I have come to realise Putin was the perfect pawn to destroy Russia, they promoted him as a Ultra nationalist leader for 20+ years that seem to had Russia's best intrest at heart and didnt take shit from the west. Well it worked. Now the Kremlin has shown its true colours by assasinating Prigozhin and jailing dissenters and other governm…
I have come to realise Putin was the perfect pawn to destroy Russia, they promoted him as a Ultra nationalist leader for 20+ years that seem to had Russia's best intrest at heart and didnt take shit from the west. Well it worked. Now the Kremlin has shown its true colours by assasinating Prigozhin and jailing dissenters and other government critic's... sounds familiar anyone? Anyway after reading this article i now have no doubt that Russia is back under Rothschild control, Putin must have bended the knee sometime ago, as by praising the UN as the highest authority that must be respected Russia reveals who their masters are. The UN is a Rockerfeller/Rothschild/western elite you know who organisation. Putin must have realised his underlings were too incompetent or corrupt to conquer Ukraine and that his army is now in a quarmire with Russians being killed off on a daily basis and weakened by Terrorism,drone attacks sanctions, and having to import asiatics to replace the Russians killed in Ukraine to keep the economy going. Unsustainable in the long run.
Couldnt agree more, regional wars between diffrent global power blocks that are not ment to be won. That story about we are now targeting the electrictry grid so all the Ukrainians will freeze this winter was hilarious. They didnt even hit the main substations and there are massive back generators provided by the US/EU that will take over if anything serious happends to the power over there. This war is highly produced theatre. You have a comedian actor on one side and a whole Russian camera crew following Shoigu visiting troops and factories. People that call out the script get killed and put into the gulag because they ruin the movie/narrative.
Ukraine conflict is a mutually scripted event to transfer the wealth of the BreadBasket of Europe into the hands of BlackRock and friends. As a side effect a lot of inconvenient evidence is being eliminated.
Anything you hear that Russia is against the WEF/UN/WHO/IMF/WB is false propaganda, they have been doing exactly the same all along, simply the reporting makes it sometimes look like they are opposing the narrative. They are dragging BRICS members along for the ride, knowingly or not.
I have come to realise Putin was the perfect pawn to destroy Russia, they promoted him as a Ultra nationalist leader for 20+ years that seem to had Russia's best intrest at heart and didnt take shit from the west. Well it worked. Now the Kremlin has shown its true colours by assasinating Prigozhin and jailing dissenters and other government critic's... sounds familiar anyone? Anyway after reading this article i now have no doubt that Russia is back under Rothschild control, Putin must have bended the knee sometime ago, as by praising the UN as the highest authority that must be respected Russia reveals who their masters are. The UN is a Rockerfeller/Rothschild/western elite you know who organisation. Putin must have realised his underlings were too incompetent or corrupt to conquer Ukraine and that his army is now in a quarmire with Russians being killed off on a daily basis and weakened by Terrorism,drone attacks sanctions, and having to import asiatics to replace the Russians killed in Ukraine to keep the economy going. Unsustainable in the long run.
Ukraine is meant to last and last, like the wars in the book 1984.
Remember when they hit the key electric infrastructure, which should have put back Ukraine for months?
Haven't heard shit about electric issues ever right after that.
It's so phony, just like the war on the rebranded flu.
Couldnt agree more, regional wars between diffrent global power blocks that are not ment to be won. That story about we are now targeting the electrictry grid so all the Ukrainians will freeze this winter was hilarious. They didnt even hit the main substations and there are massive back generators provided by the US/EU that will take over if anything serious happends to the power over there. This war is highly produced theatre. You have a comedian actor on one side and a whole Russian camera crew following Shoigu visiting troops and factories. People that call out the script get killed and put into the gulag because they ruin the movie/narrative.
Ukraine conflict is a mutually scripted event to transfer the wealth of the BreadBasket of Europe into the hands of BlackRock and friends. As a side effect a lot of inconvenient evidence is being eliminated.
Anything you hear that Russia is against the WEF/UN/WHO/IMF/WB is false propaganda, they have been doing exactly the same all along, simply the reporting makes it sometimes look like they are opposing the narrative. They are dragging BRICS members along for the ride, knowingly or not.