The global lockstep to force the deathjabs on us all still astounds me. Each country has the same story - coercion at knifepoint then gaslighting if you get infected/hurt/killed after being jabbed or cancellation/destruction of career if you notice and point it out.

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It’s a GLOBAL culling, did we think Russians would be exempt? The Chinese? I’ve got some beachfront property for sale in the Rockies

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Who has killed more Russians..? The NATO Empire and their Banderite henchmen...or the Sputnik V injections, and the leadership that covers up for their dangers?

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Countries everywhere need to totally ban use of mRNA and DNA products and delivery platforms. The mRNA/DNA industry is preparing to explode with new ::expensive:: experimental products to be inserted into the bodies of humans, livestock, or other living things.

A total ban must be done to protect humanity from further genetic damage.


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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Does their list of serious side effects now include "death"?

Also, I've missed the part where they say that they'll stop distributing and injecting these new drugs until they've found out why people had these serious side effects (just saying "it's good now" without involving those victims does not count).

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

In The Netherlands, the Dutch equivalent of the Duma also asked the government for vaccination data, and was also stonewalled. The similarities are striking.

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Here is some more water to the mill Riley. What is happening after "The "safe & effective" myth is running out of gas"? After this (and every) Limited Hangout, Leagues of Defensors of This and That are rising? They call themselves defenders. In my world, they are Gatekeepers. They tell folks where to seek and investigate. Thay ask us to "sacrifice" vaccine companies with them. They ask for scapegoats, in fact. And after that, evevything should return to normal, since we are according to our heroes of the day sayings. Think of a Kennedy for example. Folks like him always SEEMS to tell the truth. But not all, as Lacan once said. Think of Robert Balone, a real fuckhead with his little rats eyes. Think of Ryan Cole. Think of Peter McCullogh in the USA. Think of Gert Vandeen Boosche. Think of Raoult, Perronne, Henrion-Caude in France. What are they? Sacrificators. False oppositions. Because thay are NOT telling the truth, The truth is that there never was such a thing as "good" vaccines. Thay are all killshots, punto. It will take years to make this enter the empty nuts of "followers". If you want to get to the point, try Ricardo Delgado investigations, or Kary Mullis, or Jon Rappoport, or Tom Cowan, or Andrew Kauffmann. I am fed up with the Psy Ops Rescue Leagues, Frontline American Doctors are full of shit, and Kennedy does not protect the kids at all. If he would do that, he would have to tell the truth. So, he has elections to win. Conclusion? Nothing moves. Because nobody thinks by themselves. Thay are all waiting for saviors. There is a lot of them everywhere. The only problem is that thay are full of shit, and that thay are a bunch of crooks and lyars in white coats. People love white coats. And they love to be governed. That is the real fucking problem. I don't stand with institutional efforts and prewashed potato scientifical crap.

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Wait, but where is the 5D chess part?

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"Who will be held responsible for the unnecessary deaths, for the disabilities, for the fact that previously healthy people are getting sick?"

Like in the US "no one" will be held accountable. The same dubious health organizations will double down while state-run media convinces everyone the toxin is safe and effective. In the end, when it becomes mandatory the choice will be made for you just like it is for those who try to evade conscription. However, in the case of the experimental toxin there's no place to flee as more than 170 countries are all-in on injecting their populations, and that's especially the case in China where the government heavily funds the WHO along with the Gates Foundation and are very eager to participate in the "Pandemic Treaty." So when it comes to repressive biosecurity measures the "great power competition" is no longer about acrimony between rulers, but is more about a competition to inject as many unwitting citizens as possible. Who would have thought the actual war is against humanity.

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We can't get to the Roszdravnadzor website from the Czech Republic. Not even via VPN. Wouldn't it be possible to upload the documents for viewing somewhere else? Thank you. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people here who go against the government propaganda consider Sputnik a safe vaccine.

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The Association of Independent Doctors collected from the Internet (because the state does not deal with it, that is, they hide it) cases of death and injuries from the Sputnik vaccine, and this is an updated table in the distant 2021! So this is the tip of the iceberg, that is, not the tip, but the tip of the tip...

We practitioners have come to the conclusion that vaccination is not safe due to lack of preclinical testing, lack of isolated virus, and pending clinical trials of vaccines.

We published our opinion on our website (Examination of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 - Independent Association of Doctors (expert-doctors.site)) There are a large number of cases in the public domain when serious side effects and deaths occurred after vaccination, and these cases require verification.

We have collected only a small part of the INTERNET PUBLICATIONS OF SIDE EFFECTS AND DEATHS AFTER NEW CORONAVIRUS INFECTION VACCINATION, but we are not able to check them for reliability.

This table will be sent to the Attorney General's Office for verification of all cases of adverse events and deaths.

last update date: 11/13/2021



Their website:


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Here in Slovakia we were literally inches from using Russian Sputnik V. Our prime minister went out of his way to arrange it, flew to Moscow etc. The plane landed with pallet-loads of it. How our PM jumped around and pushed it, it was clear money changed hands. Luckily Sputnik's paperwork was not in order (almost nonexistent), and there was enough still formidable characters to push Sputnik aside. Sputnik paperwork never arrived from Russia (likely because it would never hold up to serious scrutiny), SPutnik was sent back, and we ordered Pfizer instead.

To this day Slovakia is the 3rd lowest in EU vac.rate wise (51%), and I am glad it is not Sputnik, since most of my family members took that witches' brew.

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6000 Billionaires. They must die.

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Who used to be interested in taking the sput v if made available in the u.s.?

<- This guy; he was naive.

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"Safe and effective," they keep telling you, the "they" may change from US/"Collective West" elites to Russian elites to Chinese elites... but the message stays the same. Hmm, just like in Nineteen Eighty Four! And of course, let's not talk about how there's not a shred of proof for the virus which the shots are supposed to stop or at least curb. even exists. Thanks again, Riley, for showing us that the grass is NOT greener on the other side. "The grass ain't greener, the wine ain't sweeter, either side of the hill."

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Russia will abandon the WHO when the U.S. does which will be never.

Has Russia seen a spike in "all cause mortality" too?

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