Hi Edward, thanks for a great review on the BRICS meeting.

I came to the conclusion some time ago that BRICS, which was an acronym invented by a Goldman Sachs executive, is simply a division of the World Government Alliance of the Davos globalists, and I believe they are deliberately dividing the world into 2 camps to take us into World War 3, and we can now look back and see that when the League of Nations was failing to create a global order, because many nations would not sign up for it, they divided the League into 2 world blocks, with Germany and Japan the leaders of the block that took us into World War 2. It was all the same maneuvering we are seeing today.

BRICS is just the flip side of the same coin of global fascists who are hell bent on smashing up the world, taking all the wealth for the 1%, impoverishing the majority again, and use war for genocide once more, adding to it their continuing vaccine holocaust based on lies, lies, and more goddman lies, the biggest being that pandemics and climate change are threats.

And we are all trapped in the system because the apex predators own the International Monetary System, and have arranged the global economy under the global monopoly capitalism model both of which not only act as a global wealth extraction machine, but as a massive poverty generating machine - we are all literally trapped in their f***g matrix, funding the globalists and big governments who are waging civil war against citizens in every nation.

Ah - I am ranting in frustration - enough said.

Ivan M. Paton

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and understanding the f***ing matrix is all that is required

the relevance of the black cube and the nodding freaks, you know the ones? the ones you cant criticise?

the ones that miraculously escaped the maui fires, the ones who miraculously escaped the twin towers

they are the founders of the luciferian agenda, it is clear, it is stated in black and white, all one need do is research, lucifer is their god, that understood, lets move on

the expression "the lord is my shepherd" describes the situation, the "lord" is only the lord of this realm, he/she/it is not the Creator

we have sheep, a shepherd and wolves

this physical existence is an experiment that is coming to its natural end, it was allowed to be becuase of free will, choice, consent, it has to play out, to be here now is an honour, mixed blessing perhaps but an honour none the less

at this late hour the "lord" seeks to assure the continuation of this realm for further and infinite energy feasting, which frustration and anger feed, tho i know precisely where you are coming from

at the core of this realm is a lie perpetuated that we are on a ball of spinning rock in bleak empty space, such illusion guarantees that you submit to the material and (to a degree) spiritual restrictions of the realm, unaware that you come from a far more perfect version from which you were lured..... a man described at length in the historic middle east showed that "laws" of physics were an illusion, and a by the way, when we speak of the "lost tribes" the grammar means "lost" as in turned away from god, not "we cant find them"

what you see before you is the attempt of a luciferian coup/con/trap designed to sow such discontent as to coerce you into accepting a place in the "new, free from judgment by greater forces, satanic slave realm. TM"

admission into the new shiny luciferian realm requires that you give up hope, fear is a requisite, a given, it is required...

so, best advice, go get on with makes you and yours happiest in this imperfect realm and "if" the goons ever do come to our doors be prepared to go out with a roar, not a whimper

all the best, chin up

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"Stay Calm and Carry on". "“On this account I say to you: Stop being anxious about your lives as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear. Does not life mean more than food and the body than clothing? Observe intently the birds of heaven; they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are? Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span? Also, why are you anxious about clothing? Take a lesson from the lilies of the field, how they grow; they do not toil, nor do they spin; but I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. Now if this is how God clothes the vegetation of the field that is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much rather clothe you, you with little faith? So never be anxious and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or, ‘What are we to wear?’ For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

“Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles."

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fair words and good sentiment, re "solomon" and all his glory, you may get to see that "glory" a little sooner than you estimated...

heres a fascinating piece written by an author who keeps a very firm eye on the babylonian tiny hat types and their little games to bring about the antichrist/beast system

confusion between YVHH and YAHWEH will be the ruin of all, its time to know exactly which camp you reside in, for myself I have no doubts, few fears and great faith,

the entirety of hidden in the crag makes for some very interesting research,



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Many thanks duckman, I shall have a look. But I am certain of my side and have been all my life.



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"admission into the new shiny luciferian realm requires that you give up hope.."

hope is the name given to the saliva that drips from Fenrir's jaws.


Old Norse "Positive Fatalism" - Jackson Crawford

31,079 views Aug 5, 2023

Some thoughts on when fatalism isn't exactly the same as pessimism, as very characteristic of Norse literature.

