Russian elites had a dream to converge, or perhaps even better term would be to "join in ecstasy" with the Western elites since the passing of Leonid Brezhnev in 1982, when Yuriy Andropov came to power for a short period of time before he passed away too. But the process didn't stop with Andropov's passing. Deep in the bowels of the Soviet power structures people like Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yakovlev and countless others were getting ready to step forward and prepping the country for a big sell off that came in 1991, but especially in 1993 after Yeltsin used tanks to supress opposition by Parliament. A known Russian philosopher, playwright and leader of the movement "The Essence of Time" (Суть Времени), Sergey Kurginian, calls this philosophy by Russian elites "vkhozhdenchestvo" (вхожденчество) that could be loosely translated with a made up word "entrantism". But for many reasons that I won't be getting into here, Russian nouveau riche elites were not allowed to become a part either of European old money, old aristocracy, nor they were welcomed by the American elites that formed in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century. The situation got particularly bad after 2014 when for many of them the option to spend half of their time with their families in the West in their magnificent real estate holdings there, while formally working in Russia was blocked. Even more, bad things started to happen to some children of Russian elites, like a totally strange drowning in absolutely calm seas in UAE of a son of then the head of president Putin's administration office, Sergey Ivanov - Aleksandr Ivanov. This was the time of confusion and even despair for many in the power circles in Russia. The whole raison d'etre for the country according to them was to join forces with the West, for elites to become one through intermarriages and joining of capitals, but they were snubbed and given a cold shoulder instead of a kiss. This is when Schwab and his WEF came to prominence. A new way to have a seat at the elite's table was found. Instead of entering the Western world through a front door, they decided to enter the new emerging "Inclusive Capitalism" and "Great Reset" world through the back door. This is the belief of absolute majority among Russian elites now, from people in Moscow to some governor of a remote region of Chukotka, 10 time zones away from Moscow, that being exemplary executioners of the will of the globalist powers in establishing the NWO they'll not only survive, but will get to keep their position of privilege and all the assets they managed to accumulate. The problem now comes down to ordinary Russians' resistance, from majority's refusal to get jabbed to fierce resistance to QR coding and other forms of restrictions. This is why with a new set of recent unconstitutional laws Russian citizens were effectively denied a right to a peaceful protest. Police powers to use violence were greatly increased and the new trend of electronic voting tested in major cities during last Duma elections gives the ruling United Russia party an assurance to never lose majority in Parliament. Russian elites think they're going to win against Russian people. I, personally, am not so sure of that.
Thanks, Edward! Apologies for the volume, I'm not trying to use your blog to promote my writing, I swear))) But it's hard to put in lesser words the history and background of what is behind this universal subservience of Russian ruling class to the globalist masters.
Thank you for this, a plausible explanation that likely I may not find anywhere else. Slowly the puzzle pieces emerge. I intend to visit your blog. Is your background detailed there?
Thanks for your comment, циник, I just started that blog, at Substack, no entries there yet. For now check me out at - there I comment on RTs articles, being a PITA (I guess) on many topics for these guys, but not all, since I do agree with some of the narratives of the Russian official line. I used to write a blog in Russian at VZ.RU, inspired, or rather disturbed, by the evnts of 2014, but after tolerating me for many years that resource, affiliated with President's Administration office, has finally deleted my account in 2020, so I had to find a new home, and English language platform seemed to provide a more diversified audience.
Yes, I did visit various countries in South America like Chile, Peru, Colombia because of my work as a consultant for a large ERP software company. Helping companies there to install and configure their business operations systems. These were interesting experiences, way more insightful into local culture than visiting as a tourist. The fact that I speak Spanish did help as well to get deeper into the local culture.
Your comment came first after the article, so it looked very recent, that's why! Comments like this comment of yours don't lose relevance with a year or two anyway!
Well, If you're looking at things from the standpoint of hierarchy, Klaus and his predator/parasite class are at the top. It's a group or class. It includes the transnational financial giants who (faker) Peter Phillips wrote about in his book titled "Giants." He refers to that group as the Transnational Capitalist Class, explaining that it included within it what another author refers to as a Superclass. The predator/parasite class includes the rich and powerful, which isn't to say that absolutely every rich person is part of that class. Iain Davis calls that group (which may or may not have complete equivalency with Davis's description, but it will be close enough) the GPPP or Global Public Private Partnership.
