It's so sad that Riley is always lying about Russians. As someone with Russian inlaws I can assure that my mother in laws borscht is the best in the world and you know what the secret ingredient is? That's right, sustainability. Did you know that equity and development are recurring themes in Russian existential literature? You sure woul…
It's so sad that Riley is always lying about Russians. As someone with Russian inlaws I can assure that my mother in laws borscht is the best in the world and you know what the secret ingredient is? That's right, sustainability. Did you know that equity and development are recurring themes in Russian existential literature? You sure wouldn't learn that by reading Riley's blog. For shame.
Sustainability in regards to development are the corner stones of the famous Russian soul. As Winston Churchill said Russia is a development wrapped in equity inside a...some kind of sustainability. Those are the values that make them who they are and all of Riley's empty platitudes and buzz words won't change that.
Once upon a time, one of my favorite restaurants down under, was Vodka and Tears. Not the most impressive restaurant. Not the best quality food maybe. Just a good place to meet and fellowship. The tears refer to massive candles, with tons of wax rivers streaming down their sides, making some of the most impressive sculptures I have ever seen. I can still see those candles. They express the essence of my current feelings about Russia and other things.
It's so sad that Riley is always lying about Russians. As someone with Russian inlaws I can assure that my mother in laws borscht is the best in the world and you know what the secret ingredient is? That's right, sustainability. Did you know that equity and development are recurring themes in Russian existential literature? You sure wouldn't learn that by reading Riley's blog. For shame.
Sustainability in regards to development are the corner stones of the famous Russian soul. As Winston Churchill said Russia is a development wrapped in equity inside a...some kind of sustainability. Those are the values that make them who they are and all of Riley's empty platitudes and buzz words won't change that.
Please submit your mother-in-law's borscht recipe. Thank you.
Winston Churchill 😂😂😂
A beautiful kosher dialectic...
Once upon a time, one of my favorite restaurants down under, was Vodka and Tears. Not the most impressive restaurant. Not the best quality food maybe. Just a good place to meet and fellowship. The tears refer to massive candles, with tons of wax rivers streaming down their sides, making some of the most impressive sculptures I have ever seen. I can still see those candles. They express the essence of my current feelings about Russia and other things.