God of Israel, 'Every man strap his sword on his thigh and go back and forth from gate to gate throughout the camp, and every man kill his brother, and every man his friend, and every man his neighbor'

Or how about Deuteronomy 20:16?, Real peace and love Bible brigade stuff for you there.

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Christianity believed in reincarnation before the Romans claimed it.

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Read the revised edition of DM Murdoch's book: The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold. In that book you will see clear proof that the Bible is entirely fraudulent and that much of it was plagiarised from Gnostic teachings thousands of years older than the purported existence of Jesus with even many of those Gnostic teachings having been first openly adopted from ancient Buddhism and Hinduism which of course accept reincarnation.

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So you actually believe any numbers they tell you when they are producing a fake vaccine that is really only intended to sterilize, maim and kill Gentiles? And the Gilead company of Israel produces Remdesivir. Of course they will tell you they took it as well, and even that as usual, they suffered more than any other people from doing so, and then ridiculously blame that on ridiculously alleged fake Jews in Israel who are being purported to be in the process of trying to murder real Jews, what a load of rubbish they continually invent. What would you say to a video of rabbis dancing and celebrating while ecstatically singing "Corona, Corona!" together? Would you like to see one? Here it is.



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Feb 20, 2024
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Har Har

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Feb 19, 2024
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From the data we have in France by Israeli French speaking doctors, this is not the case and very early on during the scam, they went vocal against the propaganda, the lockdowns (the toll on psychology is tremendous everywhere and thus in Israel) and the pseudo-vaccine. I recently heard one of them talking about the side effects, giving data that we don't even have in France.

The leaders of the Zionist entity don't "love" the Israeli population, destroying their minds and souls with criminal indoctrination, vaxxing them with demonic soup, killing them under so called Hannibal directive... Leading them to war in order for the like of Sunnak's step father, to enjoy the financial benefit of the Gaza's offshore wealth...

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Of course it's called that! By the way, the power is in the hands of the Jews there too!

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Feb 19, 2024
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Nobody believes that old disinformation tactic about fake Ashkenazi Jews any more, even Jerusalem University professors now say all these Jews are real Jews, even Dr Karl Skorecki says so with totally decisive genetic evidence, they all prove no mass conversion to Judaism by Gentiles ever really occurred in Khazaria.

The Jews say we Gentiles are actually all from Satan and that we all come from 3 lower satanic and demonic spheres of creation, and that we are eternally irredeemable and can never have any connection to God, and that when the lord comes in his wrath all Gentiles in the entire world will be exterminated and that at the end of the world we will all be sent to hell under the Angel Duma according to the Zohar. There are a number of videos of different rabbis gloating and celebrating what they look forward to happening to all the Genties, one rabbi very happily says there will be 'No survivors".

They also says all Christians are to be killed in their Talmud, and the Noahide Laws also say all members of all non-Jewish religions are to be executed under the NWO, that would be about 6 billion dead Gentiles in all the various Gentile faiths, and that is just one of the Noahide Laws that has a death penalty for 'contravening' it, interestingly, the Noahide Laws say only Gentiles can be executed for breaking them and never any Jew, see, they think of everything.

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Unfortunately, many people believe it! As it is written in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the goyim believe everything they read. They see or hear. They forget to think.

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Feb 19, 2024
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Christianity is a psyop by the same ppl. Sad that you fell for it

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Monotheism is the opiate of the people and political concepts are the opiate of intellectuals.

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Paging Karl Marx.

Spill in Aisle Three

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Which Christianity?

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Feb 19, 2024
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I do not think any Bible believer of any denomination or kind is presently capable of even knowing what is good and what is not. The Bible-based 'god' states all non-believers are to be burned alive unceasingly for all eternity, such an entity if it really exists is obviously quite insane but does not really exist anyway.

If you are really so powerful, you should check to see if this is really the case, use your prayer to try to ask who or what you think is God to cancel all the mRNA jabs, to cancel all the pollution, to cancel all the disease, the poverty, the starvation, the suffering in animals too, and repair the environments and so on.

I have seen Chabad Lubavitchers openly claim to be the 'Elohim' who they say made this entire dimension of material space, and to have created this entire planet themselves, of course the Bible says every Jew is god walking on the Earth.

I do believe that the magicians I see on TV and even in person are really doing the miracles they show and are not all using mere trickery or CGI technology via TV, or laser technology to create real solid-looking images even in broad daylight like they used on 9/11 to create images of planes, but I do not believe that the Jews are really the real God when they literally demand that all Gentiles should literally worship every Jew, which rabbis are doing now, getting very cheeky, though they may indeed be able to manifest some small 'miracles' by occult means, but they then lie when they try to con people that because they can do something so small, that therefore it must follow that they can also do really big stuff as well like making all of space and all of the planets and stars that we now see in space.