Iain might suggest that Klaus isn't at the top of the hierarchy. I have no reason to not do do. Here's Iain's very good chart showing the world's power distribution:
I am a big supporter of Iain Davis and am 1/10th into Pseudopandemic. WOW, SO much information. He lays it all out. His site is
Well MY experience was filled with drugs and alcohol so I can’t remember much, plus it was like 35 years ago!
My daughter however just cut short her degree from B.Sc. honours with a Neuroscience Major with at 97% avg. (she is the OPPOSITE of me) as she sees the writing on the wall. All of her former class mates are jabbed, some voluntarily but most because they didn’t see any other way. She’d rather eat dirt she said. Needless to say the campus is like a concentration camp. Lines in, lines out, no touching and definitely no sex and drugs and rock n’ roll
"She’d rather eat dirt she said" That statement should comfort your heart for having a daughter like that! Perhaps a reverse of her ave grade - a 3% ter!
Paul was a good writer, but I don't trust him. He admonished his audiences to treat the wild beast - the human political system in opposition to Jehovah God - as something divinely approved. I hope I'm wrong about Paul. Until I know that I am, I am ignoring him. But he is very quotable otherwise.
The BIS is the central bank of central banks. And Augustin Carstens is chomping at the bit to force central bank digital currency on all of us. Catherine Austin Fitts (who has dumb ideas about Christianity, but is otherwise very smart) believes that one of their motivations in crashing the internet (which is coming, as Polygon reveals) is that it will destroy hard evidence, in bytes on hard drives, of their serious criminality. The other motivation is simply to get control. You don't have to be decent, or play by the rules, or care, or do anything you don't want to do, when you rule. Ergo...
Augustin speaks plainly about 'exclusion' (that people like him call 'inclusion'):
Seems we were talkin bout judaist folk - or - more specifically, folks with judaist backgrounds which are more or less 'erased' in terms of their 'publc' profiles.
Schwab is recorded as a Jewish family name with Nathan Schwab of Frankfurt am Main, western Germany in 1590; Chouabe and Chevaube in 1614; Schvaub in 1670; Schwabe in 1715; and Schouabe and Schowabe in 1720.
.As a Jewish name, it is often derived from the Hebrew Karov, whose German equivalent is Vorbeter, literally "prayer leader"
Mikhail Mishustin was born on March 3, 1966 in Moscow to a father of Russian-Jewish origin and a mother of Russian origin.
The issue here is not really the presence of absence of 'judaists' per se in the roster of rogueish chararcters who have clambered aboard the KOVID-EXPRESS. There's plenty of non-judaists chowin from the same trough. And there's plenty that be 'judaists' who are vocally opposed to the kill-shot and associated madness.
What you have here is a propensity on the part of a certain percentage of the pertinent demographic to have had some early 'socialization' problems which left em with a complex that might be - to steal a phrase from early tv cartoon type villains - termed the "I will DESTROY YOU - and then I will TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" pathological disorder.
There's no KNOWN cure for this disease of yet - but I can guarantee that if one had just a fraction of the resources the Gamaleya Goons have at their disposal, one could be quickly found. Unless, it turns out to be true, the ol adage - $ cannot buy LOVE. Then we would probaly be looking at no cure for the early lack of that quality, doubtless a part of each of the BIG PLAYAS personal trajedy.
I believe that RT was being unwittingly honest in running "a provocative op-ed describing the Great Reset as a “cartoonish fantasy that will hand the global elite even more power.” THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT. These klowns never really grew up.
BTW MR E... you had me till the last part - about POOTIE. While it's indisputable that VLAD has the formal 'RIGHT OF RETURN' to the UNHOLY LAND baked into his birthday cake via his mothers dna, generally its not a good idead to blantantly associate him with these other klowns. He is 'special' - because his cult followers need a 'special guy.' So let's pretend the KGB Kolonel is an 'innocient bystander' to all of the madbess - a kind of modern day "Mr. Magoo".... shall we?!<>
Blackrock/Vanguard seems to have access to trillions indeed. Somewhere between 30 & 80 trillion? Or about 1/3 of the world's capital. And then you have State Street.
I've seen figures a lot higher than that. But agree that's quite enough anyway. I believe though that there's something between 200-300 trillion in total circulation so I'd not expect these guys to only have 5-8% of that.
They are just a cog in a complex machine. They own the whole 200-300 trillion anyway as the same people own the central banks. We live in a debt-based economy and they hold the tickets on all the debts, which amounts to more than the global M2 anyway.
Probably another Rothchild front. Europe's oldest banking empire now runs one inconsequential bank? No. Their money went covert. With Rockefeller's being the overt arm of the G3P.