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Sep 1, 2023
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the rantings of "aloysius fozdyke" a piece of shit from sydney australias "grand lodge" contains much about "we will get you any how", worth a search, he gives much away in his pride

so? if that is the case then how come we are back onto jibby jabbies? becuase intra venous is the method where consent is absolute, consent being part of the luciferian initiation..

food, regardless of what it may have in it is not wholy consensual in the way they require, not belittling that route, i avoid much now and will miss more as they contaminate it further

i am making multiple choices re what i eat and where from, having spent 30 or so years attempting a form of self sufficiency i now know what gut instinct has driven me

i achieve perhaps 30% of my diet, water 100% from 60m below the ground, electric 75%, cider 100%... priorities??? medecines is the latest avenue of experiment, herbs etc grown in the polytunnel,

God helps them that help themselves? i look forward to checking out the link, thank you :0)

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Yes, as Lenin said: "“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

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Thanks Lang I appreciate your comment!

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Thanks for joining the dots the way you did in this response. As I read this article I was kind of joining the dots myseld and also thinking, "Surely not, I am having a tin foil hat moment here".

But then I read your comment and I thought, "No, I am not a crazy loon after all!"

This is gonna mess with my desired good night's sleep tonight - but nevertheless, thank you!

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Duncan - are you replying to my comment?

You are not a crazy loon if you are challenging the Pravda propaganda that is coming from us on all sides. The hardest thing is to stay sane and sort out truth from fiction, because there is a tsunami of lies, frauds and corruption that seeks to disinform, disrupt and deceive the public discussion so we create dogma and repeat it for the benefit of the Davos globalists driving this insane fascist ship of lunacy.

Staying sane in an insane world is a tough job.

You are not alone.



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Thanks - yes, I was replying to your comment. I need to read this whole article and comments in responses to it again because I feel like I am just realising BRICS may be just "controlled opposition", controlled by the globalists that is, and I had never really considered this scenario before now.

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Thanks Duncan I appreciate your earlier comment a lot.

BRICS is simply part of the globalists great game team. It' not even controlled opposition - the people at the top are all on the same team waging war against the rest of humanity, including their own citizens, by driving us all to war against each other, which helps them drive us towards world government, which is the ultimate quest, and has been since the Roman Empire era of dictatorships. I want to recommend 3 free pdf books for you to read-which show you this evil has been around a long time.

1. 1953 Bertrand Russell's The Impact of Science on Society (eugenics, technocracy, mass genocide, wars, and world government.)

2. 1954 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars credited to the Bilderberg group - more of the same and the fulfilment of Russell's plans

3. 1966 Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope - he tracked the global alliance of elites that are working together as a global team to pit our nations against each other for profits, power, and politics and the quest for world government.




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Tragedy and Hope 101 Full Audiobook - Joseph Plummer


Unplugged From The Matrix, channel

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Hi Ivan,

I can follow your logic and narrative – to a degree. I agree that altogether human history gives us no reason to believe that we will ever learn from it. Basically, it seems humans only know two positions: either their neck under somebody´s boot or their boot on somebody´s neck. Sad, but true, I think.

However, does that fact now demand to give up all hope for the future, or abandon all our dreams for true justice and a peaceful co-existence of all nations and earthlings? Yes, agree, BRICS is not perfect, possibly even driven by the same suspects, but if I had the choice to throw my weight behind the proven criminals from the Western combine or the not proven yet BRICS clique – I´d go BRICS, for the lack of another viable alternative presently. Or do you know of any?

Anyway, I can always withdraw my consent, as I am now doing as far as the usual suspects are concerned. As I journey down this path, I will always look over my shoulder, ready to make a U or 90 degree turn at any time.

Let´s also not forget that we owe our current living status to the global turbo capitalism scheme (which is currently withdrawing its blessings), our personal wealth and prosperity has grown out of their seed corn. Not that I long to live in China, but to be fair, they have succeed in lifting hundreds of millions out of miserable poverty in an unprecedented short amount of time. So, they´re actually doing just the opposite than the current western “wealth extraction and poverty generating machine”. Let´s at least give them credit for that. I was recently in China and while I could see the imprimatur of the global usual suspects everywhere, I also couldn´t deny the incredible dynamic that engulfs that country and the optimism prevailing. Again, I´m not fooled by idealism and that coin has a huge backside as well, but I have to admit that a developmental miracle has happened in that country.

If and when that benevolence and win-win mentality turns into total, uncontrolled authoritarianism, again, churning out evil and breathing out slaughter and destruction, like the current hegemon, than it´s time to drop out and rudder back. I just can´t do it before that happens, I´m afraid. I think somewhere in my heart there may just be a shred and modicum of hope left. Hope, that we can still change the world – not by introducing another “ism” or political idea, but by changing one heart at a time, beginning with our very own.