They are simply small-time con-artists trying it on as usurpers and interlopers, but they are trying to rob the entire planet for themselves alone to live on by the mass murder of all others, and one should bear in mind that the phony religion of the Bible does come from the Jews themselves, so you should not trust a thing they put before you, after all, they mean to kill all Christians.

You should buy and read a hard copy version of the revised edition of 'The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold' By DM Murdoch, it is a post-PhD level objective research into the actual origin of everything that is claimed to be authentic scripture in the Bible. In that book, you will see undeniable total proof that the entire Bible from start to finish is total fraud, and that should make you modify your belief system somewhat I hope in a manner that will be easier on you and easier on everyone else and give you a lot less heartache.

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The Jews accepted that position from Satan . They made a deal . OK ?

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Feb 20, 2024
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Read what scripture . The revised edition ? Who revised it ?

Abraham's God is Satan .

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"Special military operation" is an unlawful experiment too, but it is entering its third year, with hundreds of thousands already dead.

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Everything is going according to the WEF plan there too! This was also part of the plan! And of course like this, stretched to infinity...

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You're right. You have hit a target, the FEM, it is part of THEM. But we have discovered them by looking under the microscope. Someone may wonder how by looking into a microscope you can know this. For that you will have to study all our research and that of others, we know who runs the world, not precisely the governments, they are only servants of a master who is above them.

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Yes! The only problem is that there are few of us who want to know the truth, and that's why they search. The majority only hopes that what they believe is the reality.

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You're right. Very few want to know the truth. Maybe they are already neuromodulating them.

But I'm still trying to wake up as many people as possible. A doctor in our group tells us to stop helping others, that it has taken 4 years for people to realize, that it is useless to try to talk to them. He says we must save ourselves.

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Few people have always wanted to know the truth throughout history. Unfortunately, that doctor is also right in that they cannot be woken up. I even find that a large part of those who were awake for a while and understood what was happening slipped back and crossed over. There are those who are willing to go on the path of learning the truth for a while. The majority have internal red lines that they refuse to cross and move on.

Of course, on occasion I also tell and write it down to keep the story alive in others, but fewer and fewer people respond to it. The majority are now busy with wars. They don't see that everything is going according to plan for our extermination...

The villains who planned it told the plan a long time ago and are carrying it out with their men!

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Since you are searching for the truth and looking for the path to follow . There are two path to take . The Right Hand and the Left Hand Path . The Right Hand where the Sun is rising. The Left Hand where the Sun is setting . Look into the old Magyar religion of Manichaeism . It will give you a better understanding of Christianity . Oh don't look for any priests of it . They have been all exterminated long time ago.

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Nobody can be saved from himself .

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Could be.

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You can blame the late head Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Chabad Lubavitcher Menachem Schneerson for that, it was his plan and instruction that a war should be made to occur between the nations of Russia and Ukraine to kill off their Slavic population,s whose 'line must be ended' he said so that millions of Jews from Israel (who now of course have a conveniently cooked up war crisis in Israel with their Hamas agents that might result in millions of Jews in Israel feeling the strangely coincidental need to jump ship and move there) will be able to move into Ukraine to take the newly vacated land of course for free or surely almost free.

After Stalin claimed to Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta that he had liquidated 10 million Ukrainian Christians, using that very figure, many Jews also flocked into the emptied land to take it back then also, "God gave it to us, Yippee!".

Both Putin and Zelensky are Chabad Lubavitcher devotees and both are WEF alumni, and just like Schneerson wanted to create a 'Bigger Israel' in Ukraine, so does Zelensky also say the same thing, what a cohencidence.

And these two Chabadniks send their goyim slave armies to slaughter each other, the usual trick as in Isaiah 19:2. Another part of the trick is that several Ukrainian commanders are members of the fake 'Nazi' units and wear fake 'Nazi' badges, there is a photo of one of these leading commander 'Nazis' receiving a blessing from a former IDF rabbi in Ukraine, haha, and another Jewish Ukrainian top cmmander who used to run a busisness selling sun wheel fake 'Nazi' T shirts and the like is also a proven Jew posing as a white supremacist of course, as many of the so-called 'Nazis' are these days, working to sow disinformation and confusion, and Putin and Zelensky, both really Jews always only ever call each other Nazis, which is simply insulting to the intelligence of everyone. I am very surprised that the soldiers in Ukraine and Russia don't just get rid of these two poisonous individuals who are blatantly part of a cult that regards all Gentiles as subhuman and is behind the genocidally lethal Noahide Laws that are intended to authorize the Stalinist liquidation of billions of Gentiles for the Jews, including all Christians that Putin falsely claims to be a member of while often wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher devotee red thread in many videos and photos during meetings.

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Here is something about Nazis . Rabbi M . Schneerson was rescued from the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto by the German special forces during WWII and was sent to New York .

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Here is another Nazi fact .