Vanguard is just one of the financial giants. It doesn't matter which giant Klaus works 'with'. They are all part of a class, namely his predator/parasite class.
Glad you liked it. I sometimes reach out to this or that writer or professional, asking what he or she thinks of the pandemic hoax. I get replies occasionally. They are often disappointing. The two most disappointing replies I've got back have to be Peter Phillips and Christopher Black. Black was vicious.
Time for Russian government apologists to dust off the “the real Putin was killed and this is his clone” angle. You see, the REAL Putin would have showed these globalists, and this is just a clone!
The question I have is 'what happens to the world when the watchers become idiots'.
As for Rothschilds, the early 20th Century is full of articles about them. And then they do a vanishing trick like the Medicis had done centuries earlier.
Darkness is its own reward. You may start off clever enough, but when you embrace darkness, eventually you end up drooling, and barking at passing cars, like a dog. Lying means disconnecting from reality. When you do it the way you breathe, which is to say 24/7, then you will become dumb as a post. The reason that you don't always see it is that humans have short lifespans. If Obama were to live to 300, you'd see it.
But even with relatively smart evil people, If you're paying attention, you can see the beginnings of the decline. Joking with his audience about drone murdering young men who noticed his daughters was not funny. That's because he was, at that very time, drone murdering a lot of innocent people, who they decided were terrorists just because they were males over a certain age. Trump and Biden have declined very fast. Joe Biden can't even pronounce "conspiracy theorist." We used to make fun of George W. Bush. Biden makes him look like Albert Einstein!
TRAGIC. Putin's childish narcissism was already worrying if we observe that even Mussolini was often portrayed driving aircraft or vehicles; now we also have confirmation that he is an idiot, and a criminal asshole to call a spade a spade.
It's not bashing, nor is it insulting. That Putin was semi-illiterate in the exact sciences we could have already understood, but it is no longer forgivable at this point to ignore the reality and facts about the false flag pandemic, as absolute minimum about VAERS in the world, unless you are a sick mind. Schwab is not a 'decider' within the Deep State, but an 'executioner' (he implements orders); what does he have on Putin's account of being able to blackmail him and make him a traitor? Note well that Putin could have kept his mouth shut about vaccinating himself or not.
TRAGIC, dire consequences, it will be necessary to get rid of him as soon as possible carefully, an illness for example, so as not to create internal havoc, in any case it will not be peanuts. There is no prospect that Russia can turn the situation around in a game in which it got involved and where everyone is stronger than her and dictates the rules. Moreover, at what cost of crimes against humanity !!!!, even if it were possible, which it is not.
Putin is the one who lives by "better a bad peace than a good war" as if he were a Procrustes with the additional touch of the anal-retentive [cf. Piaget].
He may even have convinced himself, projecting himself as judge in his infinite ignorance and presumption, that the destruction of humanity according to the false flag plan of the pandemic is preferable to the ruin that would follow an otherwise inevitable world war.
In which case, it would recall the tragic circumstance of those mentally ill people who, when they believe themselves to be in a dead end situation, exterminate their entire family who, in their hallucinated vision, they saw as incapable of continuing to survive and make decisions without them.
The most interesting point he makes is probably how intelligence is not really a factor in the process of being absorbed into this mass psychodrama.
However mass formation ´is not ´always´´ as destructive in its processes and outcomes as that we see with covid today. While Desmet doesn´t differentiate between ´´mass formation´as observed in the totaliarianism of USSR and that of Nazi Germany, it is obvious that these are two quite different phenomena which affected the ordinary people in starkly different ways.
In Germany, people were gradually herded (mass-formed) into an obsession with ´´conquest´´, into an utterly perverse belief that it was their right to take the lives and property of other people whom they were indoctrinated into regarding as ´´lower than human´´. The evil colonial paradigm with knobs on!
On the other hand, in the case of the citizens of the USSR, even after centuries of top down feudal oppression and WWs I and II, by the late 50s and through the 60s and 70s, with the gradual stabilisation of their unique social system, the over-riding trope of ´´mass formation´´, was one simple but disarmingly profound concept, namely ´´fairness´´ (ispravedlivost/справедливость), and this had already begun to produce extraordinary dividends for ´´all´´ the pèople. Also a very open and non-racist perspective on the world-as testified by the great singer and polymath Paul Robeson.
Of course all this historically unparallelled human progress (in education, health etc) was poisoned in western minds by the cleverly engineered propaganda of the many intellectuals who did a runner to the West and whose success there was largely measurable in proportion to the amount of vitriol they were willing to spew against the Soviet Union.