Believe me, I feel the same frustration you do, but I refuse to kill my hope for a better future. Maybe I recant when the mushroom clouds go up and the flesh is burning…

But until that day – I will hope!

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Hi Casual Spectator,

We live under what is essentially a global slavery system that has been created by the western elites of the Roman Empire familes alliance, that track their families back to the original Roman Empire dictatorship era, which transformed itself into the Roman Catholic Church so it could continue to spread itself worldwide for its ultimate quest which is world government, where the elites own everything and the masses once again are in the position expressed by the World Economic Forum, a key transnational organization of these elites, said by 2030 "you'll own nothing and be happy."

As I said above this global slavery system has 2 main parts - they own the international banking and finance cartel and the central banking system, so they control all money, all interest rates, all money supply, and inflation - and use all of it as levers to wage financial terrorism on humanity for their enrichment, not to mention that the interest component just steadily transfers the wealth as Thomas Pikkety in is now famous book on Capitalism made clear. And the second part is global monopoly capitalism - all the "essential industries" for the Covid-terrorism are those that the Davos globalists own and wanted to protect while they attacked the rest of humanity with lockdowns - which was simply class warfare.

BRICS is not an alternative. It was propagandized that way to suck in all the countries that are aligning with it. But as Edwards article and the references he used make very, very, clear - it is the EXACT same globalist agenda. Putin is on the same team as China. China is on the same team as the Davos globalists and Joe Biden as they are all in bed together. All the international finance companies are heavily invested in China. They are the reason China raised people out of the rice fields. Not because the Chinese woke up one day and decided to get rich. International finance, technology and retraining provided by all the advanced economies - who partnered with the CCP. They are still partners.

And don't fall for the 'they lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty" one sided story.

That story has to be balanced by what the global capitalists destroyed to finance China's rise. My favorite Icon for that is Detroit. But all over the western world are Detroits! The detritus and destroyed lives of global monopoly capitalism. In a short period of time they lifted hundred of millions of Chinese up and destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions elsewhere. In my nation, Australia, when I was a child we manufactured everything from ammunition to zinc, A to Z. Not any more. we have homeless people everywhere that never existed when I was a child nor in any previous generation. Global capitalism based on the fake narratives of Neo-Liberalism did that.

I admire your desire to hope - but it is misplaced. The corruption is endemic.

Like you I want a better future, hell I want a better present, these globalist scum and their lies and lockdowns destroyed everything I had spent years building for the common cold and pneumonia, and now they are trying to destroy everything with their climate change lies, and countless friends were bankrupted by this, and many died after their poison shots, including loved family.

We live in the most evil, corrupt and psychopathic period of our lives.

That's the ugly, inconvenient truth.


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I don't admire desire for hope. Hope in what? That the informations provided in that article and others pointing in the same directions will change in nature? Hope that the BRICS or any other supranational organizations will reveal the truth about how bad we are being treated, to say the least and then finally restore our natural right?

Hope can be disappointed. It is a kind of blank state where you are nor sharp, alert, mentally, physically . Wishing is much more interesting since you have to formulate the nature of that very wish of yours. Imagination is kept alive, as well as rationality, movement, breathing. Your mind has not been caught by any spell. You are free to have many hypotheses for any subject and remain alert.

Acceptance of physical death is the key.

Amor fati

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Thank you, Ivan. Well said!

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Thanks Dave - appreciate it.

What's your NGO?

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I take your points Ivan. And I understand to the degree I can. However, I am convinced that there is always hope. And it is not weak but powerful. In my worldview the Truth always triumphs regardless.

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Wise words Ivan - you have the truth.



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Thanks AP. I appreciate it.

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CHOOSE. 1. A or 2. B (same thing as A) FOR FREEWILL CHOICE!

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"Public-private partnerships" has its own "good" old name - FASCISM!

Thank you Edward for another important article.

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It's so sad that Riley is always lying about Russians. As someone with Russian inlaws I can assure that my mother in laws borscht is the best in the world and you know what the secret ingredient is? That's right, sustainability. Did you know that equity and development are recurring themes in Russian existential literature? You sure wouldn't learn that by reading Riley's blog. For shame.

Sustainability in regards to development are the corner stones of the famous Russian soul. As Winston Churchill said Russia is a development wrapped in equity inside a...some kind of sustainability. Those are the values that make them who they are and all of Riley's empty platitudes and buzz words won't change that.