Dr. Theodor Morell was Hitler personal physicist until the last days . He was Jewish .

He injected Hitler every day 20, 30 times just to make sure he can function correctly.

They questioned him after the war but never charged with anything . He died in 1948.

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According to a book owned by a friend titled "Morell"... Dr. Morell was tortured to death after the war and his dead body was thrown out on the street for the survivors to clean up.

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The stories about Hitler being injected with bull testosterone for instance have been debunked, the WWII and post WWII 'Allied' war propagandists really were and still are very malicious and very crafty with their lies. Any politician who is on 'the other side' in Iraq, Libya, Russia, Syria etc. in recent times always gets called insane just the same by these clowns for instance. If Hitler had really been murdering millions of Jews in gas chambers, any Jew would certainly have injected Hitler with air at least or cyanide or something to kill him, which only confirms Hitler never really did such things.

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The crazy cocktail Hitler was being injected is documented, you should read Irving's opus, Hitler's War...

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Or the book " Hitler was a British agent." by Greg Hallett

Do you thing Biden is not treated the same way?

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What page is that crazy cocktail on?

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Which is why technologies of taxcattle control and management are getting deployed at warp speed in the regimes of the "multipolar" camp of globalism. The USEUNATO terrorists have worthy "enemy" peers in BRICS.

"Rosatom launches financial automated system"


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The Electronic Townhall

It is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.

Its about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and taxes.

That is what it is about.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and the only way to hold them accountable is to inspect their work."

He called his idea The Electronic Townhall and said it is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government.

It is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in the 100 new laws (200 thousand pages) they vote on every day they are in session.

The only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we might never recover is to include the citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.

How it works:

1. Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL.

It can be applied to every branch of government and will solve every problem we have at every level.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

The Electronic Townhall

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I heard an interview a long time ago with Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) and his ideas on government. His view was that the only power the government had was the power to create laws. Once a law was created it will be MINDLESSLY enforced by the bureaucracy so you have to prevent bad laws.

We currently have the "Fait Accompli" governance model. Laws are passed and enforced then challenged in courts. By time it is settled the effects are irreversible. The vaccine mandates are a classic example.

The idea is to take away from government the ability to make laws and give it back to the people. This is done directly and not through elected representatives. Technology makes this possible.

So this is how I would implement the "Law on how laws are made".

1) Any person or group of people can draft and propose a law. Amendments are suggested and accepted or rejected. Once they have the final version "No amendments are allowed".

2) Anyone can challenge the proposed law on constitutional grounds. The law must pass ALL judicial challenges BEFORE it is voted on. If the courts rule it is unconstitutional it does not go to a vote.

3) All voters must prove they are eligible to vote (citizenship, age, etc).

4) Half the eligible voters must vote in favour of it NOT just half of those voting being in favour. A non-vote is a "NO" vote. If over half the eligible voters don't view it as important enough to vote on then it obviously isn't that important.

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The most important issue is to preserve the concept that: man is created in the image of God, that we are human beings, not animals in a pen. Since the duly elected are incapable of reading 200 thousand pages of law speak per day they have forfeited their delegated right to represent us. We have to do it ourselves.

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I think these are great ideas, but how to get them actually implemented? I have read that, since the 1980's, basically no congressman has actually drafted any law, but rather just accept what is handed to them by lobbyists. As there seems to be no profit motive in benefitting the actual citizens of the US, lobbyists are unlikely to get on board, so this would be a tough battle. The most important thing is to get involved in politics from the grassroots on up, and make enough noise to get this heard. I read that when a group of concerned citizens brought their plan to FDR for genuinely helping people who were suffering during the Great Depression, FDR listened and then told them, "I think that's a great plan. Now, make me do it." In other words, get grassroots momentum behind it so even resistance by the politician-buying oligarchs can't stop it, then FDR could push it through.

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Dear Sir,

Thank you for this real world assessment of the current objective reality.

Ultimately, The Electronic Townhall is the only way forward. How to do it?

We talk about it until it is done. Make it a sport. Get some recent law and have AI massage it into a questionnaire that concerned people can Ratify or Annul. Then distribute the link to the results. Then there will be this wonderful spiritual awakening where Good overcomes Evil and then we all live happily ever after.

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I pray for the success of your idea!

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Good to know that Russians are also objecting to injections of God only knows what.

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"Autopsy is not only a service to the doctors who were responsible for the patient, but it is a public service for our health system.” – Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt


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Did Navalny received Sputnik V "vaccines"?

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All vaccines and mRNA substances, as well as many big pharma drugs, are an experiment on humanity. Most have no supporting, truthful evidence of their effectiveness and safety.

As Voltaire said some 250 years ago: "Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less in human beings of whom they know nothing." This truer more today than ever because modern medicine is still in the stone age.

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It was already proven two years ago that there is no mRNA in vaccines, it is graphene that kills

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