For me, reading (the American) Michael Parenti was the perfect antidote to such charlatans.
When the Soviet Union was dissolved, a referendum had just been held in which over 70 pèrcent of citizens wanted to retain it. So much for the will of the people. Putin made an interesting remark once, something that could be paraphrased along the lines that ´only someone with ´´no heart´´ would want ´´never´´ to return to the Soviet Union, but someone who thinks this is a possibility, has no head.
The USSR in its maturity represented perhaps the first ever successful mutiny of the little people against the feudal globocapital elite. The present global mass formation is I think more than 20% manipulated as suggested by Desmet in the video; rather it represents a long and carefully calculated, meticulously organised psychological programme of the elite untouchables, with the aim of establishing a forever unmoveable and all-encompassing feudal class structure.
The difference now is that elite control of the herd can and will be extended to the microcosmic level, where even our genes and other sub-atomic particles become asset classes for investment and exploitation.
While the WEF worthies masquerade as neo-socialist saviours of humanity, they have marshalled almost all political forces left and right (the two cheeks of that infamous arse to quote Galloway) towards establishing a new and unimaginably pervasive techno feudal paradigm for the future of humanity.
The globalists are marching with even more sinister force in Russia, though thankfully there seems to be a significant grassroot people´s resistance.
However they will also cynically try to use the collective idealism of the Russian 50s plus generation to entice at least some towards their false promises of security, order and control.
"The present global mass formation is I think more than 20% manipulated"
The present one is 100% manipulated. The middle classes may not have enough gumption to tell the instigators to piss off but they're not responsible.
Maybe it's the 20% of the upper middle class who are unboard with it but that in itself is a very low % of the total population. Just like the average German was not responsible for Hitler nor are any of us currently responsible for what is going on now. Unfortunately it is though totally up to us to put a stop to it.
This piece came in very handy to those lavishing praising on the interview between Tucker and Putin in February, 2024. Not that I'm sorry it happened or that it got so much attention, but people need to stop picking sides as if this were a football match. The players have their own agendas that may not be in the best interests of the 99%. And TC and VP are influenced/controlled by those who are more powerful.
Sputnik V can’t be any better than the AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. It’s like they want to test as many different forms of gene therapy as possible on the population, but I would have thought that the death of Jesse Gelsinger in 1999 would have disqualified adenovirus vectors.
2 points: 1. The more variety of poison in this new market (in which Pfizer Biontech is earning an estimated $1000 per second), the more control over us that elites gain, and that's very much part of the motivation. We are having a global biosecurity police State (explained by philosopher Giorgio Agamben) foisted on us and the dominant - Rockefeller - medical establishment, which includes the vaccine companies and their wonky science (all based on the fairy tale of germ theory), should expected to now be everywhere all the time. 2. There are many capitalist entities eager to get in on this new market and they are welcome because they are not just making money, but they are helping to prop up the entire control grid by their pursuit of profit.
Russian elites had a dream to converge, or perhaps even better term would be to "join in ecstasy" with the Western elites since the passing of Leonid Brezhnev in 1982, when Yuriy Andropov came to power for a short period of time before he passed away too. But the process didn't stop with Andropov's passing. Deep in the bowels of the Soviet power structures people like Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yakovlev and countless others were getting ready to step forward and prepping the country for a big sell off that came in 1991, but especially in 1993 after Yeltsin used tanks to supress opposition by Parliament. A known Russian philosopher, playwright and leader of the movement "The Essence of Time" (Суть Времени), Sergey Kurginian, calls this philosophy by Russian elites "vkhozhdenchestvo" (вхожденчество) that could be loosely translated with a made up word "entrantism". But for many reasons that I won't be getting into here, Russian nouveau riche elites were not allowed to become a part either of European old money, old aristocracy, nor they were welcomed by the American elites that formed in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century. The situation got particularly bad after 2014 when for many of them the option to spend half of their time with their families in the West in their magnificent real estate holdings there, while formally working in Russia was blocked. Even more, bad things started to happen to some children of Russian elites, like a totally strange drowning in absolutely calm seas in UAE of a son of then the head of president Putin's administration office, Sergey Ivanov - Aleksandr Ivanov. This was the time of confusion and even despair for many in the power circles in Russia. The whole raison d'etre for the country according to them was to join forces with the West, for elites to become one through intermarriages and joining of capitals, but they were snubbed and given a cold shoulder instead of a kiss. This is when Schwab and his WEF came to prominence. A new way to have a seat at the elite's table was found. Instead of entering the Western world through a front door, they decided to enter the new emerging "Inclusive Capitalism" and "Great Reset" world through the back door. This is the belief of absolute majority among Russian elites now, from people in Moscow to some governor of a remote region of Chukotka, 10 time zones away from Moscow, that being exemplary executioners of the will of the globalist powers in establishing the NWO they'll not only survive, but will get to keep their position of privilege and all the assets they managed to accumulate. The problem now comes down to ordinary Russians' resistance, from majority's refusal to get jabbed to fierce resistance to QR coding and other forms of restrictions. This is why with a new set of recent unconstitutional laws Russian citizens were effectively denied a right to a peaceful protest. Police powers to use violence were greatly increased and the new trend of electronic voting tested in major cities during last Duma elections gives the ruling United Russia party an assurance to never lose majority in Parliament. Russian elites think they're going to win against Russian people. I, personally, am not so sure of that.