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Please submit your mother-in-law's borscht recipe. Thank you.

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Winston Churchill 😂😂😂

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A beautiful kosher dialectic...

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Once upon a time, one of my favorite restaurants down under, was Vodka and Tears. Not the most impressive restaurant. Not the best quality food maybe. Just a good place to meet and fellowship. The tears refer to massive candles, with tons of wax rivers streaming down their sides, making some of the most impressive sculptures I have ever seen. I can still see those candles. They express the essence of my current feelings about Russia and other things.

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Great job Riley at unveiling the truth about BRICS fantasy world fairytale. Power corrupts.

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I have come to realise Putin was the perfect pawn to destroy Russia, they promoted him as a Ultra nationalist leader for 20+ years that seem to had Russia's best intrest at heart and didnt take shit from the west. Well it worked. Now the Kremlin has shown its true colours by assasinating Prigozhin and jailing dissenters and other government critic's... sounds familiar anyone? Anyway after reading this article i now have no doubt that Russia is back under Rothschild control, Putin must have bended the knee sometime ago, as by praising the UN as the highest authority that must be respected Russia reveals who their masters are. The UN is a Rockerfeller/Rothschild/western elite you know who organisation. Putin must have realised his underlings were too incompetent or corrupt to conquer Ukraine and that his army is now in a quarmire with Russians being killed off on a daily basis and weakened by Terrorism,drone attacks sanctions, and having to import asiatics to replace the Russians killed in Ukraine to keep the economy going. Unsustainable in the long run.

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Ukraine is meant to last and last, like the wars in the book 1984.

Remember when they hit the key electric infrastructure, which should have put back Ukraine for months?

Haven't heard shit about electric issues ever right after that.

It's so phony, just like the war on the rebranded flu.

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Couldnt agree more, regional wars between diffrent global power blocks that are not ment to be won. That story about we are now targeting the electrictry grid so all the Ukrainians will freeze this winter was hilarious. They didnt even hit the main substations and there are massive back generators provided by the US/EU that will take over if anything serious happends to the power over there. This war is highly produced theatre. You have a comedian actor on one side and a whole Russian camera crew following Shoigu visiting troops and factories. People that call out the script get killed and put into the gulag because they ruin the movie/narrative.

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Ukraine conflict is a mutually scripted event to transfer the wealth of the BreadBasket of Europe into the hands of BlackRock and friends. As a side effect a lot of inconvenient evidence is being eliminated.

Anything you hear that Russia is against the WEF/UN/WHO/IMF/WB is false propaganda, they have been doing exactly the same all along, simply the reporting makes it sometimes look like they are opposing the narrative. They are dragging BRICS members along for the ride, knowingly or not.

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Bloody hell. Is there no good news anywhere in the world at all?

What about getting into the minds of these fools? I don't suppose they think of themselves as evil monsters. So what do they think? Where is the mismatch between what they think and reality?

Cannot we find it and point it out to them?

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As someone who lives in South Africa, I read this article with a proper sense of humour.

I do like your sense of irony Riley and you do write very well.

What I can tell is our Prez Squirrel Ramafuck ain't no stupid fucker.

What he's done is align a meagre USD 500BN economy with rich partners who have a collective economic GDP value of say USD 25TN.

Now with six other Arabic, African and Latin American partners that USD 25TN can go to probably over USD 35TN.

Smart move.

If all his rich partners can help solve South Africa's electricity supply problem and assist with other socioeconomic problems - then good on you Ramafuck.

Ramafuck never made covid injections compulsory.

He could never control the will of South Africans.

South Africa is the freeest nation on earth - just as long as you can pay.

He lifted lockdown quicker than most other nations.

He's a better leader than every white fuck in the first world.

So yes, he talks the "globalist" talk - all African leaders do - just show us the money.

So all your theoretical quibbling about the globalist agenda is really horseshit.

It's time for the global South to row its own boat against the crap tide of the USA, Canada, the UK, EU and all aligned vassal states.

If Ramafuck has to wear a loincloth and run round a bonfire with fellow Africans chasing teenage girls; or drink vodka shots wearing a bikini with Bad Vlad; or ride horses on the Pampas and snort pure Buenos Aires cocaine; or learn Mandarin like Cristina did in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, then he will.

The last laugh is on all of you - banging on with the same tired nomenclature.

Thank you BRICS+ as it's now called.

Now show us the money you fuckers.

It's getting cold out here in the Vladivostok snow.