excellent observations
Thanks, Edward! Apologies for the volume, I'm not trying to use your blog to promote my writing, I swear))) But it's hard to put in lesser words the history and background of what is behind this universal subservience of Russian ruling class to the globalist masters.
Thank you for this, a plausible explanation that likely I may not find anywhere else. Slowly the puzzle pieces emerge. I intend to visit your blog. Is your background detailed there?
Thanks for your comment, циник, I just started that blog, at Substack, no entries there yet. For now check me out at - there I comment on RTs articles, being a PITA (I guess) on many topics for these guys, but not all, since I do agree with some of the narratives of the Russian official line. I used to write a blog in Russian at VZ.RU, inspired, or rather disturbed, by the evnts of 2014, but after tolerating me for many years that resource, affiliated with President's Administration office, has finally deleted my account in 2020, so I had to find a new home, and English language platform seemed to provide a more diversified audience.
Your remarks from almost one year ago make even more sense now than they did then.
Have you ever been to South America?
Yes, I did visit various countries in South America like Chile, Peru, Colombia because of my work as a consultant for a large ERP software company. Helping companies there to install and configure their business operations systems. These were interesting experiences, way more insightful into local culture than visiting as a tourist. The fact that I speak Spanish did help as well to get deeper into the local culture.
A very useful explanation.
Surprised that people still find and read comments from 2021! Now, considering all that happened seems like eternity away!
Your comment came first after the article, so it looked very recent, that's why! Comments like this comment of yours don't lose relevance with a year or two anyway!
Wow. What a surprise. Not!
A more pertinent question is: who does Klaus work for?
Who did Prince Charles refer to when he said "He has access to trillions..."
Who has access to trillions?
Well, If you're looking at things from the standpoint of hierarchy, Klaus and his predator/parasite class are at the top. It's a group or class. It includes the transnational financial giants who (faker) Peter Phillips wrote about in his book titled "Giants." He refers to that group as the Transnational Capitalist Class, explaining that it included within it what another author refers to as a Superclass. The predator/parasite class includes the rich and powerful, which isn't to say that absolutely every rich person is part of that class. Iain Davis calls that group (which may or may not have complete equivalency with Davis's description, but it will be close enough) the GPPP or Global Public Private Partnership.
Iain might suggest that Klaus isn't at the top of the hierarchy. I have no reason to not do do. Here's Iain's very good chart showing the world's power distribution:
I am a big supporter of Iain Davis and am 1/10th into Pseudopandemic. WOW, SO much information. He lays it all out. His site is
"Iain might suggest that Klaus isn't at the top of the hierarchy." Obviously. He was put there, therefore he is not the top predator.
As you wish.
The Rothchilds, the Guelphs, the mother fuckers at the top of the the G3P chain!
I've never heard of the Guelphs, other than an university of that name in Chanada, courtesy of Dr Bridle.
I went to that Institution
How was your experience there?
Well MY experience was filled with drugs and alcohol so I can’t remember much, plus it was like 35 years ago!
My daughter however just cut short her degree from B.Sc. honours with a Neuroscience Major with at 97% avg. (she is the OPPOSITE of me) as she sees the writing on the wall. All of her former class mates are jabbed, some voluntarily but most because they didn’t see any other way. She’d rather eat dirt she said. Needless to say the campus is like a concentration camp. Lines in, lines out, no touching and definitely no sex and drugs and rock n’ roll
"She’d rather eat dirt she said" That statement should comfort your heart for having a daughter like that! Perhaps a reverse of her ave grade - a 3% ter!
for the Devil himself. as in Ephesians 6:12
Paul was a good writer, but I don't trust him. He admonished his audiences to treat the wild beast - the human political system in opposition to Jehovah God - as something divinely approved. I hope I'm wrong about Paul. Until I know that I am, I am ignoring him. But he is very quotable otherwise.
Maybe the Central Banks!?
And who owns the central banks?
The Central Bankers. Vanguard, Blackrock definitely in there.
I would say Old Money owns it. Rothchilds being the majority shareholder.
The BIS is the central bank of central banks. And Augustin Carstens is chomping at the bit to force central bank digital currency on all of us. Catherine Austin Fitts (who has dumb ideas about Christianity, but is otherwise very smart) believes that one of their motivations in crashing the internet (which is coming, as Polygon reveals) is that it will destroy hard evidence, in bytes on hard drives, of their serious criminality. The other motivation is simply to get control. You don't have to be decent, or play by the rules, or care, or do anything you don't want to do, when you rule. Ergo...
Augustin speaks plainly about 'exclusion' (that people like him call 'inclusion'):
And who controls the Central Banks? See what I mean? They have layers of cutouts.
I always wonder what happened to the Medicis. They faded from the scene more or less at the same time that the Rothschilds appeared.
Sorry what were we talking about again?
They want us to take their "medicis".
Good one
Seems we were talkin bout judaist folk - or - more specifically, folks with judaist backgrounds which are more or less 'erased' in terms of their 'publc' profiles.
Schwab is recorded as a Jewish family name with Nathan Schwab of Frankfurt am Main, western Germany in 1590; Chouabe and Chevaube in 1614; Schvaub in 1670; Schwabe in 1715; and Schouabe and Schowabe in 1720.
.As a Jewish name, it is often derived from the Hebrew Karov, whose German equivalent is Vorbeter, literally "prayer leader"
Mikhail Mishustin was born on March 3, 1966 in Moscow to a father of Russian-Jewish origin and a mother of Russian origin.
The issue here is not really the presence of absence of 'judaists' per se in the roster of rogueish chararcters who have clambered aboard the KOVID-EXPRESS. There's plenty of non-judaists chowin from the same trough. And there's plenty that be 'judaists' who are vocally opposed to the kill-shot and associated madness.
What you have here is a propensity on the part of a certain percentage of the pertinent demographic to have had some early 'socialization' problems which left em with a complex that might be - to steal a phrase from early tv cartoon type villains - termed the "I will DESTROY YOU - and then I will TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" pathological disorder.
There's no KNOWN cure for this disease of yet - but I can guarantee that if one had just a fraction of the resources the Gamaleya Goons have at their disposal, one could be quickly found. Unless, it turns out to be true, the ol adage - $ cannot buy LOVE. Then we would probaly be looking at no cure for the early lack of that quality, doubtless a part of each of the BIG PLAYAS personal trajedy.
I believe that RT was being unwittingly honest in running "a provocative op-ed describing the Great Reset as a “cartoonish fantasy that will hand the global elite even more power.” THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT. These klowns never really grew up.
BTW MR E... you had me till the last part - about POOTIE. While it's indisputable that VLAD has the formal 'RIGHT OF RETURN' to the UNHOLY LAND baked into his birthday cake via his mothers dna, generally its not a good idead to blantantly associate him with these other klowns. He is 'special' - because his cult followers need a 'special guy.' So let's pretend the KGB Kolonel is an 'innocient bystander' to all of the madbess - a kind of modern day "Mr. Magoo".... shall we?!<>
Old money does not just disappear.
The rabbit hole!
Blackrock/Vanguard seems to have access to trillions indeed. Somewhere between 30 & 80 trillion? Or about 1/3 of the world's capital. And then you have State Street.
Blackrock manages $9 trillion and Vanguard manages $7 trillion. More than the GDP of all 28 EU nations.
I've seen figures a lot higher than that. But agree that's quite enough anyway. I believe though that there's something between 200-300 trillion in total circulation so I'd not expect these guys to only have 5-8% of that.
They are just a cog in a complex machine. They own the whole 200-300 trillion anyway as the same people own the central banks. We live in a debt-based economy and they hold the tickets on all the debts, which amounts to more than the global M2 anyway.
Probably another Rothchild front. Europe's oldest banking empire now runs one inconsequential bank? No. Their money went covert. With Rockefeller's being the overt arm of the G3P.
Vanguard is just one of the financial giants. It doesn't matter which giant Klaus works 'with'. They are all part of a class, namely his predator/parasite class.