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Thanks for the excelllent summary of the late globalist festivities in Johannesburg. In addition to reiterating their commitment to the entire globalist programme, the detail that seems essential to me is the BRICS showing their devotion to the institution that is central to their slavery, the IMF, the monetary instrument of the globalist usurocracy. The new WEST/BRICS dialectic is now designed to set the stage for the destruction of the dollar-based financial system of the West.

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The "Multipoloarity" it stings!

Should Putin tell the Russian solders that all that talk about 'sovereignty' and supporting 'traditional values' was really about bigger more inclusive things like fighting for sustainability, equity, utilizing genetic resources, the WTO, WHO, IMF and a rebranded flu? Imagine the inscriptions on the headstones.

Look, elites, when you want to start WW3 you need to have 2 OPPOSING sides to get the juices flowing. You remember, like Black hats vs White hats?

Who invited Schwab?

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Most disconcerting. A slap in the face of those who hoped for a fresh approach and an alternative to the world order they are trying to impose upon is.

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not necessarily, vanga foretold that the 2020`s would see the rise of the 3 headed dragon, which is precisely what brics is

it is the rise of a new order and no mistake, will it be benevolent? doubtful, will it be less full of shit than the "great work" am-er-ica (some egyptian research may be required to fathom that one..) so let me supply your friday evening entertainment, truly fascinating stuff from a very driven man who has suffered so much at the hands of these fuckers

enjoy isnt quite the right word, but watchworthy is:


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On behalf of peasantry I would like to thank Riley for working tirelessly to ruin our good mood.

No more harsh truth, we demand sweet little lies!

You can do it Riley, Nazi extermination camps were frequently disguised as transit camps to prevent victims from realizing its nature. with fake train stations, ticket windows, Red Cross signs etc.

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BRICS/multipolarism is a guileful attempt to herd reticent populations into Global Governance ironically using Rockefeller's UN. The ghoul must be hysterically laughing from his vampire crypt.☠️

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Rosca writers:

"Overcoming materialistic secularism and returning to Christ."

In pratical terms what is the idea? Returning to the glorious medieval times?

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Haha, yeah. The old order was as crooked and corrupt as the current order.

At least with science, we can challenge the data and disprove the rigged studies.

Try doing that with any holy book, like the new testament, etc...

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Yea while I think spirituality is a good thing it's a shortcoming of many in the anti-globalist crowd to promote Christianity so much with no mention of the church/evangelicals being massive globalists (and Zionists).

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Thomas Jefferson removed the Egyptian myths and Greek magic from the gospels when he wrote THE LIFE AND MORALS OF JESUS OF NAZARETH.

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BRICS Bros can shut up now

Everyone will eat ze bugs

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Just a couple of weeks prior to the BRICS summit a stadium was filled in S.A. with people calling for the you know what of a certain category of people - this was promptly downplayed by news outlets in the West and East and apparently this is not at all hate speech:

"Elon Musk and the controversy in South Africa over ‘Kill the Boer’: A song that encourages genocide?"


Yes, of course ... after 30 years of farmers being targeted there's nothing to see here folks ... Nothing it all.

A couple of days ago it was reported that:

29 August 2023

"A couple from Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal were severely assaulted on their farm while their

attackers shouted, “Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer”. Four attackers forced their way into the farmhouse

of Tim Platt and his wife, Amanda, during the early morning hours of 17 August. The attackers gained

entry to the house by breaking down the front door and security gate, as well as a window and

burglar bars."


I'm sure these events will be discussed at the next BRICS summit and S.A. will be severely rapped over the fingers for not being all-inclusive according to BRICS rules (considering that white people arrived more than 100 years before Bantu/Nguni (i.e. 'black') South Africans in the region). No?

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What is happening to whites in south africa is a precursor for things to come in the US and Europe. Then are even so bold as to show you when you visit Paris, the Rothschild put up a nice little art display on the pavement of black figures killing white male figure and sleeping with female white figures. Its so in your face what they want and where it is going.

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The worst of all is that very few Europeans care about the example that's playing out in South Africa which they brought about in the 1990's through a massive boikot and sanctions campaign against the white government in S.A at the time (without understanding or wanting to understand the situation).

In a sense it must be a type of karma [although I personally don't wish what's happening to whites in South Africa upon anyone else anywhere in the world]. It is what Westerners wished upon white South Africans and it seems they will end up having the same problems, if not worse.

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce, you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get." (Matt 7: 1,2).

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same wine. different bottle.

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