"Who's At The Top" /
I see that I have to update that Box item, to alert the reader to the fact that Peter Phillips is a faker, a subject that I examine in my blog post titled "Covid 19 - Stars: Bright, Dark And In Between" /
Fascinating info. Thanks!
Glad you liked it. I sometimes reach out to this or that writer or professional, asking what he or she thinks of the pandemic hoax. I get replies occasionally. They are often disappointing. The two most disappointing replies I've got back have to be Peter Phillips and Christopher Black. Black was vicious.
Wow you beat me to it. Vanguard gets my vote as well.
Time for Russian government apologists to dust off the “the real Putin was killed and this is his clone” angle. You see, the REAL Putin would have showed these globalists, and this is just a clone!
If they're not yammering about Satanic cults, it's Rothschilds. The eternal Tourette's of the dissident mind.
Anyway. Anyway.
I hope people are getting these 'Idiocracy' references.
Welcome to Slavsquat. I love you.
"Welcome to Slavsquat. I love you." -- dude i was drinking something when I read that. now my computer screen is rekt.
The question I have is 'what happens to the world when the watchers become idiots'.
As for Rothschilds, the early 20th Century is full of articles about them. And then they do a vanishing trick like the Medicis had done centuries earlier.
Darkness is its own reward. You may start off clever enough, but when you embrace darkness, eventually you end up drooling, and barking at passing cars, like a dog. Lying means disconnecting from reality. When you do it the way you breathe, which is to say 24/7, then you will become dumb as a post. The reason that you don't always see it is that humans have short lifespans. If Obama were to live to 300, you'd see it.
But even with relatively smart evil people, If you're paying attention, you can see the beginnings of the decline. Joking with his audience about drone murdering young men who noticed his daughters was not funny. That's because he was, at that very time, drone murdering a lot of innocent people, who they decided were terrorists just because they were males over a certain age. Trump and Biden have declined very fast. Joe Biden can't even pronounce "conspiracy theorist." We used to make fun of George W. Bush. Biden makes him look like Albert Einstein!
"Only Conspiracy Theorists And Those With The Ability To Communicate Want Debate" /
"Mark Steyn and Tucker Carlson mocked Joe Biden {most hilarious segment in years}" /
[Paul Craig Roberts] Putin, Too, Has Swallowed the Cool-Aid @
TRAGIC. Putin's childish narcissism was already worrying if we observe that even Mussolini was often portrayed driving aircraft or vehicles; now we also have confirmation that he is an idiot, and a criminal asshole to call a spade a spade.
Read at the URL I have given.
It's not bashing, nor is it insulting. That Putin was semi-illiterate in the exact sciences we could have already understood, but it is no longer forgivable at this point to ignore the reality and facts about the false flag pandemic, as absolute minimum about VAERS in the world, unless you are a sick mind. Schwab is not a 'decider' within the Deep State, but an 'executioner' (he implements orders); what does he have on Putin's account of being able to blackmail him and make him a traitor? Note well that Putin could have kept his mouth shut about vaccinating himself or not.
I fully agree. It is what it is. Only a "True Believer" could dispute your analysis -- on religious/cargo cult grounds.
*mouth shut about vaccinating themselves or not.
TRAGIC, dire consequences, it will be necessary to get rid of him as soon as possible carefully, an illness for example, so as not to create internal havoc, in any case it will not be peanuts. There is no prospect that Russia can turn the situation around in a game in which it got involved and where everyone is stronger than her and dictates the rules. Moreover, at what cost of crimes against humanity !!!!, even if it were possible, which it is not.
Putin is the one who lives by "better a bad peace than a good war" as if he were a Procrustes with the additional touch of the anal-retentive [cf. Piaget].
He may even have convinced himself, projecting himself as judge in his infinite ignorance and presumption, that the destruction of humanity according to the false flag plan of the pandemic is preferable to the ruin that would follow an otherwise inevitable world war.
In which case, it would recall the tragic circumstance of those mentally ill people who, when they believe themselves to be in a dead end situation, exterminate their entire family who, in their hallucinated vision, they saw as incapable of continuing to survive and make decisions without them.
What other possibilities remain? I don't see any.
Continue with the same old? I think your analysis is fine, the proscription though will just lead to more harm.
I saw that at the beginning of the covid hoax, when he donned a frikkin hazmat suit in order to protect himself from (non existent) covid 19.
That was an excellent report! And very interesting. Thanks!
thanks for reading!
This Mattias Desmet interview is really interesting.
The most interesting point he makes is probably how intelligence is not really a factor in the process of being absorbed into this mass psychodrama.
However mass formation ´is not ´always´´ as destructive in its processes and outcomes as that we see with covid today. While Desmet doesn´t differentiate between ´´mass formation´as observed in the totaliarianism of USSR and that of Nazi Germany, it is obvious that these are two quite different phenomena which affected the ordinary people in starkly different ways.
In Germany, people were gradually herded (mass-formed) into an obsession with ´´conquest´´, into an utterly perverse belief that it was their right to take the lives and property of other people whom they were indoctrinated into regarding as ´´lower than human´´. The evil colonial paradigm with knobs on!
On the other hand, in the case of the citizens of the USSR, even after centuries of top down feudal oppression and WWs I and II, by the late 50s and through the 60s and 70s, with the gradual stabilisation of their unique social system, the over-riding trope of ´´mass formation´´, was one simple but disarmingly profound concept, namely ´´fairness´´ (ispravedlivost/справедливость), and this had already begun to produce extraordinary dividends for ´´all´´ the pèople. Also a very open and non-racist perspective on the world-as testified by the great singer and polymath Paul Robeson.
Of course all this historically unparallelled human progress (in education, health etc) was poisoned in western minds by the cleverly engineered propaganda of the many intellectuals who did a runner to the West and whose success there was largely measurable in proportion to the amount of vitriol they were willing to spew against the Soviet Union.
For me, reading (the American) Michael Parenti was the perfect antidote to such charlatans.
When the Soviet Union was dissolved, a referendum had just been held in which over 70 pèrcent of citizens wanted to retain it. So much for the will of the people. Putin made an interesting remark once, something that could be paraphrased along the lines that ´only someone with ´´no heart´´ would want ´´never´´ to return to the Soviet Union, but someone who thinks this is a possibility, has no head.
The USSR in its maturity represented perhaps the first ever successful mutiny of the little people against the feudal globocapital elite. The present global mass formation is I think more than 20% manipulated as suggested by Desmet in the video; rather it represents a long and carefully calculated, meticulously organised psychological programme of the elite untouchables, with the aim of establishing a forever unmoveable and all-encompassing feudal class structure.
The difference now is that elite control of the herd can and will be extended to the microcosmic level, where even our genes and other sub-atomic particles become asset classes for investment and exploitation.
Check out Alison McDowall at
While the WEF worthies masquerade as neo-socialist saviours of humanity, they have marshalled almost all political forces left and right (the two cheeks of that infamous arse to quote Galloway) towards establishing a new and unimaginably pervasive techno feudal paradigm for the future of humanity.
The globalists are marching with even more sinister force in Russia, though thankfully there seems to be a significant grassroot people´s resistance.
However they will also cynically try to use the collective idealism of the Russian 50s plus generation to entice at least some towards their false promises of security, order and control.
"The present global mass formation is I think more than 20% manipulated"
The present one is 100% manipulated. The middle classes may not have enough gumption to tell the instigators to piss off but they're not responsible.
Maybe it's the 20% of the upper middle class who are unboard with it but that in itself is a very low % of the total population. Just like the average German was not responsible for Hitler nor are any of us currently responsible for what is going on now. Unfortunately it is though totally up to us to put a stop to it.
challenge: web search <your local tyrant> + WEF guarantee your get a hit
This piece came in very handy to those lavishing praising on the interview between Tucker and Putin in February, 2024. Not that I'm sorry it happened or that it got so much attention, but people need to stop picking sides as if this were a football match. The players have their own agendas that may not be in the best interests of the 99%. And TC and VP are influenced/controlled by those who are more powerful.
A Christmas present...
Sputnik V can’t be any better than the AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. It’s like they want to test as many different forms of gene therapy as possible on the population, but I would have thought that the death of Jesse Gelsinger in 1999 would have disqualified adenovirus vectors.
2 points: 1. The more variety of poison in this new market (in which Pfizer Biontech is earning an estimated $1000 per second), the more control over us that elites gain, and that's very much part of the motivation. We are having a global biosecurity police State (explained by philosopher Giorgio Agamben) foisted on us and the dominant - Rockefeller - medical establishment, which includes the vaccine companies and their wonky science (all based on the fairy tale of germ theory), should expected to now be everywhere all the time. 2. There are many capitalist entities eager to get in on this new market and they are welcome because they are not just making money, but they are helping to prop up the entire control grid by their pursuit of profit.
Crime that isn't punished, repeats and sometimes gets worse. For example: "The Origin Of Modern Day Virology" (Sam Bailey) /
"Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna making $1,000 profit every second: analysis" /